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时间:2018-06-30 23:40:27    下载该word文档

1、中国民间艺术与中国哲学统一于“阴阳(yin-yang)生万物”这一理念。这一理念源于中国原始社会,是对人类的人生感悟的哲学注解。中国人祖先的哲学论断是“近看自己,远观他人”。要理解中华民族民间艺术的原始艺术,这一结论必不 可少。人类的本能欲望是生存并通过繁衍(propagation)继续存在。人生来的首要 本能是求生,然后是长寿。从原始社会到今天,阴阳和永生的观念始终贯穿中国的社会生活和民族文化。中国民间艺术反映了社会的所有基本哲学理念。

  Chinese folk art and Chinese philosophy are unifiedin the belief that yin-yang produces all living things inthe world. Originated in Chinese primitive society,this was the philosophical explanation of human'sperception of life. Chinese ancestors philosophicalconclusion was to “look at oneself up close and other creatures from afar”,which is essentialto the understanding of the primitive art to the folk art of the nation. To live and to continuelife through propagation are the two instinctive desires of human. From birth, a person's firstinstinct is to survive, and then to live a long life. From primitive society to the present day,the view of yin-yang and perpetual life has permeated in all aspects of social life and thenational culture of Chinese society.Chinese folk art reflects all of the basic philosophicalconcepts.

2、长期以来,饮酒(white spirit)在中国人的生活中一直扮演着重要的角色,无论是帝王还是百姓。饮酒是中国文化的一部分。中国人的祖先在作诗、写散文时喜欢饮酒,在宴会上还会向亲戚朋友敬酒。但饮酒不仅属于文化人,也是普通人生活中不可缺少的一部分。人们在各种场合饮酒,如生日宴会、饯行宴会、婚礼宴会(wedding banquet)等。搬进新房或生意开业时,也会邀请人们来吃饭、饮酒。

  Drinking white spirit has been taking an importantrole in Chinese people’s life from emperors toordinary people for a long time. Drinking white spiritis a part of Chinese culture. Chinese ancestorsenjoyed drinking white spirit while writing poems orproses and they also toasted their relatives and friends at the feast.But drinking white spirit isnot only for scholars,it is also an indispensable part of Chinese ordinary people’s life. Peopledrink white spirit on various occasions, such as the birthday party,farewell dinner,weddingbanquet, etc. When someone moves into a new house or starts doing business,he/she willinvite people for dinner and drinking white spirit.

3、围棋是两位对弈者之间战略性的棋盘游戏(board game)。围棋已有 3000多年的历史,可以说是所有古代棋类游戏的起源。围棋的规则很简单,但是有数不尽的策略。这就是围棋的魅力所在。下一盘围棋的时间短至15分钟,长至数天。但是多数情况下,下一盘围棋需要一或两个小时。围棋是综合科学、艺术和竞赛的游戏。围棋对于智力发展、性格培养和灵活的策略学习非常有益。难怪围棋已经流行了几千年,并逐渐成为一项国际文化游戏。

  Weiqi is a strategic board game between twoplayers. With a history of over 3,000 years, thegame can be regarded as the originator of all ancientchess games.The rules of Weiqi are very simple butthere are countless variations of strategies.This iswhere the beauty of the game lies. The time for one round of weiqi can be as short as 15minutes or as long as a few days. In most cases, though, it takes one or two hours to finishone round. Weiqi is a game that combines science, art and competition. It’s beneficial forintelligence development, personality cultivation and flexible strategy learning. It’s nowonder the game having been popular for thousands of years and is gradually becoming aninternational cultural game.

4、唐朝时期,人们就在昌南建造窑坊(kiln),烧制出一种青白瓷(bluish white porcelain)。青白瓷色彩晶莹,有“人造玉器”的美称,因而远近闻名,并大量出口欧洲。当时,欧洲人还不会制造瓷器,因此中国特别是昌南镇的瓷器很受欢迎。 在欧洲,昌南镇瓷器是备受珍爱的贵重物品,人们以能获得一件昌南镇瓷器为荣。因此,欧洲人就以“昌南”作为瓷器和生产瓷器的“中国”的代称。久而久之,欧洲人就把昌南的本意忘却了,只记得它是“瓷器”,即“中国”了。

  In the Tang Dynasty, people started to build kilns tomake bluish white porcelain in Changnan. The bluishwhite porcelain was glittering and had thereputation of artificial jade, so it became famoushome and abroad and was exported to Europe inlarge amount. At that time, Europeans were not able to make porcelain,so porcelain fromChina,especially from Changnan,was warmly welcomed. In Europe,porcelain from Changnanwas luxurious article cherished by everyone, and obtaining even one piece of it would makepeople feel very proud. In this way,Europeans used Changnan as the code name for china(porcelain) and the place of its production,China. Gradually, Europeans forgot the originalmeaning of Changnan,only remembering it is “china”,namely“China”.

  1.烧制出一种青白瓷:可译为make bluish whiteporcelain, 烧制可译为 make,“青白色的”可译为bluishwhite。
  3.远近闻名:可译为be famous home and abroad。
  4.以…为荣:即be proud of,文中译为…make people feelproud。
  6.只记得它是瓷器:根据前后句,本句可译为only remembering it is “china”, 用现在分词作状语来表达

5、脸谱(facial makeup)是指中国传统戏剧—京剧里男演员脸部的彩色化妆。 它在色彩、形式和类型上有一定的格式。脸谱运用红色、黄色、白色、黑色、紫色、绿色和银色代表不同的人物性格。各角色的脸谱由油漆、粉和油彩画成,基本形式是整脸、三块瓦脸(San Kuai Wa Lian)和碎脸。这些脸谱类型被广泛用于代 表将军、官员、英雄、神灵和鬼魅。通过眼睛和鼻子周围形状各异的白色小块, 可以辨别出丑角(Chou actors)。有时这些小块以黑色勾勒,常称小花脸。

  Facial makeup refers to the colorful painting on theface of the actors in Peking Opera, which is atraditional Chinese opera. It has certain format interms of color,design and type.Red,yellow,white,black,purple,green and silverare the main colors used for facial makeup to represent different characters. The facial designsfor the roles are made by painting, powdering and coloring in the basic forms of ZhengLzan(keeping the basic face pattern),San Kuai Wa Lian(three-section face) and SuiLian(fragmentary face).These types are widely used to represent generals,officials,heroes,gods and ghosts. The Chou (clown) actors can be recognized by the patch of white in variousshapes painted around the eyes and nose. Sometimes these patches are outlined in black, oftencalled Xiao Hua Lian(partly painted face).

  1.脸部的彩色化妆:可译为the colorful painting on theface。
  2.在色彩、形式和类型上:可用词组in terms of表达,译为in terms of color,design and type。
  3.整脸、三块瓦脸和碎脸:“整脸”是最原始的脸谱形式,利用双眉把脸分为额 和面两个部分的脸谱;“三块瓦脸”是在整脸的基础上再利用口鼻把面部分为左右的脸谱;“碎脸”是三块瓦脸的变种,其分界边缘花形极大,破坏了原有的轮廓。这里可先音译成汉语拼音,再在括号内加以解释说明。
  4.形状各异的:即“不同形状的”,可译为in various shapes或in different shapes。
  5.丑角:翻译为Chou actors,同样地,括号内可以加注解(Clown)。

6、华佗是中国东汉(the Eastern Period)和三国时期(the Three Kingdoms Period)著名的医生。他擅长各个医学领域,尤其是外科手术。他被后人称为“外科圣手”(Surgeon Master)”和“外科鼻祖(Founder of Surgery)”。他是一个受过良好教育的人,熟悉古典文学。然而,他拒绝了高官的推荐,决定做一名给老百姓治病的医生。他在开处方和治疗疾病方面技术精湛。此外,他的名字总是和外科手术相联系,因为他被认为是中国第一个外科医生。

  Hua Tuo was a renowned Chinese doctor during the Eastern Han Dynasty andthe Three Kingdoms Period. He was good at all fields of medicine,particularly at surgical operations. He was regarded as the “Surgeon Master” and the “Founder of:Surgery”,He was a well-educated man and was familiar with classical literature.However, he refused the recommendation by high officials,and decided to become a doctor to cure the diseases of the common people. He was highly skilled in writing out prescription and curing illness. In addition,his name is always mentioned in relation to surgeiy, as he was considered the first surgeon in China.


  Mandarin, the official language of China, is suddenly hot in American schools. With the rapid development of China’s economy in the 21th century,both public and private schools in America are scrambling to add Mandarin to their curricula of foreign languages or expandingChinese language programs already in place. By some estimates, as many as 50 000 children nationwide are taking Mandarinin American schools. To develop Chinese-language programs has met some difficulties. A shortage of professionally trained teachers with certificates has madeit difficult for some schools to join the competition. When schools need to employ teachers, they often recruit them fromChina directly, which is a hidden trouble for culture clash.

  官方语言 official language
  普通话 Mandarin
  快速的 rapid 课程 curriculum (pl.curricula)
  已有的 in place
  缺乏 shortage
  受过专业训练 professionally trained
  证书 certificate
  招聘 recruit
  文化冲突 culture clash


  Nowadays, China is stepping into the aging society. Therefore, the only-child generation is facing enormous pressure both from work and life. The Chinese government has begun to adjust the familyplanning policy and allows some families to have a second child under certain circumstances. However, the survey shows thatsome couples abandon to have a second child due to the increasing financial burden. Thus, in order to solve the aging problem,the basic thing is not relying on the increase of birth rate. The best solution is to establish an effective social security system.

  步入 step into
  老龄化社会 aging society
  独生子女一代 the only-child generation
  巨大的 enormous
  调整 adjust
  计划生育政策 the family planning policy
  在特殊情况下 under certain circumstances
  由于,迫于 due to
  放弃 abandon 依靠 rely on
  出生率 birth rate
  有效的 effective
  社会保障制度 social security system

9、和平稳定是发展的前提和基础。上个世纪,人类经历了两次世界大战,生灵涂炭, 经济社会发展遭受严重挫折。第二次世界大战结束以来,世界经济能够快速增长,主要得益于相对和平稳定的国际环境。
  我们应该恪守联合国宪章宗旨和原则,充分发挥联合国及其安理会在维护和平、缔 造和平、建设和平方面的核心作用。坚持通过对话和协商,以和平方式解决国际争端。
  我们应该坚持国家不论大小、强弱、贫富都是国际社会平等一员,以民主、包容、 合作、共赢的精神实现共同安全,做到一国内部的事情一国自主办、大家共同的事情大家商量办,坚定不移奉行多边主义和国际合作,推进国际关系民主化。


Peace and stability form the prerequisite and foundation for development. The two world wars in the last century caused mankind untold sufferings and world economic and social development severe setbacks. It is mainly due to the relatively peaceful and stable international environment that the world economy has been able to grow at a fast pace in the post-war era.
  We should abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and bring into full play the central role of the United Nations and its Security Council in peace keeping, peace making and peace building. We should seek peaceful settlement of international disputes through dialogue and consultation.
  All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. We should work for common security in a spirit of democracy, inclusiveness, cooperation and win-win progress. Internal affairs of a country should be handled independently by the country itself and international affairs should be managed collectively through consultation by all. We should be committed to multilateralism and international cooperation, and promote democracy in international relations.


  In a sense, Chinese is a very old language, and its earliest characters date back nearly four thousand years ago.
  During their long history of development, Chinese characters have evolved into many different script forms,such as the Seal script, Clerical script, Regular script and Running script. Chinese calligraphers usually render their Chinese characters in ways that exaggerate the form to yield artistic beauty, such as those in stone inscriptions seen in tourist resorts. Chinese calligraphy is a subject of artistic study. As your interest in Chinese character system increases in the days to come, we will introduce in due time the different schools of Chinese calligraphy, and how to appreciate the artistic beauty of Chinese calligraphy.

  从某种意义上说 in a sense
  汉字 Chinese character
  演化 evolve
  书写形式 script form
  篆书 Seal script
  隶书 Clerical script
  楷书 Regular script
  行书 Running script
  书法家 calligrapher
  致使 render
  取得 yield
  旅游胜地 tourist resort
  石刻碑文 stone inscription
  适时 in due time
  欣赏 appreciate

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