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[新步步高](江苏专用)2016版高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 语法 专题十四 C 议论文

时间:2016-04-29 09:13:30    下载该word文档

专题十四 C 议论文






Since 1. (finish) my studies at Harvard and OxfordI’ve watched one friend after another land high­rankinghigh­paying Wall Street jobs.As executives with banksconsulting firmsestablished law firms2. major corporationsmany are now 3. (good) on their way to impressive careers.By society’s standardsthey seem to have 4. made.

On the surfacethese people seem to be very 5. (luck) in life.As they left student life behindmany had a last drink at their cheap but 6. (friend) local barshook hands 7. longtime roommatesand moved out of small apartments into high buildings.They made reservations at restaurants 8. the cost of a bottle of wine equaled a college year’s monthly rent.They 9. (replace) their beloved old cars with expensive new sports cars.

The thing is,10. number of them have admitted that despite their successthey aren’t happy.


1They made reservations at restaurants where the cost of a bottle of wine equaled a college year’s monthly rent.


难句分析:该句是一个含有定语从句的复合句。定语从句的先行词为 ,关系副词where在定语从句中作

2Some complain of unfriendly coworkers and feel sad for eight­hour workweeks devoted to tasks they hate.


难句分析:该句是由and连接的并列句。在第二个分句中,they hate是一个省略了关系代词whichthat的定语从句,修饰 ;过去分词短语devoted to ,修饰 ;在逻辑上,workweeksdevote之间存在着 关系。

3They recognize there’s something missing in their livesbut it’s hard to step off the track.


难句分析:谓语recognize后是一个省略了引导词that 从句。形容词missing修饰不定代词要 it 主语,代替后面的 作主语。

提醒:完成作业 强化练(十六)


强化练(十六)强化练(十六) 完形填空——说明文和议论文




Why do young adult children become independent so much later than those in the 1960swhen the average age of independent living was 21Why have reduced class sizes and increased per­pupil expenditures(花销) not 1 higher academic achievement levelsWhy is the mental health of today’s kids so poor when 2 with that of the children in the 1960s and beforeWhy do today’s 3 become defensive when told by teachers that their children have misbehaved in school?

The answer is in two wordsparental 4 .Those two words best summarize the 5 between old child raising and newpost­1960s parenting.Thenthe overall philosophy was that parents were not to be 6 involved with their kids.They were available 7 crisisbut they stood a(n) 8 distance from their kids and allowed them to experience the benefits of the trial­and­error process.It was the children’s 9 back thento keep their parents from getting involved.That was 10 children learned to be responsible and determined.

Today’s parents help their kids with almost everything.These are parents who are 11 when it comes to an understanding of their purpose in their kids’ lives.Their involvement leads them to personalize everything that happens to their kids 12 the defensiveness.But given that schools and mental health professionals have been pushing parental involvement for nearly four decadesthe confusion and defensiveness are 13 .

University researchers analyzed three decades of data relating to parental participation in children’s academics.Their conclusions 14 what I’ve been saying since the 1980sparental help with homework 15 a child’s academic achievement and is not reflected on standardized tests.

Parents who manage children’s social life interfere with the 16 of good social skills.Parents who manage children’s afterschool activities raise kids who don’t know how to 17 their own free time.Parents who get involved in their kids’ 18 with peers raise kids who don’t know how to avoid trouble.

These kids have anxieties and fears of all sorts and don’t want to leave their 19 .And their parentswhen the time comesdon’t know how to 20 being parents.You can imagine what will become of their future.

1A.counted on Bresulted in

Ctouched on Dtaken in

2A.associated Blinked

Ccompared Dmatched

3A.parents Badolescents

Cpsychologists Dyouths

4A.assistance Bprotection

Cinvolvement Dpreference

5A.differences Bsimilarities

Cchoices Drelations

6A.slightly Bpassively

Chighly Dfairly

7A.in case of Bin spite of

Cin view of Din fear of

8A.equal Bsafe

Clong Dshort

9A.fault Bturn

Cjob Dattitude

10A.when Bhow

Cwhy Dwhat

11A.confused Bdisappointed

Camazed Dsatisfied

12A.however Bstill

Cyet Dthus

13A.unreasonable Bchangeable

Cunderstandable Davoidable

14A.confirmed Bconvinced

Crealized Dreflected

15A.decides Blowers

Chelps Dstimulates

16A.appearance Bperformance

Cestablishment Ddevelopment

17A.value Bdevote

Cfill Dsave

18A.communication Bconflicts

Ccooperation Dcompetitions

19A.home Bschool

Ccareer Dprofession

20A.start Bignore

Cconsider Dstop


Whether you have a young son or daughter or you simply would like to shop for your favorite kidthere are many toys 21 for you to give the kid you have in mindThe question becomeswith all this 22 aroundyou’ll often find yourself a little bit 23 at what might be the right choice.When you are in such a situationhoweveryou should always remember that construction toys are great when it 24 to young childrenfor a variety of reasons.Building toys can do excellent things for the motor reflexes(运动反射) of a young boy or girland the child you have in mind will be happy to 25 the toyswith which they can 26 and create.

When you are looking at young childrenperhaps the first things you think of are soft toys.Although soft toys can be very 27 building toys can help a child develop considerably faster!

21A.anxious Bavailable

Creliable Dappropriate

22A.variety Bquality

Cdifference Dadvantage

23A.disappointed Bsurprised

Clost Dannoyed

24A.replies Bgoes

Ccomes Dcaters

25A.give up Bput away

Cmake out Dplay with

26A.build Bcopy

Cwatch Dequip

27A.interesting Bdisgusting

Ccomforting Damusing

Many say that 28 of sexsmall children are instinctively attracted by the toys that 29 them to be builders and architects.One way to 30 this is by purchasing a set of small wooden blocks and planks(木板) that are 31 to a child’s hands.These toyswhile simplegive a child a sense of 32 over his or her environment and can help them learn more about it as well.

Though you might not 33 see itconstruction toys also make children more 34 .Think about a small child building a house with you.When the house is doneyou can always ask the child who he or she thinks lives there.

Many parents are a little 35 as to how to play with their childrenespecially as those children get olderand you will soon see that if you have something to 36 withlike building toys or construction setsyou will be able to form a rapport(密切关系) with them.

When you are looking for toys that will both 37 your child and improve his or her manual dexterity(灵巧)you are 38 to see what you can find from construction toys. 39 you might not find what you are looking for right awaytake a look at the innovative toys that are offered in Europelike the KAPLA Building Planks and CLICS.Take a look around and don’t let these 40 development years pass by without comment.This is a great time to improve your child’s reflexesso don’t let them pass you both by!

28A.instead Bdespite

Cregardless Dplenty

29A.allow Burge

Crequire Dprefer

30A.enjoy Badmit

Cavoid Ddevelop

31A.fixed Bsized

Cused Dapplied

32A.duty Bfreedom

Cbelonging Dcontrol

33A.finally Bgradually

Cimmediately Dcontinuously

34A.creative Bactive

Csensitive Dpositive

35A.satisfied Binterested

Cimpressed Dconfused

36A.argue Bwork

Ccompare Dcompete

37A.challenge Bdefeat

Cdistinguish Dconnect

38A.forced Bsupposed

Cpermitted Dwarned

39A.Unless BUntil

CWhile DAlthough

40A.valuable Bflexible

Ccontroversial Dmiserable


There are many different ways of seeing a town for the first time.One of them is to walk around itguidebook 41 hand.Of coursewe may 42 with our guidebooks the history and 43 developments of a town and get to know them. 44 thenif we take out time and 45 in a town for a whilewe may get to know it better.When we 46 it as a wholewe begin to have some 47 which even the best guidebooks do not answer.Why is the town just 48 thisthis shapethis planthis sizeWhy do its streets 49 in this particular wayand not in any 50 way.Why?

Here even the best guidebook 51 us.One can’t find in it the information about how a town has developed to the 52 appearance.It may not describe the original(最初的) 53 of a town.Howeverone may get some idea of what it 54 look like by walking around the town.One can also imagine 55 the town was first planned and built.Then one can learn more about in what direction the town 56 to develop.

What is the 57 of studying towns in the wayFor meit is 58 that one gets a greater depth of pleasure by visiting and seeing a town with one’s own eyes.A 59 visit to a town may help one better understand why it is attractive 60 just reading about it in a guidebook.

41A.in Bat Cby Don

42A.write Bstudy Ctell Dremember

43A.strange Bsimilar

Cseparate Dspecial

44A.But BBefore CSince DUntil

45A.march Bwork Cstay Dwait

46A.look at Blook after

Clook for Dlook up

47A.ideas Bopinions

Cfeelings Dquestions

48A.of Bfor Clike Das

49A.open Brun Cbegin Dmove

50A.one Bmore Cother Dsuch

51A.helps Btricks

Cfails Dsatisfies

52A.old Bnormal

Cfirst Dpresent

53A.capital Bmeaning

Cdesign Dchange

54A.used to Bseemed to

Chad to Dhappened to

55A.what Bhow Cwhen Dwhere

56A.stops Bappears

Cstarts Dcontinues

57A.point Bview

Cproblem Ddifficulty

58A.nearly Bsimply

Cgenerally Dhardly

59A.costly Bformal

Cgroup Dpersonal

60A.from Bthan

Cthrough Dwith




Ⅰ.1.high­paying 2.unhappy 3.workweeks 4.respect 5.their lives 6.personal and social

.The author told us through the experiences and feelings after they graduated that we should not pursue money to build a high­quality life.In factthe personal and social costs are the ones we need to consider most.

.1.finishing 2.and 3.well 4.it 5.lucky

6friendly 7.with 8.where 9.replaced 10.a








强化练(十六) 完形填空——说明文和议论文


1B [班级规模减小,对每个孩子的投入增加并没有导致他们取得更好的成绩。count on依靠,依赖;touch on提及,谈及;take in吸收,理解,欺骗。result in导致,符合语境,故选B项。]

2C [与上个世纪60年代或以前的孩子比,现在孩子的精神健康很糟。associate联系,联想;link连接,联系;match匹配,比得上。compare...with...…………相比,此处用的是过去分词作状语,符合题意,故选C项。]

3A [老师告诉家长他们的孩子在学校表现不好,他们会为孩子辩护。parents父母;adolescent青少年;psychologist心理学家;youth青年。从下文的their children可知这里指的是现如今的父母,故选A项。]

4C [此处是对第一段四个问题的回答。答案是两个词:parental involvement(父母的卷入)assistance帮忙;protection保护;involvement卷入;preference偏爱。下文多次出现involvement也是提示,故选C项。]

5A [这里指的是现在和过去在抚养孩子上的不同。similarity相似之处;choice选择;relation关系。difference区别,此处指新老两代人抚养孩子的区别,符合题意,故选A项。]

6C [当时普遍被接受的做法是父母不应该过多地关注孩子的生活。slightly稍微地;passively被动地;fairly公平地,相当地。highly大量地,be highly involved with过多地关注,符合语境,故选C项。]

7A [如果孩子出现了危机,父母还是会在他们身边的。in spite of尽管;in view of鉴于,考虑到;in fear of担心,害怕。in case of如果,假使,符合语境。故选A项。]

8B [但是父母们会站在一个安全的距离,这里的安全有两层意思,既能保护孩子不受到危险的伤害,又能让孩子在不断摸索的过程中获得一些益处。此外,前面的crisis也是选择safe的一个依据,故选B项。]

9C [在过去,不让父母卷入到他们的生活中来,因为这是孩子自己的职责。fault过失;turn轮流,依次;attitude态度。job任务,职责,符合语境,故选C项。]

10B [那就是那时的孩子如何学会具有责任感并且意志坚定的。此句是对这一段的概括,讲的是孩子如何变得独立的,强调方式,故选B项。]

11A [当涉及他们在孩子生活中的意义的时候,现如今的家长也很迷茫。confused迷茫的;disappointed失望的;amazed惊讶的;satisfied满足的。本段最后一句话中的confusion也给出了暗示。故选A项。]

12D [家长过多地关注孩子的生活,使得他们在看待发生在孩子身上的事情时太主观化、个人化,不够客观,这必然会让家长们在每一件事上都在辩解。此空前后是因果关系,thus因此,符合题意,故选D项。]

13C [但是考虑到近40年以来学校和一些心理专家一直在鼓励家长参与孩子的生活中去,所以家长的困惑和辩解也是可以理解的。unreasonable不合情理的;changeable易变的;avoidable可避免的;understandable可以理解的,符合语境。故选C项。]

14A [他们的结论也确认了我自从上个世纪80年代以来一直所说的,父母在孩子作业上的帮助降低了孩子的学习成绩,也没有在标准化考试方面有所体现。convince使……信服;realize意识到;reflect反映。confirm确认,符合语境,故选A项。]

15B [根据上文可知,父母在孩子作业上的帮助降低了孩子的成绩。后面的“...is not reflected on standardized tests.”也说明父母对孩子作业的帮助并没有起到积极的作用。decide决定;help帮助;stimulate激发。lower降低,符合题意。]

16D [试图管理、控制孩子社交生活的家长必然会阻碍孩子发展好的社交技能。appearance外貌;performance表演,表现;establishment建立。development形成,发展,培养,符合语境,故选D项。]

17C [给孩子安排课外活动的家长培养出来的孩子不知道如何去利用他们的空闲时间。value珍惜,重视;devote奉献,致力于;save节约,救。fill打发,消磨。fill one’s time打发某人的时间,即安排某人的时间,符合题意。故选C项。]

18B [后面的内容说孩子不知道该如何去避免麻烦,这里应该指的是孩子和其他孩子发生冲突。communication交流;cooperation合作;competition竞争。conflict冲突,符合题意。故选B项。]

19A [父母过多地卷入到孩子的生活中,必然会让孩子习惯依赖父母而不敢走出家门,独立生活,注意第一段和这一段的联系。leave home走出家门,符合题意,故选A项。]

20D [当这一时候来临时,指的是孩子应该走出家门,独立生活,父母也不知道该如何从孩子们的生活中走出来了。start开始;ignore忽视;consider考虑,认为。stop停止;stop being parents指的是不再卷入到孩子的生活中去,让他们独立生活。故选D项。]


21B [你有很多可以得到的玩具给你的孩子。available可得到的,符合本题题意。anxious担心的,焦虑的;reliable可靠的;appropriate合适的,恰当的,根据后文内容不知道选择什么玩具,可知此处不是有很多合适的玩具,而是有很多玩具可以买到,故排除D项。]

22A [有如此多种多样的玩具,因此你会发现自己很迷惑,不知道选择哪一种。variety各种各样,此处指代各种各样的玩具,符合题意。quality品质,质量;difference区别,不同;advantage优势。]

23C [有如此多种多样的玩具,因此你会发现自己很迷惑,不知道选择哪一种。lost at迷惑,不知所措的,符合题意。disappointed失望的;surprised惊讶的;annoyed恼怒的。]

24C [当涉及小孩的时候,建筑玩具是非常棒的。when it comes to ...当谈到……的时候,当涉及……的时候,为固定结构。]

25D [玩这种玩具,你心目中的孩子会很高兴的。play with the toys玩这些玩具。give up放弃;put away放好,收起来;make out辨认出,理解,都不符合题意。]

26A [你心目中的孩子会很高兴玩这些可以用来建造和创造的玩具。with which指的是with the toys,用这些玩具来进行建造和创造,故选buildcopy复制;watch观看;equip装备。]

27C [尽管毛绒玩具可能非常令人舒服,但是建筑玩具却能帮助孩子更快成长。comforting令人感到舒适的,符合题意。interesting有趣的,跟建筑玩具相比,毛绒玩具应该是令人舒服,而不是有趣。disgusting令人作呕的;amusing“有趣的interesting意思接近。]

28C [很多人说,不论性别,小孩会本能地被那些能让他们成为建设者和建筑家的玩具所吸引。regardless of不管,不论,符合题意。instead of代替;despite of尽管;plenty of充足。]

29A [这种玩具允许他们成为建设者和建筑家。allow允许,符合题意。urge敦促;require要求;prefer更喜欢。]

30D [培育孩子成为建设者和建筑家的一个方法就是通过购买一套孩子的手那么大小的木砖和木板。develop培育,这里指培养孩子成为建设者和建筑 家。enjoy享受;admit承认,允许进入;avoid避免。]

31B [给孩子买一套孩子的手那么大小的木砖和木板。be sized to...……大小的,符合题意。be fixed to被固定到……be used to习惯于;be applied to被运用于……]

32D [这些玩具,尽管简单,却能给孩子一种掌控他们环境的感觉。根据上下文,这种玩具有利于孩子的创造性,让孩子有一种能掌控环境的感觉。control控制,符合题意。duty责任;freedom自由;belonging属于,跟to搭配。]

33C [建筑玩具也能让孩子更有创造性,尽管你不能立刻看到(效果)immediately立刻,马上,符合题意。finally最终;gradually逐渐地,慢慢地;continuously继续地。]

34A [这种建筑玩具能让孩子更具有创造性。creative具有创造性的,符合题意。active活跃的;sensitive敏感的;positive积极的,主动的。]

35D [很多家长对于如何跟孩子玩耍感到有点迷惑。confused感到迷惑的,符合语境。satisfied感到满意的;interested感兴趣的;impressed印象深刻的。]

36B [你很快就会发现,如果你和你的孩子有东西一起合作,比如建筑玩具,你就能跟他们有密切的关系。work with从事……工作,这里指和孩子一起玩建筑玩具。argue争论;compare比较;compete竞争。]

37A [当你在寻找既能挑战你的孩子又能提高孩子手的灵巧性的玩具时,你应该看到你能在建筑玩具中发现的东西。建筑玩具对于孩子具有一定的挑战性,故选challenge“挑战defeat打败;distinguish区分,分辨;connect联系,连接。]

38B [你应该看到你能在建筑玩具中发现的东西。be supposed to应该,符合题意。be forced to被迫;be permitted to被允许;be warned to被警告。]

39C [当你可能不能立刻找到你正在寻找的东西的时候,你可以看看在欧洲被提供的创新玩具。while……时候,引导时间状语从句。unless除非;until直到……为止;although尽管,引导让步状语从句。]

40A [环顾一下四周,别让那些有价值的成长岁月悄然流逝。根据句意在孩子成长过程中,给他们建筑玩具,培养他们的创造性非常重要,也很有价值,故选valuable“有价值的flexible灵活的;controversial有争议的;miserable悲惨的,痛苦的。]


41A [guidebook in hand是独立主格结构,作状语,表示方式。]

42B [了解一座城市的方式很多,其中之一就是环城徒步旅行,当然,我们还可以借助guidebook来研究(study)其历史和特有的(special)发展并了解他们。]

43D [special是指这个城市所特有的。]

44A [上文讲我们可以借助导游手册研究其历史和发展,下文讲如果我们从容一点,在一个城市小住几天,则对其了解更多。此处有转折的意思。]

45C [见上题。]

46A [look at在本题中有考虑,判断的意思,look at...as a whole意思是从整体上看 ]

47D [下文有动词answer,此处是先行词,在定语从句中作answer的宾语,只有questions才能构成动宾关系。]

48C [介词like意思是]

49B [run在这里意思是延伸;延续;继续]

50C [in any other way以其它方式。]

51C [fail在这里的意思是使……失望。从上下文看出,导游手册也不能回答以上这些问题。]

52D [present adj.现在的,当前的。]

53C [the original design of a town一座城市最初的设计。]

54A [what it used to look like城市过去的样子,与上文的the original design of a town相呼应。]

55B [选项A是疑问代词,用在此处语法结构错误;选项CD分别指这座城市首次建造的时间和地点,与上文“the original design of a town”和“what it used to look like”没有联系;选项B表示这座城市的设计建造方式。]

56D [与上句一致,意思是人们还能更多地了解这座城市未来继续发展的方向。]

57A [point在本句的意思是用途,目的]

58B [nearly几乎;generally一般地;hardly几乎不,都不符合题意。simply仅仅,只是。作者以这种方式去了解一座城市的原因很简单,仅仅是通过亲眼去看,去感受,一个人就能获得更大的快乐。]

59D [personal亲自的,亲身的,与上一句里的“visiting and seeing a town with one’s own eyes”意思相一致。]

60B [前面有比较级better,这里当然用介词than]

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