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高中英语 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Period 3教案 外研版必修3

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Period 3 Grammar 1; Grammar 2; Pronunciation and Function整体设计


本节是语法课, 针对的是汉语中没有的语法现象: 不定式和but+不定式。教师可以先让学生通过例句总结出不定式的形式和用法。分组讨论分析的方法可以使学生在课堂上积极参与而不是被动的记忆一些语法条目。同时应该在学生了解何为不定式之后设计一些对应的练习来加深印象并记住用法。语音和功能部分与语法部分相关, 放在本节处理, 便于学生类比记忆。


1. 知识与技能

1)Make students learn to sum up grammatical rules by themselves.

2)Make sure students master the grammatical items.

3)Express strong feelings through special sentence patterns.

2. 过程与方法

1)Motivate students’ enthusiasm in taking part in the class.

2)Try to think in a negative way when express feelings with negative sentences.

3. 情感与价值

Through the study of this period students will surely know more about different types of infinitive.


1. Encourage students to sum up grammatical rules.

2. Encourage students to think in the English way.


1. The definitions of different forms of infinitive and how to use them.

2. How to think in the English way.


1. Individual work and pair work to make every student work in class.

2. Deduction.

3. Practice.


→ Step 1 Revision

Revise what we have learned last class. Do some multiple choice questions about the passage learnt.

(Show the following on the screen. )

1. What is the best description about a sandstorm according to the passage?

A. It is a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries.

B. It is a strong wind carrying sand.

C. It is a way to cause land to become desert.

D. It is a kind of natural disaster that can’t be treated.

2. What is the main reason for the increase of sandstorm in China recently?

A. To be close to many deserts.

B. The worsening of the weather in China.

C. It is a result of desertification.

D. People cutting down trees and digging up grass.

3. What effects are sandstorms bringing to people living in cities?

A. The whole city is usually covered by thick and yellow dust.

B. Traffic moves very slowly.

C. People can’t breathe well and the dust make them ill.

D. All above.

4. What is the best way to avoid the effects from the sandstorm?

A. To live far away from deserts.

B. To stay at home when a sandstorm happens.

C. To wear mask if you want to go out.

D. To plant more trees.

5. Which of the following is not the elements to make Central Asia, North America, Central Africa and Australia the four main places where there are sandstorms?

A. The climate in these places is rather bad.

B. They are all the places with big deserts.

C. The natural environment in these places is worsening every year.

D. The governments in these places paid little attention to the protection of nature.

Suggested answers:

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. D

Step 2 Grammar 1

1. In this period we are going to talk about the infinitive.

(Show the following sentences on the screen if possible. )

Paraphrase them by using the infinitive.

1)The wind is strong enough. It can move sand dunes.

2)We were advised, Don’t go outside.

3)I’m cycling to work in a sandstorm and it’s frightening.

4)There is nothing anyone can do.

5)I am the only person in my family who has been in a sandstorm.

6)I’ve been caught in a sandstorm. It was a terrible experience.

Suggested answers:

1)The wind is strong enough to move sand dunes.

2)We were advised not to go outside.

3)It’s frightening to be cycling to work in a sandstorm.

4)There is nothing to be done.

5)I am the only person in my family to have been in a sandstorm.

6)To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience.

2.Option One

Ask students to sum up the different types of infinitive.

Write the following on the blackboard.


to do/do与谓语动词同时发生或发生在谓语动词之后主动

Give students several minutes to fill in the form.

Suggested answers:

Let students read the above sentences silently and try to understand different types of infinitive and can use them correctly.

Option Two

Show the grammar rules on the screen and let students understand them.


动词不定式是一种非限定动词, 仍具有动词的一般特征, 有一般式、进行式、完成式。现分别介绍如下:

1. 动词不定式的一般式: to do/do

I am glad to see you here.


She decided not to accept his present.


To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of life.


2. 动词不定式的进行式: to be doing

It is wrong to be always thinking of yourself.


You don’t need to be working in such a big hurry, for there’s plenty of time.

你现在不必这样匆匆忙忙地干, 有的是时间。

The students pretended to be listening to the teacher carefully.


3. 动词不定式的完成式to have done

I’m sorry to have troubled you so much.

对不起, 给你添了这么多麻烦。

He is said to have been living here for twenty years.


It is a great honor to have been invited to visit this country.


I feel it an honor to have been given a chance to study here.


4. 不定式的复合结构

It is not hard for one to do a bit of good. (主语)


This problem is for you to deal with. (表语)


The sun warms the earth, which makes it possible for plants to grow. (作宾语)

太阳晒热大地, 从而使植物得以生长。

He opened the window for the fresh air to come in. (作状语)


There is a lot of work for you to do. (定语)


Had better have students discover some rules by themselves before explaining to them as follows.

3. Consolidate the infinitive and make sure that students can use different types of infinitive.

Ask students to finish Activities 2 and 3 individually, and then check their answers with their partners. Then ask some students to share their answers with the whole class.

Show the following on the screen.

1. I’m traveling during a sandstorm. It’s dangerous.

It’s dangerous to_____________ .

2. Experts hope that they will learn more about the movement of thunderstorms.

Experts hope to_____________ .

3. We were told, Don’t leave the house.

We were told not_____________ .

4. The men need to complete the work on the house by the end of the week.

The work on the house needs to_____________ .

5. It seems that most houses have been destroyed by the storm.

Most houses seem to_____________ .

Ask students to answer the questions.

Suggested answers:

1. travel during a sandstorm

2. learn more about the movement of thunderstorms

3. to leave the house

4. be completed by the end of the week

5. to have been destroyed by the storm

Show the following on the screen.

1. It’s frightening_____________ (walk)in the road in a sandstorm. I hope I reach home soon.

2. Experts hope_____________ (learn)more about the movement of thunderstorms.

3. I’d like_____________ (tell)about the situation before now.

4. The work needs_____________ (complete)by the end of the week.

5. My father was out of the city when the sandstorm came. He was very glad_____________ (miss)it.

6. The building has_____________ (finish)by the end of this year.

7._____________ (see)a real sandstorm was very frightening.

Suggested answers:

1. to walk 2. to learn 3. to be told 4. to be completed 5. to have missed 6. to be finished 7. To see

From the above exercises try to master their meanings and can use them in sentences correctly and properly.

Step 3 Grammar 2

1. Now, we’ll learn a special infinitive: but+infinitive.

Look at the words and phrases in bold in these sentences.

Show the following on the screen.

Answer the questions below.

a And yet we do nothing but talk about it.

b I can’t help but feel very concerned.

c I can’t but wonder what will happen.

1 Which word or phrase means except?

2 Which word or phrase means I have to?

3 What part of the verb follows the words in bold?

Give students a few minutes and then call back their answers.

Suggested answers:

1 but 2 can’t help but and can’t but 3 the infinitive without to

2. (Show the following on the screen. )



1. can’t help but+原形动词。例如:

Hearing the news, I could not help but cry.

听到这一消息, 我忍不住哭了起来。

As a soldier, I cannot help but obey the order.

作为一个军人, 我只能服从命令。

2. do+anything/nothing/everything+动词原形。例如:

He does nothing but complain.


My dog does everything but speak.


Can’t you do anything but ask silly questions?


3. Next, encourage students to finish Activity 2 on Page 36 in pairs, and then ask some students to give the answers.

Underline the correct answer.

1. I can’t help/but hope that they will succeed.

2. I can’t help but think/to think that it was a mistake.

3. I can’t chose/choose but do it.

4. He does nothing but complaining/complain.

5. I can’t help but to love/love her.

6. The workers do nothing/not but drink tea and talk to each other.

Give students a few minutes and then call back their answers.

Suggested answers:

1. but 2. think 3. choose 4. complain 5. love 6. nothing

Step 4 Pronunciation and Function

1. Please look at pronunciation and function.

In this class, we’ll learn how to express strong opinions.

Do you know how to express your agreement or disagreement?

Collect students’ answers on the blackboard.

1. I agree with you.

2. I support you.

3. You are absolutely right.

Well done! Today we’ll learn some other ways.

2. First, listen to the following sentences, and underline the words the speaker stresses.

Show the following on the screen.

I couldn’t agree with you more.

I think you’re absolutely right.

It’s extremely serious.

Ask a volunteer to share his or her answers.

Suggested answers:

I couldn’t agree with you more.

I think you’re absolutely right.

It’s extremely serious.

Ask students to read the three sentences. Then play the tape again for students to follow, paying attention to the stressed words.

3. Listen to this part and decide which words the speaker will stress.

I have no idea.

It couldn’t be worse.

It’s absolutely hopeless.

Suggested answers:

I have no idea.

It couldn’t be worse.

It’s absolutely hopeless.

4. Ask students to complete the sentences individually, and then check with a partner. After that, ask some pairs to share their answers with the whole class.

(Show the following on the screen. )

Complete the sentences using the above expressions.

1. A: We need to plant more trees.


2._____________ The traffic in this city just doesn’t move.

3. A: People don’t care enough about the environment.


4._____________ I can’t see anything. There’s sand everywhere.

Suggested answers:

1. I couldn’t agree with you more. /I think you’re absolutely right.

2. It couldn’t be worse. /It’s absolutely hopeless.

3. I couldn’t agree with you more. /I think you’re absolutely right.

4. It couldn’t be worse. /It’s absolutely hopeless.

Step 5 Summary and homework

In this period you have learnt the different forms of infinitive and the usage of not+infinitive. Also you have learnt how to express strong feelings with not+infinitive and negative sentences.


1. Find more materials about the grammar items and do more exercises on them.

2. Do the workbook exercises about the grammar.


Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia

Period 3 Grammar 1; Grammar 2; Pronunciation and Function

Grammar 1 Infinitive

Sum up the different types of infinitive

Grammar 2 but+infinitive

1. can’t help but+原形动词。

2. do+anything/nothing/everything+动词原形。


1. I agree with you. 2. I support you. 3. You are absolutely right.

I couldn’t agree with you more. /I think you’re absolutely right.

It couldn’t be worse. /It’s absolutely hopeless.


1. Learn how to use infinitive correctly.

2. Learn to express your opinions through the negative way.

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