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保定高阳中学2015届高三上学期第十五次周练英语试题 Word版缺答案

时间:2014-12-17 09:48:21    下载该word文档


1Whether we will visit the old temple________(取决于)on the weather.

2The government has taken immediate action to prevent SARS________(扩散)

3The police found out the________(存在)of poison in the dead woman's blood.

4________(逐渐地)he developed his interest in playing chess.

5With the________(引力)of the moon and the sun each daytides(潮汐)roll in and roll away

6He managed to finish the race________(不像)more than half of the competitors.

7His face wore a________(困惑的迷惑的)expression.

8Eating too many desserts can be________(有害的)to one's teeth.

9The plane________(坠毁碰撞)into the mountain.

10According to the________(理论)of relativity(相对论)nothing can travel faster than light.






3既然他们有计算机了处理这个问题就更容易了(now that)




5人们建议采取措施来改善我们的教育(It is suggested...)



Check Engine Light

As I turned from the parking lotheading for homeI noticed a yellow light on my dashboard(仪表板)had come on.The symbol indicated that I was to__1__the engine.I noted the water temperature and the oil light__2__to see if there were problems that would__3__an overheated engine. Noting these two gauges(仪表)were okayI__4__I could ignore the little yellow light that caused such great__5__for at least the moment.

After I retrieved my owner manual(用户手册)I__6__the check engine light comes on to indicate that there is a problem and that__7__is required.Malfunctions will often be indicated by the__8__before any problem is apparent, which may__9__more serious damage to the vehicle.This system is __10__to assist you and your technician in__11__diagnosing any malfunction.

Reading the manual made me think of how we need__12__ in our lives to be our“check engine light”We need to know when a(n)__13__ occurs and when service is required in our lives.We need to correct our problems before serious damage surfaces.We need a light to__14__ in our minds to help us avoid conflictpainor disaster.We need a(n) __15__ to come on to tell us not to yield to temptation. We need to be__16__ that we shouldn't ignore good and work to make life better for all of us.

God makes a magnificent“check engine light”He gives you an awareness to keep your pathway__17__.He shows you the beauty of the earth to__18__you to him.He gives people who care about youto help__19__your living.He has provided his word to point the __20__.Lean on God to lead your pathway from the problems that could damage your living. He can repair malfunctions before they destroy your being.

1A.replace Bheat Crepair Dcheck

2A.quickly BgraduallyCluckily Dapproximately

3A.cool Bcause Cprotect Dhide

4A.wondered BreasonedCimagined Dappreciated

5A.strength BdifferenceCanxiety Drisk

6A.found BsensedCrequired Dbelieved

7A.balance BpatienceCservice Dperformance

8A.sight Bsituation Csystem Devent

9A.generate BpreventCaccumulate Dincrease

10A.charged BarrangedCachieved Ddesigned

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