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江苏省永丰初级中学七年级英语下册 unit 1 dream homes revision练习(无答案)(新版)牛津版

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Unit 1 Dream Homes Revision


1. Would you like to live in a palace, Eddie ?

【语言点】①—Would you like sth. ?(用于询问对方要不要某物),回答:

—Yes, please. / No. thanks.

—Would you like to do sth. ?(用于询问对方愿不愿意做某事),回答:

—Yes, I’d like/ love to. / I’d like to , but---. / No. I’d like to ---.

【典例精选】( )—Would you like some milk ? —______________.

A. Yes, please B. The same to you C. Help yourself D. My pleasure

2. I live in a flat in the centre of Moscow.

【语言点】in the centre of意思是_________________,一般用于表示空间的正中心。

【拓展】in the middle of也表示“在---的中间”,指物体的中间或中部,位置不如centre精确,还可以用于时间或活动等。如:in the middle of September(九月中旬),

in the middle of dinner (正在吃饭)

3. We have a nice living room.

【语言点】living room 意思是_________________.

【拓展】动名词( Ving )用作定语,表示用途,和中心词是供用关系。如:

reading room ____________, waiting room ___________, dining room____________

washing machine____________, walking stick _____________, sleeping bag __________

4. We often listen to music in bed.

【语言点】in bed意思是____________________.

【拓展】in the bed一般指“躺在床上睡觉”,on the bed指“人坐在床上或东西放在床上”。

5. I have my own bedroom and bathroom, and I like the balcony best.

【语言点】my own bedroom表示________________.own 是形容词“自己的”,常用在所有

格后加强语气,常用句型为one's own +名词名词+of one's own”;on one’s own(独自)。

【典例精选】① 他有一辆自己的车。 He has ________ ________ car.

= He has a car _________ ________ _________.

他独自在家。He is at home ________ _________ _________.


例如:He owns a big house. He is the owner of the big house.

6. I love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea.

【语言点】look out at ---表示__________________.

【拓展】look at _____________, look out of--- ____________, look out of --- at--- ___________

【典例精选】别朝窗外看那些鸟。 Don’t ______________________________________the birds.

7. The bathroom is the best place to chat and watch TV.

【语言点】the best place to do sth.表示____________________________________.

【拓展】动词不定式(to do )作定语时,要后置。所修饰的是time, placeway时,to do后面不用介词。

【典例精选】①I am looking for a room _______ _______ _______ (居住).

Reading is a good way _________ __________ __________ (学英语).

Spring is the best time ________ _________ _________(种树).

I need a piece of paper ________ _________ _________(写字).

8. There are eight rooms in Stephen’s house.

【语言点】Stephen’s house表示__________________.

【拓展】名词+’s是名词所有格形式。以s或者es结尾的复数名词的所有格式在其后加。以s结尾的姓名后面还是加’s. 例如:

学生们的教室 the _____________ classroom, Charles的钢笔_____________ pen

儿童节_______________Day, 妇女节___________ Day

9. France has an area of over 260,000 square miles.

【语言点1have an area of意思是________________________

【拓展】表示“拥有-----面积”还可以说成 The area of --- is ---sth. is ---in area /size.


The _______ ________ France _________ over 260,000 square miles.

France is over 260,000 square miles ________ _________.

【语言点2over = _________ __________(超过)

10. Your house is really different from the flats here in our town.

【语言点】be different from意思是__________________,其反义短语是___________________

【拓展】the same + n. + as表示“和---有一样的---

【典例精选】你的鞋子颜色和我的一样。Your shoes have _______ _______ ______ _____ mine.

11. Your garden is full of flowers.

【语言点】be full of表示____________________, full__________词。

【拓展】fill --- with---表示“用---填满”,fill是动词,主语往往是人。

be filled with---“被用---填满”。


The basket _________________________/ _________________________eggs.


He ___________ the room __________ water.

= The room _________________________ water.

12. I hope to visit your home some day.

【语言点1hope to do sth.表示______________________.

不能说hope sb. to do sth., hope后面只能直接加to do做宾语,或加将来时、情态动词等构成的句子。

【典例精选】我希望你能帮助我。I hope you ______________________________.

我们希望我们的梦想成真。We hope ________________________________________.

大家希望见到那位明星。Everyone hopes _______________________the star.

13. There is always more than enough food there.

【语言点】more than enough 表示______________________.


enough与形容词、副词的搭配是:___________________to do sth(足够---做某事)

14. Each room has a new computer and all the beds are comfortable.

【语言点】each room.= each of the rooms,做主语表示单数。

【拓展】1. 复数名词或代词+ each表示复数:The rooms each have a new computer.

2. each 可以用作表示多者或两个中的每一个,强调单个。every只表示多者中的每一个,概括全体。

如:There are tall buildings on____________( each / every ) side of the street.

15. May I speak to Daniel, please ?


A. 打电话人用语:

(1) 我可以找------接电话吗?_______________________________________

(2) 请问------在吗? _______________________________________

(3) 我是------ _______________________________________

(4) 你是------吗? ________________________________________

(5) 请叫他给我回电话。 ________________________________________

B. 接电话人用语:

(1) 我就是。说吧。 _________________________________________

(2) 你是谁? _________________________________________

(3) 我可以传个话吗? _________________________________________

(4) 请别挂断。 _________________________________________

(5) 对不起,你打错了。 _________________________________________



( ) 1. A lot of visitors had fun ________Mountain Tai.

A. climbing B. to climb C. climb D. climbed

( ) 2. I like _______ the sea and the beach from the window. They’re so beautiful.

A. look at B. looking out C. looking out at D. look out

( )3.Daniel lives _______ his family ________ the eighth floor.

A. with; at B. with; in C. and; on D. with; on

( ) 4. —Would you like ______ in Dalian ? —Yes, __________.

A. living; I would B. living; I’d love to

C. to live; I’d love to D. to live; I would to

( ) 5. Miss Li lives in ___________house. It is very big and beautiful.

A. she own B. her own’s C. her own D. herself

( ) 6. Li Lei lives _________ of the city.

A. at the centre B. in the centre of C. in the middle D. at the middle of

( ) 7. Little Tom likes _________his toys _________ his friends.

A. share; with B. sharing; on C. to share; from D. sharing; with

( )8. _______people are seeing the film in the cinema.

A. Hundred of B. Three hundreds C. Hundreds of D. Three hundreds of

( ) 9. This river is __________.

A. 100 meter long B. 100-meter-long C. 100 meters long D. 100-meters-long

( ) 10. Now, boys and girls, please turn to page ______ and look at the _______picture.

A. twelve; nine B. twelfth; ninth C. twelve; ninth D. twelfth; nine

( ) 11. —Hello, may I speak to Andy ? —____________.

A. Yes, I am Andy. B. Wait a minute, I’ll call back.

C. Sorry, wrong number. D. This is Andy speaking.

( ) 12. The book is __________ for children to read.

A. good enough B. enough well C. enough good D. well enough

( ) 13. My grandfather’s _______ birthday is coming. We’ll enjoy ourselves.

A. seventy B. seventieth C. the seventieth D. seventeenth

( ) 14. The hall _______ smoke(烟) because of the big fire(火)

A. is filled of B. is full with C. is full of D. filled with

( ) 15. Each room _______ a new computer and a sofa.

A. have B. is C. are D. has


Washington DC, the capital of the USA, is a beautiful city, but there are___1__ poor and hungry people in it. __2___of them are even homeless (无家可归的). In the northwest of the city, there is a house___3___ Martha’s Table. Every day, a group of volunteers (志愿者) go there. They raise food, clothes and money ___4____ poor people. They prepare (准备) 2, 100 sandwiches, a lot of soup and cakes for about 500 people every day. They give the ___5____ to the homeless people.

Mrs Morley is ___6___of the volunteers. She looks after more than 60 children. She ___7___them stories and teaches them ___8___to read and draw. The children’s parents have to work for many hours a day. They __9___ take good care of them. So the parents are __10__ that Martha’s Table can help them look after their children.

( )1. A. many B. more C. much D. a lot

( )2. A. Both B. Some C. All D. No

( )3. A. calling B. call C. to call D. called

( )4. A. with B. at C. for D. about

( )5. A. soup B. cakes C. sandwiches D. food

( )6. A. one B. a C. an D. the

( )7. A. tells B. speaks C. says D. talks

( )8. A. what B. where C. how D. why

( )9. A. can B. can’t C. will D. won’t

( )10. A. unhappy B. sad C. glad D. sorry


In China, we think some numbers are lucky (幸运的) and some are not.

Usually, we like even numbers, because even numbers mean gemination (成双成对). Two is a good number here, so when we give presents, we usually give a pair of things. And we can often see a pair of chairs at the table or a pair of red lanterns. The even number six means you have good luck and can do things easily. And eight is many people’s favourite. It sounds like fa. Fa means lots of money in Chinese. So we can see many 8s in telephone numbers and car numbers.

But one even number is not lucky in China. That’s four. In Chinese, four sounds like si. It means death ().

( )1. Which number is not an even number?

A. Two. B. Six. C. Eight. D. Five.

( )2. Why do people like two so much in China?

A. Because it means money. B. Because it means gemination.

C. Because it means good luck. D. Because it means death.

( )3. Which number may businessmen (商人) like best?

A. Nine. B. One hundred. C. Eight. D. Two.

( )4. Which number do people in China dislike?

A. Six. B. Four. C. Two. D. Ten.

( ) 5. What’s the best title (标题) of the passage?

A. Numbers in the world B. Even numbers

C. Lucky numbers in China D. Interesting numbers in the world


A. 根据汉语写单词

1. Jack is playing computer games in his ___________(书房).

2. My aunt’s house is like a __________________(宫殿).

3. My school is seven __________(英里) away from my home.

4. The _____________(海滩)in Hawaii(夏威夷)are very beautiful.

5. Can you count how many ___________(零)are there in the picture ?

B. 根据短文及首字母提示写单词

Time is m___6____. Time is knowledge. Time is everything in America. A working American has to work hard for e___7__ hours a day or forty hours a week. This is the working time. In his free time, he also works hard for more money. Even on Saturday and S__8____ he also works hard as usual. In the street , they walk very fast. In fact, they are running. They love time b__9___ time can bring them money and lots of things. But sometimes they also hate time, because they feel that they become servants(奴隶)of the c__10___.

6. _____________ 7. ____________ 8. ______________ 9. _____________ 10. _____________


1. I don’t like to live _____________________a restaurant. It’s too noisy.

2. Would you like to _________________ a chair ____________your cousin ?

3. She comes form Paris, ______________________________France.

4. Don’t read ___________________. It’s not good for your eyes.

5. The children are __________________________flying kites on the grass.

6. I live in a flat on the ____________ floor.

7. The big park is _________________________the city. Many people often go there to exercise.

8. The teacher asks the boy not __________________________ the sky.

9. People usually watch TV in the _______________ room.

10. It’s cool to sit ____________________________to look at the stars at night in summer.


1. Tom ____________________________________(没有自己的房间)when he was 8 years old.

2. I think the park is _______________________________________(见朋友的最好地方).

3. Mary is always _________________________________(第一个来)to school every morning.

4. Thanks for ____________________________________________(为我捎口信).

5. There is a church __________________________________(小山脚下).

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