

当前位置: 首页> (小学教育)2019年小学新起点英语五年级下学期第三单元测试题


时间:2019-10-13 23:16:03    下载该word文档


一、 下面字母的左邻右舍(20分)

__V__ __E__ __G__ __L__ __N__

__a___ __y___ I __s__ __p__

二、 补全单词(6分)

1m_d_cine A e,i B a,e C i,e

2stomacha_e A sh B wh C ch

3c_dy A an B en C in

4m____ A oor B ore C our

5ex_cise A er B or C ir

6pl__ty A en B an C on

三、 排序 6分)

That’s too bad . Do you wash your hands before eating?

Thank you!

What’s wrong?

You should always wash your hands. Now, you should take some medicine.

I have a stomachache.

Not always.

四、 对号入座(10分)

1What’s wrong?

2Do you often eat hamburgers?

3I’m unhealthy. What should I do?

4I’m sleepy. What should I do?

5I always feel tired in class. What should I do?

A You should fit.

B You should exercise every day.

C Yes, I like them very much.

D You should get plenty of sleep.

E I have a headache.

6What are good eating habits?

7How often do you visit your grandparants?

8What chores do you have to do at home?

9What’s wrong?

10What do you do on the weekend?

A I often go for a picnic on the weekend.

B I have a stomachache.

C Three times a week.

D We should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

E I have to do the dishes every day.


1very, strong, am, I (.)

2see, you, doctor, a, should (.)

3good, wish, health, for, I (.)

4stomachache, I, a, have (.)

5day, exercise, should, every, you (.)

6water, drink, should, more, you (.)

7bad, have, you, a, tooth (.)

8should, what, do, I (?)

9junk, never, eat, food, I (.)

10shouldn’t, too, drink, you, much, pop (.)


1A medicine B toothache C headache

2A tomorrow B look after C the day after tomorrow

3A make the bed B go roller-skating C play badminton

4A play in the school band B clean the living room

C sweep the floor

5A once B twice C go ahead


Food gives us energy. We need energy to walk, run, think, play and grow. Some healthy food gives us a lot of energy. We should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. We need some chicken, fish or meat, and we need some milk or yogurt. We only need a little fat and sugar. Remember, we shouldn’t eat too much junk food.

1We don’t need food every day.

2Some unhealthy food gives us a lot of energy.

3We should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

4We need some ice cream.

5We should eat too much junk food.


1What’s wrong with Lily? She a headache.

Ahave Bhad Chas

2You look sleepy today. I yesterday.

Astayed up late Bexercise Ceat

3You shouldn’t eat too much candy and chocolate. They are bad your health.

Ato Bfor Cin

4It was . I’m very healthy.

Awonderful Bboring Cterrible

5She always washes hands before eating.

Ashe Bher Chis

6You shouldn’t exercise eating.

Abetween Bbefore Cright after

7 ? I have a headache.

AWhat’wrong BWhat do you do CWhat should I do

8I have a cold. I have a nose.

Arunning Bbig Cshort

9You look unhealthy. You shouldn’t eat hamburgers.

Atoo much Btoo many Cmuch

10Which is junk food? .

AApples BCarrots CPop

11How often does your father go shopping?

He often shopping once a week.

Ago Bwent Cgoes

12What’s wrong with Amy? She a bad headache.

Ahave Bhaving Chas

13I often go to school 7:00.

Aon Bat Cin

14I enjoy very much.

AI Bmy Cmyself

15Do you want to go to the park me? Sure.

Aand Bwith Cor

16Don’t eat too candies and drink too pop.

Amany,much Bmuch,many Cmuch,much

17I can’t swim. So I go to the beach to swim.

Aalways Bnever Coften

18Today is Saturday. Tomorrow will be .

ASunday BMonday CFriday

19Hamburgers, pop and ice cream are .

Ahealthy food Bjunk food CChinese food

20I feel . I should go to bed early.

Ahappy Bhungry Ctired

21You shouldn’t drink pop.

Atoo much Btoo many Cmany

22We shouldn’t watch TV.

Atoo many Bmuch Ctoo much

23You shouldn’t play on the puter.

Atoo much Bmany Ctoo many


1、保持健康 Akeep fit Bhave a cold Csleepy

2、许多,大量 Atoo much Bplenty of Cexercise

3、乱扔垃圾 Aleave garbage everywhere Btired Cpop

4、太多 Atoo much Bplenty of Cexercise

5、熬夜 Aright after Bjunk food Cstay up late

6、流鼻涕 Ahave a cold Ba running nose Ctoothache

7、患了感冒 Astomachache Bkeep fit Chave a cold

8、吃药 Atake some medicine Bjunk food Cmore

9candy A、醋 B、糖果 C、药

10headache A、头痛 B、胃痛 C、牙痛

11tired A、更多的 B、困的 C、疲倦的

12sleep A、更多的 B、困的 C、疲倦的

13before A、在……之前 B、在……之后 C、现在

14drink A、吃 B、喝 C、睡

15exercise A、锻炼 B、健康 C、垃圾



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