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Unit 10 1.对某人来说做某事是……
Its adj for sb to do sth ②人品 Its adj( of sb to do sth 不定式To do sth is 动名词Doing sth is
2.有一个健康的生活方式 have a healthy 帮我的父母做家务 help my parents with the housework 考前学习 study before my exams 21.立刻,马上 right now=at once=right away 3a 22.改过永不晚Its never too late to change bad habits. lifestyle 3.努力学习 study hard 4.对我们所有人来说 to us all 5.和家人共度时光spend time with the family 6.得到足够睡眠 get enough sleep 7. talk problems over with sb/someone 8.stay healthy/fit=keep healthy/fit 9.在校的行为举止behavior at school 10.健康和幸福 health and happiness 12.太……而不能做某事 tooto do sth 13.她自己做决定 make her own decisions 14.在外面呆到很晚 stay out late 15. agree to meet strangers 16.agree ①同意做某事agree to do sth=agree on doing sth ②同意某人的意见(话)agree with sb=what sb said disagree都适用 nagreement be in agreement with
17.在网上聊天chat on the Internet 18.为了…… in order to do sth 为了健康 in order to be healthy 19.need(实)
①必须做某事need to do sth=have to do sth sth need(s to be done=sth need(s doing 20.过度玩电脑游戏play computer games too much 23.对某人来说是困难的be difficult for sb 24.度过 get through 25.他们的青春期(青少年时期their teenage years 26.with the help of sb/ones help 27.对某人有好处be good for sb 28. listen to very loud music 29.对某人听力有害 be bad for ones hearing 30.一方面,另一方面 on the one hand, on the other hand 31.家常饭 home cooking 32.注意…… pay attention to sth/doing sth pay attention to your prounuciation 33.改变他的态度 change his attitude 34.乐意做某事 be happy to do sth 乐意帮助他 be happy to help him 高兴做某事be glad to do sth 高兴看见你be glad to see you 35.很……去做……
be adjreadyafraidannoyed to do sth 例外:忙于做某事 be busy doing sth 36.改变坏习惯 change bad habits 37.闲逛 hang out 38.有点太多 a little too much 39.prefer to do sth rather than do sth=would rather do sth than do sth=prefer doing sth to doing sth 40.吃得更健康eat more healthily
41.信任她 trust her 相信某人(为人,人品)trust sb=believe in sb 相信某人的话believe sb=believe what sb said 42. try to do sth=do/try ones best to do sth 43.让她安排自己的生活 let her organize less seriously 62.It rains heavily=It rains hard 63. make a good study plan
64.表现差 behave badly=perform badly 65.生某人的气 be angry with sb her own life 44.再……也会/也能做 never tooto do sth 活到老,学到老。One is never to old to learn 一个人再老也喜欢圣诞袜子。One is never to old to like Christmas socks. 45. be hardly ever stressed 46.抽更多的时间来读书find more time to read books 47. talk things over with ones parents more often 48. exercise more regularly 49.吃更健康的食物 eat healthier food 50.实在太频繁 much too often 51.放弃垃圾食品 give up junk food 戒烟酒 give up smoking and drinking 3a 52. choose TV programs carefully 53.尽量不吃太多的盐或油 try not to eat too much salt or oil 54.认真地学习 study seriously 55.有一个好态度 have a good attitude 56.尽可能频繁地帮助别人 help others out as often as you can 57.见陌生人 meet up with strangers 58.尽可能少地玩电脑游戏 play computer games as little as possible 59.和朋友一起分担困难 share problems with your friends 60.笑口常开 laugh more 61.不要把困难看得太重
take troubles 生某物的气 be angry at sth 66.在此时此刻 at the moment 67.很理解某人 understand sb well 68.感到无聊 feel bored 69.在……方面达成一致 agree on+从句 70.显然 Its clear that+从句
71.在日常生活中 in everyday life=in daily life 72.在……中部 in the middle of=in the center of 73.事实上in fact=actually 74.一个十分钟的小睡a ten-minute nap=a ten minutes nap 75.午饭后 at lunchtime 76.允许某人做某事 allow sb to do sth 允许我们工作 allow us to work 77.找到一个做某事的机会 find a chance to do sth 抽出时间做某事 find the time to do sth the+序数词to do sth 78.在……方面有严重影响have serious effects/a serious effect on sth(our brains ability to work. 79. have problems with
在你的记忆力或是注意力上有影响 have problems with your memory or with your concentration 集中精力v. concentrate 80. our brains ability to work ability ①有能力做某事have an ability to do sth =be able to do sth=can do sth have a natural ability to do sth
ability pl. abilities adj. able 81.在测试中表现出色 perform well in tests 82.在睡眠方面有问题 have trouble (in sleeping 83. be nervous or stressed about something 84.睡眠专家 sleep experts 85.强制性入睡 try too hard to get to amount of+不可=much 做主语谓用单 ②……的数量+不可数名词 谓用单 the number ofis a number ofare
105. a large amount of reaserch 里海 the Caspian Sea
sleep try too hard to do sthtry to do sth 86.入睡 get to sleep=fall asleep=go to sleep 87.持续做某事 keep doing sth 一直看着时间 keep looking at the time 88.有好的睡眠习惯 have good sleeping habits 89.在固定的时间 at regular times 90.在一个黑暗、安静的环境 in a dark and quiet environment 91.在喝了太多水之后 after drinking too much water 92.我们所需要的睡眠数量the amount of sleep we need 93.因人而异 be different from person to person 94.接近于 just under 95.有一个做某事的方法 have a way to do sth/of doing sth have a simpler way of looking at it 有一个更简单的方式来看待它 96.在白天 in the daytime 97.它意味着 it means 98.得到适当数量的睡眠get the right amount of sleep 99.以它最佳状态工作 work at its best 100.睡眠的数量 the amount of sleep 101. less sleep affects your results 102. be important to sb=be of importance to sb 103.影响 n. effect v.affect 104.amount a (large amount of+=an

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