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时间:2011-07-31 11:34:36    下载该word文档


Name_________ score____________

Listening30 points

. Listen and choose. 10'

( ) 1. A. bat B. hat C. mat

( ) 2. A. bad B. sad C. mad

( ) 3. A. pen B. hen C. ken

( ) 4. A. dog B. fog C. log

( ) 5. A. nib B. hid C. kid

( ) 6. A. bug B. rug C. mug

( ) 7. A. game B. name C. came

( ) 8. A. hate B. late C. mate

( ) 9. A. he B. she C. we

( ) 10. A. side B. ride C. hide

. Listen and write. 5'

This is a big______. You can _______many toys in it. You can find a toy ______ in this big ________ . You can find a toy _________ in it, too.

. Listen and tick. 10'

( ) 1. A. B. C.

( ) 2. A. B. C.

( ) 3. A. B. C.

( ) 4. A. 拍球 B. 踢毽子 C. 画小丑的鼻子

( ) 5. A. 紫色 B. 粉色 C. 绿色

. Listen and fill in the blanks. 5'

1. This is my new ________. ( pen, pencil )

2. It’s a ________ . ( goat, sheep )

3. I want some ________ , please! ( grapefruits, pineapples )

4. What’s ________ my hat. ( on, in )

5. The windows are ________ . ( pink, purple )

Writing70 points

. Spell new words and translate. 5'

1. e, a, p, c, h ( ) 2. k, s, i, r, t ( )

3. c, o, r, r, a, t ( ) 4. t, h, o, u, m ( )

5. f ,t, o, o ( )

. Look and write the missing letters. 10'

h i

h ad

e e o e


m th

ne k r

h d

l g

f ot

. Look, think and match. 10'

bounce the ball kick the shuttlecock

draw the clown’s nose hopscotch pick and put

. 找出下列单词中划线部分发音不同的一项。 5'

( ) 1. A. bed B. pen C. lad

( ) 2. A. egg B. vet C. hat

( ) 3. A. cup B. mat C. mud

( ) 4. A. dame B. game C. fat

( ) 5. A. she B. we C. apple

. 读一读,选一选。10'

1. ( ) The windows blue. A. are B. is

2. ( ) Miss Pear a blue bag. A. with B. to

3. ( ) He’s got three . A. eye B. eyes

4. ( ) I want some . A. apple B. apples

5. ( ) Miss Apple with orange cap. A. a B. an

6. ( ) A: Your name, please? B: .

A. I’m Sam. B. Your name is Sam.

7. ( ) A: What would you like, Miss? B: .

A. I’d like some coconuts. B. I’d like one.

8. ( ) A: Where is Sam? B: .

A. He must be in the lemon house. B. Pick and put.

9. ( ) A: What’s in my hat? B: It’s .

A. an eraser. B. a eraser.

10. ( ) A: What’s this? B: .

A. It’s a goat. B. That’s a goat.

.读句子,对的写“Yes, 错的写“No 10'

( ) 1. This is a sheep. 山羊

( ) 2. A clock in the desk. 桌子上有一个闹钟

( ) 3. He has two arms. 他有两只手臂

( ) 4. This is a black skirt. 这是一条黑色的裙子

( ) 5.What would you like? 你喜欢什么?

分类 10

blue pink lemon carrot potato purple green

eye black pear neck lime foot coconut hair

onion bean arm tomato grape

1 body :____________________________________________________________.

2 fruit:______________________________________________________________.

3 vegetables:_________________________________________________________.

4 colours:___________________________________________________________.

. 画图 10

1.three books 2.four apples

3.two eyes 4. my head

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