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高英单词 lesson 14

时间:2016-01-08 10:59:39    下载该word文档


1. conviction n. 坚定的看法或信念


Conviction 更强调一种“毋庸置疑的信念“,我们可以将其理解为a belief that excludes doubt, 如:It’s my conviction that complacency is at the root of our troubles.

Belief 仅仅是一种观念,不一定是人们极力相信的,如:There is nothing more natural than a child’s belief in his parents.

2. horde n. (有时作贬义)一群,一伙

e.g. a horde of children ran over the office building

3. enlist v. 赢得……的支持或合作

E.g. I have enlisted the co-operation of most of my colleagues in my campaign.

4. croquet n. 槌球游戏

5. revert v. 回到(原话题或思路)

e.g. The conversation kept reverting to the subject of money.

6. arch adj. 主要的,首要的

e.g. Their arch foe is the Chicago Bull.

10. folly n. 荒唐事,愚蠢的行为或事例

e.g. The old man regretted the follies of his youth.

7. regime n. 政体,政权制度

8. devoid adj. 完全缺乏的

e.g. This novel is devoid of wit and inventiveness.

9. ferocious adj. 极为野蛮的,残忍的

11. till v. 耕种,耕作

12. immemorial adj. 古老的,久远的,无法追忆的

e.g. The Chinese have been worshipping their ancestors since time immemorial.

13. wring v. 榨取,勒索,压榨

e.g. They wrung the truth out of her.

14. primordial adj. 原始的,基本的,主要的

e.g. The universe was created out of a primordial ball of matter.

15. clank v. 发出当朗声,使发出铿锵声

e.g. The prisoner’s ankle chains clanked as they walked.

16. click v. (使)发出咔哒声,发出轻而短的声音

e.g. The door clicked shut behind him.

17. dandify v. (使)打扮得像纨绔子弟,盛装

18. cow v. 恐吓,威胁

e.g. He cowed them with his hard eyes like a tamer among beasts.

19. docile adj. 听话的,容易教的,易驾驭的,易控制的

同义词:obedient, tractable, compliant

Obedient指“对权威或控制自己的人的命令、指令顺从的”,如:an obedient child;

Docile指“性格温顺而无意反抗的”,如:a docile wife;

Tractable指“易控制或管理的”,如:a tractable horse;

Compliant指“愿意顺从别人的”,如:A compliant person gives in easily to other people’s views.

20. Hun n. 用于对德国人的蔑称,尤指第一次世界大战中的德国士兵

21. plod v. 步履维艰地走,沉重缓慢地走

e.g. We plodded on through the rain for several hours.

22. smart v. 感到剧痛,感到痛心

e.g. No creature smarts so little as a fool.

23. villainous adj. 恶劣的,邪恶的

e.g. Such a villainous band of thieves broke into the store.

24. cataract n. 大瀑布,洪流

25. declare v. 宣布,宣告,声明

e.g. The United States declared war against Iraq.

同义词:announce, publish, proclaim

Declare常用于正式场合,指“正式而公开地让人知道,或通过官方使……为人所知清楚”,如:He declared his intention to run for office.

Announce侧重“把人们关心或感兴趣的事情正式公布于众”,如:It has been announced that Mr. Smith and Miss Jones will be married next week.

Publish指“通过书面的方式让公众都知道”,如:News of the general’s sudden death was not published for several days.

Proclaim 一般用于公共或正式场合,着重指“庄严地或者严肃认真地向广大群众宣布某一重大的事件”,如:The government proclaimed a law.

26. concur v. 同意,赞成

e.g. She has expressed her opinions to the plan, and I fully concur with her in this manner.

27. vestige n. 痕迹,遗迹,(某物的)残余

同义词:trace, track

Trace指“某些已出现或发生的事情所留下的记号、痕迹等”,如:Age has left its traces on her face.

Vestige指“过去存在的事物所留下的遗迹或残余”,如: Not a vestige of the abbey remains.

Track 指“车辆、行人、动物等经过后留下的痕迹、踪迹或足迹”,如:The hunter followed the animal’s tracks.

28. parley v. 与……会谈,与……谈判(尤其指和对立一方进行商讨)

e.g. The opposing sides come to realize that a pointless quarrel doesn’t help the situation; therefore, they plan to parley with each other.

29. creed n. 信条,信念

30. divergence n. 分歧

e.g. There is a great divergence of opinions among the board of directors.


31. woefully adv.可悲地,不幸地

e.g. The preparations were woefully inadequate.

32. fortify v. 巩固,强化,设防,设要塞

e.g. After praying he faced his difficulties with a fortified spirit.

33. tyranny n. 专制

e.g. I have sworn…eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.

34. moralise v. (=moralize) (常用作贬义)训导,说教(尤其指自以为是的说教)

e.g. He is always moralizing about the behaviour of young people.

35. catastrophe n. 大灾难,异常的灾祸

36. blood-lust n. 杀戮欲

37. lure v. 诱惑,引诱

e.g. Many young engineers have been lured to go abroad by the promise of high wages.

38. outrage n. (常用于贬义)暴虐,残忍

e.g. Those who had been under colonial rule for more than century wouldnever forget the outrages committed by the aggressive troops.

39. hurl v. 用力投掷,猛地推进

e.g. The soldier hurled himself upon the enemy.

40. prelude n. 序曲,前奏

e.g. The bankruptcy of several small firms was the prelude to general economic collapse.

41. subjugation n.征服,制服

42. hearth n. 炉边,家庭生活,家


1. round up 驱集,使聚拢

e.g. The guide rounded up the tourists and led them back to the coach.

2. count on 依靠,信赖,指望

e.g. Don’t count on a salary increase this year.

3. go all out 全力以赴

e.g. The team is going all out to win the championship.

4. make a reference to 提及,提到

e.g. The commentator made a pointed reference to the recent scandal.

5. to the effect that ……大意为

e.g. He left a note to the effect that he would not be returning.

6. on the threshold of 在……门口,在……的开端

e.g. The politician was on the threshold of his career.

7. tie down 束缚,限制,奴役

e.g. The veteran worker refuses to be tied down by petty restriction.

8. in due course 在适当的时机,最终

e.g. Your request will be dealt with in due course.

9. it follows that 由此可见,由此断定

e.g. He doesn’t come to work today, but if doesn’t necessarily follow that he is ill.

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