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Abortion 堕胎
The tissue trade 器官交易
Dislike of abortion and supportfor Planned Parenthood should go together

EVEN ardent advocates of a woman’s right to an abortionmay grow queasy from watching a series of undercover videos of meetings withrepresentatives from Planned Parenthood, a national group that offersreproductive-health services, including abortions. In order to harvest hearts,lungs and “as many intact livers as possible” from aborted fetuses, providersuse ultrasound to make sure they do not “crush that part,” explains DeborahNucatola, a medical director for the group, between sips of wine. Another showsa medical executive named Mary Gatter apparently negotiating the sale of fetal“specimens”.
健康服务,其中包括堕胎。那家机构的医疗总监纽卡杜纳Deborah Nucatola在嘬了一口酒之后解释称,我们可以从流产胎儿身上获得心脏,肺以及“尽可能完整的肝脏”并且会利用超声波来确保那些器官的完整性。在另一段视频中医学主任玛丽盖德Mary Gatter正在堂而皇之进行婴儿器官交易。
The videos come courtesy of the Centre for MedicalProgress, an anti-abortion pressure group. The three released since July 14thhave been watched millions of times, and the group promises “thousands ofhours” more. It says the videos show that Planned Parenthood is running a“black market for baby parts”, which is illegal. Planned Parenthood denies thisclaim, and the recordings do not quite prove that the organisation is profitingfrom these transactions. But abortion providers at their health centres areapparently aware of the value of fetal tissue, which scientists need for a widearray of medical research. And the videos, with their casual talk of “suction”or a “less crunchy technique”, make for powerful propaganda.
Ted Cruz, a senator from Texas, stirred crowds at ananti-abortion rally on Capitol Hill on July 28th with calls for a federalcriminal investigation. Rand Paul, a senator from Kentucky, has been keen toperk up his poll numbers by leading a fight to “strip every dollar” ofgovernment funding from Planned Parenthood, which counts on federal and statecoffers for nearly $530m of its $1.3m annual budget. Senate Republicans plan tovote on defunding the organisation before the August recess. 德克萨斯州的议员泰德科鲁兹(Ted Cruz)与728日在国会大厦表明自己反堕胎的立场,并申请联邦刑事调查,这引起了一阵轩然大波。肯塔基州的议员兰德保罗Kentucky经常喜欢发动一些抵制运动来抗议政府从基建资金中分一杯羹给美国计划生育组织,想要借此来拉动自己的选票。美国计划生育组织原本的预算为130万美元,但是实际上它花了国家将近5亿300万美金。参议院共和党人投票决定在八月的休会之前不再对该机构提供资金。 Polls show that pro-life voters are in the minority, butthey punch above their weight because they care more about where politiciansstand on the issue. Surveys find that most Americans support keeping abortionlegal within the first weeks of conception;
but this sympathy plummets once thewoman enters her second trimester, and nearly disappears when she reaches herthird (see chart, by which time ultrasounds offer more detailed pictures offingers and toes. Campaigners have worked with this discomfort. Twelve statesnow require abortion providers to proffer details about a fetus’s ability tofeel pain; ten mandate an ultrasound (though it is not medically necessary;and 14 have introduced bans on an abortion 20 weeks after conception. 民调显示,只有少数人反对堕胎,但是他们因为他们更多地会考虑政治家在这件事情上的立场。调查显示,大部分美国人怀孕前几周的时候都认为应该支持堕胎合法化,但是半年之后,女人们对此事的支持度直线下降,并且在九个月过后几乎降为零(如图),而此时,通过超声波可以更加清晰地看到婴儿的手指和脚趾。竞选人们对于这种担忧做出了措施。十二个州现在要求进行堕胎的工作人员提供具体的细节以说明婴儿是否会产生疼痛感;有十个州要求提供超声波(虽然从医学上来说并不需要);同时有14个州禁止在怀20周之后进行堕胎。
Defunding Planned Parenthood may seem a logical nextstep. But federal funding for abortion is already banned, except in cases ofrape, incest or where a woman’s life is in danger. Moreover, much of PlannedParenthood’s work involves preventing unplanned pregnancies in the first place.Of the 2.7m
patients who used one of its clinics in 2013, eight in ten came forcontraception. Three-quarters had incomes at or below 150% of the federalpoverty level. These demographics matter because abortion trends divide byincome: the rate for well-off women has dropped by nearly 30% in 20 years, whereasfor poor women it has climbed nearly 20%. This is largely because poor women,with worse schooling and not much access to health care, are five times morelikely to become pregnant unexpectedly. 从逻辑上看,对美国计划生育组织停止拨款是合乎情理的。但是国家对于堕胎本就已经不提供资金支持了,除非涉及强奸,乱伦等情况,或是女性的生命受到了威胁。另外,对于美国计划生育组织而言,他们会在事先做很多工作包括从源头上预防意外怀孕。2013年,到它的诊所来的270万病人中,有80%是为了避孕,其中四分之三的人收入低于或正好是联邦贫困线的150%这些人口特征非常重要,因为堕胎的趋势是由收入决定的:对于那些富有的女性来说,她们的堕胎率在20年内下降了30%,然而对于那些贫困的女性而言,他们的堕胎率则上升了20%。这很大程度上是因为贫穷的女性大多没有受到良好的教育并且无法得到足够的健康保障,意外怀孕的几率上升了五倍。
For every public dollar spent on contraception, thegovernment saves $5.68 in Medicaid spending on pregnancies, according to theGuttmacher Institute, a pro-choice NGO. Planned Parenthood
reaches over a thirdof all qualifying patients, making it the biggest provider of these services.In addition, its clinics carried out 500,000 screenings for breast cancer and4.5m tests for sexually-transmitted diseases in 2013. The number of abortionsperformed each year in America has fallen by a third since 1990. WithoutPlanned Parenthood it would be far higher. 根据一家支持人工流产合法化的非政府间组织古特马克研究所Guttmacher Institute的数据,如果政府在避孕的问题上多支出1美元,那么就可以节约5.68美元——可以不用因为女性怀孕而为其提供医保。美国计划生育组织可以接触到三分之一有需求的病人,这使它成为了最具市场的堕胎服务提供者。另外,2013年其诊所还提供了50万筛查乳腺癌的名额以及450万检验性病的名额。1990年以来,美国堕胎人数下降了三分之一。如果没有美国计划生育组织,堕胎比例可能会更高。

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