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中小学资料云南省2019年中考英语总复习 第3部分 云南题型复习 题型三 完形填空题型专练

时间:2019-06-01 09:17:10    下载该word文档

题型三 完形填空



(2018·天津南开二模)For the first time ever, Gabby was going to be home alone. Her parents and little brother were going on a one­week 1 to Hawaii. Gabby didn't want to miss her schoolwork, though she also wanted to enjoy the sunshine there. 2 she said she would stay at home.

She 3 her friends, William and Angela, to her house after school. Wow, it is so cool to have the whole house to yourself. You should hold a 4 ” Angela said.

William said, It is going to be great. We can stay up as late as we want to and sing as 5 as we like.

Gabby did think about it. Her parents thought she was a good girl, and they probably wouldn't 6 “Okay! I'll do it” Gabby said.

The whole class came to her house on Friday and the house was 7 . It seemed like 8 was having a good time. People really liked the food and the music at the party. However, the party got too crazy(疯狂的) soon. The music was too 9 . People started shouting at each other, things broke, and neighbors complained(抱怨)

All of a sudden, the door opened. It was Gabby's 10 “Mom, Dad, aren't you supposed to be here tomorrow” Gabby asked. We were, but we came bere to surprise you with a gift” her dad said.

1A.trip Bwork

Cstudy Dflight

2A.Because BBut


3A.visited Binvited

Chelped Dtaught

4A.game Bmeeting

Cparty Dmatch

5A.easily Bsuddenly

Cloudly Dquietly

6A.find out Bcome out

Ctry out Dgo out

7A.empty Bsilent

Cexcited Dcrowded

8A.someone Banyone

Ceveryone Dno one

9A.soft Bnoisy

Cuseful Damazing

10A.parents Bteachers

Cfriends Dclassmates


(2018·甘肃白银靖远中学期末)An old woman lost her only son. The sad woman went to a clever man and asked, Is there any way I can throw away my 1

The clever man said to her, Go and bring 2 a seed from a home that never known sadness. I will 3 it to drive the sadness put of your life. The woman went off at once to look 4 that magical seed.

First, she came to a beautiful house, knocked at the door, and asked 5 Excuse me, I am looking for a home that has never known sadness. Is this such a place? It is very important to me.

They told her, You've certainly come to the 6 place” and began to describe all the sad things that had recently happened to them.

The woman said to herself, Who is able to 7 these people that have had such sadness like me” She stayed to cheer them up 8 she went on looking for a home that had never known sadness.

But wherever she went, whether in the homes of the poor or the rich, she found one sad 9 after another. She became so busy helping other people that 10 about looking for a seed that would magically end her own sadness. She even never realized that her helping others had driven the sadness out of her life.

1A.happiness Bkindness

Csadness Dillness

2A.me Byou

Cher Dhim

3A.push Buse

Clend Dlose

4A.at Bup

Cfor Dafter

5A.politely Bhappily

Cproudly Dangrily

6A.right Bwrong

Cclean Ddirty

7A.catch Border

Chide Dhelp

8A.before Bafter

Cwhen Dwhile

9A.man Bwoman

Cstory Dtrip

10A.knew Bworried

Cthought Dforgot


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()15 CABCA 610 BDACD

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