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时间:2018-06-30 15:19:55    下载该word文档


1. 钞票当面点清,离柜概不负责。Please check your money before you go,or we dont take the respensibility

2. 小心辐射,孕妇勿近。Be careful of the radiation ,the pregnant stay away.

3. 小心烫伤。Be careful burns

4. 小心滑倒。Be careful of slip

5. 禁止吸烟。No smoking

6. 以我真心、关心、耐心,换您放心、安心、舒心. I will take care of you with sincerity, care, patience, you just relax ,be peaceful and be comfortable.

7. 给我一份信任, 还您一身健康.Trust me, you will be healthy.

8. 保持安静,不要喧哗。Keep quiet, don't be noisy

9. 廉洁行医,放心看病。Clean practice, relieved to see a doctor

10. 为患者服务,为患者着想。Be service for patients, think for patients


1. 为了您的安全,输液过程中不要自行调整滴速,拔针后按压针眼5-10分钟。 For your safety, don't adjust the drip during the infusion , press for 5 - 10 minutes after take out the needle

2. 在输液过程中,若进针的部位疼痛、肿胀、请您立即告知我们。  If you feel any pain or swelling of the insert part in the process of infusion, please inform us immediately

3. 请您不要空腹输液,以免输液过程中出现肠道不适。Please don't take drip when your stomach is empty, or else you may feel intestinal discomfort .

4. 请您别紧张、攥拳准备输液。请松拳。Please don't be nervous, clutch you fist. Please loose fist

5. 请您不要紧张,放松一点,马上就好。 Please don't be nervous, relax , it will be done soon

6. 输液过程中如有不适,请及时与医务人员联系。 If you feel any uncomfortable during the transfusion, please contact the staff as soon as possible.

7. 您好!请问有什么可以帮助您吗? Hello! can I help you?

8. 你好!请问您哪里不舒服? Hello! What's wrong with you, please

9. 请稍等,××医生马上到。Please wait a momentthe doctor×× will come soon

10. 请您保管好您的随身物品。 Please keep your belongings well.

11. 这儿操作需要保持安静,请您配合。The procedure need to be quiet, thank you for your corporation.

12. 当您需要协助时,请按呼叫铃, 护士会来到您身边。When you need help, please press the call bell, the nurse will be come

13. 为了您的安全,请勿离开您所在的输液区(病房)。 For your safety, please do not leave your infusion area (ward)

14. 请问有没有药物过敏史?Do you have any drug allergy, please?

15. 做完皮试后请您不要随意离开,以便观察,如出现药物过敏反应可及时处理。Please don’t go away after do the skin test, so that we can observe ,if got any drug allergy we can handle it immediately.

16. 您需要在这里观察20分钟。You need to stay here for 20 minutes for observation.

17. 您的皮试结果阳性,不能用这种药。Your skin test result is positive, you can’t use this drug.

18. 谢谢您对我们工作的支持与合作。Thank you for your support and corporation.

19. 您走好!请慢走!Take care , walk slowly.

20. 对不起,请稍侯。Sorry, please wait for a while.


1. 请问您挂那个科?Which department do you want to see ,please?

2. 这是找您的钱,请收好。This is the change for you ,take it please.

3. 对不起,XX专科门诊今天没有,请XX时间来看,行吗?Sorry we dont have XX clinic today, could you come XX ,ok?

4. 您的化验结果需XX小时出报告,请稍候。Your chemical test result report will be come out XX hours later ,please wait for a moment.

5. 请您先把发病情况说一下tell me your situation, please?

6. 请先坐(躺)下,马上替您检查sit(lie) down please, we will do examine for you.

7. 请您按时照医生的嘱咐用药Please follow the doctors instruction when you take medicine on time.

8. 对不起,请先去付款再来拿药。Sorry, pay first then come to take the medicine.

9. 请将衣扣(带)解开,项链取下。请放好您的东西。Open your button ,take out your necklace, please keep your belongings safety.

10. 这是您的×药,请您回去按时、按量服用,如感觉有什么不舒服,请随时告诉医生 Here is your medicine, take it on time, follow the amount when you discharge, if you feel uncomfortable, inform the doctor in time.

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