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Unit 2标准检测卷

(满分:120分 时间:100分钟)



1A.a day    Ba week    Ca year

2A.hardly Balways Csometimes

3A.three or four times  

Bthree and four times

Cthree to four times

4A.Mike sometimes goes to school by bike.

BMike always goes to school by bike.

CMike usually goes to school by bike.

5A.Tom visits his grandparents once a year.

BTom visits his grandparents once a month.

CTom visits his parents once a year.


6A.Once a week.   BEvery day.

COnce a month.

7A.She sometimes stays at home.

BShe sometimes watches TV.

CShe sometimes goes to the movies.

8A.Six.     BEight.    CNine.

9A.Fruit.    BVegetables.

CJunk food.

10A.Mary. BTom. C. Tom's sister.



11Why can't Bob go to school?

ABecause his leg is broken.

BBecause he is in hospital.

CBecause his father is in hospital.

12How often does Bob take exercise?

ASometimes.    BHardly ever.

CEvery day.


13How often does Bill drink milk?

AEvery morning.

BEvery afternoon.

CEvery evening.

14Why does Bill drink milk?

ABecause he likes it very much.

BBecause he thinks it is very delicious.

CBecause his mother wants him to drink it.

15What does Bill's father say about Chinese tea?

AChinese tea is very popular in the world.

BChinese tea is better than any other drink in the world.

CChinese tea is very expensive.


16Why doesn't Li Ming often see his parents?

ABecause his parents live far from him.

BBecause his parents have to take exercise every day.

CBecause his parents don't like him.

17How often do Li Ming and his wife go to visit his parents?

ATwice a month.      BOnce a month.

CTwice a year.

18How often does Li Ming telephone his parents?

ANever. BUsually. CHardly ever.

19Li Ming's parents don't like________

Aexercising      Btravelling

Cgoing on business trips

20Why don't Li Ming's parents like the city life?

ABecause it's too boring.

BBecause it's too noisy.

CBecause it's too bad.



21The food I cook isn't deliciousbut ________it shows I can look after myself.             

Aat first Bat times Cat least Dat most

22—Look! Some people are running red lights.

—We should wait________ others are breaking the rule.

Aif Bunless Calthough Dbut

23—________ do you play chess?

—I play at least twice a week.

AHow much BHow often CHow long

24The old wolf________ of hunger in the forest many years ago.

Adies Bdied Cis dying Dis dead

25—Where is Tom?

—I don't know.________ he is in the library.

AMust be BNeed be CMay be DMaybe

26Many people are good ________ doing taijiquanbecause they think it is good ________ their health.

Aforat Batat Catfor Dforwith

27I have a________so I have to see a dentist.

28 Meals are very boring. He________ has the same thing to eat every day.

Anever   Busually   Csometimes

29 Don't________ too late tonight, or you will feel sleepy in class tomorrow.

Aget up Bput up Cstay up Dwake up

30Ten percent of us watch TV three ________ four ________ a week.

Aortime Bandtimes

Candtime Dortimes

31Look at that cup.It is full ________ tea.

Aat Bwith Cof Din

32She doesn't look after her________.She often eats________ food.

Ahealthy; healthy Bhealth; healthy

Chealthy; unhealthy Dhealth; unhealthy

33The city has a population(人口)of over 1000000.

Aless than Bmany

Ca lot of Dmore than

34—Which would you like, a cup of tea, a cup of coffee a glass of milk?

—________. I think I'll just have a glass of water.

ABoth BNeither CNone DEither

35It is terrible.It's raining so ________ that we can ________ go out.

Ahardhardly Bhardhard

Chardlyhardly Dhardlyhard


Mary is my good friend. She had ________(36) habits in the past. For example, she hardly ever ________(37) up before 7 o'clock in the morning. After supper, she always played computer games before doing her homework. She didn't like drinking milk and she ate a lot of ________(38) every day.

Then one day, she got seriously ill. She had to be in hospital ________(39). It made her feel that she must look after her ________(40) well.

Now Mary ________(41) every morning. Usually she runs before breakfast. She only plays computer games ________(42). She has good ________(43) habits, too. She drinks milk every morning and afternoon. ________(44) she likes junk food very much, she only eats it once a week. Because it's ________(45)for her.

36A.usual  Bhealthy  Cbad  Dgood

37A.looked Bstood Cgot Dended

38A.fruit Bjunk food

Cvegetables Dhealthy food

39A.once a week Btwo weeks ago

Cin two weeks Dfor three weeks

40A.health Bstudy

Chousework Dhomework

41A.exercises Bgets up

Csleeps Deats breakfast

42A.in the morning Bon weekends

Cat home Din the evening

43A.sleeping Breading Ceating Dplaying

44A.And BFor

CBecause DAlthough

45A.clean Bheavy Cbad Dquiet


A (词数:约160; 建议用时:6分钟)

We know that most modern children love junk food very muchalthough it's bad for their health and their parents don't want them to eat too much junk food. Most children know it's not a good habitbut they still want to eat it. Some of them eat this kind of food every day.Some only eat it twice or three times a week.

I know a boy called Bill. He is kind of unhealthy. He hardly ever exercises.And he eats lots of junk food because he loves it. When he has pocket money(零用钱)he'll always buy junk food. His parents worry about him a lotbut he says“Maybe I'm not very healthybut I enjoy myself.”His parents have no good ways to stop him.

What do you think of itDo you have a good habitAnd do you want to be healthyYou must exercise every day and eat less junk food.


46All modern children love junk foodalthough it's bad for their health.

47Parents don't want their children to eat too much junk food.

48All the children eat junk food every day.

49Bill hardly ever exercisesbut he is a healthy boy.

50Bill's parents have some good ways to stop him.

B (词数:约 120;建议用时:4分钟)

Wang Yan, a 15­year­old Chinese girl, likes eating snacks very much. She prefers cream biscuits, McDonald's hamburgers and KFC chicken. As a result, she becomes overweight.

Today in China, there are many children like Wang Yan. Health experts say children should have healthy eating habits. First, they must eat regular meals and begin with a healthy breakfast. Second, they should have different kinds of foods such as fruit, vegetables, grain, eggs, milk and meat. Third, children shouldn't eat too much junk food.It is delicious, but eating it often is bad for their health.If children do as the experts say, they won't become overweight.They will be healthier. Students won't become tired at school, and they will have enough energy to study hard.

51Why does Wang Yan become overweight?

ABecause she doesn't like sports.

BBecause she likes eating vegetables.

CBecause she likes eating snacks.

DBecause she likes eating fruit.

52How many pieces of advice do the health experts give in this passage?

ATwo. BThree. CFour.  DFive.

53What kinds of food are good for our health according to the passage?

AMilk, fruit, KFC chicken.

BCream biscuits, McDonald's hamburgers and KFC chicken.

CPackages of biscuits.

DFruit, vegetables, grain, eggs, milk and meat.

54What will be the result if we do as the experts say? We will be________

Aoverweight Bhealthier

Ctired at school Dconfident

55What does the writer think of the junk food?

AGood. BHealthy. CUnhealthy.   DSweet.

C(2015·宜宾) (词数:约240;建议用时:7分钟)

There are two mice. They are called Bill and Paul. They are good friends. One mouse lives in the country; the other mouse lives in the city. On a sunny day they meet in the street.

PaulHi, Bill! Have a look at my house in the country. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself.

BillI'd love to. But I hear that the food is not delicious, and your house is not good. Is it so?

Paul: No, that's not true. Go and see!

Then Bill goes to the countryside with Paul.

BillWhy do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city.

You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have better food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city.

PaulThanks! Maybe you are right. I'll visit your house one day.

Several days later Paul goes to Bill's house in the city. The house is big and beautiful. They are sitting in the sitting­room, having a big dinner comfortably. Suddenly, there is a great noise.

BillRun! Run! The cat is coming!

PaulOh, no! It's terrible! Both the house and the food are nice, but I do not like living in the city. I enjoy living in my hole in the field, for it is nice to be poor but happy than to be rich but afraid.

56What's the relationship(关系) between Bill and Paul?

AThey are friends. BThey are relatives.

CThey are brothers. DThey are neighbors.

57Where does Bill live?

AIn the hole. BIn the country.

CIn the city. DIn the field.

58What does the underlined word “Several” mean?

AFew. BA few.

CA little. DMany.

59Why does Paul hate living in the city?

ABecause he likes to be rich.

BBecause he likes to be poor.

CBecause the house in the city is big and beautiful.

DBecause he enjoys happiness.

60Which is the best title?

AThe City Mouse and the Country Mouse

BTwo Friends

CTwo Beautiful Mice

DThe Country and the City


JackLook at yourself, Tom.You are too fat.You are not fit.________(61)

TomWhat food should I eat then?

JackYou should stop eating sweets.________(62)

Tom________(63)I like them very much.

JackNo, you can't.________(64)

TomOK.I will try to do so.

Jack________(65)It can help you be fit, too.

AAnd you need to exercise more.

BWhat about sweets?

CYou should change your diet.

DTry to keep healthy.

ECan I eat hamburgers?

FYou should eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

GThey give you energy but they are not healthy.



66We all tried our best.H________ we lost the game.

67Do you know the r________ of the football match?

68He would like a cup of c________

69Most of us take a shower o________ a day.

70Mike's father likes reading books and m________.



I often________ him________ his English.


John likes________ ________in the open air.


I can't eat any more.I am________ ________


________ ________ ________ do you study every day?


They are building a tunneland it will ________ ________ the mountain.


Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is important to us.What and how should we eat in order to be healthy?

Firstwe must have enough foodnever too much or too little.The food must be clean and we should cook it properly.

Secondit's very important for us to keep a balanced diet.Different kinds of foods are necessarysuch as ricebreadmeatfisheggsmilkfruit and vegetables.Rice and bread give us energy.Meatfisheggs and milk help our bones grow.Fruit and vegetables make us healthy.

Thirdwe should eat regularly. It's_ said__ that_ _half__ of__ the__ students__ don't__have_a__regular__breakfast__or__don't__eat__anything__in__the__morning.It is bad for their health. In facta good breakfast keeps us strong.

In shortwe should not only eat enough food and healthy food but also eat regularly.



76We don't need to eat enough food.

77We should eat different kinds of ________.

78According to the passagewhat can give us energy?


79What should you have if you want your bones to grow?




A man walked i________(81)a doctor's examining room.“Put out your tongue” the doctor said.

“OK. You can put your tongue b________(82) now” the doctor said.“It's clear what's wrong with you. You need more exercise.”“ButDoctor”the man said.“I don't think ...”

“Don't tell me what you think” the doctor said.“I am the doctor, not you. I know what you need.I see hundreds of people like you.N________(83)of them get any exercise. They sit in the office all day and in f________(84) of the television in the evening. What you need is to walk quickly at l________(85) twenty minutes a day.”

“Doctoryou don't understand” the man said.“I...”

“There is no e________(86)” the doctor said.“You must find time for exercise.If you don'tyou will get fat and have health problems when you are old.”

“But I walk every day” the man said.

“Ohyesand I know what kind of walking that is. You walk a few meters to the office from your houseand a few more meters to a r________(87) for lunch and come back.”

“Please listen to me, Doctor”the man s________(88)at the doctor angrily.“I'm a mailman” the man w________(89)on.“I walk for seven hours every day.”

For a moment the doctor was silentand then he said quietly“Put your tongue out a________(90)will you







Unit 2标准检测卷


一、1.Tom brushes his teeth once a day.

2I sometimes go for a walk with Mary.

3Do you go shopping three or four times a week?

4Mike sometimes goes to school by bike.

5Tom visits his parents once a year.

二、6.MDo you read China Daily once a week?

WNo, I read it every day.

QHow often does the girl read China Daily?

7MWhat do you do on weekends?

WI usually stay at home and watch TV, but sometimes I go to the movies.

QWhat does the woman sometimes do on weekends?

8MCindy, did you sleep well last night?

WYes, I usually sleep six hours, but last night I slept eight hours.

QHow many hours did Cindy sleep last night?

9MDo you often eat vegetables?

WNo.I like eating junk food.

QWhat does the woman like eating?

10MHow often do you drink milk, Mary?

WI drink milk every day. What about you, Tom?

MI don't like milk, but my sister likes it.

QWho doesn't like drinking milk?

三、Text 1

WBenwhere are you going?

MHiAnn! I am going to the hospital.

WWhy are you going there?

MI am going to see Bob.He is in hospital.So he can't go to school next week.

WReallyThat's too bad.Does he often exercise?

MNohe hardly ever takes any exercise.

Text 2


MHiBetty.I'm drinking milk.Do you want to drink a little?

WNothanks.How often do you drink milk?

MI drink it every morning.

WDo you like it?

MNobut my mother wants me to drink it.She says it's good for my health.How about youBetty?

WI don't like milkeither.As for drinksI like Chinese tea with nothing in it.

MThat's great.My father likes Chinese teatoo.He always says Chinese tea is better than any other drink in the world.

四、 Li Ming doesn't often see his parents, because they live far away in a small town. Sometimes Li Ming and his wife go to visit them, but not very often, maybe once a month. Li Ming and his wife are very busy, and sometimes Li Ming takes trips on business. However, Li Ming usually talks to his parents on the phone. They exercise in a nearby gym every day, so they are pretty healthy. Li Ming's parents hardly ever come to visit him, because they don't like travelling, and they don't like the city life either, because it's too noisy.







五、21.C 点拨:本题考查词组辨析。at first 起初;at times有时;at least 至少;at most至多。句意:我做的食物不好吃,但至少证明我能照顾我自己。故选C

22C 点拨:if如果; unless除非; although尽管; but但是。 句意:——看!有些人正在闯红灯。——尽管其他人在违反交通规则,我们也应该等待。所以选C

23B 点拨:句意:你多长时间下一次象棋?我一周至少下两次。提问频率用how often,故选B。 24.B 25.D

26C 点拨:考查介词用法。be good at擅长,be good for……有好处。

27C 点拨:句意:我牙疼,所以我不得不去看牙医。图片C 表示牙疼。

28B 点拨:本题用词义辨析法解题。句意:饭菜很乏味,他每天通常吃同样的东西。never从不;usually通常;sometimes有时。根据句意可知选B

29C 点拨:句意:今晚不要熬夜太晚了,否则明天在课堂上你会感觉困倦。 get up起床;put up张贴; stay up熬夜; wake up醒来, 由句意可知选C

30D 点拨:three or four times三或四次。

31C 点拨:be full of是固定搭配,表示充满……”

32D 点拨:本题考查词性和词义。healthy形容词健康的health名词健康unhealthy形容词不健康的her为形容词性物主代词,后加名词,排除AC。句意:她不对自己的健康负责。她经常吃不健康的食物。故选D

33D 点拨:more thanover意为超过。句意:这个城市的人口超过一百万。故选D

34C 点拨: both两者都;neither两者都不;none三者及以上都不;either或者。由语境及a cup of tea, a cup of coffee a glass of milk可知选C

35A 点拨:考查副词。hard大量地;hardly几乎不。句意:真糟糕,雨下得如此大以至于我们几乎不能出去。

六、36.C 点拨:由下面给出的例子可知,过去有些坏习惯。故选C

37C 点拨:get up为固定搭配,意为起床

38B 点拨:在所给的四个选项中,只有junk food对人的健康不利,故选B

39D 点拨:once a week“一周一次two weeks ago“两周前in two weeks“两周后for three weeks“三周的时间。句意:她不得不住院三个星期。只有D项与句意相符。

40A 点拨:句意:这使她觉得她必须照顾好自己的健康。生病住院与健康有关,故选A

41A 点拨:由后面的她通常在早饭前跑步可知选A

42B 点拨:由提示词only“仅仅,只是可知此处应是在周末

43C 点拨:由后面的她每天上午、下午喝牛奶可知选C

44D 点拨:句意虽然她非常喜欢垃圾食品,但她一周只吃一次。此处用although引导让步状语从句。

45C 点拨:此处it指代垃圾食品,故此处为bad, be bad for意为……有害

七、A 46.F 47.T 48.F 49.F 50.F 

B 51.C  点拨:细节理解题。 由第一段可知王燕变超重的原因是她非常喜欢吃快餐,故选C

52B 点拨:细节理解题。 由第二段可知,专家提出了三条建议,所以选B

53D 点拨:细节理解题。 根据...they should have different kinds of foods such as fruit, vegetables, grain, eggs, milk and meat.可知选D

54B 点拨:细节理解题。根据If children do as the experts say, they won't become overweight. They will be healthier.可知选B

55C 点拨:细节理解题。根据...children shouldn't eat too much junk food. It is delicious, but eating it often is bad for their health.可知垃圾食品对身体健康不利,故选C

C 56.A 点拨:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“They are good friends.”可知,他们是好朋友。故选A

57C 点拨:细节理解题。根据Bill说的话“You must come and see me at my house in the city.”可知,Bill住在城里。故选C

58B 点拨:词义猜测题。根据语境可知,意为几天以后a few几个,修饰可数名词。故选B

59D 点拨:根据最后一段中的“I do not like living in the city. I enjoy living in my hole in the field, for it is nice to be poor but happy than to be rich but afraid”,可知Paul喜欢农村的快乐无忧的生活。故选D

60A 点拨:标题判断题。本文讲述了分别住在城市和农村的两只老鼠的故事。故选A

八、6165: C F E G A

九、() 66.However 67.result 68.coffee 69.once


() 71.help; with 72.taking exercise 73.quite full

74How many hours

75go through 点拨: through指从物体的里面穿过。

十、76.F 77.foods 78.Rice and bread.

79Meatfisheggs and milk.


十一、81.into  82.back 83.None 84.front 85.least

86excuse  87.restaurant 88.shouted 89.went



Everyone has his own habits. Here are the everyday activities of Marcia in our class.

Marcia often does her homework for two hours a day. And she is__very__busy__with her lessons, so she hardly watches TV. She uses the Internet twice a day to__get__some__news. She likes English very much. She reads English books every day. She is very healthy, because she exercises three or four times a week. She goes to the movies once a month to relax herself.

I think Marcia's habits are very good. We should learn__from her.



本文添彩点: be busy with sth.忙于某事; to get some news以便获得一些新闻, 为动词不定式作目的状语; learn from sb.……学习。

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