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1 题】: What is the man going to do on Friday?

题目详解:听力原文:W: Let's go to dance at the Students Centre on Friday. M: I'd like to, but I'm going to a lecture. Thanks for asking me though.

A Go to a dance.

B Go to a theatre.

C Go to a lecture.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 2 题】: Where does the conversation probably take place?

题目详解:听力原文:M: There is a limit of three books per person. W: Fine. I'll be certain to return them on time.

A In a hotel.

B In a library.

C In a laboratory.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 3 题】: What are they doing now?

题目详解:听力原文:W: Is there anything worth watching on the other channel? M: I think it's Western.

A Digging a channel.

B Watching TV.

C Listening to the radio.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 4 题】: How much do two tickets cost?

题目详解:听力原文:M: The show at the Colonial has a special weekend---four seats in the balcony for only eighty dollars. W: So would three tickets cost sixty dollars? M: No, for fewer than four, you pay the regular price of twenty-five dollars each.由对话可知两张票的价格为25*2=50美元。

A $25

B $50

C $60

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 5 题】: Where does the woman go first on New Year's Eve?

题目详解:听力原文:M: Have you got plans for New Year's Eve? W: Yes. The company dinner will be at the Sunflower Hotel in the evening. After that I'm going to a friend's party at the Moon Club. What about you? M: I'm going to the cinema with my friends.

A To a hotel.

B To a club.

C To a cinema.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A


【第 6 题】: Who dropped the mirror?

题目详解:听力原文:W: Oh, no! I can't believe I dropped that mirror. What bad luck! M: Don't worry, Mama! I'll pick it up for you.

A The boy's mother.

B The boy.

C The boy's grandma.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A

【第 7 题】: How long does the body take to repair itself in some people's eyes?

题目详解:听力原文:M: Yes, but why? Why seven years of bad luck? W: Well, I guess a long time ago, people thought it took seven years for the body to repair itself, so I guess it would take seven years to fix a broken body.

A A week.

B seven years.

C seven months.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 8 题】: What was the weather like yesterday morning?

题目详解:听力原文:W: I went shopping without my umbrella yesterday morning. M: Yesterday morning was beautiful; I thought the sunny weather was going to continue.

A Sunny

B Rainy

C Windy

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A

【第 9 题】: What did the woman do yesterday morning?

题目详解:听力原文:W: I went shopping without my umbrella yesterday morning. M: Yesterday morning was beautiful; I thought the sunny weather was going to continue.

A She went to the pet store.

B She went shopping.

C She visited the man.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 10 题】: What does the man think of the weather forecast?

题目详解:听力原文:W: I guess you are right. Maybe I just wish the weather could be a little more predictable. M: The weather forecasters are not good at predicting the weather. Our weather is so changeable.

A It is accurate.

B It is reliable.

C It is always wrong.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 11 题】: What are the two speakers talking about?

题目详解:听力原文:W: Hey, you. Can't you be a bit faster? You make the whole group wait for you. M: How can you blame it on me? I'm having trouble in operating this kind of machine. It's designed for you right-handers. W: You always complain about these machines, but you are not the only one using your left hand.

A Using the left hand.

B Operating machines.

C Designing machines.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 12 题】: What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?


A Master and servant.

B Boss and secretary.

C Fellow workers.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 13 题】: What can we learn from the conversation?

题目详解:听力原文:W: You always complain about these machines, but you are not the only one using your left hand. M: Really? I don't know any others who are the same as me. W: To tell you the truth, I'm also left-handed. M: You? W: Yeah. You should spend more time getting suited to it in advance. Then you can do it quickly.

A Left-handers can't run the machines.

B The woman only uses her right hand.

C The woman is more skillful than the man.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 14 题】: What is the woman's major?

题目详解:听力原文:M: All right. I figured, since you are a medical student, you know about the various courses. W: Well, I have to take biology, chemistry, math, and physics. What you need is a good introductory course for non-science majors.

A Physics.

B Biology.

C Medicine.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 15 题】: Why doesn't the man take biology?

题目详解:听力原文:W: Then you'd better avoid chemistry and physics. How about biology? M: The problem is the lab. I can't stand the smell there.

A He did it poorly since in high school.

B He can't stand the smell in the lab.

C He has another course at the same time.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 16 题】: What course does the man decide to take?

题目详解:听力原文:W: Geology is pretty interesting and cutting rocks. Shouldn't bother you? M: That's a good idea. It even fits in with my hobby of mountain climbing. Thanks a lot.

A Chemistry.

B Geology.

C Geography.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 17 题】: Where can the notice be found?

题目详解:听力原文:...for that was what the notice inside the entrance said: "Remember, once a week, free food for one of our customers. This may be your lucky day!"

A Outside the gate.

B Inside the entrance.

C At the cash desk.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 18 题】: What has Mrs. White bought in the supermarket?

题目详解:听力原文:The cupboards in her kitchen were full of things which she did not need.

A Things she uses in the kitchen.

B Things she doesn't need.

C Some baskets.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 19 题】: Why did Mrs. White go to the supermarket for the second time that day?

题目详解:听力原文:On Friday morning, after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy some tea. She dashed back to the supermarket, got the tea and went towards the cashier.

A To get the free food.

B To see the manager.

C To get some tea.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 20 题】: How might Mrs. White feel after hearing what the manager said?


A Excited.

B Angry.

C Disappointed.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

21 题】: The college entrance exams, taken each June by vast numbers of students, is so competitive that every extra point that can be won ________.


A means

B counts

C depends

D relies

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 22 题】: Series of scandals about charity organizations, like Guo Meimei, have ________ people of their confidence in any organization.


A reminded

B robbed

C informed

D accused

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 23 题】: We couldn't hear what the boss said because his voice was ________ by the noise of the machine.


A drowned

B mixed

C covered

D surrounded

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A

【第 24 题】: Following the roars of a "tiger mom", a "wolf dad" stirred ________ again on "stick parenting."


A controversy

B contradiction

C contribution

D contraction

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A

【第 25 题】: When she was at home alone last Saturday, my sister gave in to her ________ by calling the phone number she saw on TV.

题目详解:curiosity.n.好奇心;give in to one's curiosity意为好奇心占了上风。句意为:上周六妹妹一人在家时,在好奇心的驱使下,她拨通了在电视上看到的一个号码。trick.n.诡计,花招;balance.n.平衡;admiration.n.钦佩,赞赏。

A trick

B balance

C admiration

D curiosity

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: D

【第 26 题】: BRICS, which is an economic group made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, now ________ about 40% of the world population and about 18% of the world production.

题目详解:account for意为占(比例)。句意为:由巴西、俄国、印度、中国和南非组成的金砖五国的人口约占了世界人口的40%,产量约占了世界产量的18%call for意为需要,要求look for意为寻找stand for意为代表,象征

A call for

B look for

C account for

D stand for

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 27 题】: While they have to pay attention to their studies, students shouldn't forget to ________. After all, a good physical condition is the basis of students.

题目详解:work out意为计算出;制定;锻炼身体,做运动。句意为:学生重视学习的同时也不应该忘记锻炼身体。毕竟,良好的健康状况是学生应具备的基本素质。give out意为发出,耗尽turn out意为关掉,结果是bring out意为出版,推出

A work out

B give out

C turn out

D bring out

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A

【第 28 题】: The phrase "shang bu qi", which means too ________ to bear a blow, was chosen as the phrase of the year, revealing the public's sensitivity to personal and social problems, and their call for justice and equity.

题目详解:delicate.adj.脆弱的,too... to...表示……而不能……”。此处用"too delicate to bear a blow"表示伤不起。句意为:伤不起入选年度词语,这表现出公众对个人和社会问题的敏感,以及他们对公平和正义的呼唤。soft.adj.柔软的;slight.adj.轻微的,少量的;tender.adj.温柔的。

A soft

B slight

C tender

D delicate

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: D

【第 29 题】: The 20-page report, which was due to be ________ released later in the day, represents the most authoritative science on global warming.

题目详解:officially.adv.正式地,官方地。句意为:这份20页的报道定于当天晚些时候正式发表,它代表了全球变暖问题的最权威的科学观点。locally.adv.局部地,在本地;seriously.adv.认真地,严肃地;absolutely.adv. 绝对地,完全地。

A locally

B seriously

C officially

D absolutely

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 30 题】: ---Susan. I feel depressed for a long time.---Oh, take it easy. Everything will be fine ________.

题目详解:in time意为及时地;总有一天。句意为:——苏珊,我郁闷了好久。——噢,别担心。总有一天所有事都会变好的。at the time意为在那时,那时候on time意为准时all the time意为一直,始终

A at the time

B on time

C in time

D all the time

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

Recently, I stopped by a convenience store to get a newspaper and a bottle of drink. The young woman at the checkout __31__ said, "That'll be five dollars in all please." She then __32__ down at the paper I was buying and said, "I'm __33__ all these negative words on the front pages. I want to read some __34__ news for a change." She then said, "__35__, I think someone should just __36__ a good newspaper---a paper with wonderful, inspirational __37__ about people overcoming difficulty and doing good things for others." She __38__ me for coming in and said, "Maybe we'll get some good news," and she __39__. She made my day.

The following day after my business appointments, I __40__ the same store again to pick up bottled water and a newspaper, but a __41__ young lady was behind the counter. As I checked out I said, "Good afternoon" and __42__ her my money. She said nothing---not a word, not a smile or not a __43__. She just gave me my change and __44__ a negative tone ordered "Next!"

It __45__ me right between the eyes: Two people, the same age; one made me feel __46__, but the other, well, made me feel that I had inconvenienced her by __47__.

Every morning, you should ask __48__ this important question: "Who do I want to be today? 'The Grouch(不高兴的人)' or 'The Good News Girl'"? Your answer will go a long way toward __49__ the joy and happiness that you will experience in your __50__.

【第 31 题】:

题目详解:counter.n.柜台,收银台。句意为:那位在收银台的年轻女士说道,一共5美元。从下文behind the counter可得到提示。

A bed

B counter

C table

D shop

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 32 题】:

题目详解:galance at表示……看一眼,瞥见。句意为:她向我买的报纸瞥了一眼说:……”

A put

B got

C glanced

D turned

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 33 题】:

题目详解:tired of意为厌烦。句意为:她向我买的报纸瞥了一眼说:我早就厌烦了头版的那些消极文字了,……”

A tired of

B interested in

C careful about

D fond of

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A

【第 34 题】:


A latest

B good

C interesting

D real

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 35 题】:

题目详解:in fact表示实际上

A In fact

B As usual

C However

D By the way

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A

【第 36 题】:


A collect

B print

C sell

D publish

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: D

【第 37 题】:


A stories

B ideas

C pictures

D habits

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A

【第 38 题】:


A told

B thanked

C praised

D congratulated

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 39 题】:


A did

B agreed

C laughed

D pointed

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 40 题】:

题目详解:drop by表示顺便经过。句意为:第二天,我又顺路经过这家店。stand by表示站在……旁边bring in表示引进take in表示欺骗;让……进入

A dropped by

B stood by

C brought in

D took in

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A

【第 41 题】:


A beautiful

B different

C clever

D stupid

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 42 题】:


A carried

B passed

C handed

D showed

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 43 题】:


A gesture

B movement

C shake

D problem

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A

【第 44 题】:

题目详解:in表示……方式,用……语言in a negative tone意为用消极的语调。句意为:她只是给了我零钱,然后用消极的语调喊道:下一个!

A for

B at

C through

D in

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: D

【第 45 题】:

题目详解:hit.v.击,打;hit sb between the eyes表示某人突然想到……”。此处是说两个收银员截然不同的态度使作者突然有所感悟。

A caught

B hit

C pushed

D saw

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 46 题】:


A great

B sad

C excited

D disappointed

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A

【第 47 题】:

题目详解:show up表示出现。句意为:两个相同年纪的人,一个让我感觉非常好,而另一个让我感觉好像是我的出现给她带来很多麻烦和不便。move on表示向前进,继续go away表示走开show off表示炫耀,都与语境不符。

A moving on

B going away

C showing up

D showing off

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 48 题】:


A her

B them

C yourself

D themselves

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 49 题】:

题目详解:从语境可知,此处要表达的是:这将决定着你人生中要经历的幸福和快乐。determine表示决定,而create表示创造share表示分享”, form表示形成,都与语境不符。

A creating

B determining

C sharing

D forming

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 50 题】:


A home

B office

C study

D life

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: D


If I were writing a history of my family, some of the darkest moments recorded would be those about Christmas trees. One would certainly think otherwise; selecting and putting up our trees have always been filled with risk. For example, one afternoon dangerously close to Christmas Eve my mother bought what she thought to be a bargain, a glorious tree that was so full and tall that we could hardly get it into the house. Once we did, my father immediately realized that we would have to hire a carpenter to build a stand for it. Another December, perhaps the very next one, we bought a tree earlier than we ever had before. We were happy with its shape and delighted that its size was manageable. We easily placed it in a stand, decorated it from top to bottom, and then self-satisfiedly sat back by the fire in its soft light. Two or three days passed and the truth could not be hidden; we had bought a tree cut so long ago that its needles were coming off. There was nothing to do but undecorate it, take it down, and begin tree shopping again. Our most recent Christmas tree offered still another difficult task. When we brought it home, once again it seemed larger than it was in the great outdoors. To complicate matters, we had bought a new stand, one whose nuts(螺帽)and bolts(闩子)worked more mysteriously than those of our old stands. I persuaded two young neighbors to stop playing basketball and to help us get the tree into the house and set it correctly in the stand. Unfortunately, no one noticed the mud on our helpers' shoes, so only after removing several reddish brown spots from the carpet were we able to discuss the question of where the lights and ornaments(装饰物)were stored. Perhaps those who cut their own trees have tales more painful than these. I don't care to hear them, as my family's experiences are enough to cause me to make the following suggestion: "Let's forget the tree next Christmas. Let's simply hang some flowers on the front door and over the mirror in the hall."

【第 51 题】: The darkest moments in the writer's family were with the fact that ________.

题目详解:根据文中第二句"Selecting and putting up our trees have always been filled with risk."可知答案。

A the family bought big Christmas trees

B they had problems decorating their Christmas trees

C they had problems picking suitable Christmas trees

D they had problems finding carpenters for putting up Christmas trees

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 52 题】: We can learn from the passage that the writer would like to ________.

题目详解:从文中最后一句I don't care to hear them, as my family's experiences are enough to cause me to make the following suggestion: "Let's forget the tree next Christmas. Let's simply hang some flowers on the front door and over the mirror in the hall."可知答案。

A forget about Christmas stories

B get the neighbors to put up their trees

C buy a better tree to celebrate Christmas

D make other decorations rather than Christmas trees

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: D

【第 53 题】: When the writer said "my mother bought what she thought to be a bargain", he means _________.


A she bought the tree at a cheap price

B she didn't really want to buy it

C she had to bargain hard with the salesman

D she couldn't afford a more expensive one

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A

【第 54 题】: Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

题目详解:从文章第一句If I were writing a history of my family, some of the darkest moments recorded would be those about Christmas trees.和最后一句I don't care to hear them, as my family's experiences are enough to cause me to make the following suggestion: "Let's forget the tree next Christmas. Let's simply hang some flowers on the front door and over the mirror in the hall."可推知选项No More Christmas Tree for Us为最佳标题。

A How to Choose a Christmas Tree

B No More Christmas Tree for Us

C Dark Moments of Life

D Christmas without Trees

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B


Did Steve Jobs kill the music industry? That's the question on many people's lips since rock star Jon Bon Jovi accused the Apple boss of personally destroying the music industry.

Bon Jovi centers his criticism on how he believes music downloading has robbed young people of what he calls the "beauty of buying an album". "Kids today have missed the beauty of taking your allowance(零花钱)money and making a decision based on the jacket(封面), not knowing what the record sounded like," he said.

But far from killing the industry, many young people today think Jobs has been a blessing(带来幸运的人), offering you instant, and selective access to a whole world of music.

Keith Staskiewicz at Entertainment Weekly speaks for the feelings of many music lovers. He believes listening to MP3s rather than records or CDs "just saves them money" and doesn't "eliminate(消除)the sense of discovery they get from new music". Staskiewicz also argues that it's wrong to blame Jobs and Apple for destroying anything.

"Change is just part of the business," Staskiewicz said. "No doubt in 50 years, Justin Bieber will complain in his Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction speech about how kids don't listen to iPods anymore."

For now, though, it appears that music downloading is set to continue for the near future.

According to Sumner Redstone, chairman of media company Viacom, iTunes has "resurrected(复兴)the music industry by creating a legal, affordable purchasing system for fans".

But recent surveys suggested that, despite the "legalizing" of music downloading via sites like iTunes, young people are still choosing to download music illegally.

A report by Jupiter Research suggested that illegal downloading sites are used three times as much as legal ones.

The problem, according to its analyst Mark Mulligan, is how today's youth grow up viewing music as something they can get for free.

"Unless the music industry can shift these consumers while they are young away from free consumption to paid music formats, the digital or CDs," warned Mulligan, "they may never develop music purchasing behavior and the recording industry could suffer long-term harm."

【第 55 题】: Jon Bon Jovi thinks Steve Jobs has destroyed the music industry because ________.

题目详解:从文章第二段第一句Bon Jovi centers his criticism on how he believes music downloading has robbed young people of what he calls the "beauty of buying an album".可知答案。

A Apple encourages illegal music downloading

B Children today prefer music downloading to buying albums

C Children today do not like to discover new music

D Children don't care what a record sounds like

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 56 题】: Which of the following statements might Keith Staskiewicz agree with according to the article?

题目详解:从文章第四段和第五段中Keith Staskiewicz的观点和所说的话可知,他认为音乐下载有其优点,并且从购买专辑听歌曲到下载音乐来听的这种转变只是商业的一部分,这种转变是必然的,人们应该接受它。

A Records or CDs shouldn't be sold in stores any more.

B Steve Jobs and Apple are partly to blame for destroying the music industry.

C There are surely more ways to enjoy music than on iPods.

D Music downloading has its advantages and is a change that should be accepted.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: D

【第 57 题】: According to Mark Mulligan, the best solution to illegal music downloading is to ________.

题目详解:根据文章最后一段讲到,Mulligan警告说:除非音乐产业能使年轻消费者转变观念,从免费使用转为付费使用,否则他们可能永远都不会购买音乐,音乐唱片产业的发展也可能遭受长期损害。故选项help young consumers get used to paying for music(帮助年轻消费者习惯为音乐付费)为正确答案。

A legalize music downloading via sites like iTunes

B ban the illegal music downloading sites on the Internet

C help young consumers get used to paying for music

D offer young consumers instant and selective access to a variety of music

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 58 题】: What is the main point of the article?


A How Steve Jobs and Apple changed People's music tastes.

B Opinions on effects of music downloading.

C How to fight illegal music downloading.

D Criticism of free downloading of music by young people.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B


Nowadays, there's a lot of debate about single sex education since it has begun to resume(恢复)its popularity recently. According to long term studies of children from around the world, students achieve more and learn better in single sex schools.

An Australian study of 270,000 students found that both boys and girls performed significantly higher on standardized tests when they attended separate schools. During an experiment in Virginia in 1995, 100 eighth graders were separated just for math and science courses. Almost immediately, the girls began to achieve more, become more confident and participate more often in class.

In 2001, a British study concluded that nearly every girl regardless of her ability or socioeconomic status performed better in single sex classrooms than co-ed ones. The study of 2,954 high schools and 979 primary schools showed that while boys at the lowest levels academically improved the most in single sex education was particularly beneficial to girls. Every one of the top 50 private elementary schools and top 20 private high schools in Britain are single sex schools.

Girls became more confident in themselves as students and earned higher scores on their College Board and Advanced Placement examinations. A quarter of the female members of the US Congress and one-third of all female members of Fortune 100 boards graduated from all-women's colleges.

While the statistics are not as dramatic for boys, nonetheless(但是), boys tend to soften their competitive edge and become more collaborative(合作的)in a single sex setting. They can just be boys and not worry about what the girls might think.

Single sex education has a delightful way of encouraging children to be fearless, to be curious, to be enthusiastic---in short, to just be themselves. Children are subjected(屈从于)to pressures from every quarter to become adults before they are ready to do so. They grow up too quickly. Why not let them be children for a few more years? Single sex education with its gentler, more controlled social atmosphere is just the right answer for many children.

【第 59 题】: With the experiment in Virginia in 1995, the writer wants to show that ________.

题目详解:从文章第二段During an experiment in Virginia in 1995, 100 eighth graders were separated just for math and science courses. Almost immediately, the girls began to achieve more, become more confident and participate more often in class.可知答案。

A The effect of single sex education on girls is immediate

B Single sex education has become popular in recent years

C Students at separate schools are better prepared for standardized tests

D Students achieve more and learn better in single sex schools either all-boys or all-girls school

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A

【第 60 题】: According to the article, which of the following statements about single sex education is true?

题目详解:从文章第三段第一句In 2001, a British study concluded that nearly every girl regardless of her ability or socioeconomic status performed better in single sex classrooms than co-ed ones.可排除选项Girl's performances in single sex classrooms are determined by their ability and socioeconomic status.从倒数第二段While the statistics are not as dramatic for boys, nonetheless(但是), boys tend to soften their competitive edge and become more collaborative(合作的)in a single sex setting. They can just be boys and not worry about what the girls might think.可知选项Single sex education was particularly helpful for boys.表述错误,选项There are more single sex schools than co-ed schools in Britain.在文章中未提及,故只有选项In all-boy schools boys with the worst academic performance improved the most.表述正确。

A Girl's performances in single sex classrooms are determined by their ability and socioeconomic status.

B In all-boy schools boys with the worst academic performance improved the most.

C Single sex education was particularly helpful for boys.

D There are more single sex schools than co-ed schools in Britain.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 61 题】: In the article, the underlined phrase "soften their competitive edge" probably means ________.

题目详解:从文章第五段内容While the statistics are not as dramatic for boys, nonetheless(但是), boys tend to soften their competitive edge and become more collaborative(合作的)in a single sex setting. They can just be boys and not worry about what the girls might think.soften(使温和,变柔软)可推测soften their competitive edge相当于become less competitive.

A act in a kind manner

B become less competitive

C lose interest in something

D take advantage of something

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 62 题】: What is the main point of the article?

题目详解:文中主要讲的是男女分校教育(single sex education)对男孩和女孩都有好处,故这篇文章的要点为The advantage of single sex education.

A Ways to reduce pressure and help children to grow.

B The reason why girls perform better than boys at school.

C The advantage of single sex education.

D The development of single sex education in different countries.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C


Like many of my generation, I have a weakness for hero worship. At some point, however, we all begin to question our heroes and our need for them. This leads us to ask: What is a hero?

Despite immense differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct and inspire people.

A hero does something worth talking about. A hero has a story of adventure to tell and a community who will listen. But a hero goes beyond mere fame.

Heroes serve powers or principles larger than themselves. Like high-voltage transformers, heroes take the energy of higher powers and step it down so that it can be used by ordinary people.

The hero lives a life worthy of imitation. Those who imitate a genuine hero experience life with new depth, enthusiasm, and meaning. A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom do they serve? What are they willing to live and die for? If the answer or evidence suggests they serve only their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes. Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life more abundant?

Heroes are catalysts(催化剂)for change. They have a vision from the mountaintop. They have the skill and the charm to move the masses. They create new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of the British Empire. Without Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr., we might still have segregated(隔离的)buses, restaurants, and parks. It may be possible for large-scale change to occur without leaders with magnetic personalities, but the pace of change would be slow, the vision uncertain, and the committee meetings endless.

【第 63 题】: Although heroes may come from different cultures, they ________.

题目详解:从文中第二段Despite immense differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct and inspire people.可知虽然文化不同,但全世界的英雄拥有一些共同的特点,那就是教育和鼓舞人。故选项generally possess certain inspiring characteristics为正确答案。

A generally possess certain inspiring characteristics

B probably share some weaknesses of ordinary people

C are often influenced by previous generations

D all unknowingly attract a large number of fans

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A

【第 64 题】: According to the passage, heroes are compared to high-voltage transformers in that ________.

题目详解:从文中第四段Heroes serve powers or principles larger than themselves. Like high-voltage transformers, heroes take the energy of higher powers and step it down so that it can be used by ordinary people.可知英雄们遵从高于自身的力量和原则。好比高压变压器,英雄们把高尚的力量转化为普通老百姓可以使用的力量。故文中把英雄比作高压变压器是因为他们可以作为高尚原则的具体事例(they can serve as concrete examples of noble principles).

A they have a vision from the mountaintop

B they have warm feelings and emotions

C they can serve as concrete examples of noble principles

D they can make people feel stronger and more confident

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: C

【第 65 题】: Madonna and Michael Jackson are not considered heroes because ________.

题目详解:从文中第五段If the answer or evidence suggests they serve only their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes. Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life more abundant?可知答案。

A they are popular only among certain groups of people

B their performances do not improve their fans morally

C their primary concern is their own financial interests

D they are not clear about the principles they should follow

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 66 题】: The author concludes that historical changes would ________.

题目详解:从文中最后一段可知没有英雄,大规模的变化仍然会发生,但变化的步伐或速度会减慢。故选项be delayed without leaders with inspiring personal qualities为正确答案。

A be delayed without leaders with inspiring personal qualities

B not happen without heroes making the necessary sacrifices

C take place if there were heroes to lead the people

D produce leaders with attractive personalities

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A


The decline in moral standards---which has long concerned social analysts---has at last captured the attention of average Americans. And Jean Bethke Elshtain, for one, is glad.

The fact the ordinary citizens are now starting to think seriously about the nation's moral climate, says this ethics(伦理学)professor at the University of Chicago, is reason to hope that new ideas will come forward to improve it.

But the challenge is not to be underestimated. Materialism and individualism in American society are the biggest obstacles. "The thought that 'I'm in it for me' has become deeply rooted in the national consciousness," Ms. Elshtain says.

Some of this can be attributed to the disintegration of traditional communities, in which neighbors looked out for one another, she says. With today's greater mobility and with so many couples working, those bonds have been weakened, replaced by a greater emphasis on self.

In a 1996 poll of Americans, loss of morality topped the list of the biggest problems facing the U.S. and Elshtain says the public is correct to sense that: Data show that Americans are struggling with problems unheard of in the 1950s, such as classroom violence and a high rate of births to unmarried mothers.

The desire for a higher moral standard is not a lament(挽歌)for some nonexistent "golden age", Elshtain says, nor is it a wishful(一厢情愿的)longing for a time that denied opportunities to women and minorities. Most people, in fact, favor the lessening of prejudice.

Moral decline will not be reversed until people find ways to counter the materialism in society, she says. "Slowly, you recognize that the things that matter are those that can't be bought."

【第 67 题】: Professor Elshtain is pleased to see that Americans ________.

题目详解:从文章第一段The decline in moral standards---which has long concerned social analysts---has at last captured the attention of average Americans. And Jean Bethke Elshtain, for one, is glad.可知答案。

A have adapted to a new set of moral standards

B are longing for the return of the good old days

C have realized the importance of material things

D are awakening to the lowering of their moral standards

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: D

【第 68 题】: The moral decline of American society is caused mainly by ________.

题目详解:从文中第三段和第四提到唯物主义和个人主义在美国社会中是最大的障碍,以及美国人更多的是强调自我,故美国社会的道德沦丧主要是由于美国人的自私(the self-centeredness of individuals)导致的。

A the self-centeredness of individuals

B its growing wealth

C underestimating the impact of social changes

D the prejudice against women and minorities

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: A

【第 69 题】: Which of the following characterizes the traditional communities?

题目详解:从第四段第一句Some of this can be attributed to the disintegration of traditional communities, in which neighbors looked out for one another, she says.可知答案。

A Great mobility.

B Concern for one's neighbors.

C Emphasis on individual effort.

D Ever-weakening social bonds.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: B

【第 70 题】: According to Elshtain, the current moral decline may be reversed ________.


A if people can return to the "golden age"

B when women and mean enjoy equal rights

C when people rid themselves of prejudice

D if less emphasis is laid on material things

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: D

【第 71 题】: _______________, Premier Wen hurried to the scene of the bullet train crash to inspect the case. (as)尽管生病了,温总理还是迅速赶往动车事故现场调查情况。


作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: Ill as he was Sick as he was

【第 72 题】: The newly-broaden company is _______________ the previous one. (size)新扩建的公司的面积是原来的三倍。


作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: three times the size of

【第 73 题】: Last night's TV news said that by then the death of the missing people _______________ yet. (prove)昨晚的电视新闻说截止那时,失踪人员的死亡情况还没有得到证实。

题目详解:时间状语by then通常与过去完成时连用,又the death(死亡情况)为动作的承受者,且划线处表示否定意义,故需用过去完成时的被动结构:hadn't been proved.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: hadn't been proved

【第 74 题】: The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people, _______________ their village homes for a better life in the city. (whom)这儿居住着1000人,其中有很多人已经离开村子到城市谋求更好的生活去了。


作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: many of whom have left a lot of whom have left

【第 75 题】: Without the flood in the village ten years ago, the group of youths _______________ a happy life with their parents during their childhood. (lead)如果不是因为十年前村子里的那场洪水,这群青年人在童年就能与父母一起过着幸福的生活了。

题目详解:could have done表示表示本来可以做而实际上未能做某事

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: could have led

【第 76 题】: _______________ and you will find the latter is more practical. (compare)比较这两份计划,你会发现后者要更实际一些。


作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: Compare the two plans Compare these two plans

【第 77 题】: To every one of us, _______________ Beijing University is a great honor. (admit)对于我们每个人来说,被北大录取是一种巨大荣耀。

题目详解:考查动词-ing形式作主语;admit to意为允许,准许进入,又因为是被录取,即被准许进入大学,所以用被动结构。

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: being admitted to

【第 78 题】: A house as well as a car _______________ the necessity for a new marriage now. (say)据说房子和车子是现在结婚的必备品。

题目详解:be said to表示据说,相传be said to be意为据说是……”;句中主语A house后有词组as well as时,谓语的数与主语保持一致,故谓语动词为is said to be.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: is said to be

【第 79 题】: Be careful! The machine starts _______________ the button. (moment)小心啦!你一按这个按钮,这台机器就会运行。

题目详解:考查the moment引导的时间状语从句,the moment表示立刻,马上,一…………”

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: the moment you press

【第 80 题】: _______________ we should take to promote the awareness of environment protection? (measure)你认为我们应当采取什么措施来提高环保意识呢?

题目详解:对物提问用what引导的特殊疑问句,what measures表示什么措施do you think为插入语,表示你认为

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: What measures do you think






3)参考词汇:名牌产品 name brand product

【第 81 题】:

题目详解:Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that more and more high school students love to buy name brand products ranging from cell phones and laptops to cosmetics and clothing. I hold different opinions. What students should do, above all, is to do well in their studies. Pursuing luxury brands will get us distracted from schoolwork. Moreover, name brand products cost much. Students had better live a thrifty life and save the money to help those really in need. As is known to all, some people in the world do not have enough money to even buy food, let alone name brand products. For myself, name brand products don’t matter much. I’ll look for something that works well and cost less and do my little bit to help those who are less fortunate than me.

作答记录: 未作答

参考答案: Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that...(全文参考本题[题目详解]

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