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1It’s impossible for all the people to get jobs because ______of them is not fit for them.

Aevery one Ball

Cnot all Dnone






句意:所有的人都找到工作是不可能的,因为并不是所有的人都适合这些工作。此处all of them are not fit for them.是部分否定,意为:并不是所有的人都适合这些工作。故选B


英语中的部分否定有如下一些表示方法:1all 的否定式:not all…(或:all…not)表示并非都……”不是所有的都……”2both 的否定式:not…both (或:both… not) “并非两个…………”3every…的否定式:not every…“不是每…………”

2—Is your neighbor Mr. King a man with good manners?

—Actually, he is ________ but polite. And nobody likes to talk to him.

Anothing Bsomething Ceverything Danything



本题考查短语辨析。nothing but 只不过,只有;anything but:根本不是.... 决不...,没有everything butsomething but用法。句意:——你的邻居Mr. King是一个有礼貌的人吗? ——事实上,他根本不礼貌,没人喜欢同他说话.

3The manager was very angry, for he had sent his business partner two thousand machines yesterday, half of _________ unqualified.

Athem Bwhat Cwhich Dwhom




4----Which of these resorts do you like best?

----______. They are both hot and crowded.

AEither BNothing CNeither DNone



考查情景交际和不定代词。这些旅游胜地你最喜欢哪个?”“一个也不喜欢。他们既炎热又拥挤。答语中的both ...and修饰的是hotcrowded,不要误以为是两者。根据问句中的these可知,是三者以上,排除ACnothing“什么也没有none“一个也没有。故选D

5—The exam was easy, wasn’t it?

—Yes, but I don’t think ______ could pass it

Asomebody Banybody

Ceverybody Dnobody



本题考查不定代词的用法,somebody某人;anybody任何人;everybody每人;nobody没人。根据句意,可知选C。句意:--这场考试很简单,不是吗? -- 是的,但我认为不是每个人都能通过。

6–– Which of the two drivers is to blame for the accident? ––______. It’s the cyclist’s fault.

ABoth BAll CNone DNeither



试题分析: 句意:两个司机中谁对这次事故负责? –都不是。这是骑自行车人的错。A. Both两个都; B. All三者以上都;C. None三者以上都不;D. Neither两者都不,故选D


7The restaurant is full, so we have to look for ______ one.

Aother Bthe other

Cthe second Danother



试题分析: 句意:这个饭店满了,我们得再找一家。A. other其他的;B. the other二者中的另一个;C. the second第二个;D. another三者以上的另一个。故选D


8When the factory closes, _______ will mean 7,000 workers will be out of work.

Awhich Bit Cwhat Dthey




考查代词。句意:当那家工厂倒闭,意味着7000名工人将会失业。用it代指前面提到的the factory closes,故选B。

9Of all the books on the desk, ______ is of any use for our study.

Anothing Bno one

Cneither Dnone



试题分析:前面的“all”提示我们书不是两本,而是三本及其以上,故排除C(指两者都不)none="none" of the books.“nothing(没有东西)no one (没有人)”均不符合句意。


10Oxford is not far from Stratford, so you can easily visit ______ in a day.

Aone Beither Cboth Dall







11— Did you call on any of your old friends when you returned to your hometown ?

—______ of them . They were all very busy .

ANobody BNone CBoth DNeither



考查代词:A . Nobody没有人,不能接ofB .None(三者以上)没有人,C .Both 两者都 D .Neither两者都不,句意是:你回到家乡时拜访老朋友了吗?-没有,他们都很忙。说明是三者以上都不,选B

12—The exam was easy, wasn't it?

—Yes, but I don't think ________ could pass it.

Asomebody Banybody

Cnobody Deverybody




13The Belt and Road Initiative is viewed by many as a history-making project, applauded by the Chinese and those along the route as well.

Aone Bone that

Cthe one Dthe one that


【解析】考查代词one的用法。onea history-making project的同位语,是泛指一个创造历史的项目,故不用加the,排除C项,其后接过去分词短语作定语,而不是定语从句,因此BD项错误。句意:一带一路的倡议被许多人看作是历史性的项目,受到不仅中国而且还有那些沿路国家的交口称赞。

14In my eyes ,Miss Green is a strict but kind teacher, everyone will show respect and love to.

A. it B. which C. one D. those


【解析】考查代词:句意:在我看来,格林小姐是个严格的但是善良的老师,一个每个人都尊敬的爱戴的老师。这里用one代指a teacher,做同位语,it指代物,which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰物,those指代可数名词复数。选C

15In my opinion, there’s no greater happiness than of succeeding in one’s career.

Aone Bit

Cthat Dthose





16—I wonder how often you will clean up your room by yourself.

—________ other day.

AIn BEvery CFor DEach




考查代词和介词词义辨析。句意:——我想知道你多久打扫一次自个的房间?——每隔一天。A. In在某一点,在之内;B. Every每一,每个,每一次;C. For关于,给,代表;D. Each(两个或两个以上的人或物中)每个。every,每隔every other day每隔一天。故选B




We hand in our homework every three days.我们每三天/每隔两天交一次作业。


The Olympic Games are held every fourth year.奥林匹克运动会每四年/每隔三年举办一次。

3.“every other+基数词(大于或等于2+复数名词意思是每隔…”。例如:

I had to sit down and rest every other four minutes.我每隔4分钟就得坐下休息。

4.“every other +零基数词(等于1+单数名词意思是每隔…”。例如:

Take this medicine every other day.这药每两天/每隔一天服一次。

5.“every few+复数名词意思是每隔几…”。例如:

He came to see me every few days.他每隔几天来看我一次。

17If an excellent Chinese novel is translated into English, ____ means many more people in the world can enjoy it.

Aas Bwhich

Cwhat Dthat





18_______ in the regulations that you shouldn’t tell other people the password of your e-mail account.

AAs is required BIt is required

CIt requires DWhat is required




考查主语从句。句意:根据规定,你不应该告诉别人你电子邮件账户的密码。固定句式:It is required that---“据要求,根据规定it在句中作形式主语,真正的主语是后面that引导的主语从句。故选B

19The river was once with fishes, but now we find as a result of pollution.

Aalive, none Blively, nothing Clive, none Dliving, nothing




考查形容词和代词。句意:这条河中曾经生长着各种各样的鱼,但是现在,由于污染,我们一条鱼也看不到了。第一个空用be alive with表示充满着……”;第二个空用none表示数量概念,指代上文提到的人或物,此处指上文提到的,意为一条鱼也没有nothing表示什么也没有,不合题意。 故选A


alive, living, livelively比较:alive是表语形容词,作活着的在世的解,它既可以修饰人也可以修饰物;living意为活着的,主要用作定语,常置于名词之前,有时也可置于名词之后。也可用作表语;live意为活着的,可以作定语,放在所修饰的名词之前,一般不用来修饰人;lively意为生动的活泼的充满生气的,用作表语或定语,可以用来修饰人或物。

20Sustainable development is all about creating better health care, education, housing and

improved standard of live for everyone, which is a simple idea, is hard to put into practice.

Aone Bthe one Cone that Dthat




考查同位语从句和定语从句。句意:可持续发展就是要为每个人创造更好的医疗、教育、住房和提高生活水平,这是一个简单的想法,但很难付诸实践。分析句子结构可知,onea simple idea的同位语,而one后是由that引导的定语从句,that指代先行词one在定语从句中作主语,故C项正确。

21Mr. and Mrs. Scott prefer a restaurant in a small town to ______ in so large a city as New York.

Athis Bone

Cit Dthat




考查代词。句意:Scott先生和太太喜欢在小镇上的餐馆,而不喜欢在像纽约这样的大城市里的餐馆。prefer A to B比起……更喜欢……,该句型是固定句型,用one代替another restaurant,故选B

22Don’t take _____ for granted that he will keep his promise.

Aone Bit

Cthis Dthat




考查it作形式宾语。句意:不要想当然地认为他会信守诺言。句中的“take sth. for granted”为固定搭配,意为……想当然。本句中的take缺少宾语,分析句子可知,that he will keep his promise是其宾语,因此可以用it作形式主语,而真正的宾语是后面的that从句。故选B

23Normally a forest fire and the damage _______ causes can be very extensive especially when you consider the financial and physical losses

Awhich Bthat

Cwhat Dit




考查代词。句意:通常,森林大火和其引起的破坏可能是巨大的,特别是当你考虑到经济和物质损失时。the damage it causes 其中it causes是定语从句,先行词是damage,在定语从句中做宾语,此处的it代替的是the forest fire。故D选项正确。

24As the busiest woman in Norton, she made _____ her duty to look after all the other people’s affairs in that town.

Athis Bit Cthat Done





25Among the ashes were not the bones of a beast, but ________ of a bird.

Aones Bthat Cthose Dwhat




考查代词用法。句意:在灰烬中的不是野兽的骨头,而是鸟的骨头。A. ones一些;B. that那个;C. those那些;D. what什么。这里those 指代上文the bones。故选C




26The British Prime Minister was forced to make an important decision. ___________many would refuse to accept.

Athat Bthe one Cone Dthose




考查代词。句意:英国首相被迫做出一个许多人都不愿接受的重要决定。此处用one替代an important decision,是它的同位语;one后面是省略that的定语从句。故选C

27I hate _______ when people talk with their mouths full.

Ait Bthat Cthese Dthem




考查it特殊用法。It作为无所指It,经常放在hate, appreciatemake,get等的后面构成固定句型。如I made it我成功了。I got it我明白了!句意:我抬眼人们嘴里塞的满满的说话。故A正确。

28Is this school ________ we visited 3 years ago?

Athat Bwhere Cwhich Dthe one




考查定语从句。句意:这所学校是我们三年前参观的那所吗?分析句子可知,主句中缺少表语the school,故应用the one来代指。故选D

29I hate _______ when people eat with their mouths full.

Athat Bthese Cit Dthem




考查代词。句意:我讨厌人们吃东西时嘴里塞满东西。表示爱憎类的动词如:like/love/hate/dislikeappreciate, rely onsee to等其后加宾语从句时,此时一般先用it做其形式宾语,其后再接that/when等引导的宾语从句。故选C



1. 谓语动词appreciate, dislike, like, hate, love, make (按时到达,成功)等后接由ifwhen 等引导的宾语从句时,往往在前面加上形式宾语it I would appreciate it if you could come to my birthday party.

2. 动词have(表明,坚持说)take(认为,猜想)hide(隐藏)publish(公布)put(表达,写出来)等后接由that引导的宾语从句时,往往在从句的前面加上形式宾语。I take it that you will be leaving Shanghai soon.我认为你不久就离开上海。

We published it that we had finished the project ahead of time. 我宣布我们已经提前完成了这项工程。

3.动词短语allow for(担保)count on(期待)depend on(依靠)insist on(坚持)see to(确保)等后接that引导的宾语从句时,必须冠以形式宾语it。如:I am counting on it that you will come.我们期待着你的到来。

30Although we produce carbon when we breathe, the carbon we produce is much less than _________ produced by a car.

Ait Bthe one Cwhat Dthat


【解析】 考查代词辨析。句意:尽管我们呼吸时产生二氧化碳,但我们产生的二氧化碳比汽车产生的少得多。that指代此前面的不可数名词carbon。指代前面的不可数名词,要用that,而it是指同类同物,the one,其中的one指代可数名词的单数,what什么,不能指代前面的不可数名词,因此选D项。

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