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东北师范大学入学测试机考 高起点 公共英语 模拟题

时间:2019-05-14 00:07:51    下载该word文档

东北师范大学入学测试机考 高起 公共英语 模拟题

1Would you like a cup of coffee, _____________ shall we get to business right away?2)(

Aand Bthen Cor Dotherwise 标准答案:C

2His offer was ____________ again2)(

Ataken down Bturned off Ctaken off Dturned down 标准答案:D

3The room needs ____________ before we move in.2)(

Acleaned Bcleaning Cbeing cleaned Dto clean 标准答案:B

4He shouted to them ___________ the top of his voice but wasn’t heard.2)(

Aon Bof Cat Dfrom标准答案:C

5You can take ____________ of these two magazines as you please.2)(

Aany one Bany Ceither Dall标准答案:C

6You seldom eat a fruit like this, ___________ you?2)(

Ado Bdont Care Darent标准答案:A

7Equal pay for equal work is what women have been ___________ for centuries.2)(

Areferring to Blooking after Cmaking up Dlonging for标准答案:D

8______ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.11. ______ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.2)(

AThere BThis CThat DIt标准答案:D

9It was not _______ she took off her sunglasses _____ I realized she was a famous film star.2)(

Awhen,that Buntil,that Cuntil,when Dwhen,then标准答案:B

10Today there are about seven ______ Americans in colleges and universities2)(

Amillions Bmillion Cmillions of Dmillion of标准答案:B

11I arrived ____ Shanghai _____ February 10 ____ 9:00 o’clock.2)(

Aat,at,in Bat,on,at Cin,on,at Din,in,on标准答案:B

12He was only in _______ at that time.2)(

Ahis 30s Bthe 30s Chis thirties Dthe thirties标准答案:C

13He took the machine to pieces to find out how it ________.2)(

Aprogressed Boperated Cequipped Dmanaged标准答案:B

14Class is to begin in a minute, but the teacher still hasn’t _________.2)(

Acome on Bturned out Ccome along Dturned up标准答案:D

15I always regret not ______ harder when I was young.2)(

Astudying Bhaving studied Cto study Dto have studied标准答案:B

16You don’t have to pay for your flight; they’re _______ in the price of your holiday.2)(

Aconcluded Bheld Csettled Dincluded标准答案:D

17She pretended ________ me when I passed by.2)(

Anot to see Bnot to be seeing Cto not see Dhaving not seen标准答案:A

18Last summer I took a course on _________.2)(

Ahow dresses to be made Bhow dresses be made Chow to make dresses

Dhow to be made dresses 标准答案:C

19You will never pass the examination _______ you _______ harder2)(

Aunless,dont study Bunless,study Cif,study Dif,not study标准答案:B

20Though ______ he said was of little help to me, I thanked him all the same2)(

Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dwho标准答案:A

21You’d better speak slowly _______ she may understand you better2)(

Abecause Bfor Cso that Dif标准答案:C

22She will have her father ______ her watch.2)(

Arepair Bto repair Crepaired Dto be repaired标准答案:A

23So difficult _______ that I can not complete it in such a short time.2)(

Athe work is Bthe work are Cis the work Dare the work标准答案:C

24Hello, may I speak to Dr. Bush?___________.2)(

AYes, Im Bush BYes, its me. CHere is Bush DSpeaking.标准答案:D

25Of the two new teachers, who do you like _______?2)(

Amuch Bbetter Cwell Dthe most标准答案:B

26They started off at about 5 o’clock in the morning. They should _______ there by now2)(

Aarrive Bhave arrived Cbe arriving Dhave been arriving.标准答案:B

27When did you _________ my letter?2)(

Areceive Baccept Cgot Dgain标准答案:A

28It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack ______ be here at any moment2)(

Amust Bneed Cshould Dcan标准答案:A

29The speaker raised his _______ in order to be heard by the people at the back2)(

Avoice Bcry Csound Dnoise标准答案:A

30Write down these words.Yes, but I have no _____ to write on.2)(

Apen Bpapers Cpaper Dtime标准答案:C

31Here’s my card. Let’s keep in _____.2)(

Atouch Brelation Cconnection Dfriendship标准答案:A

32______ the teacher’s suggestion, Tom finally found a way to settle the problem2)(

AFollowing BTo follow CFollow DHe followed标准答案:A

33Her dog ran out of the yard ______ the old lady opened the gate.2)(

Amoment Ba moment Cthe moment Dthat moment标准答案:C

34Have you even been to the square ______ was built last year?2)(

Awhich Bwhere Cwhen Dwhat标准答案:A

35In this park, birds often fly down from trees to eat from visitor’s hands. They are used to ___ in this way.2)(

Abe fed Bfeed Chaving fed Dbeing fed标准答案:D

36It’s such a big room. If you don’t speak loud, you’ll never make yourself ________.2)(

Ahear Bhearing Cto hear Dheard标准答案:D

37Mr. Wang will _______ you at the airport tomorrow morning. Please tell me your flight number.2)(

Ameet Blook Csee Dwelcome标准答案:A

38When the meeting was held, many reporters were sent to _______ it.2)(

Adiscuss Bcover Ctalk Dsay标准答案:B

39– How long did it ________ you to write this novel? -- About two years. 2)(

Amake Bspend Ccost Dtake标准答案:D

40I’ve cut it into two pieces. You can take _______ half. They’re exactly the same.2)(

Athis Bany Cevery Deither标准答案:D

41When you phoned me yesterday evening, I _______ the housework and was starting to take a bath.2)(

Ahad just finished Bwas finishing Chave already finished Dwas going to finish标准答案:A

42When his parents died, he ______ by his aunt.2)(

Abrought up Bwas brought up Cpicked up Dwas picked up标准答案:B

43China is _______ the Great Wall.2)(

Afamous as Bknown to Cknown as Dfamous for标准答案:D

44The sum of money I have already had is not ___ enough at all for the price of the machine that I want to buy.2)(

Aalmost Bmostly Cnearly Dnear标准答案:C

45I doubt whether I will come to his speech next time. It couldn’t have been ________ in fact.2)(

Aany more Bso bad Cany better Dthe best标准答案:A

46Was it ________ the conference of APEC that made Shanghai the focus of the would then?2)(

Aholding Bto hold Cheld Dhaving held标准答案:A

47The novel is worthy of _________.2)(

Areading Bread Chaving read Dbeing read标准答案:D

48It is very kind ______ see me.2)(

Afrom you to Bby you to Cof you to Dyou标准答案:C

49It looks ___________it’s going to rain.2)(

Athat Bas Cas if Dlike标准答案:C

50The stone was so heavy that it was difficult for the old man to____ it.2)(

Alift Breach Crise Dtouch标准答案:A

51They lives ______ the other side of the road. .2)(

Ain Bon Cfor Dby标准答案:B

52She can speak Japanese better than _________ else .2)(

Athe one Bno one Canyone Danother标准答案:C

53This lesson is _______ than the last one.2)(

Amore easier Bmore easy Cvery easier Dmuch easier标准答案:D

54Today’sweather isn’t as cold as it was yesterday ,_________?2)(

Awasnt it Bis it Cwas it Disnt it标准答案:B

55This book is for students ________ native language is not English .2)(

Aof whom Bthat Cwhich Dwhose标准答案:D

56You may not go out _________your work is done .2)(

Abefore Buntil Cwhere Das标准答案:B

57Look what my father ________ me when he came from work .2)(

Abrought Btook Ccarried Dfetched标准答案:A

58Nobody knew ___________ there .2)(

Ahow long time l had been Bhow long had l been Chow long time had l been Dhow long l had been


59The harder he studies , ___________.2)(

Ahell make great progress Bthe greater progress hell make

Chell make greater progress Dthe greater hell make progress标准答案:B

60___________ , l would have gone to see him.2)(

AHave l had time BHad l time CHad l had time DWould l have time标准答案:C

61He didn’t go to France , the doctor suggested that he ______ there .2)(

Awont Bnot go Cnot to go Ddidnt go标准答案:B

62She whispered to her husband, ________ she wouldn’t wake up the sleeping baby.2)(

Afor Babut Cso that Dalthough标准答案:C

63Today, most of the families use gas to cook _______ coal, even in the countryside.2)(

Ainstead Binstead of Ctake the place of Din the place of标准答案:B

64– What would you like to order, maybe ____ tea? -- No, thank you! What is ____ special today?2)(

Aa,the Bthe,a Cthe,the D/, /标准答案:A

65I have _______ ink, so I have to go to the office to get some.2)(

Alittle Bfew Ca little Da few标准答案:A

66The fact that all the stars are moving around the sun was first put forward around 500 years age, ____?2)(

Adid they Bdidnt they Carent it Dwasnt it


67Her father _______ ill yesterday and is now in hospital.2)(

Atook Bset Ccaught Dfell标准答案:C

68– Mary doesn’t like skating, does she?-- _______, but she used to.2)(

AYes, she does BYes, she doesnt CNo, she does DNo, she doesnt标准答案:D

69Ten dollars _______ a lot of money to me at that time.2)(

Awere Bwas Cis Dare标准答案:B

70With the development of Internet, _______ communication is done by regular mail.2)(

Alittle Bmuch Cmore Dless标准答案:A

71The last time I her, she at a medical college.2)(

Awas visiting,studied Bvisited,studies Cvisited,was studying Dwas visiting,was studying


72______ on the project for 10 years, he still felt it hard to make any achievements.2)(

AHe works BHaving worked CHe having worked DWorking标准答案:B

73– You look very beautiful in that red dress.-- ______.2)(

ANo, not that beautiful BThank you. Im glad you think so CThats not true

DSorry, youre wrong标准答案:B

74How strange it is ________ the children are so quiet!2)(

Awhether Bhow Cthat Dwhy标准答案:C

75– I’m sorry that I’ve broken your radio. -- ______. I have got another one in my office. 2)(

AI dont care BIt doesnt matter CIts nothing DIm unlucky today标准答案:B

76Come on, I want to tell you a secret now. But you must _______ it from other people.2)(

Aremain Bsee to Cleave Dprevent标准答案:B

77– Have you known each other for long?--Not very long, _______ we started to work in the company.2)(

Aafter Bbefore Cwhen Dsince标准答案:D

78You didn’t understand what I said, for you _______ to me just now.2)(

Awouldnt listen Bwerent listening Chadnt listen Dhavent listened标准答案:B

79Health experts in many countries still ___ their ideas about the relationships between our food and our health. Ahave tested Btested Care testing Dtest标准答案:C

80–Jane wasn’t in when Jack came, was she?--_______, but she returned a few minutes later.2)(

ANo, she was BNo, she wasnt Cyes. She was DYes, she wasnt标准答案:B

81Readers can _______ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.2)(

Aget over Bget in Cget along Dget through标准答案:C

82Hardly _______ the door when he rushed into the office out of breath.2)(

AI opened Bdid I open CI had opened Dhad I opened标准答案:D

83When we saw his face , we knew _________ was bad .2)(

Athe news Bsome news Ca news Dnews标准答案:A

84The number of students in our school _________.2)(

Aincreased Bis increased Chas increased Dare increased标准答案:C

85____________your step , or you might fall into the water .2)(

ASee BWatch CMiss DLook at标准答案:B

86The meeting _________________ .2)(

Ais to put off Bis going to put off Cis to be put off Dwill put标准答案:C

87–The sea is very rough today. –C57 Yes, I’ve never seen __________ before. . 2)(

Asuch rough sea Bsuch a rough sea Cso rough sea Dthat rough sea标准答案:B

88–She’s broken her arm again . –Again ? I _____ she ________ever broken it before . 2)(

Adont know,has Bdidnt know,had Crdidnt know,has Dhadnt known,would


89–Has the wallet been returned yet ? –No , but we expect _________ any day now . 2)(

Ato return it Bit to return Cit to be returned Dit returned标准答案:C

90–I’ve been told to pay the rent .

–But it has already been paid . It __________ by some else .2)(

Amust be Bmay be Cmust be paid Dmust have been paid标准答案:D

91Montreal is larger than ______________in Canada .2)(

Aany city Bany cities Cany other cities Dany other city标准答案:D

92Human’s brains are larger in proportion to their bodies than ________ .2)(

Awhales Ba whale Cthat of whales Dthose of whales标准答案:D

93Before writing your article , _________ , collect your material , and prepare an outline .2)(

Aa topic should be selected Ba topic to be selected Cyour topic should be selected

Dyou should select a topic标准答案:D

94–I usually travel by train . –Why not _________ by plane for a change ? 2)(

Ato try going Btrying to go Cto try and go Dtry going标准答案:D

95The boy lay in the street , his eyes ________ and his hands _______ .2)(

Aclosing,trembling Bclosed,trembled Cclosing,trembled Dclosed,trembling标准答案:D

96He _________ here for 20 years by the end of next month .2)(

Ahad worked Bhas worked Cwill have worked Dwill work标准答案:C

97I’ll do _________the doctor advised .2)(

Aas Blike Cthat Dall what标准答案:A

98–Did we have to wait for Tom ? –Well , _________very angry if we hadn’t waited for him .2)(

Ahed have been Bhe were Che had been Dhe must be标准答案:A

99Why do you insist on _________ .2)(

Athis to be done Bthis done Cthis being done Dthis is done标准答案:C

100We looked everywhere for the ____________ .2)(

Amissing watch Bmissed watch Cwatch being missed Dwatch that lost标准答案:A

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