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时间:2019-06-02 13:06:13    下载该word文档





xizhen hen, m former student in the department of puter siene, beijing univ. of sienes, i am glad to rite this letter furnishing m evaluation of his XXdemi aptitude for our referene. mr. hen is interested in our graduate program in puter siene.

i ame to kno him in september87 hen mr. hen enrolled in m lass on fortran iv programming, a three semesters' ourse. in the lass he as one of the most outstanding students. at the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, hih should be a aording to our grading sstem. i also found him good at other studies.

after the lass, he had personal talks ith me several times. he indiated a great interest in puter hardare, in m opinion, mr. hen has a potential in puter siene, hih an be further developed.

in vie of his previous ahievements in this ollege, i am firml onvined that mr. hen ill make a suessful graduate student. our favorable onsideration of his admission ill be highl appreiated.



department of biolog

hina south universit



september 27, 201X

appling for admittane

dr.smith of biologial engineer

lelandstanfordjunior universit

dear mr.smith,

i’m riting to appl for admission to pursue a master’s degree in biologial engineering.

m name isli hua, a tent-ear-old male senior majoring in biologial engineer from xianga medial shool of hina south universit. i fell in love ith m major in the last 4-ear stud.i am ver eager to appl for an opportunit to the next fall of m stud.i’ve gotten a grade point average of

3.8 and on first-lass sholarship tie and seond-lass sholarship one. i published an essa about gene expression on hinese journal of biotehnolog .

i think lelandstanfordjunior universit is one of the most exellent universit and the biolog major is reall superb. i take

angreat interest in gene studing and i found our reent researh is related ith this field.

m parents ill help me ith 70% stud fee and i ill earn the rest b orking or attempt for sholarship.

please send atalog and appliation forms to me. i shall be greatl appreiated.

ver trul ours,

li hua279201X



dear professor, i am greatl grateful that ou an spare some time to read m letter. i am a hinese undergraduate from xx, hih is one of the top 10 universities in hina, and i ill graduate in 201X. after that, i ant to ontinue m eduation b pursuing a master degree in frane. i am no in the department of xx. m primar interest is in international mere, and i notie that esse is on top of that field, so i deide to exert mself to get in. our researh in ross-ultural relationship marketing , espeiall our publiations on business of hina as ell as southeast asia, are of partiular interest to me. and i ould like to deal ith business beteen europe and hina in m areer. that's h i seek entr to our theme. during m universit ears, i am used to orking in a team environment. for example, i as administrative vie minister in student union, and organized and shemed ativities along ith petitions in universit. for m exellent job, i gained the sholarship for entertainment and phsial eduation ativities.









放风筝比赛---玩游戏----合影---唱相亲相爱一家人---回校and to sta ith me here for three ears until m urrent ourse finishes in Deember 201X. I am also sending ou a set of douments, listed belo, for our use in onnetion ith our appliation for entr learane to enter the UK as m dependant.

I onfirm that I ill be responsible for finaning our sta in the UK and that of our hild, XXX. I ill provide for our dail expenses and the ost of our amodation. A op of m tenan agreement are enlosed as evidene of the arrangement that I have alread made for our housing.

The douments that I am sending ou ith this letter prise: Photoop of

relevant s from m passport.an offiial Universit of Nottingham letter onfirming the details of m MphilPhD ourse.a letter from m universit sponsor giving details of the sholarship I am reeiving for m urrent ourse of stud m most reent three months bank statements from m UK bank aount. a op of m tenan agreement. For further information, I an be ontated at the above address.

Take are. Love ou

Your husband


NAME, residing at YOUR OVERSEA ADDRESS+POSTCODE, ould like to invite m mother, father and sister, residing atYOUR PARENTS CHINESE ADDRESS , China P R, to visit me in UK for about to months starting from 1 Jul.

The purpose of the visit is for m graduation on Jul, as ell as tourism ithin UK. During their visit, the ill sta ith me at the above address and I ill be responsible for all their expenses inluding the round trip air fare to UK, food, housing, travelling ithin UK, insurane and all other expenses.

I ill make sure that m parents and m sister ill leave UK before the expiration of their authorized sta. Please kindl grant them Temporar Resident Visas.

Please do not hesitate to ontat me via telephone at 0044-7** *** **** or E-mail me at ******@qmul.a.uk if ou have an questions.

Best regards,

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