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Provide ,supply ,offer的词组,用法区别 offer: 常用词,意为" 提出,提供,呈现",表示向别人提供可接受也可拒绝的某物,如帮助,服务或物品,这可能是对方要求也可能是自己主动提出的。 offer to help sb. offer sb. sth./ offer sth. to sb. provide: "供给,提供,装备,准备",强调有预见,并通过储存或准备的方式为某事做准备,以在需要时提供所需物品。常用词组:provide sb. with sth./ provide sth. for sb. 提供生活费,养活,为……做准备。例如: supply: "供给,补充,弥补",着重表示替换或不足所需之物以及弥补缺陷,满足要求的意思,还可作名词,意为“供给(量),物资,存货”。 provide 动词 v. 供给;供应 supply (something needed or useful) · This has provided valuable data for work in soil improvement. 这为土壤改良工作提供了宝贵资料。 · I';ll provide food for the picnic. 我提供野餐吃的食物。 · If you want to go camping, we can provide you with a tent. 如果你们去野营,我们可以提供给你们一顶帐篷。 · You must be provided with warm clothes for the winter. 你必须准备好暖和的衣服过冬。 动词 v. 准备;做必须之事;防备 make ready,do what is necessary; take steps to preserve oneself from · In our plans for the journey, we have provided for possible accidents. 在旅行计划中,我们为可能发生的意外事件作了适当的准备。 · They had already provided against the attack. 他们已做好应付进攻的准备。 supply 可数名词 n.[C] 供应(量),供给(量) the act of supplying or the amount of something supplied · We have a great supply of meat. 我们有大量的肉类供应。 动词 v. 供应;提供 give or sell something that someone needs · The electricity company supplies electricity to houses. 电力公司向各家供应电力。 我们供应他们钱和衣服。 · These trees supply shade in summer. 夏天这些树提供一片阴凉地方。 · Canada and Australia supply England with food. 加拿大和澳大利亚向英国供应食品。 动词 v. 填补;补充 fill · This book will be very useful;it will supply a need that has been felt for years. 这本书很有用;它将满足人们多年来的需要。 offer 及物动词 vt. 奉送;拿出 hold something that you want to give to someone · He offered me a cup of tea. 他倒了杯茶要我喝。 · They offered me a better position. 他们给了我一个更好的位置。 · He offered his life to his country. 他把生命献给祖国。 及物动词 vt. 许诺;提供 say that you will give,do, or pay something if the other person wants it · Xiao Yang offered a suggestion. 小杨提了一个建议。 · I';ll offer to go if nobody will. 如果没人愿去的话,那我很乐意去。 · He offered himself as an interpreter. 他毛遂自荐作一名译员。 · He offered to lend me his bike. 他主动提出要把自行车借给我。 · They all came to offer congratulations. 他们都来表示祝贺。 及物动词 vt. 给;做 give,make · He offered no answer. 他没回答。 及物动词 vt. 出售 present for sale · They offered their boat for sale for 2,000 dollars. 他们把船拿来出售,索价2,000美元。 · I offered him a house for 1,000 pounds. 我提出愿以一千英镑把一所房子卖给他。 不及物动词 vi. 显示;出现 show itself, appear · No occasion offered. 没有机会。 · offer sb. as first prize 作为头等奖授于某人 · offer goods at low prices 低价出售货物 · offer sb.the radio for 50 yuan 愿以50元把这收音机出卖给某人 · offer oneself to the state 为国家献身 · gratuitously offer 无偿地提供 · be specially offered 被专门地提供 可数名词 n.[C] 提供;提出;提议 the act of offering · I made him an offer of help. 我向他表示愿意提供帮助。 · She has received an offer of marriage. 有人向她求婚。 · Thank you for your offer of help. 谢谢你要提供的帮助。 可数名词 n.[C] 出售 putting forward for sale · The house is on offer. 这所房子出售。 可数名词 n.[C] 出价 a suggestion · He made me an offer of 500 pounds for the house. 他出价五百英镑要买我那所房子。 \ Provide ,supply ,offer的词组,用法区别 我自己也再补充点: offer 表示主动提出要做某事或表示愿意做某事等,offer 后接不定式(不接动名词)。用作名词时,其后也接不定式,如:Thank you for your offer to help.(谢谢你愿意提供帮助。) provide 的词组主要有: provide sth for sb/provide sb with sth=为某人提供某物。又如:Sheep provide wool for us./Sheep provide us with wool.(羊为我们提供羊毛。) supply 通常用于supply sb with sth 或 supply sth to sb.
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