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Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science


1. Different kinds of professions(职业)

computer programmmer cook doctor nurse engineer teacher violinist

driver soldier pianist (basketball) player scientist actor/actress waiter

farmer writer reporter pilot musician magician policeman/policewoman worker postman firefighter babysitter artist conductor shopkeeper salesman

clerk lawyer judge model poet guide bookseller sailor manager director

photographor painter dancer singer secretary

2. 询问职业What do you do? What are you? What’s your job?

3. grow up成长长大 4. a race car driver 一个赛车手 5. the coming year 来年

6. get a lot of exercise 多锻炼 7. write down 写下记下 8. physical health 身体健康

9. study medicine at a university 在大学学医 10. take medicine. 吃药

11. New Year’s resolutions 新年的决心 12. eat healthier food 吃更健康的食物

13. give the meaning of resolution 解释决心的含义 14. make the soccer team 组建足球队

15. a cooking school 一所厨师学校 16. another foreign language 另一门外语

17. at the beginning of… 开始时 18. at the end of … 结束时/的终点

19. What do you want to be when you grow up?

(vi) 生长发育 Vegetables here grow well. He grows taller.

逐渐变得渐渐 He grew old. He grew to like his job.

(vt) 种植 People grow rice in South China.

留长蓄长(头发、胡须等 I’ve dicided to grow my hair.

grow up 长大成长 grow into... 长成 He has grown into a young man

20. I’m going to keep on writing stories 我将继续写故事。

保持(状态): 如: keep healthy. Keep the door open

记(日记、账簿) 如: keep a diary

抚养(人);饲养(动) 如: keep his family; keep a pet.

保留;留下 如: You can keep the book for two days.

持续 keep (sb.)doing sth. (不停)如:They kept me talking.

keep on doing sth. (间歇后)如:keep on trying

keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做… keep up with 跟上;赶上

21. Just make sure you try your best.

to do sth. 一定会... 如:She is sure to pass the text.

of /about sth. ...有把握 如:I’m sure of the result.

that 从句 确信... I’m sure that he will succeed.

确信的 Be sure to do sth. 一定要/务必 Be sure to come tomorrow.

有把握的 make sure of sth. 如:You should make sure of the time.

务必 确保;核实 that 从句 Make sure (that) anyone else knows the secrets

当然 for sure 确切地;肯定地 No one knows for sure what happens.

be sure of oneself 有自信 sure = certainly = of course 当然(回答请求)

22. I’m going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers.

邮寄;发送 send a letter/ message

打发;派遣(人) send sb. to sp. ; send sb to do sth.

派(车等) : Will you send a car for him?

send up 发射;使上升 send away 开除;赶走; send for 派(人)去请

23. Sounds like a good plan. (=That sounds like a good plan.) 听起来像一个好计划。

(n)声音 voice 嗓音;说话声 noise:噪音

(v)听起来 sound+adj That sounds wonderful.(feel/smell/taste/look )

听起来sound like sth. It sounds like a good idea.

24. Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos.


拿起 please take up your book and read.

开始做(兴趣) He took up (playing) golf when he was a child.

占用(时、空) The desk takes up too much room. I’m sorry to take up your time.

25. The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions. 新的一年的开始常常是下决心的时候。

26. For this reason, some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions. 因为这个原因

/向;(电话礼物)给 I’m leaving for London soon. Here are some flowers for you

为了... For further information, please call me.

...期间() I’m going to stay there for three day.

适于... 如: Scary movies are not for children.

...来说 It’s necessary for him to be more creative.

以为交换/代价 You can buy the shoes for 20 yuan.

因为 Thank you for helping me. I had to stop, for I was feeling quite hungry.

支持 Are you for or against 反对 the plan?

27. Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork.


have to do with... ...有关 (adj)每周(一次)的 a weekly newspaper

have nothing to do with......无关 (adv) 每周(一次)= every week

day---daily每周(的); month---monthly每月(的) ; year---yearly 每年(的)

28Most of the time, we make promises to other people. 大部分时候我们向别人做出承诺。

(n)承诺诺言 make promises to sb.to do sth. 许下承诺...

promise (sb.) to do sth. I promise (you) not to tell anyone.

(v)承诺 promise that从句 He promised (that) he would help me.

保证 promise sb.sth.=promise sth. to sb. I can’t promise you anything.

I promise myself to travel around the world one day.

keep a promise :遵守承诺 break a promise 违背承诺

29. The first resolution is about my own personal improvement. 第一个决心与自我提高有关。

1) (v) 拥有 He owned his own study. 他拥有自己的书房。

(adj)自己的 I saw the accident with my own eyes. 我亲眼看到的这起事故。

owner: 所有者;拥有者 the owner of the house on one’s own: 单独;独自 (=alone)

2). improve(v):(使好转改善 I expect to improve my English. improvement (n) 改进改善

improve on sth. 做出改进 He improved on his plan.

30. To question the idea of making resolutions. 下决心这种想法提出质疑

(n)问题;疑问 the answer to the question in question 在讨论中 out of question 毫无疑问

(v) 提问盘问询问 She was questioned about the fire. 她被询问有关火灾的事情。

怀疑;...表示疑问: No one has ever questioned his honesty. 没有人怀疑他的忠诚。


1. 你长大时想干什么?What do you want to be when you grow up? = What are you going to be when you grow up?

2. 我想做一名篮球运动员。I want to be a basketball player. = I am going to be a basketball player.

3. 你打算如何成为一名作家?How are you going to become a writer?

4. 我打算坚持写故事。I am going to keep on writing stories.

5. 并非所有人都知道他们想干什么。Not everyone knows what they want to be.

6. 你打算在哪里工作?Where are you going to work?

7. 你打算什么时候开始? When are you going to start?

8. 我打算写文章并且寄给杂志社和报社。I am going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers.

9. 大部分时间,我们向他人做出承诺。Most of the time, we make promises to other people.

10. 一些人写下他们来年的决定和计划。Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year.

11. 有时这些决定可能太难而无法遵行。Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.

12. 我计划改善我和家人朋友的关系。I am going to improve the relationships with my family and friends.

13. 最后一个决定是关于如何在学校做得更好。The last resolution is about how to do better at school.

14. 听起来像一个好的计划。Sounds like a good plan.

15. 新年伊始经常是做决定的时候。The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions.

16. 我们希望我们将改善我们的生活。We hope that we are going to improve our lives.

17. 大多数决定都有一个共同点。Most resolutions have one thing in common.

18. 现在我知道你为什么如此擅长写故事了。Now I know why you`re so good at writing stories.

19. 你就能成为你想成为的人了。You can be anything you want .



1. 含义一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态也表示将来经常或反复发生的动作常与tomorrow,   next month, the day after tomorrow, at once, in the future, soon, 等表示将来的时间状语连用.

2. 结构: 助动词 + 动词原形: 1) will +动词原形 (第一人称用shall 2) be going to +动词原形

1). 否定 一加二改 一加(助动词 + not ; 二改 some 改为 any

1). He will visit you tomorrow. ----- He won’t visit you tomorrow. (won’t = will not)

2). They’re going to buy some food. ---- They aren’t going to buy any food.

2). 一般疑问:一提二改三升调:把(will / be 到句首;把some改为any、句号改为问好;读声调

1). Will he visit you tomorrow? ------ Yes, he will. / No, he won’t.

2). Are they going to buy any food? ------ Yes , they are. / No, they aren’t.

3. 辨析从不严格的语法角度而言 be going to will二者可以互换

1be going to 表示根据主观判断及将要发生的事情或含有计划准备的意思。

2will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。 He will be twenty years old next month.


1). There be 句型的一般将来时结构为:There is going to / will be + n...: 将会有...

2). come, go, leave, arrive等表示位置移动的动词常用现在进行时表示将来:He is leaving.

3). 在条件、时间状语从句中,一般是主将从现。

If it is fine tomorrow, I’m going on a trip.

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