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1. 美女与野兽

2. Beauty and the Beast

3. 很久很久以前

4. Once upon a time

5. 在一个遥远地方

6. in a faraway land

7. 一个年轻的王子住在美丽的城堡里

8. a young prince lived in a shining castle.

9. 虽然他拥有了一切他想要的东西

10. Although he had everything his heart desired

11. 但这个王子却被宠坏了

12. the prince was spoiled

13. 他的脾气非常暴躁,而且自私

14. selfish and unkind.

15. 在一个寒冷的夜晚

16. But then one winter's night

17. 城堡前来了一个又冷又饿的老太婆

18. an old beggar woman came to the castle

19. 想要用她一朵玫瑰花

20. and offered him a single rose

21. 去跟这个王子换得一个能棲身的地方

22. in return for shelter from the bitter cold.

23. 王子不屑于衣衫褴褛妇人的玫瑰

24. Repulsed by her haggard appearance

25. the prince sneered at the gift

26. 并且残忍地把她赶走

27. and turned the old woman away

28. 这个老太婆警告王子不要只看外表

29. but she warned him not to be deceived by appearances for beauty

30. 内在才是最美丽的根本

31. is found within

32. 王子不理会,凶狠地赶她离开

33. and when he dismissed her again

34. 突然这个丑陋的老太婆

35. the old woman's ugliness melted away

36. 变成了一个非常美丽的女人

37. to reveal a beautiful enchantress.

38. 王子赶忙向她道歉

39. The prince tried to apologize

40. 但是已经太迟了

41. but it was too late

42. 因为她发现王子没有一点爱心

43. for she had seen that there was no love in his heart

44. 为了惩罚他

45. and as punishment

46. 她把王子变成了野兽

47. she transformed him into a hideous beast

48. 并且对整个城堡

49. and placed a powerful spell on the castle

50. 以及里面的人发下了咒语

51. and all who lived there.

52. 巨大而恐怖的野兽羞于他的外表

53. Ashamed of his monstrous form

54. 而终日把自己锁在城堡里

55. the Beast concealed himself inside his castle

56. 只有一个魔镜

57. with a magic mirror

58. 可以看见外界的情形

59. as his only window to the outside world.

60. 那女人留下的玫瑰

61. The rose she had offered

62. 变成有魔咒的花

63. was truly an enchanted rose

64. 将在王子岁时绽放

65. which would bloom until his st year.

66. 如果在最后一片花瓣掉落之前

67. If he could learn to love another

68. 王子能够学会了爱人 而且也有人爱他

69. and earn her love in return

70. by the time the last petal fell

71. 那所有的咒语就会解除

72. then the spell would be broken.

73. 否则…

74. If not

75. 他终身都会是一头野兽了

76. he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time.

77. 时间一天天的过去了

78. As the years passed

79. 他陷入了失望与绝望之中

80. he fell into despair and lost all hope

81. 因为有谁会去爱上一只野兽呢

82. for who could ever learn to love a beast?

83. 小城中依旧安静如昔

84. Little townit's a quiet village

85. 每一天生活从不变

86. Ev'ry day like the one before

87. 小城中曙光露出天边

88. Little town full of little people

89. 每个人都说

90. waking up to say

91. 早安…

92. Bon jour!

93. 早安…

94. Bon jour!

95. 你看那面包师父叫卖着

96. There goes the baker With his tray like always

97. 一成不变的面包卷

98. The same old bread and rolls to sell

99. 每个早晨都是一样

100. Every morning just the same

101. 自从我们到这偏僻的小镇

102. Since the morning that we came

103. To this poor provincial town...

104. 早安啊,贝儿

105. Good morning Belle.

106. 早安,先生

107. Good morning Monsieur.

108. 到那儿去啊?

109. Where are you off to?

110. 去书店

111. The bookshop.

112. 我刚看完了一本很棒的故事书

113. I just finished the most wonderful story

114. 是关于杰克豆子 而我现在正要…

115. about a beanstalk and an ogre and...

116. 很好,玛琍拿面包,快去

117. That's nice. Marie! The baguettes. Hurry up!

118. 快看那走过来的奇怪女孩

119. Look there she goes The girl is strange no question

120. 她茫然迷惑的眼神

121. Dazed and distracted can't you tell?

122. 从不跟人打交道

123. Never part of any crowd

124. 脑袋充满着幻想

125. 'Cause her head's up on some cloud

126. 可笑女孩贝儿

127. No denying she's a funny girl that Belle

128. 早安

129. Bonjour

130. 早安

131. Good day

132. 问候你家人

133. How is your family?

134. 早安

135. Bonjour

136. 早安

137. Good day

138. 问候夫人

139. How is your wife?

140. 我要六个蛋

141. I need six eggs

142. 那太贵了

143. That's too expensive

144. 人们的生活不该是这样

145. There must be more than this provincial life...

146. 贝儿

147. Ah Belle.

148. 早安

149. Good morning.

150. 我把书拿来还给你

151. I've come to return the book I borrowed.

152. 你都看完了?

153. Finished already?

154. 我爱不释手

155. Oh I couldn't put it down.

156. 你有新的书吗?

157. Have you got anything new?

158. 哪儿有那么快

159. Not since yesterday.

160. 没关系,我就借…这本

161. That's all right. I'll borrow... this one.

162. 这本?你已经看过两遍了

163. That one? But you've read it twice.

164. 我最喜欢这本

165. Well it's my favorite...

166. 有远方的城堡,刺激的打斗

167. far-off places daring sword fights

168. 还有魔咒跟白马王子

169. magic spells a prince in disguise.

170. 既然你那么喜欢就送给你

171. If you like it all that much it's yours.

172. 可是,先生…

- But sir...

173. -我坚持 -那…谢谢你

- I insist. Well thank you.

174. 谢谢你了

175. Thank you very much.

176. 你看这与众不同的孤僻女孩

177. Look there she goes That girl is so peculiar

178. 她心中是否快乐

179. I wonder if she's feeling well

180. 一头栽进书堆中

181. With a dreamy far-off look

182. 整天做白日梦

183. And her nose stuck in a book

184. 一个令人迷惑的美丽女孩贝儿

185. What a puzzle to the rest of us is Belle

186. 这是多么美妙

187. Oh isn't this amazing?

188. 这是我最喜欢的部分 因为你看…

189. It's my favorite part because you'll see

190. 因为她在这里 遇见了迷人的王子

191. Here's where she meets Prince Charming

192. 但在第三章之前

193. But she won't discover that it's him

194. 她都没有认出他

195. Till Chapter Three

196. 难怪每人都叫她美女贝儿

197. Now it's no wonder that her name means beauty

198. 她的外表无人可比

199. Her looks have got no parallel

200. 不过虽然拥有美貌

201. But behind that fair facade

202. 但她个性古怪又孤僻

203. I'm afraid she's rather odd

204. 与众不同

205. Very different from the rest of us

206. 那与众不同古怪女孩贝儿

207. She's nothing like the rest of us

208. Yes different from the rest of us is Belle

209. 加斯顿,你真是百发百中

210. Wow you didn't miss a shot Gaston.

211. 你是世界上最棒的猎人

212. You're the greatest hunter in the whole world.

213. 我知道

214. I know.

215. 没有一只野兽可从你手上逃走

216. No beast alive stands a chance against you

217. 女人也一样

218. and no girl for that matter.

219. 这是实话 而且我的目标就是她

220. It's true Lefou and I've got my sights set on that one.

221. 那个发明家的女儿?

222. The inventor's daughter?

223. 就是她

224. She's the one...

225. 我要娶的幸运女孩

226. the lucky girl I'm going to marry.

227. 但是她… 全城最美的女孩

228. But she... The most beautiful girl in town.

229. 我知道,可是…

230. I know but...

231. 她是最美的

232. That makes her the best

233. 难道我不够资格要最美的吗?

234. and don't I deserve the best?

235. 难道我不够资格要最美的吗?

236. and don't I deserve the best?

237. 当然够资格,可是…

238. Well of course. I mean you do but...

239. 当我第一眼看到美女贝儿

240. Right from the moment when I met her saw her

241. 当我第一眼看到美女贝儿

242. Right from the moment when I met her saw her

243. 她美丽外表吸引我

244. I said "She's gorgeous" and I fell

245. 在这小城只有她

246. Here in town there's only she

247. 是我理想的对象

248. who is beautiful as me

249. 我会让她成为我的新娘

250. So I'm making plans to woo and marry Belle

251. 快看,是他,向我们走来

252. Look there he goes isn't he dreamy?

253. 英俊,潇洒,令人着迷

254. Monsieur Gaston oh he's so cute

255. 心跳,加快,我不能呼吸

256. Be still my heart I'm hardly breathing

257. 他高大强壮,掳获我的心

258. He's such a tall dark strong and handsome brute

259. -早安 -早安

- Bonjour -Pardon - Good day -Mais oui

260. -这也叫做鱼? -葡萄真新鲜

- You call this bacon? - What lovely grapes

261. -起司一磅 -十码

- Ten yards -Some cheese

- 'Scuse me -One pound

262. -借过 -我帮你切

263. I'll get the knife

264. 请让我过

265. Please let me through

266. -面包硬了 -鱼不新鲜

- This bread -Those fish - It's stale -They smell

267. 这是个误会

268. Madame's mistaken

269. 人们的生活不该就这样

270. There must be more Than this provincial life

271. 我要让贝儿成为我新娘

272. Just watch I'm going to make Belle my wife

273. 你看那与众不同美女贝儿

274. Look there she goes A girl who's strange but special

275. 她是最奇怪的小姐

276. A most peculiar mademoiselle

277. 那真是太可惜了

278. It's a pity and a sin

279. 那和她不像

280. She doesn't quite fit in

281. 因为她是位有趣的女孩

282. 'Cause she really is a funny girl

283. 她美丽且有趣的…

284. A beauty but a funny girl. She really is a funny girl

285. -贝儿 -早安…

286. That Belle... Bonjour

287. 早安…

288. bonjour.

289. 贝儿

290. Hello Belle.

291. 你好,加斯顿

292. Bonjour Gaston.

293. 请把书还给我好吗?加斯顿

294. Gaston may I have my book please?

295. 你怎么能看这种书?

296. How can you read this?

297. 又没有图片

298. There's no pictures.

299. 有些人看书是全靠想像的

300. Well some people use their imagination.

301. 贝儿,你不该成天钻在书堆里

302. Belle it's about time you got your head

303. out of those books

304. 而是应该注意一些重要的事情

305. and paid attention to more important things...

306. 比如说…像我啰

307. like me.

308. 全城的人都在议论你

309. The whole town's talking about it.

310. 女人不应该看太多的书

311. It's not right for a woman to read.

312. 要不然她就会有意见

313. Soon she starts getting ideas

314. 有思想了

315. and thinking...

316. 加斯顿,没想到你的思想这么保守

317. Gaston you are positively primeval.

318. 谢谢,贝儿

319. Why thank you Belle.

320. 不要再看书了,我们边走边谈

321. What do you say you and me

322. take a walk over to the tavern

323. 走,去看看我的战利品

324. and take a look at my trophies?

325. 改天再说好了

326. Maybe some other time.

327. 她怎么了?

328. What's wrong with her?

329. 她疯啦?

330. She's crazy.

331. 他真帅

332. He's gorgeous.

333. 抱歉,加斯顿,我没空

334. Please Gaston I can't.

335. 我要回去帮我父亲的忙

336. I have to get home to help my father.

337. 再见

338. Good-bye.

339. 那个老家伙

340. That crazy old loon...

341. 我看他神经有问题哦

342. he needs all the help he can get.

343. 不准那样说我父亲

344. Don't talk about my father that way.

345. 对,不准你那样说她父亲

346. Yeah don't talk about her father that way.

347. 对,不准你那样说她父亲

348. Yeah don't talk about her father that way.

349. 我父亲他好得很

350. My father is not crazy.

351. 他是个天才

352. He's a genius.

353. 爸爸…

354. Ooh! Papa?

355. 怎么会这样呢,真差劲

356. How on earth did that happen? Doggone it!

357. 没事吧?爸爸…

358. Are you all right Papa?

359. 我决定要放弃这个废物了

360. I'm about ready to give up on this hunk of junk.

361. 你每次都是这么说

362. You always say that.

363. 我这次是真的决定了

364. I mean it this time.

365. 我再也不碰这个东西了

366. I'll never get this boneheaded contraption to work!

367. 要碰

368. Yes you will

369. 而且你还会在发明展上得到第一

370. and you'll win first prize at the fair tomorrow.

371. 成为一个最伟大的发明家哦

372. Humph! And become a world-famous inventor.

373. 你真的相信吗?

374. You really believe that?

375. 我当然相信

376. I always have.

377. 那还等什么?

378. Well what are we waiting for?

379. 我现在就修理

380. I'll have this thing fixed in no time.

381. 女儿,对了

382. Hand me that uh...

383. 帮我把工具拿来

384. dog-legged clincher there.

385. 城里好不好玩啊?

386. So did you have a good time in town today?

387. 我又多了一本书了

388. I got a new book.

389. 爸爸,你觉得我很怪吗?

390. Papa do you think I'm odd?

391. 我的女儿很怪?

392. My daughter? Odd?

393. 你怎么会有这种想法?

394. Where would you get an idea like that?

395. 我不知道

396. Oh I don't know.

397. 我总觉得这里不适合我

398. It's just that I'm not sure I fit in here.

399. 没有一个人可以跟我说得上话

400. There's no one I can really talk to.

401. 那加斯顿呢?

402. What about that Gaston?

403. 加斯顿长得很英俊哪

404. He's a handsome fellow.

405. 他长得是不错

406. He's handsome all right

407. 可是他又粗俗,又自大

408. and rude and conceited and...

409. 爸爸,他不适合我

410. Oh Papa he's not for me.

411. 别急,这个新发明

412. Well don't you worry 'cause this invention's

413. 会带给我们新的生活

414. going to be the start of a new life for us.

415. 大概可以了,试一下吧

416. I think that's done it. Now let's give it a try.

417. 成功了

418. It works!

419. 真的吗?

420. It does?

421. -真的 -成功了

422. It does! You did it!

423. 你成功了

424. You really did it!

425. 把费力准备好

426. Hitch up Philippe girl.

427. 我要去展览会了

428. I'm off to the fair!

429. 再见,爸爸,祝你好运

430. Good-bye Papa. Good luck.

431. 再见,贝儿

432. Good-bye Belle

433. 在家小心点喔

434. and take care while I'm gone.

435. 我们应该到了才对呀?

436. We should be there by now.

437. 我们应该到了才对呀?

438. We should be there by now.

439. 是不是转错弯了?

440. Maybe we've missed the turn.

441. 我想我们应该走…这边

442. I guess I should have taken...

443. 等一等…

444. Wait a minute.

445. 应该走这边

446. Let's go this way.

447. 走啊

448. Come on Philippe

449. 这是捷径,我们马上就到了

450. it's a shortcut. We'll be there in no time.

451. 是不大对啊

452. This can't be right.

453. 我看我们还是往回头走吧

454. Where have you taken us Philippe?

455. We'd better turn around.

456. 天啊

457. Whoa... Whoa boy whoa whoa Philippe. Oh!

458. 小心,走

459. Oh look out!

460. 小心,走

461. Oh look out!

462. 老天

463. Whoa boy!

464. 退后…

465. Back up back up back up!

466. 乖孩子…

467. Good boy good boy. That's it. Back up!

468. 稳住…

469. Steady steady.

470. 站稳了,站稳了

471. Now steady.

472. 费力…

473. Philippe no!

474. 费力…

475. Philippe.

476. 救命啊,有人在吗?

477. Oh... Help! Is someone there?!

478. 救命

479. Oh! Help!

480. 走开,走开啊

481. Oh...

482. 他一定是在森林里迷了路

483. Poor fellow must have lost his way in the woods.

484. 别吵,他也许会离开的

485. Keep quiet; maybe he'll go away.

486. 有人在吗?

487. Is someone there?

488. 不许出声,卢米亚 不准发出任何声音

489. Not a word Lumiere; not one word.

490. 我不是有意要闯进来的

491. I don't mean to intrude

492. 我的马跑了

493. but I've lost my horse

494. 我想借住一个晚上

495. and I need a place to stay for the night.

496. 葛士华,有点良心好不好

497. Oh Cogsworth have a heart. Shh!

498. 没问题,我们非常欢迎

499. Of course Monsieur you are welcome here.

500. 谁在说话?

501. Who said that?

502. 是我

503. Over here.

504. 在哪里啊?

505. Where?

506. 你好

507. Allo.

508. 不可思议…

509. Incredible.

510. 慢点,慢点

511. Well now you've done it

512. 卢米亚,你看你做的好事

513. Lumiere. Splendid just peachy. Ah!

514. 这是怎么做成的

515. How is this accomplished?

516. 住手,你放我下来

517. Put me down at once! Stop that!

518. 我叫你放我下来

519. Stop that I say. Ow!

520. 先生,如果你不介意的话

521. Huh... Close that at once.

522. 请你把门关上好吗?

523. Do you mind?!

524. 真是对不起

525. I-I beg your pardon.

526. 实在是因为我…从来没有看过钟会…

527. It's it's just that I've never seen a...

528. 先生,你全身都湿透了

529. Oh you are soaked to the bone Monsieur.

530. 来吧,到里面生个火取取暖吧

531. Come warm yourself by the fire.

532. 谢谢

533. Thank you.

534. 不行,不行…

535. No no no.

536. 如果让主人发现他在这里

537. You know what the master will do if he finds him here.

538. 我命令你们俩个站住

539. I demand that you stop right there.

540. 不可以坐在主人的椅子

541. Oh no no! Not the master's chair.

542. 不可以坐在主人的椅子

543. Oh no no! Not the master's chair.

544. 我没看见

545. I'm not seeing this!

546. 我什么都没看见

547. I am not seeing this!

548. 你好吗?

549. Well hello there boy.

550. 真舒服 够了,这太过份了

551. What service. All right this has gone far enough.

552. 我是这里的总管

553. I'm in charge here.

554. 还是先喝杯热茶吧,先生

555. How would you like a nice spot of tea sir?

556. 你马上就会感觉暖和的

557. Lt'll warm you up in no time.

558. 不要茶,不要茶

559. No. No tea. No tea!

560. 妈妈,他的胡子好痒哦

561. His mustache tickles Mama. Oh!

562. 你好

563. Hello. Uh-oh. Oh... Ah...

564. 这里有个陌生人

565. There's a stranger here.

566. 主人请听我解释

567. Master allow me to explain.

568. 他在森林里迷路了

569. The gentleman was lost in the woods.

570. 又湿又冷…

571. He was cold and wet...

572. 主人,请你听我说

573. Master I'd like to take this moment to say

574. 我是完全反对呀

575. I was against this from the start.

576. 都是他们

577. It was all his fault.

578. 我曾经劝过他们

579. I tried to stop them but would they listen to me? No.

580. 你是谁?为什么到这里来?

581. Who are you? What are you doing here?

582. 我迷了路,而且我…

583. I-I-I was lost in the woods and and...

584. 这里不欢迎你

585. You're not welcome here!

586. 对…对不起呀

587. I-I-I'm sorry.

588. 你看什么?

589. What are you staring at?!

590. 没什么

591. N-Nothing.

592. 你是来看野兽的?

593. So you've come to stare at the Beast have you?!

594. 对不起,我没有恶意

595. Please I meant no harm!

596. 我需要一个过夜的地方

597. I just needed a place to stay.

598. 好,我给你一个地方过夜

599. I'll give you a place to stay.

600. 求求你,不要…

601. Oh no! Please! Oh no!

602. 我看贝儿今天一定会乐歪了 是不是,加斯顿?

603. Oh boy Belle's going to get the

604. surprise of her life huh Gaston?

605. 对,我会让他永生难忘

606. Yep. This is her lucky day.

607. 欢迎各位来参加我的婚礼

608. I'd like to thank you all for coming to my wedding.

609. 首先,我要进去向那女孩求婚

610. But first I'd better go in there and propose to the girl.

611. 来富

612. And you Lefou...

613. 当我和贝儿从大门出来的时候

614. now when Belle and I come out that door...

615. 我知道,我知道

616. Oh I know I know!

617. 乐队开始演奏

618. I-I strike up the band.

619. 还没有

620. Not yet!

621. 对不起…

622. Sorry.

623. 加斯顿,真是意外啊

624. Gaston. What a pleasant surprise.

625. 没错

626. Isn't it though?

627. 的确会让你感到意外

628. I'm just full of surprises.

629. 贝儿,你知道全城的女孩

630. You know Belle there's not a girl in town

631. 都希望能拥有你现在的地位

632. who wouldn't love to be in your shoes.

633. 而我今天…

634. This is the day... Hmm. Yeah.

635. 今天就能让你美梦成真

636. This is the day your dreams come true.

637. 今天就能让你美梦成真

638. This is the day your dreams come true.

639. 你怎么知道我的梦想是什么呢?

640. What do you know about my dreams Gaston?

641. 当然了,来,想想看这个画面

642. Plenty. Here picture this:

643. 一个纯朴的乡村小屋

644. A rustic hunting lodge

645. 我刚打的猎物正在火上烤着

646. my latest kill roasting on the fire

647. 我的小妻子

648. and my little wife

649. 在帮我按摩着双腿

650. massaging my feet

651. 孩子们和小狗玩着

652. while the little ones play on the floor with the dogs.

653. 我们要养六个还是七个?

654. We'll have six or seven.

655. 小狗?

656. Dogs?

657. 不是,贝儿

658. No Belle!

659. 像我一样的儿子

660. Strapping boys like me.

661. 你真会想啊

662. Imagine that.

663. 你知道那小妻子是谁吗?

664. And do you know who that little wife will be?

665. 我猜猜看…

666. Let me think.

667. 是你,贝儿

668. You Belle.

669. 加斯顿

670. Gaston I'm...

671. 你…你是开玩笑的吧?

672. I'm... speechless.

673. 我不知该说什么好?

674. I really don't know what to say.

675. 说你愿意嫁给我

676. Say you'll marry me.

677. 对不起,加斯顿

678. I'm very sorry Gaston but...

679. 但是…

680. but...

681. 我实在是配不上你

682. I just don't deserve you. Whoa!

683. 怎么样?结果如何啊?

684. So how'd it go?

685. 我一定要娶贝儿做我的妻子

686. I'll have Belle for my wife.

687. 绝对要娶她

688. Make no mistake about that!

689. 神气

690. Touchy.

691. 他走了吗?

692. Is he gone?

693. 你能相信吗?

694. Can you imagine?

695. 他要我嫁给他

696. He asked me to marry him.

697. 我?

698. Me

699. 做那个粗俗又自大的人的太太?

700. the wife of that boorish brainless...

701. 加斯顿夫人,我怎能接受

702. Madame Gaston Can't you just see it?

703. 加斯顿夫人,是他新娘

704. Madame Gaston His little wife

705. 天啊,不要

706. No sir

707. 别让它发生

708. not me

709. 我要的生活不该是这样

710. I guarantee it

711. 我希望走出枯躁无味的生活

712. I want much more than this provincial life

713. 去探索那神秘宇宙

714. I want adventure in the great wide somewhere

715. 去找寻更多未知

716. I want it more than I can tell

717. 在我茫然生命中

718. And for once it might be grand

719. 需要有人了解我

720. To have someone understand

721. 我想要的超过他们的预期

722. I want so much more than they've got planned.

723. 费力?你怎么会在这里?

724. Philippe! What are you doing here?

725. 费力?你怎么会在这里?

726. Philippe! What are you doing here?

727. 爸爸呢?他在哪里?

728. Where's? Where's Papa? Where is he

729. 费力,怎么回事啊

730. Philippe? What happened?

731. 我们一定要找到他

732. Oh we have to find him.

733. 你快带我去找他

734. You have to take me to him.

735. 这是什么地方?

736. What is this place?

737. 费力,站好

738. Philippe please! Steady!

739. 站好

740. Steady.

741. 爸爸

742. Papa.

743. 你就不能老实点对不对?

744. Couldn't keep quiet could we?

745. 非得把他留下来是不是?

746. Just had to invite him to stay didn't we?

747. 还请他喝什么茶

748. Serve him tea.

749. 坐什么主人的位子

750. Sit in the master's chair.

751. 还有个垫脚凳呢?

752. Pet the pooch.

753. 我是在尽地主之谊啊

754. I was trying to be hospitable.

755. 请问,有人在吗?

756. Hello? Is anyone here?

757. 哈啰?

758. Hello?

759. 爸爸

760. Papa?

761. 爸爸,你在这儿吗?

762. Papa? Are you here?

763. 妈妈,城堡里有个女孩耶

764. Mama there's a girl in the castle.

765. 阿齐,我不是告诉过你

766. Now Chip I'll not have you

767. -不要胡思乱想的吗?-真的,妈妈

768. making up such wild stories. Really Mama.

769. 我看见了

770. I saw her.

771. 不要再多说了,快洗澡去

772. Not another word. But... Into the tub.

773. 女孩

774. Woop...

775. 我看见城堡有个女孩哪

776. Well! I saw a girl in the castle!

777. 你看,没错吧?

778. See? I told you.

779. 你不负责任

780. Irresponsible devil-may-care

781. 不听劝告,还死爱表现

782. waxy-eared slack-jawed...

783. 爸爸?

784. Papa?

785. 你看到了吗?

786. Did you see that?

787. 是个女孩

788. It's a girl!

789. 我知道是个女孩

790. 就是她

791. I know it's a girl. Don't you see?

792. 她就是我们等了很久

793. She's the one...the girl we have been waiting for.

794. 来帮我们解开咒语的女孩

795. She has come to break the spell!

796. 等一下,等等我啊

797. Wait a minute! Wait a minute!

798. 爸爸

799. Papa?

800. 爸爸

801. Papa?

802. 请问?有人在吗?

803. Hello? Is someone here?

804. 等一等

805. Wait!

806. 我是来找我爸爸的

807. I'm looking for my father. I...

808. 奇怪

809. That's funny.

810. 我刚刚明明听到有声音的

811. I'm sure there was someone.

812. 有人在吗?

813. L-ls anyone here?

814. 贝儿

815. Belle?

816. 爸爸

817. Papa!

818. 你是怎么找到我的?

819. H-How did you find me?

820. 你的手跟冰一样

821. Oh your hands are like ice.

822. 我一定要让你出来

823. I have to get you out of there.

824. 贝儿,我要你赶快离开这里

825. Belle I want you to leave this place.

826. 谁把你关在这的?

827. Who's done this to you?

828. 没时间解释了,你快走

829. No time to explain. You must go! Now!

830. 我不会离你而去

831. I won't leave you!

832. 你在做什么?

833. What are you doing here?

834. 快跑,贝儿

835. Run Belle!

836. 谁?是谁?

837. Who's there? Who are you?

838. 我是城堡的主人

839. The master of this castle.

840. 我是来找我爸爸

841. I've come for my father.

842. 我求求你放他出来

843. Please let him out.

844. 他生病了

845. Can't you see he's sick?

846. 他不该闯进这里

847. Then he shouldn't have trespassed here!

848. 他会死的

849. But he could die.

850. 我求求你,我愿意做任何事情

851. Please I-I'll do anything.

852. 你什么也不能做

853. There's nothing you can do.

854. 他是我的囚犯

855. He's my prisoner.

856. 一定会有什么办法可以…

857. Oh there must be some way I can...

858. 等一等

859. Wait!

860. 让我来代替他

861. Take me instead.

862. 你?

863. You?!

864. 你愿意代替他?

865. You would... take his place?

866. 贝儿,不可以的

867. Belle no!

868. 假如我愿意

869. You don't know what you're doing!

870. 你就会放他走?

871. If I did would you let him go?


873. Yes.

874. 但是你得答应永远留在这里

875. But you must promise to stay here forever.

876. 请站到亮的地方来

877. Come into the light.

878. 不行,贝儿

879. No Belle!

880. 我不答应你这么做

881. I won't let you do this!

882. 我答应你

883. You have my word.


885. Done!

886. 不,贝儿,你听着

887. No Belle listen to me.

888. 我老了,活不了多久了

889. I'm old. I've lived my life.

890. 等一下

891. Wait.

892. -贝儿 -等等…

893. Belle! Wait!

894. 求求你放了我的女儿

895. No please spare my daughter. Please!

896. 她跟你已经没有关系了

897. She's no longer your concern.

898. -把他送回去 -放我出来

899. Take him to the village. Let me out!

900. 放我出来…

901. Please let me out! Let me out!

902. 求求你…

903. Please! Oh please!

904. 主人

905. Master?

906. 什么事

907. What?

908. 既然那个女孩

909. 要跟我们住上一段时间

910. Since the girl is going to be with us

911. for quite some time

912. 我在想,你也许应该…

913. I was thinking that you might want to offer her

914. 给她一间较舒服的房间

915. a more comfortable room.

916. 当我没说

917. Then again maybe not.

918. 你居然不让我说再见

919. You didn't even let me say good-bye.

920. 我永远都看不到他了

921. I'll never see him again.

922. 你却不让我说再见

923. I didn't get to say good-bye.

924. 我带你去你的房间

925. I'll show you to your room.

926. 我的房间?

927. My room?

928. 我以为…

929. But I thought...

930. -你要住在塔里吗? -不要

931. You want to stay in the tower? No.

932. 那就跟我来…

933. Then follow me.

934. 跟她说说话嘛

935. Say something to her. Huh? Oh.

936. 我…我希望你会喜欢这里

937. I uh hope you like it here.

938. 在这个城堡里

939. The castle is your home now

940. 你可以到任何一个地方

941. so you can go anywhere you like

942. 除了西厢房

943. except the west wing.

944. 为什么?

945. What's in the west?

946. 那是禁区

947. It's forbidden!

948. 假如你需要什么

949. Now if you need anything

950. 我的仆人会拿给你

951. my servants will attend you.

952. 邀她一块儿晚餐

953. Dinner. Invite her to dinner.

954. 待会儿你要跟我一起吃晚餐

955. You will join me for dinner.

956. 但这不是要求

957. That's not a request!

958. 她以为她是谁呀?

959. Who does she think she is?

960. 根本没把我放在眼里

961. That girl has tangled with the wrong man.

962. 居然敢跟我说“不”

963. No one says no to Gaston.

964. 你说的对

965. Darn right.

966. 推辞,拒绝

967. Dismissed rejected...

968. 当着那么多人的面 丢尽我的脸

969. publicly humiliated.

970. 叫我以后怎么做人嘛

971. Why it's more than I can bear.

972. 还要啤酒吗?

973. More beer?

974. 干什么?

975. What for?

976. 没有用的?

977. Nothing helps.

978. 丢死人了

979. I'm disgraced.

980. 谁,你?

981. Who you?

982. 不可能的啊

983. Never!

984. 加斯顿,你一定要振作起来

985. Gaston you've got to pull yourself together.

986. 加斯顿,你一定要振作起来

987. Gaston you've got to pull yourself together.

988. 为何你会如此颓丧,加斯顿

989. Gosh it disturbs me to see you Gaston

990. 看起来如此绝望

991. Looking so down in the dumps

992. 虽然你有不少缺点,加斯顿

993. Every guy here'd love to be you Gaston

994. 大家希望能像你

995. Even when taking your lumps

996. 在小城中每个人都羡慕你

997. There's no man in town as admired as you

998. 因为所有的人都爱你

999. You're everyone's favorite guy

1000. 人人都尊重你也敬畏你

1001. Everyone's awed and inspired by you

1002. 你是我心目中的希望

1003. And it's not very hard to see why

1004. 没人像你一样机灵,加斯顿

1005. No... one's... Slick as Gaston

1006. 没人像你一样敏锐,加斯顿

1007. No one's quick as Gaston

1008. 没人有你那强壮的肌肉 加斯顿

1009. No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston

1010. 你翩翩风度多么地迷人

1011. For there's no man in town half as manly

1012. 你更是我们的榜样

1013. Perfect a pure paragon

1014. 你可以去向任何人打听

1015. You can ask any Tom Dick or Stanley

1016. 他们一定会跟随在你的身旁

1017. And they'll tell you whose team

1018. They prefer to be on Ooh!

1019. 没人像你,加斯顿

1020. No... one's... been like Gaston

1021. 你是偶像,加斯顿

1022. A kingpin like Gaston

1023. 没人能比你更英俊潇洒,加斯顿

1024. No one's got a full cleft

1025. 在这世界上没人

1026. In his chin like Gaston

1027. 能比我强

1028. As a specimen yes I'm intimidating

1029. 人人崇拜的加斯顿

1030. My what a guy that Gaston

1031. 为他欢呼、为他喝采

1032. Give five "hurrahs!" Give "hip-hips!"

1033. 加斯顿是最好的没人比得上他

1034. Gaston is the best and the rest is all drips

1035. 没人像你,加斯顿

1036. No... one... Fights like Gaston

1037. 骁勇善战,加斯顿

1038. Douses lights like Gaston

1039. 没人胜过你,别想打败加斯顿

1040. In a wrestling match nobody bites like Gaston

1041. 因为你拥有了强壮的身体

1042. For there's no one as burly and brawny

1043. 还有健美的结实肌肉

1044. As you see I've got biceps to spare

1045. 而且绝没有松弛的赘肉

1046. Not a bit of him scraggly or scrawny That's right

1047. 我结实的胸口还长满胸毛

1048. And every last inch of me's covered with hair

1049. 勇敢坚强,加斯顿

1050. No one hits like Gaston

1051. 聪明机智,加斯顿

1052. Matches wits like Gaston

1053. 就连嚼烟草

1054. In a spitting match

1055. 也没人胜过加斯顿

1056. nobody spits like Gaston

1057. 嚼烟草的功夫是无人能比

1058. I'm especially good at expectorating

1059. 完美的加斯顿

1060. Ptooey! Ten points for Gaston!

1061. 当我年少

1062. When I was a lad

1063. 每天都最少吃四打蛋

1064. I ate four dozen eggs

1065. 以帮助我的长大

1066. Every morning to help me get large

1067. 而如今我长大要多吃一打

1068. And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs

1069. 使我看起来像座高山

1070. So I'm roughly the size of a barge

1071. 没人像你,加斯顿

1072. No... one... Shoots like Gaston

1073. 百发百中,加斯顿

1074. Makes those beauts like Gaston

1075. 百发百中,加斯顿

1076. Makes those beauts like Gaston

1077. 穿着神气皮靴与众不同 加斯顿

1078. Then goes tromping around wearing boots like Gaston

1079. 我用美丽的鹿角来做成装饰

1080. I use antlers in all of my decorating

1081. 我的偶像,加斯顿

1082. My what a guy Gaston!

1083. 救命,请帮帮我

1084. Help! Help! Someone help me!

1085. -莫维斯? -我需要各位的帮助啊

1086. Maurice? Please please! I need your help.

1087. 他把她关在牢里了

1088. He's got her... He's got her locked in the dungeon.

1089. 谁呀?

1090. Who?

1091. 贝儿,快去救她

1092. Belle. We must go.

1093. 晚了就来不及了

1094. N-Not a minute to lose.

1095. 说慢一点,莫维斯

1096. Whoa! Slow down Maurice.

1097. 谁把贝儿关在牢里了

1098. Who's got Belle locked in a dungeon?

1099. 野兽,一只可怕的怪物

1100. A beast! A horrible monstrous

1101. 野兽

1102. beast.

1103. -很大的野兽? -巨大的

1104. Is it a big beast? Huge!

1105. 一张又大又丑的嘴

1106. With a long ugly snout?

1107. 又丑又恐怖

1108. Hideously ugly.

1109. 还有又利又尖的爪子?

1110. And sharp cruel fangs?

1111. 是的,是的

1112. Yes yes.

1113. 你会帮我吗?

1114. Will you help me?

1115. 好吧,老头

1116. All right old man.

1117. 我们大家都会帮你的

1118. We'll help you out.

1119. 真的?

1120. You will?

1121. 谢谢…

1122. Oh thank you.

1123. 谢谢…

1124. Thank you. Thank you! Oh! Oh!

1125. 神经的莫维斯

1126. Crazy old Maurice.

1127. 这老小子就是喜欢出这种洋相

1128. He's always good for a laugh.

1129. 神经的老莫维斯…

1130. Crazy old Maurice hmm? Crazy old Maurice... hmm.

1131. 来富,我突然有个想法

1132. Lefou I'm afraid I've been thinking

1133. -一定非常可怕 -没错

1134. A dangerous pastime... I know

1135. 但那可怜老头是贝儿父亲

1136. But that wacky old coot is Belle's father

1137. 而他看起来像个白痴

1138. And his sanity's only so-so

1139. 现在我脑子不停在转动

1140. Now the wheels in my head have been turning

1141. 一个计划浮现我脑海

1142. Since I looked at that loony old man

1143. 因我曾说过要把贝儿娶回家

1144. See I promised myself

1145. 因我曾说过要把贝儿娶回家

1146. I'd be married to Belle

1147. 这诺言马上就会实现

1148. And right now I'm evolving a plan

1149. 假如我能把她…

1150. If I...

1151. 行吗? 然后我们就可以…

1152. Yes? Then we...

1153. 这她肯吗?

1154. No! Would she?

1155. 猜猜看我明白了…

1156. Guess! Now I get it!

1157. 我们走

1158. Let's go!

1159. 没人像你,加斯顿

1160. No... one... Plots like Gaston

1161. 诡计最多,加斯顿

1162. Takes cheap shots like Gaston

1163. 会用那卑劣手段只有你加斯顿

1164. Plans to persecute harmless crackpots like Gaston

1165. 很快就能为他举办婚礼喜宴

1166. So his marriage we soon will be celebrating

1167. 我的偶像,加斯顿

1168. My what a guy! Gaston!

1169. 难道就没有人肯帮我吗?

1170. Will no one help me?

1171. 谁呀?

1172. Who is it?

1173. 茶煲太太

1174. Mrs. Potts dear.

1175. 先喝杯热茶

1176. I thought you might like a spot of tea.

1177. 你是?你是…

1178. But you're... you're a... Ooh!

1179. 小心

1180. Careful.

1181. 怎么可能?

1182. This is impossible.

1183. 我知道,希望没吓到你

1184. I know it is. But here we are.

1185. 妈妈,我说过她很漂亮的,对吧?

1186. I told you she was pretty Mama didn't I?

1187. 好了,别说了

1188. All right Chip now that'll do.

1189. 小心点,别洒了

1190. Slowly now. Don't spill.

1191. 谢谢你

1192. Thank you.

1193. 你要不要看我玩特技

1194. Want to see me do a trick?

1195. 阿齐

1196. Chip!

1197. 对不起

1198. Oops. Sorry.

1199. 我觉得你是一位非常勇敢的女孩子

1200. That was a very brave thing you did my dear.

1201. 我们都是这么想的

1202. We all think so.

1203. 但是我失去了我爸爸

1204. But I've lost my father

1205. 我的梦想,所有的一切

1206. my dreams... everything.

1207. 开心一点

1208. Cheer up child.

1209. 事情总会好转的

1210. It'll turn out all right in the end.

1211. 放心吧

1212. You'll see. Oh listen to me.

1213. 晚餐的时候你可以跟他好好地聊聊

1214. Jabbering on while there's a supper

1215. to get on the table.

1216. 阿齐

1217. Chip!

1218. 拜拜

1219. Bye.

1220. 好了

1221. Well now

1222. 我们晚餐的时候该穿什么呢?

1223. what shall we dress you in for dinner?

1224. 让我看看柜子里有些什么衣服

1225. Oh let's see what I got in my drawers.

1226. 真不好意思

1227. Ooh! How embarrassing.

1228. 有了

1229. Ah here we are.

1230. 穿这件会让你看起来令人着迷

1231. You'll look ravishing in this one.

1232. 谢谢你的好意

1233. That's very kind of you

1234. 可是我不会跟他一块儿吃晚餐的

1235. but... I'm not going to dinner.

1236. 那怎么行

1237. Oh but you must.

1238. 小姐,晚餐好了

1239. Dinner is served.

1240. 怎么这么久?

1241. What's taking so long?

1242. 我跟她说过要她下来的

1243. I told her to come down.

1244. 她为什么还不来?

1245. Why isn't she here yet?

1246. 有点耐性嘛,主人

1247. Oh try to be patient sir.

1248. 可怜她在一天之内失去了父亲跟自由

1249. The girl has lost her father

1250. and her freedom all in one day.

1251. 主人,你有没有想过

1252. Master have you thought

1253. 这个善良美丽的女孩也许会解开咒语?

1254. that perhaps this girl could

1255. be the one to break the spell?

1256. 我当然想过

1257. Of course I have.

1258. 我又不是傻瓜

1259. I'm not a fool.

1260. 好极了

1261. Good!

1262. 你爱她,她也爱你

1263. So you fall in love with her

1264. she falls in love with you

1265. 然后,咒语就解开了

1266. and poof! The spell is broken.

1267. 我们就可以变回人类了

1268. We'll be human again by midnight.

1269. 这事不容易,需要时间啊

1270. Ooh it's not that easy Lumiere.

1271. These things take time.

1272. 但是玫瑰花已经开始凋谢了

1273. But the rose has already begun to wilt.

1274. 没有用的,她那么美

1275. Oh it's no use. She's so beautiful

1276. 我呢?

1277. and I'm... Well look at me!

1278. 所以你要想办法让她了解你

1279. Oh you must help her to see past all that.

1280. 我不知怎么做

1281. I don't know how.

1282. 先把你凶恶的外表改一改

1283. Well you can start by making yourself more presentable.

1284. 站直了,像个绅士一样

1285. Straighten up. Try to act like a gentleman.

1286. 当她进来的时候

1287. Ah yes. When she comes in

1288. 给她一个礼貌愉快的笑容

1289. give her a dashing debonair smile.

1290. 快,笑给我看看

1291. Come come show me the smile.

1292. 这样会吓着她的

1293. But don't frighten the poor girl.

1294. 以你的才智给她一个好印象

1295. Impress her with your rapier wit.

1296. 而且要温柔

1297. But be gentle.

1298. 多多赞美她

1299. Shower her with compliments.

1300. 可是要有诚意

1301. But be sincere.

1302. 最重要的还得要控制自己的脾气

1303. And above all... You must control your temper!

1304. 她来了

1305. Here she is!

1306. 晚安

1307. Good evening.

1308. 她在哪里?

1309. Well where is she?

1310. 谁?

1311. Who? Oh.

1312. 那个女孩?

1313. The girl yes.

1314. 是,有个女孩

1315. The... girl.

1316. 事实上

1317. Well actually

1318. 她现在…正处于…

1319. she's in the process of...

1320. 这种情况…

1321. Circumstances being

1322. 她…她不来了

1323. what they are... She's not coming.

1324. 什么?

1325. What?!

1326. 主人,主人

1327. But Your Grace!

1328. 请你不要太急躁

1329. Your Eminence!

1330. 我说过要你下来吃晚饭

1331. I thought I told you to come down to dinner!

1332. 我不饿

1333. I'm not hungry.

1334. 你快点出来

1335. You come out or I'll...

1336. 不然我打烂这扇门

1337. I'll... I'll break down the door!

1338. 主人,也许我说得不对

1339. Master... I could be wrong

1340. 但这种方法是不能打动一个女孩的芳心的

1341. but that may not be the best way

1342. to win the girl's affections.

1343. 如果你能像个绅士,也许会好一点

1344. Please attempt to be a gentleman.

1345. 她实在是太不可理喻了

1346. But she is being so difficult.

1347. 温柔…

1348. Gently gently.

1349. 你下来吃饭吗?

1350. Will you come down to dinner?

1351. 不要

1352. No. Hmm? Ah ah ah!

1353. 礼貌、绅士

1354. Suave genteel.

1355. 不知道我有没有这份荣幸…

1356. It would give me great pleasure

1357. 跟你一块儿共进晚餐?

1358. if you would join me for dinner.

1359. 说“请”

1360. We say please.

1361. -请… -不要,谢谢

1362. Please. No thank you!

1363. 你不可能永远在里面

1364. You can't stay in there forever!

1365. 我可以

1366. Yes I can.

1367. 好,你就在里面挨饿

1368. Fine. Then go ahead and starve!

1369. 她如果不肯跟我吃晚饭

1370. If she doesn't eat with me

1371. 她就永远没有饭吃

1372. then she doesn't eat at all.

1373. 天啊

1374. Oh dear.

1375. 他的脾气怎么还是不改?

1376. That didn't go very well at all did it?

1377. 卢米亚,你在这守着

1378. Lumiere stand watch at the door

1379. 如果有任何情况

1380. and inform me at once

1381. 就马上来通知我听见没有?

1382. if there is the slightest change.

1383. 这件事就交给我了

1384. You can count on me mon capitan.

1385. 我看我们还是先下楼

1386. Well we might as well go downstairs

1387. 下去收拾收拾吧

1388. and start cleaning up.

1389. 我好声好气地请她都被拒绝了

1390. I ask nicely but she refuses.

1391. 她到底想要我怎么样?

1392. Well what does she want me to do...

1393. 求她?

1394. beg?

1395. 我要看那个女孩

1396. Show me the girl.

1397. 一旦你了解他就会明白他不是个坏人

1398. Well the master's really not so bad

1399. once you get to know him.

1400. 你为什么不给他一个机会呢?

1401. Why don't you give him a chance?

1402. 我不想了解他

1403. I don't want to get to know him.

1404. 我才不要跟他有任何牵连

1405. I don't want to have anything to do with him!

1406. 我才不要跟他有任何牵连

1407. I don't want to have anything to do with him!

1408. 我只是自欺欺人

1409. I'm just fooling myself.

1410. 她不会把我当正常人看的

1411. She'll never see me as anything...

1412. 我永远是野兽

1413. but a monster.

1414. 没希望的

1415. It's hopeless.

1416. -不要 -

1417. Oh no! Oh yes!

1418. 不要

1419. Oh no!

1420. 要…

1421. Oh yes yes yes!

1422. 人家以前被你烫过

1423. I've been burned by you before.

1424. 我的天啊,她跑出来了

1425. Zut alors! She has emerged!

1426. 好了,快跟哥哥姐姐一块进橱子里去吧

1427. Come on Chip into the cupboard

1428. with your brothers and sisters.

1429. 人家不想睡嘛

1430. But I'm not sleepy.

1431. 该睡了

1432. Yes you are.

1433. 不,我不要

1434. No I'm not.

1435. 我忙了一整天

1436. I work and I slave all day long

1437. 是为了什么?

1438. and for what?

1439. 白白浪费我那么好的烹调技术

1440. A culinary masterpiece gone to waste.

1441. 你不要再抱怨了

1442. Oh stop your grousing.

1443. 今天每个人都很累了

1444. It's been a long night for all of us.

1445. 依我看她也太过份了

1446. Well if you ask me she was just being stubborn.

1447. 我们主人都已经说请了

1448. After all he did say please.

1449. 他一定要试着控制脾气

1450. But if the master doesn't learn to control that temper

1451. 否则他永远…

1452. he'll never break...

1453. 真…真高兴见到你

1454. Splendid to see you out and about Mademoiselle.

1455. 我是葛士华

1456. I am Cogsworth

1457. 是这里的总管

1458. head of the household.

1459. 他是卢米亚

1460. This is Lumiere.

1461. 认识你是我的荣幸

1462. Enchante cherie.

1463. 如果有什么需要我为你服务的话

1464. If there's... Stop that! ...anything we... Please!

1465. 尽量吩咐

1466. Can do to make your stay more comfortable.

1467. 我有点饿了

1468. I am a little hungry.

1469. 听见了没有?

1470. You are? Hear that?

1471. 她饿了

1472. She's hungry.

1473. 快生火

1474. Stoke the fire.

1475. 拿出银器,叫醒瓷碟

1476. Break out the silver. Wake the china.

1477. 不要忘记主人的交待

1478. Remember what the master said.

1479. 我才不管呢

1480. Oh pishposh.

1481. 反正我是不会让孩子挨饿的

1482. I'm not about to let the poor child go hungry.

1483. 好吧

1484. All right fine.

1485. 一杯水一个面包就行了

1486. Glass of water crust of bread and then...

1487. 葛士华,我真服了你

1488. Cogsworth I am surprised at you.

1489. 她不是犯人

1490. She is not a prisoner.

1491. 她是我们的贵客

1492. She's our guest.

1493. 我们一定要让她觉得亲切

1494. We must make her feel welcome here.

1495. 小姐,这边请

1496. Right this way Mademoiselle.

1497. 好吧,小声一点

1498. Well keep it down.

1499. 要是被主人听见了

1500. If the master finds out about this

1501. 我们就惨了

1502. it will be our necks.

1503. 当然,当然

1504. Of course of course.

1505. 可是一顿丰盛的晚餐怎么能没有音乐

1506. But what is dinner without a little music?

1507. 音乐?

1508. Music?

1509. 亲爱的小姐

1510. Ma chere mademoiselle.

1511. 很荣幸有这个机会为你服务

1512. It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure

1513. 诚心欢迎你

1514. that we welcome you tonight.

1515. 现在请先上座

1516. And now we invite you to relax.

1517. 现在请先上座

1518. And now we invite you to relax.

1519. 放松心情

1520. Let us pull up a chair

1521. 享受本餐厅特别为你准备的…

1522. as the dining room proudly presents...

1523. 晚餐

1524. your dinner.

1525. 请享用,小贵客

1526. Be... our... guest Be our guest

1527. 我们可爱的贵客

1528. Put our service to the test

1529. 请把餐巾先围好

1530. Tie your napkin 'round your neck cherie

1531. 让我们来为你服务

1532. And we provide the rest

1533. 热汤先上,服务至上

1534. Soup du jour Hot hors d'oeuvres

1535. Why we only live to serve

1536. 再请尝些小西点它味道既甜又美

1537. Try the gray stuff It's delicious

1538. 不要怀疑,问问餐具

1539. Don't believe me ask the dishes

1540. 它们能唱,它们能跳

1541. They can sing they can dance

1542. 你现在是在法国

1543. After all Miss this is France

1544. 想要饱餐一顿就到这里来

1545. And a dinner here is never second best

1546. 首先请打开菜单

1547. Go on unfold your menu

1548. 选出你所想要

1549. Take a glance and then

1550. 请享用,小贵客

1551. You'll be our guest Oui our guest

1552. 请享用

1553. Be our guest

1554. 烤小排、起司烘蛋

1555. Beef ragout cheese souffle

1556. 派和布丁是甜点

1557. Pie and pudding en flambe

1558. 所有美食呈现给你

1559. We'll prepare and serve with flair

1560. 唯有贵客才拥有

1561. A culinary cabaret

1562. 你孤单,你惊慌

1563. You're alone and you're scared

1564. 我们会给你温暖

1565. But the banquet's all prepared

1566. 当你看到银器飞舞

1567. No one's gloomy or complaining

1568. 你将忘掉所有烦恼

1569. While the flatware's entertaining

1570. 说笑话,耍特技

1571. We tell jokes I do tricks

1572. 大家一起陪伴你

1573. With my fellow candlesticks

1574. 你可放心,大胆地享用

1575. And it's all in perfect taste that you can bet

1576. 来吧,举杯吧

1577. Come on and lift your glass

1578. 做我们的贵客

1579. You've won your own free pass

1580. 请享用,别烦恼

1581. To be our guest... If you're stressed

1582. 尽情享受这晚餐

1583. It's fine dining we suggest...

1584. 请享用,小贵客

1585. Be our guest be our guest

1586. 请享用

1587. Be our guest!

1588. 欢笑离去

1589. Life is so unnerving

1590. 忽然人们不需要你

1591. For a servant who's not serving

1592. 没有灵魂的他不再完整

1593. He's not whole without a soul to wait upon

1594. 走开啦

1595. Get off!

1596. 过去的那些美好时光

1597. Ah those good old days when we were useful

1598. 忽然间消失得无影踪

1599. Suddenly those good old days are gone

1600. 十年盼望等待

1601. Ten years we've been rusting

1602. 得到的只有那尘埃

1603. Needing so much more than dusting

1604. 希望有机会能让我们重生

1605. Needing exercise A chance to use our skills

1606. 寂寞地生活在城堡

1607. Most days we just lay around the castle

1608. 无所事事

1609. Flabby fat and lazy

1610. 是你燃起我们活力

1611. You walked in and oops-a-daisy!

1612. 小贵客…小贵客…

1613. It's a guest it's a guest!

1614. 你出现带来生气和欢笑

1615. Sakes alive well I'll be blessed

1616. 酒已斟满,感谢上天

1617. Wine's been poured and thank the Lord

1618. 我早把桌巾烫平

1619. I've had the napkins freshly pressed

1620. 吃甜点,配热茶

1621. With dessert she'll want tea

1622. 亲爱的,这样最美

1623. And my dear that's fine with me

1624. 当小茶杯开心地扭动

1625. While the cups do their soft-shoeing

1626. 不停飞舞心情开朗

1627. I'll be bubbling I'll be brewing

1628. 水快开,把我身上污点洗干净

1629. I'll get warm piping hot

1630. Heaven's sake is that a spot?

1631. 我们要给她好印象

1632. Clean it up we want the company impressed

1633. 你想要加多少?

1634. We've got a lot to do

1635. 是一勺或二勺

1636. Is it one lump or two?

1637. 热诚欢迎请享用

1638. For you our guest

1639. -小贵客 -小贵客

1640. She's our guest She's our guest

1641. 小贵客这一切都只为你

1642. She's our guest She's our guest

1643. 拜托,请小声一点

1644. People fun's over over here line up...

1645. 在这十年没有任何人到这里来

1646. It's ten years since we've had anybody here

1647. And we're obsessed

1648. 这佳肴和美食

1649. With your meal with your ease

1650. 是全都为你准备

1651. Yes indeed we aim to please

1652. 当那烛光闪耀发亮

1653. While the candlelight's still glowing

1654. 我们歌声绝不会停

1655. Let us help you we'll keep going

1656. 为你歌,为你唱

1657. Course... by... course One by one

1658. 直到你说我饱了

1659. Till you shout "Enough I'm done!"

1660. 我们会用歌声送你入梦乡

1661. Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest

1662. 今晚有我们陪伴

1663. Tonight you'll prop your feet up

1664. 但你要先吃饱

1665. But for now let's eat up

1666. 请享用,请享用

1667. Be our guest be our guest

1668. 请享用…

1669. Be our guest Please be our guest!

1670. 好棒,唱得实在是太好了

1671. Bravo! That was wonderful.

1672. 谢谢,谢谢

1673. Thank you. Thank you

1674. 小姐,表演得很好对不对?

1675. Mademoiselle. Good show wasn't it?

1676. 好了,各位

1677. Yes everyone.

1678. 天啊,看看几点了?

1679. My goodness look at the time.

1680. 小姐,你该上床去睡觉了

1681. Now it's off to bed off to bed.

1682. 我怎么睡得着呢?

1683. Oh I couldn't possibly go to bed now.

1684. 这是我在魔法城堡的第一晚啊

1685. It's my first time in an enchanted castle.

1686. 魔法?

1687. Enchanted!

1688. 谁说这城堡被施了魔法?

1689. Who said anything about the castle being enchanted?

1690. 是你,对不对?

1691. It was you wasn't it?

1692. 是我自己瞎猜的

1693. I figured it out for myself.

1694. 如果可以的话,我想到处去看看

1695. I'd like to look around if that's all right.

1696. 你想参观一下吗?

1697. Oh would you like a tour?

1698. 等一下,等一下

1699. Wait a second wait a second.

1700. 这不是一个很好的建议

1701. I'm not sure that's such a good idea.

1702. 主人要是知道让她乱走的话你跟我就惨啦

1703. We can't let her go poking around

1704. in certain places if you know what I mean.

1705. 也许你能带我参观

1706. Perhaps you'd like to take me.

1707. 我相信你对这座城堡

1708. I'm sure you know everything

1709. 一定非常了解

1710. there is to know about the castle.

1711. 事实上…没错

1712. Oh well actually I uh... Yes I do.

1713. 它是由洛可可精心设计的

1714. As you can see the pseudo-facade was stripped away

1715. 虽然表面已经有些剥落

1716. to reveal a minimalist rococo design.

1717. 至于天花板呢

1718. Note the unusual inverted vaulted ceilings.

1719. 是新古典主义巴洛克风格的创作

1720. This is yet another example of

1721. the late neoclassic baroque period.

1722. 就好像我常说的

1723. And as I always say

1724. 巴洛克风格最美

1725. if it's not baroque don't fix it.

1726. 我说到哪里了?

1727. Uh where was I?

1728. 至于…没事

1729. As you were.

1730. 不知道你有没有仔细注意

1731. Now then if I may draw your attention

1732. to the flying buttresses

1733. 上面的那些柱子

1734. above the...Uh Mademoiselle?

1735. -那上面有什么? -哪里?

1736. What's up there? Where? There?

1737. 没什么,没什么好看的

1738. Oh nothing. Absolutely nothing

1739. of interest at all

1740. 西厢房又脏又乱,对不对

1741. in the west wing. Dusty dull very boring.

1742. 那就是西厢房

1743. Ah so that's the west wing.

1744. 好聪明

1745. Nice going.

1746. 不知道他在那里藏了些什么?

1747. I wonder what he's hiding up there?

1748. 藏?

1749. Hiding?

1750. 主人没有藏任何东西

1751. The master is hiding nothing.

1752. 那为什么不准去呢?

1753. Then it wouldn't be forbidden.

1754. 也许你喜欢看看些别的

1755. Perhaps uh Mademoiselle would like to

1756. 我们有很漂亮的壁毯,就挂在那边

1757. We have exquisite tapestries

1758. dating all the way back to...

1759. 等等再说

1760. maybe later.

1761. 你要不要去看看花园,或…或图书馆?

1762. Th-The gardens or-or the-the-the-the library perhaps.

1763. 你们有图书馆?

1764. You have a library?

1765. 是的…当然有

1766. Yes oh indeed.

1767. 都是书

1768. With books.

1769. -好多的书 -像山一样高

1770. Scads of books! Mountains of books!

1771. 就跟田一样地广

1772. Forests of books!

1773. -整齐的 -排好的

- Cascades! - Longboats!

1774. 数不尽的书

1775. Swamps of books!

1776. 你一辈子都看不完的书

1777. More books than you'll

1778. ever be able to read in a lifetime.

1779. 各式各样的书

1780. Books on every subject ever studied

1781. 世界各国的名著

1782. by every author

1783. 世界各国的名著

1784. by every author

1785. 谁准你到这来的?

1786. Why did you come here?

1787. 对…对不起

1788. I'm... I'm sorry.

1789. 我警告过你不准来这的

1790. I warned you never to come here.

1791. 我没有恶意

1792. I didn't mean any harm.

1793. 你知道你会弄坏什么吗?

1794. Do you realize what you could have done?!

1795. 求求你,别这样

1796. Please stop.


1798. Get out!

1799. 不…

1800. No!


1802. Get... out!

1803. 你要去哪里?

1804. Where are you going?

1805. 不管我答应过什么

1806. Promise or no promise

1807. 我都要离开这里

1808. I can't stay here another minute.

1809. 不,小姐,别走

1810. Oh no wait please.

1811. 你别走啊

1812. Please wait.

1813. 来,把手给我

1814. Here now. Oh don't do that.

1815. 我帮你擦擦

1816. Just hold still.

1817. 好痛

1818. That hurts!

1819. 如果你不乱动就不会那么痛了

1820. If you'd hold still it wouldn't hurt as much!

1821. 都是你跑走才害得我受伤的

1822. Well if you hadn't have run away

1823. this wouldn't have happened!

1824. 要不是你吓我我才不会跑走呢?

1825. If you hadn't frightened me I wouldn't have run away!

1826. 你不应该到西厢房去

1827. Well you shouldn't have been in the west wing!

1828. 你才应该学学控制自己的脾气

1829. Well you should learn to control your temper!

1830. 忍着些

1831. Now hold still.

1832. 这会有一点点刺痛

1833. This might sting a little.

1834. 对了

1835. By the way

1836. 谢谢你刚才救了我

1837. thank you. For saving my life.

1838. 不客气

1839. You're welcome.

1840. 通常在晚上我是不会离开疯人院的

1841. I don't usually leave the asylum

1842. in the middle of the night

1843. 可是你说这趟很值得来

1844. but he said you'd make it worth my while.

1845. 请说吧

1846. I'm listening.

1847. 是这样的

1848. It's like this.

1849. 我已经决定要娶贝儿

1850. I've got my heart set on marrying Belle

1851. 但她还需要一点…催促

1852. but she needs a little... persuasion.

1853. 她直接拒绝他了

1854. Turned him down flat.

1855. 每个人都知道她爸爸是疯子

1856. Everyone knows her father's a lunatic.

1857. 他今晚他还一直乱吼

1858. He was in here tonight

1859. 说在城堡中有只野兽

1860. raving about a beast in a castle.

1861. 莫维斯不会伤人

1862. Maurice is harmless.

1863. 重点是

1864. The point is

1865. 贝儿愿意做任何事

1866. Belle would do anything

1867. 只要不把她爸爸关进疯人院里

1868. to keep him from being locked up.

1869. 对,甚至嫁给他

1870. Yeah. Even marry him.

1871. 你们要我把她父亲带到疯人院

1872. So you want me to throw her father into the asylum

1873. 威胁贝儿嫁给你

1874. unless she agrees to marry you.

1875. 威胁贝儿嫁给你

1876. unless she agrees to marry you.

1877. 太卑鄙了…

1878. Oh that is despicable.

1879. 但我喜欢

1880. I love it!

1881. 假如没有人帮忙

1882. If no one will help me

1883. 我就自己去

1884. then I'll go back alone.

1885. 没什么大不了的

1886. Yes is that everything?

1887. 不在乎任何代价

1888. I don't care what it takes.

1889. 一定要找到那个城堡

1890. I'll find that castle and somehow

1891. 把贝儿救出来

1892. I'll get her out of there.

1893. 贝儿?莫维斯?

1894. Belle? Maurice?

1895. 没人

1896. Oh well.

1897. 我看这招对她是没用的

1898. I guess it's not going to work after all.

1899. 他们总得要回来的

1900. They have to come back sometime.

1901. 而且等他们回来的时候

1902. And when they do

1903. 我们已经准备好了

1904. we'll be ready for them.

1905. 来富

1906. Lefou...

1907. 从现在起不准你离开这里

1908. don't move from that spot

1909. 直到贝儿跟她爸爸回来为止

1910. until Belle and her father come home.

1911. 可是,可是我…

1912. But but I...

1913. 疯子

1914. Aw nuts.

1915. 我从来没有对任何人有过这种感觉

1916. I've never felt this way about anyone.

1917. 我想为她做点事,做什么好呢?

1918. I want to do something for her. But what?

1919. 通常的情形是送花

1920. Well there's the usual things.

1921. 或是巧克力

1922. Flowers chocolates.

1923. 要不然就是不切实际的承诺

1924. Promises you don't intend to keep.

1925. 不对,不对

1926. Ah no no.

1927. 应该要特别一点的

1928. It has to be something very special.

1929. 而且她有兴趣的

1930. Something that sparks her interest.

1931. 我知道了

1932. Wait a minute!

1933. 贝儿

1934. Belle

1935. 我想带你看样东西

1936. there's something I want to show you.

1937. 但首先你要先闭上眼睛

1938. But first you have to close your eyes.

1939. 是一个惊喜

1940. It's a surprise.

1941. 好了没有?

1942. Can I open them?

1943. 慢点,还没有

1944. No no. Not yet.

1945. 等一下

1946. Wait here.

1947. 现在可以睁开了吗?

1948. Now can I open them?

1949. 可以了

1950. All right.

1951. 睁开吧

1952. Now.

1953. 我是不是在做梦啊?

1954. I can't believe it!

1955. 我从来没看过这么多书

1956. I've never seen so many books in all my life!

1957. 你…你喜欢吗?

1958. You-You like it?

1959. 当然喜欢

1960. It's wonderful!

1961. 那就都是你的了

1962. Then it's yours.

1963. 谢谢你,太棒了

1964. Oh thank you so much.

1965. 看哪

1966. Oh would you look at that!

1967. 我就知道一定有用

1968. I knew it would work.

1969. 什么?什么有用?

1970. What? What worked?

1971. 真令人高兴

1972. It's very encouraging.

1973. 好兴奋啊?

1974. Isn't this exciting?

1975. 我什么也没看见啊

1976. I didn't see anything.

1977. 走吧,阿齐

1978. Come along Chip.

1979. 厨房还有很多事要做

1980. There's chores to be done in the kitchen.

1981. 什么事情?告诉我啦

1982. But what are they talking about? What's going on?

1983. 什么事情?告诉我啦

1984. But what are they talking about? What's going on?

1985. 妈妈

1986. Come on Mom.

1987. 一种甜蜜

1988. There's something sweet

1989. 且慈悲感觉

1990. And almost kind

1991. 但他那么凶,那么鲁莽

1992. But he was mean

1993. 那么粗俗

1994. and he was coarse and unrefined

1995. 现在他和蔼可亲

1996. And now he's dear

1997. 且小心翼翼

1998. and so unsure

1999. 不知为何之前我都没有察觉

2000. I wonder why I didn't see it there before

2001. 我感觉到她在看我

2002. She glanced this way I thought I saw

2003. 当我靠近她已不会再逃避我

2004. And when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw

2005. 难道是梦使我欢欣

2006. No it can't be I'll just ignore

2007. 但她从未用那种眼神看我

2008. But then she's never looked at me that way before

2009. 有一些心动

2010. New and a bit alarming

2011. 有谁会相信这样的事情

2012. Who'd have ever thought that this could be?

2013. 他的确不是潇洒王子

2014. True that he's no Prince Charming

2015. 我相信他身后

2016. But there's something in him

2017. 一定有许多我没看到的事

2018. That I simply didn't see...

2019. 谁能预料,谁能想像

2020. Well who'd have thought?

2021. 难道是梦,但已发生

2022. Well bless my soul Well who'd have known?

2023. 一个美女

2024. Well who indeed? And who'd have guessed

2025. 她会看上一个野兽

2026. They'd come together on their own?

2027. 这真稀奇,只有等待

2028. It's so peculiar We'll wait and see

2029. 再过几天

2030. A few days more

2031. 也许就会有奇迹出现

2032. There may be something there

2033. that wasn't there before...

2034. 也许就会有奇迹出现

2035. You know perhaps there is Something there

2036. that wasn't there before

2037. 什么?

2038. What?

2039. 也许就会有奇迹出现

2040. There may be something there

2041. that wasn't there before.

2042. 什么啦,妈妈?

2043. What's there Mama?

2044. 等你再大一点就知道了

2045. I'll tell you when you're older.

2046. 你们都知道这诅咒

2047. Right then! You all know why we're here.

2048. 我们有个小时又分秒…

2049. We have exactly hours minutes and seconds

2050. 去创造最神奇的…

2051. to create the most magical

2052. 自发的,浪漫的爱情

2053. spontaneous romantic atmosphere

2054. 美女爱上野兽

2055. known to man or beast. "Or beast..."

2056. 好吧

2057. Right.

2058. 你们都知道 最后一片花瓣凋谢时

2059. Need I remind you

2060. that if the last petal falls from this rose

2061. 就永远不能解除魔法了

2062. the spell will never be... broken!

2063. 你们都知道自己的任务

2064. Very well. You all know your assignments.

2065. 这一半往西

2066. Half of you to the west wing.

2067. 这一半往东

2068. Half of you to the east wing.

2069. 其余的跟我来

2070. The rest of you come with me.

2071. 轻松点,高士华

2072. Oh lighten up Cogsworth

2073. 自然就会有答案了

2074. and let nature take its course.

2075. 他们显然都被对方吸引

2076. It's obvious there's a spark between them.

2077. 我们可以稍微煽风点火

2078. Yes but there's no harm in fanning the flames.

2079. 如果我们可再变回人类 他们得在今晚爱上对方

2080. Besides they must fall in love

2081. tonight if we ever expect to be human again.

2082. 再变回人类

2083. Ah human again.

2084. 再变回人类

2085. Human again.

2086. 对,想想那会怎么样

2087. Yes think what that means.

2088. 我将再度烹饪,再度恢复美貌

2089. I'll be cooking again Be good looking again

2090. 当我再变回人类,双臂各拥美女

2091. With a mademoiselle on each arm

2092. 只有再变回人类,才能从容优雅

2093. When I'm human again Only human again

2094. 焕发迷人的光彩

2095. Poised and polished and gleaming with charm

2096. 我又可以打扮时髦,殷勤追求爱人

2097. I'll be courting again Chic and sporting again

2098. 丈夫们将提心吊胆

2099. Which should cause several husbands alarm

2100. 我将从橱子上眺望

2101. I'll hop down off this shelf

2102. 马上就变回人类

2103. And tout de suite be myself

2104. 我等不及要再变回人类

2105. I can't wait to be human again

2106. 当我们再变回人类,只要再变回人类

2107. When we're human again Only human again

2108. 当我们不再是放在架上的摆饰

2109. When we're knickknacks and whatnots no more

2110. 当我们再变回人类,好好地再变回人类

2111. When we're human again good and human again

2112. -亲爱的 -一切都将变好

2113. Oh cherie won't it all be top drawer?

2114. 我将擦上红红的口红

2115. I'll wear lipstick and rouge

2116. 身材也不再如此肥大

2117. And I won't be so huge

2118. 是啊,我将能轻松穿过门扉

2119. Why I'll easily fit through that door

2120. 我将变成精灵,我将披上礼服

2121. I'll exude savoir faire I'll wear gowns

2122. 我会长出头发,我祈祷着再变回人

2123. I'll have hair It's my prayer to be human again

2124. 当我们再变回人类,只要再变回人

2125. When we're human again Only human again

2126. 再回到人类世界

2127. When the world once more starts making sense

2128. 我将放松发情,那可真怪了

2129. I'll unwind for a change Really? That'd be strange

2130. 你以为我喜欢上紧发条啊

2131. Can I help it if I'm t-t-tense?

2132. 我将待在海边的小屋,轻啜一口茶

2133. In a shack by the sea I'll sit back sipping tea

2134. 我要退休了

2135. Let my early retirement commence

2136. 我将远离蜡烛,我说到做到

2137. Far from fools made of wax

2138. I'll get down to brass tacks and relax!

2139. 我将再变回人

2140. When I'm human again

2141. 把地上的灰尘扫去

2142. So sweep the dust from the floor

2143. 让光线照进房里

2144. Let's let some light in the room

2145. 我感觉得到也明白随时会有人来解除魔咒

2146. I can feel I can tell

2147. Someone might break the spell any day now

2148. 门边的铜器闪亮

2149. Shine up the brass on the door

2150. 畚箕扫帚都戒备

2151. Alert the dust pail and broom

2152. 如果一切顺利,很快就能解除魔咒

2153. If it all goes as planned

2154. Our time may be at hand any day now

2155. 打开百叶窗,让空气流通

2156. Open the shutters and let in some air

2157. 这些摆在这儿,那些放那里

2158. Put these here and put those over there

2159. 忘怀这数年,伤悲与泪水

2160. Sweep up the years of sadness and tears

2161. 全部都忘记

2162. And throw them away

2163. 当我们再变回人类,只要再变回人类

2164. We'll be human again Only human again

2165. 当那女孩终于解放我们

2166. When the girl finally sets us all free

2167. 脸颊又显出欢愉

2168. Cheeks a-blooming again

2169. 我们恢复人生

2170. We're assuming again

2171. 我们将重拾欢乐生活

2172. We'll resume our long lost joie de vivre

2173. 我们祈祷

2174. We'll be playing again Holidaying again

2175. 它能早降临

2176. And we're praying it's ASAP

2177. 稍微催促,一点压力

2178. We will push we will shove

2179. 他们可能坠入爱河

2180. They will both fall in love

2181. 我们也将再变回人

2182. And we'll finally be human again...

2183. 这是最悲伤的故事

2184. For never was a story of more woe

2185. 罗蜜欧与茱丽叶

2186. Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

2187. 可以再读一次吗?

2188. Could you read it again?

2189. 换你读好了

2190. Well here why don't you read it to me?

2191. 好吧…

2192. Uh all right. Uh...

2193. 我不识字

2194. Uh... I can't.

2195. 你没学过?

2196. You mean you never learned?

2197. 学过一点点

2198. I learned... a little.

2199. 太久没读了

2200. It's just been so long.

2201. 来,我帮你,从这里开始

2202. Well here I'll help you. Let's start here. Here.

2203. -凉个? -两个

2204. Okay "Twoe..." "Two."

2205. 两个,我学过

2206. "Two... I knew that.

2207. 两个家庭…

2208. Two households..."

2209. 我们将再度跳舞

2210. We'll be dancing again

2211. 再度旋转

2212. We'll be twirling again

2213. 我们将轻松跳舞

2214. We'll be whirling around with such ease

2215. 当我们再变回人类,只要再变回人类

2216. When we're human again Only human again

2217. 我们可以随着,古老的华尔滋一二三

2218. We'll go waltzing those old one two threes

2219. 我们可以再度移动,再度滑行

2220. We'll be floating again We'll be gliding again

2221. 昂首阔步而行

2222. Stepping striding as fine as you please

2223. 像个真正的人一样

2224. Like a real human does

2225. 就跟以前一样

2226. I'll be all that I was

2227. 在灿烂的早晨,当我们终于重生时

2228. On that glorious morn when we're finally reborn

2229. 我们全都将再变回人

2230. And we're all Human again!

2231. 应该是今天晚上了

2232. Tonight is the night.

2233. 我想我做不到

2234. I'm not sure I can do this.

2235. 你没时间害怕了

2236. You don't have time to be timid.

2237. 大胆些,我亲爱的主人

2238. You must be bold daring.

2239. 大胆些,亲爱的

2240. Bold daring.

2241. 音乐及罗曼蒂克的烛光

2242. There will be music... romantic candlelight...

2243. 由我提供

2244. provided by myself.

2245. 当时机一到

2246. And when the moment is right

2247. 你就坦白地对她表示你的爱意

2248. you confess your love.

2249. 我…

2250. Yes I con...

2251. 不,我不行…

2252. I-I... No I can't.

2253. 你喜欢她,是不是?

2254. You care for the girl don't you?

2255. 非常喜欢

2256. More than anything.

2257. 那你一定要告诉她

2258. Well then you must tell her.

2259. 你看起来好…好…

2260. Voila! Oh you look so... so...

2261. 好蠢

2262. Stupid.

2263. 这不是我想说的那个字

2264. Not quite the word I was looking for.

2265. 也许上面再剪短一些

2266. Perhaps a little more off the top?

2267. 小姐在等了

2268. Your lady awaits.

2269. 古老的故事

2270. Tale as old as time

2271. 如梦似真

2272. True as it can be

2273. 如此深情

2274. Barely even friends

2275. 天上尽有

2276. Then somebody bends

2277. 世间少见

2278. Unexpectedly

2279. 些微的改变

2280. Just a little change

2281. 唯妙的改变

2282. Small to say the least

2283. 忐忑不安

2284. Both a little scared

2285. 暧昧不明

2286. Neither one prepared

2287. 美女与野兽

2288. Beauty and the Beast

2289. 独一无二

2290. Ever just the same

2291. 无法想像

2292. Ever a surprise

2293. 未曾有过

2294. Ever as before

2295. 但却明明白白

2296. Ever just as sure

2297. 如初升的朝阳

2298. As the sun will rise

2299. 古老的故事

2300. Tale as old as time

2301. 如梦似幻

2302. Tune as old as song

2303. 各种滋味

2304. Bittersweet and strange

2305. 各自体会

2306. Finding you can change

2307. 出人意表

2308. Learning you were wrong

2309. 如初升的朝阳

2310. Certain as the sun

2311. 闪耀东方

2312. Rising in the east

2313. 古老的故事

2314. Tale as old as time

2315. 美丽的歌谣

2316. Song as old as rhyme

2317. 美女与野兽

2318. Beauty and the Beast

2319. 古老的故事

2320. Tale as old as time

2321. 美丽的歌谣

2322. Song as old as rhyme

2323. 美女与野兽

2324. Beauty and the Beast.

2325. 阿齐,你该睡觉了

2326. Off to the cupboard with you now Chip.

2327. 回你的碗橱子里去吧

2328. It's past your bedtime.

2329. 晚安

2330. Good night love.

2331. 贝儿

2332. Belle?

2333. 你在这里会觉得快乐吗?

2334. Are you... happy here with me?

2335. 当然

2336. Yes.

2337. 怎么了?

2338. What is it?

2339. 我好希望能再见到我爸爸

2340. If only I could see my father again

2341. 只要一眼,我好想念他

2342. just for a moment. I miss him so much.

2343. 我有办法

2344. There is a way.

2345. 这面镜子可以让你看到任何你想看到的事情

2346. This mirror will show you anything...

2347. anything you wish to see.

2348. 我希望能看到我父亲

2349. I'd like to see my father

2350. 好吗?

2351. please.

2352. 爸爸

2353. Papa?

2354. 不,他生病了

2355. Oh no. He's sick.

2356. 他也许会死

2357. He may be dying

2358. 他那么孤单无助

2359. and he's all alone.

2360. 那…那你该回去照顾他

2361. Then you must go to him.

2362. 你说…什么?

2363. What did you say?

2364. 你可以走了

2365. I release you.

2366. 你不再是我的犯人了

2367. You are no longer my prisoner.

2368. 你是说,我自由了

2369. You mean... I'm free?

2370. 是的

2371. Yes.

2372. 谢谢你

2373. Oh thank you.

2374. 爸爸,振作点

2375. Hold on Papa.

2376. 我马上就回来了

2377. I'm on my way.

2378. 带着它吧

2379. Take it with you

2380. 这样你可以回忆一下这里

2381. so you'll always have a way to look back

2382. 希望你记得我

2383. and remember me.

2384. 谢谢你能谅解他对我的重要

2385. Thank you for understanding how much he needs me.

2386. 主人

2387. Well Your Highness

2388. 这每一件事情都进行得很顺利

2389. I must say everything is going just swimmingly.

2390. 我知道你是绝对没有问题的

2391. I knew you had it in you.

2392. 我让她走了

2393. I let her go.

2394. 是的,是的,那太好了

2395. Yes yes. Splen...

2396. 你…什么?

2397. You what?

2398. 你怎么能这样做呢?

2399. How could you do that?

2400. 我不得不

2401. I had to.

2402. 但…但…为什么呢?

2403. Yes but... Why?

2404. 因为我爱她

2405. Because... I love her.

2406. 他做了什么?

2407. He did what?

2408. 没错,他答应让她走了

2409. Yes. I'm afraid it's true.

2410. 她要走吗?

2411. She's going away?

2412. 就只差那么一点点了

2413. But he was so close.

2414. 不管怎么说

2415. After all this time

2416. 他终于学会了怎么去爱人

2417. he's finally learned to love.

2418. 那咒语是不是

2419. That's it then.

2420. 就应该解开了?

2421. That should break the spell.

2422. 还是没用的

2423. But it's not enough.

2424. 贝儿也得爱他才行啊

2425. She has to love him in return.

2426. 这一切都太迟了

2427. Now it's too late.

2428. 爸爸,爸爸

2429. Papa! Papa!

2430. 他们回来了

2431. Ooh. They're back.

2432. 贝儿

2433. Belle?

2434. 没事了,爸爸,我回来了

2435. It's all right Papa. I'm home.

2436. 我以为再也看不见你了

2437. I thought I'd never see you again.

2438. 我好想你啊

2439. I missed you so much.

2440. 那野兽

2441. But the Beast?

2442. 你怎么逃出来的?

2443. Did you... how did you escape?

2444. 我不是逃走的,爸爸

2445. I didn't escape Papa.

2446. 他让我走的

2447. He let me go.

2448. 那只可怕的野兽?

2449. That horrible beast?

2450. 他现在不一样了,爸爸

2451. But he's different now Papa.

2452. 他改变了好多哦

2453. He's changed somehow.

2454. 一个偷渡客啊

2455. Oh. A stowaway.

2456. 小家伙

2457. Why hello there little fella.

2458. 真没想到还能再看见你

2459. Didn't think I'd see you again.

2460. 贝儿,你为什么要走?

2461. Belle why'd you go away?

2462. 你不喜欢我们了吗?

2463. Don't you like us anymore?

2464. 阿齐,我当然喜欢

2465. Oh Chip of course I do.

2466. 可是因为…

2467. It's just...

2468. 请问有事吗?

2469. May I help you?

2470. 我们是来接你父亲的

2471. I've come to collect your father.

2472. 我父亲?

2473. My father?

2474. 小姐,你别担心

2475. Don't worry Mademoiselle.

2476. 我们会好好照顾他的

2477. We'll take good care of him.

2478. 我父亲不是疯子

2479. My father's not crazy.

2480. 他像疯子一样胡说八道

2481. He was raving like a lunatic.

2482. 我们都听到了,对不对?

2483. We all heard him didn't we?

2484. 不,我不准你们…

2485. No I won't let you.

2486. -贝儿 -莫维斯?

2487. Belle? Maurice

2488. 老头子,你再说一遍

2489. tell us again old man.

2490. 那个野兽有多大啊?

2491. Just how big was the beast?

2492. 它…它…很大

2493. He was... I mean he was... he was... enormous.

2494. 大概有八英尺

I- I'd say at least eight...

2495. 不…超过十英尺吧

2496. No more like ten feet.

2497. 他不疯,那谁才是疯子啊?

2498. Well you don't get much crazier than that.

2499. 是真的,真的

2500. It's true I tell you.

2501. 把他带走

2502. Get him out of here.

2503. 放开我

2504. Let go of me.


2506. No!

2507. 你们不能这么做

2508. You can't do this.

2509. 可怜的贝儿

2510. Poor Belle.

2511. 你爸爸怎么会是个疯子啊

2512. It's a shame about your father.

2513. 你知道他没有疯的对不对

2514. You know he's not crazy Gaston.

2515. 我倒是可以想想办法

2516. Hmm I might be able to clear up this...

2517. 帮你澄清这个误会

2518. little misunderstanding.

2519. -只要… -只要什么?

2520. If... If what?

2521. 只要你肯嫁给我

2522. If you marry me.

2523. -什么? -一个字,贝儿

2524. What? One little word Belle.

2525. 只要你肯说那一个字

2526. That's all it takes.

2527. -休想 -随你便了

2528. Never. Have it your way.

2529. -贝儿 -放开我

2530. Belle. Let go of me.

2531. 我可以证明我父亲不是疯子

2532. My father's not crazy and I can prove it.

2533. 让我看野兽

2534. Show me the Beast.

2535. 他会伤人吗?

2536. Is it dangerous?

2537. 不会的,他从来没有伤过人

2538. Oh no no he'd never hurt anyone.

2539. 我知道他样子长得很可怕

2540. Please I know he looks vicious

2541. 但是他很仁慈又绅士

2542. but he's really kind and gentle.

2543. 他是我的朋友

2544. He's my friend.

2545. 如果我没猜错

2546. If I didn't know better

2547. 你看起来跟那个怪物好像很有感情啊

2548. I'd think you had feelings for this monster.

2549. 他不是怪物,加斯顿

2550. He's no monster Gaston.

2551. 你才是

2552. You are.

2553. 我看这个女孩跟她爸爸一样疯了

2554. She's as crazy as the old man.

2555. 野兽会在夜里偷走你们的孩子

2556. The Beast will make off with your children.

2557. He'll come after them in the night.

2558. -不会 -只有杀了他才安全

2559. No! We're not safe

2560. till his head is mounted on my wall.

2561. 我建议我们杀了他

2562. I say we kill the Beast!

2563. 野兽不能让他活

2564. We're not safe until he's dead

2565. 晚上他会来害人

2566. He'll come stalking us at night

2567. 要是让他吃掉孩子

2568. Set to sacrifice our children

2569. 不如马上除掉他

2570. To his monstrous appetite

2571. 他在小城出现

2572. He'll wreak havoc on our village

2573. 就会扰乱我们的生活

2574. If we let him wander free

2575. 是我们该行动的时候

2576. So it's time to take some action boys

2577. 请大家跟我来

2578. It's time to follow me

2579. 过沼泽,穿森林 走过黑暗,走过阴影

2580. Through the mist through the woods

2581. Through the darkness and the shadows

2582. 一个恶梦但却令我兴奋

2583. It's a nightmare but it's one exciting ride

2584. 祈求天指引我

2585. Say a prayer then we're there

2586. 过了吊桥就是城堡

2587. at the drawbridge of a castle

2588. 有个怪物一定要把他除掉

2589. And there's something truly terrible inside

2590. 是野兽,他可恶

2591. It's a beast he's got fangs

2592. 危害人类

2593. razor-sharp ones

2594. 他残暴,凶猛,没人性

2595. Massive paws killer claws for the feast

2596. 他怒吼,他疯狂

2597. Hear him roar see him foam

2598. 但我们一定要杀掉他

2599. But we're not coming home

2600. 让他死,杀野兽

2601. Till he's dead Good and dead Kill the Beast!

2602. 不,我不准你们伤害他

2603. No I won't let you do this.

2604. 假如你不跟我们一起 就是反对我们

2605. If you're not with us you're against us.

2606. 把那个老头带来

2607. Bring the old man.

2608. 放开我

2609. Get your hands off me.

2610. 我们也不会让你去通知那个野兽

2611. We can't have them running off

2612. to warn the creature.

2613. 放我们出去

2614. Let us out!

2615. 现在要出发去抓那个野兽

2616. We'll rid the village of this beast.

2617. 谁愿意跟我一起去?

2618. Who's with me?

2619. 燃火把,快上马

2620. Raise your torch mount your horse

2621. 带好武器勇敢向前冲

2622. Screw your courage to the sticking place

2623. 我们让加斯顿来作领导

2624. We're counting on Gaston to lead the way

2625. 过沼泽,穿森林

2626. Through the mist through the wood

2627. 走过黑暗阴影

2628. Where within a haunted castle

2629. 有个怪物在那城堡

2630. Something's lurking that you don't see every day

2631. 他是像山一样高大的野兽

2632. It's a beast one as tall as a mountain

2633. 不休息直到他倒下去

2634. We won't rest till he's good and deceased

2635. 走啊,冲啊

2636. Sally forth tally ho

2637. 握紧你的剑,拿起你的弓

2638. Grab your sword grab your bow

2639. 赞美主,我们出发

2640. Praise the Lord and here we go.

2641. 我们要让城堡倒下

2642. We'll lay siege to the castle

2643. 带回他的头

2644. and bring back his head!

2645. 我一定要去通知野兽

2646. I have to warn the Beast.

2647. 都是我惹的祸

2648. This is all my fault.

2649. 爸爸,我们该怎么办?

2650. Oh Papa what are we going to do?

2651. 不是的…

2652. Now now.

2653. 我们要赶紧想办法

2654. We'll think of something.

2655. 我们不了解可怕的野兽而心生恐惧

2656. We don't like what we don't understand

2657. In fact it scares us And this monster

2658. is mysterious at least

2659. 拿起枪,拿起刀

2660. Bring your guns bring your knives

2661. 拯救妇女小孩

2662. Save your children and your wives

2663. 恢复我们小城的可爱

2664. We'll save our village and our lives

2665. 杀死野兽

2666. We'll kill the Beast!

2667. 我们根本就不该抱太大希望的

2668. I knew it was foolish to get our hopes up.

2669. 也许她从来没有出现过比较好

2670. Maybe it would have been better

2671. if she'd never come at all.

2672. 可能吗?

2673. Could it be?

2674. 是她吗?

2675. Is it she?

2676. 有人侵入

2677. Sacre bleu! Invaders.

2678. 有敌人

2679. Encroachers.

2680. 他们有魔镜

2681. And they have the mirror.

2682. 快去通知主人

2683. Warn the master.

2684. 要准备应战了

2685. If it's a fight they want we'll be ready for them.

2686. 有谁跟我来?

2687. Who's with me?

2688. 你们可以拿任何你们想要的东西

2689. Take whatever booty you can find

2690. 但记住,那个野兽是我的

2691. but remember the Beast is mine!

2692. 我们不怕任何困难危险

2693. Lights ablaze banners high We go marching into battle

2694. 坚持到底跟他们作战

2695. Unafraid although the danger just increased

2696. 高举旗,大声唱

2697. Raise the flag sing the song

2698. 我们五十个人 强壮有力一定会成功

2699. Here we come we're strong

2700. And Frenchmen can't be wrong

2701. 杀死野兽

2702. Let's kill the Beast!

2703. 主人陛下

2704. Pardon me Master?

2705. 不要烦我

2706. Leave me in peace.

2707. 但是有人攻打城堡啊

2708. But sir the castle is under attack.

2709. 杀野兽…杀野兽…

2710. Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!

2711. 这样是不行的

2712. This isn't working.

2713. 卢米亚

2714. Oh Lumiere

2715. 我们快想办法啊

2716. we must do something.

2717. 等一等,有了

2718. Wait I know.

2719. 杀野兽,杀野兽

2720. Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!

2721. 我们怎么办?主人

2722. What shall we do Master?

2723. 让他们来吧,我无所谓了

2724. It doesn't matter now. Just let them come.

2725. 杀野兽,杀野兽

2726. Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!

2727. 杀野兽

2728. Kill the Beast!

2729. 攻击

2730. Now!

2731. 好了

2732. Yes!

2733. 出发啰

2734. Here we go.

2735. 那是什么?

2736. What the devil?

2737. 贝儿,小心

2738. Belle look out!

2739. 你们一定要试一试

2740. You guys got to try this thing.

2741. 看上面,人渣

2742. Up here you scurvy scum!

2743. 攻击

2744. Now!

2745. 滚出去

2746. And stay out!

2747. 站起来

2748. Get up.

2749. 站起来

2750. Get up!

2751. 怎么了你?野兽?

2752. What's the matter Beast?

2753. 是不是太温柔太仁慈了?

2754. Too kind and gentle to fight back?


2756. No!

2757. 贝儿

2758. Belle...

2759. 不要,加斯顿

2760. No! Gaston

2761. 不要

2762. don't!

2763. 费力,我们走

2764. Let's go Philippe.

2765. 带种的出来啊

2766. Come on out and fight!

2767. 你爱上她了吗?野兽?

2768. Were you in love with her Beast?

2769. 你有没有仔细想过

2770. Did you honestly think she'd want you

2771. 凭你那付德性她会看上你吗?

2772. when she had someone like me?

2773. 去死吧,野兽

2774. It's over Beast.

2775. 贝儿是我的

2776. Belle is mine!

2777. 不要松手,不要松手

2778. Let me go. Let me go.

2779. 不要伤害我,求求你

2780. Please don't hurt me.

2781. 任何事情我都答应你

2782. I'll do anything. Anything!

2783. 你滚吧

2784. Get out.

2785. 野兽

2786. Beast!

2787. 贝儿

2788. Belle?

2789. 贝儿

2790. Belle?

2791. 你回来了?

2792. You came back.

2793. 你回来了

2794. You... You came back.

2795. 是的,我回来了

2796. Of course I came back.

2797. 我不能让他们…

2798. I couldn't let them...

2799. 这都是我的错

2800. Oh this is all my fault.

2801. 如果我能早点赶回来

2802. If only I'd gotten here sooner.

2803. 也许这样比较好

2804. Maybe... it's better...

2805. 这样子比较好

2806. it's better this way.

2807. 不要这样说

2808. Don't talk like that.

2809. 你不会有事的

2810. You'll be all right.

2811. 我们又在一起了

2812. We're together now.

2813. 什么都会好的,对吗?

2814. Everything's going to be fine. You'll see.

2815. 至…至少

2816. And... at least...

2817. 我还能看你最后一眼

2818. I got to see you... one last time.

2819. 不…不要…

2820. No. No.

2821. 求求你…

2822. Please... Please...

2823. 不要丢下我

2824. Please don't leave me.

2825. 我爱你

2826. I love you.

2827. 贝儿,是我

2828. Belle. It's me.

2829. 真的是你

2830. It is you.

2831. 卢米亚

2832. Lumiere.

2833. 葛士华

2834. Cogsworth!

2835. 茶煲太太

2836. Mrs. Potts!

2837. 看看我们

2838. Look at us.

2839. 妈妈…

2840. Mama Mama.

2841. 我的天

2842. My goodness.

2843. 真是奇迹

2844. It is a miracle.

2845. 完美

2846. L'amour.

2847. 卢米亚好兄弟

2848. Well Lumiere old friend.

2849. 过去的事真是一场恶梦

2850. Shall we let bygones be bygones?

2851. 当然

2852. Of course mon ami.

2853. 我就说她会解开咒语的

2854. I told you she would break the spell.

2855. 对不起,好兄弟

2856. I beg your pardon old friend

2857. 我想,应该是我告诉你的

2858. but I believe I told you.

2859. 不对,是我告诉你的

2860. No you didn't... I told you.

2861. 你这个人真爱夸张

2862. You most certainly did not

2863. 白痴,死蜡烛

2864. you pompous paraffin-headed peabrain.

2865. 告诉你,你才是笨蛋

2866. En garde you-you overgrown pocket watch.

2867. 自大、神经病

2868. Take that.

2869. 自大、神经病

2870. Take that.

2871. 妈妈,他们会快乐的生活在一起吗?

2872. Are they going to live happily ever after Mama?

2873. 当然啰,亲爱的

2874. Of course my dear.

2875. 当然啰

2876. Of course.

2877. 我还要睡在碗橱里呀?

2878. Do I still have to sleep in the cupboard?

2879. 炫烂如初阳

2880. Certain as the sun

2881. 闪耀在东方

2882. Rising in the east

2883. 古老的故事

2884. Tale as old as time

2885. 美丽的歌谣

2886. Song as old as rhyme

2887. 美女与野兽

2888. Beauty and the Beast

2889. 古老的故事

2890. Tale as old as time

2891. 美丽的歌谣

2892. Song as old as rhyme

2893. 美女与野兽

2894. Beauty and the Beast.

2895. 剧终

2896. THE END

2897. 谢谢观赏

2898. Made By YZXstudio

2899. 谁准你到这来的?

2900. Why did you come here?

2901. 对…对不起

2902. I'm... I'm sorry.

2903. 我警告过你不准来这的

2904. I warned you never to come here.

2905. 我没有恶意

2906. I didn't mean any harm.

2907. 你知道你会弄坏什么吗?

2908. Do you realize what you could have done?!

2909. 求求你,别这样

2910. Please stop.


2912. Get out!

2913. 不…

2914. No!


2916. Get... out!

2917. 你要去哪里?

2918. Where are you going?

2919. 不管我答应过什么

2920. Promise or no promise

2921. 我都要离开这里

2922. I can't stay here another minute.

2923. 不,小姐,别走

2924. Oh no wait please.

2925. 你别走啊

2926. Please wait.

2927. 来,把手给我

2928. Here now. Oh don't do that.

2929. 我帮你擦擦

2930. Just hold still.

2931. 好痛

2932. That hurts!

2933. 如果你不乱动就不会那么痛了

2934. If you'd hold still it wouldn't hurt as much!

2935. 都是你跑走才害得我受伤的

2936. Well if you hadn't have run away

2937. this wouldn't have happened!

2938. 要不是你吓我我才不会跑走呢?

2939. If you hadn't frightened me I wouldn't have run away!

2940. 你不应该到西厢房去

2941. Well you shouldn't have been in the west wing!

2942. 你才应该学学控制自己的脾气

2943. Well you should learn to control your temper!

2944. 忍着些

2945. Now hold still.

2946. 这会有一点点刺痛

2947. This might sting a little.

2948. 对了

2949. By the way

2950. 谢谢你刚才救了我

2951. thank you. For saving my life.

2952. 不客气

2953. You're welcome.

2954. 通常在晚上我是不会离开疯人院的

2955. I don't usually leave the asylum

2956. in the middle of the night

2957. 可是你说这趟很值得来

2958. but he said you'd make it worth my while.

2959. 请说吧

2960. I'm listening.

2961. 是这样的

2962. It's like this.

2963. 我已经决定要娶贝儿

2964. I've got my heart set on marrying Belle

2965. 但她还需要一点…催促

2966. but she needs a little... persuasion.

2967. 她直接拒绝他了

2968. Turned him down flat.

2969. 每个人都知道她爸爸是疯子

2970. Everyone knows her father's a lunatic.

2971. 他今晚他还一直乱吼

2972. He was in here tonight

2973. 说在城堡中有只野兽

2974. raving about a beast in a castle.

2975. 莫维斯不会伤人

2976. Maurice is harmless.

2977. 重点是

2978. The point is

2979. 贝儿愿意做任何事

2980. Belle would do anything

2981. 只要不把她爸爸关进疯人院里

2982. to keep him from being locked up.

2983. 对,甚至嫁给他

2984. Yeah. Even marry him.

2985. 你们要我把她父亲带到疯人院

2986. So you want me to throw her father into the asylum

2987. 威胁贝儿嫁给你

2988. unless she agrees to marry you.

2989. 威胁贝儿嫁给你

2990. unless she agrees to marry you.

2991. 太卑鄙了…

2992. Oh that is despicable.

2993. 但我喜欢

2994. I love it!

2995. 假如没有人帮忙

2996. If no one will help me

2997. 我就自己去

2998. then I'll go back alone.

2999. 没什么大不了的

3000. Yes is that everything?

3001. 不在乎任何代价

3002. I don't care what it takes.

3003. 一定要找到那个城堡

3004. I'll find that castle and somehow

3005. 把贝儿救出来

3006. I'll get her out of there.

3007. 贝儿?莫维斯?

3008. Belle? Maurice?

3009. 没人

3010. Oh well.

3011. 我看这招对她是没用的

3012. I guess it's not going to work after all.

3013. 他们总得要回来的

3014. They have to come back sometime.

3015. 而且等他们回来的时候

3016. And when they do

3017. 我们已经准备好了

3018. we'll be ready for them.

3019. 来富

3020. Lefou...

3021. 从现在起不准你离开这里

3022. don't move from that spot

3023. 直到贝儿跟她爸爸回来为止

3024. until Belle and her father come home.

3025. 可是,可是我…

3026. But but I...

3027. 疯子

3028. Aw nuts.

3029. 我从来没有对任何人有过这种感觉

3030. I've never felt this way about anyone.

3031. 我想为她做点事,做什么好呢?

3032. I want to do something for her. But what?

3033. 通常的情形是送花

3034. Well there's the usual things.

3035. 或是巧克力

3036. Flowers chocolates.

3037. 要不然就是不切实际的承诺

3038. Promises you don't intend to keep.

3039. 不对,不对

3040. Ah no no.

3041. 应该要特别一点的

3042. It has to be something very special.

3043. 而且她有兴趣的

3044. Something that sparks her interest.

3045. 我知道了

3046. Wait a minute!

3047. 贝儿

3048. Belle

3049. 我想带你看样东西

3050. there's something I want to show you.

3051. 但首先你要先闭上眼睛

3052. But first you have to close your eyes.

3053. 是一个惊喜

3054. It's a surprise.

3055. 好了没有?

3056. Can I open them?

3057. 慢点,还没有

3058. No no. Not yet.

3059. 等一下

3060. Wait here.

3061. 现在可以睁开了吗?

3062. Now can I open them?

3063. 可以了

3064. All right.

3065. 睁开吧

3066. Now.

3067. 我是不是在做梦啊?

3068. I can't believe it!

3069. 我从来没看过这么多书

3070. I've never seen so many books in all my life!

3071. 你…你喜欢吗?

3072. You-You like it?

3073. 当然喜欢

3074. It's wonderful!

3075. 那就都是你的了

3076. Then it's yours.

3077. 谢谢你,太棒了

3078. Oh thank you so much.

3079. 看哪

3080. Oh would you look at that!

3081. 我就知道一定有用

3082. I knew it would work.

3083. 什么?什么有用?

3084. What? What worked?

3085. 真令人高兴

3086. It's very encouraging.

3087. 好兴奋啊?

3088. Isn't this exciting?

3089. 我什么也没看见啊

3090. I didn't see anything.

3091. 走吧,阿齐

3092. Come along Chip.

3093. 厨房还有很多事要做

3094. There's chores to be done in the kitchen.

3095. 什么事情?告诉我啦

3096. But what are they talking about? What's going on?

3097. 什么事情?告诉我啦

3098. But what are they talking about? What's going on?

3099. 妈妈

3100. Come on Mom.

3101. 一种甜蜜

3102. There's something sweet

3103. 且慈悲感觉

3104. And almost kind

3105. 但他那么凶,那么鲁莽

3106. But he was mean

3107. 那么粗俗

3108. and he was coarse and unrefined

3109. 现在他和蔼可亲

3110. And now he's dear

3111. 且小心翼翼

3112. and so unsure

3113. 不知为何之前我都没有察觉

3114. I wonder why I didn't see it there before

3115. 我感觉到她在看我

3116. She glanced this way I thought I saw

3117. 当我靠近她已不会再逃避我

3118. And when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw

3119. 难道是梦使我欢欣

3120. No it can't be I'll just ignore

3121. 但她从未用那种眼神看我

3122. But then she's never looked at me that way before

3123. 有一些心动

3124. New and a bit alarming

3125. 有谁会相信这样的事情

3126. Who'd have ever thought that this could be?

3127. 他的确不是潇洒王子

3128. True that he's no Prince Charming

3129. 我相信他身后

3130. But there's something in him

3131. 一定有许多我没看到的事

3132. That I simply didn't see...

3133. 谁能预料,谁能想像

3134. Well who'd have thought?

3135. 难道是梦,但已发生

3136. Well bless my soul Well who'd have known?

3137. 一个美女

3138. Well who indeed? And who'd have guessed

3139. 她会看上一个野兽

3140. They'd come together on their own?

3141. 这真稀奇,只有等待

3142. It's so peculiar We'll wait and see

3143. 再过几天

3144. A few days more

3145. 也许就会有奇迹出现

3146. There may be something there

3147. that wasn't there before...

3148. 也许就会有奇迹出现

3149. You know perhaps there is Something there

3150. that wasn't there before

3151. 什么?

3152. What?

3153. 也许就会有奇迹出现

3154. There may be something there

3155. that wasn't there before.

3156. 什么啦,妈妈?

3157. What's there Mama?

3158. 等你再大一点就知道了

3159. I'll tell you when you're older.

3160. 你们都知道这诅咒

3161. Right then! You all know why we're here.

3162. 我们有个小时又分秒…

3163. We have exactly hours minutes and seconds

3164. 去创造最神奇的…

3165. to create the most magical

3166. 自发的,浪漫的爱情

3167. spontaneous romantic atmosphere

3168. 美女爱上野兽

3169. known to man or beast. "Or beast..."

3170. 好吧

3171. Right.

3172. 你们都知道最后一片花瓣凋谢时

3173. Need I remind you

3174. that if the last petal falls from this rose

3175. 就永远不能解除魔法了

3176. the spell will never be... broken!

3177. 你们都知道自己的任务

3178. Very well. You all know your assignments.

3179. 这一半往西

3180. Half of you to the west wing.

3181. 这一半往东

3182. Half of you to the east wing.

3183. 其余的跟我来

3184. The rest of you come with me.

3185. 轻松点,高士华

3186. Oh lighten up Cogsworth

3187. 自然就会有答案了

3188. and let nature take its course.

3189. 他们显然都被对方吸引

3190. It's obvious there's a spark between them.

3191. 我们可以稍微煽风点火

3192. Yes but there's no harm in fanning the flames.

3193. 如果我们可再变回人类 他们得在今晚爱上对方

3194. Besides they must fall in love

3195. tonight if we ever expect to be human again.

3196. 再变回人类

3197. Ah human again.

3198. 再变回人类

3199. Human again.

3200. 对,想想那会怎么样

3201. Yes think what that means.

3202. 我将再度烹饪,再度恢复美貌

3203. I'll be cooking again Be good looking again

3204. 当我再变回人类,双臂各拥美女

3205. With a mademoiselle on each arm

3206. 只有再变回人类,才能从容优雅

3207. When I'm human again Only human again

3208. 焕发迷人的光彩

3209. Poised and polished and gleaming with charm

3210. 我又可以打扮时髦,殷勤追求爱人

3211. I'll be courting again Chic and sporting again

3212. 丈夫们将提心吊胆

3213. I'll be courting again Chic and sporting again

3214. 我将从橱子上眺望

3215. I'll hop down off this shelf

3216. 马上就变回人类

3217. And tout de suite be myself

3218. 我等不及要再变回人类

3219. I can't wait to be human again

3220. 当我们再变回人类,只要再变回人类

3221. When we're human again Only human again

3222. 当我们不再是放在架上的摆饰

3223. When we're knickknacks and whatnots no more

3224. 当我们再变回人类,好好地再变回人类

3225. When we're human again good and human again

3226. -亲爱的 -一切都将变好

3227. Oh cherie won't it all be top drawer?

3228. 我将擦上红红的口红

3229. I'll wear lipstick and rouge

3230. 身材也不再如此肥大

3231. And I won't be so huge

3232. 是啊,我将能轻松穿过门扉

3233. Why I'll easily fit through that door

3234. 我将变成精灵,我将披上礼服

3235. I'll exude savoir faire I'll wear gowns

3236. 我会长出头发,我祈祷着再变回人

3237. I'll have hair It's my prayer to be human again

3238. 当我们再变回人类,只要再变回人

3239. When we're human again Only human again

3240. 再回到人类世界

3241. When the world once more starts making sense

3242. 我将放松发情,那可真怪了

3243. I'll unwind for a change Really? That'd be strange

3244. 你以为我喜欢上紧发条啊

3245. Can I help it if I'm t-t-tense?

3246. 我将待在海边的小屋,轻啜一口茶

3247. In a shack by the sea I'll sit back sipping tea

3248. 我要退休了

3249. Let my early retirement commence

3250. 我将远离蜡烛,我说到做到

3251. Far from fools made of wax

3252. I'll get down to brass tacks and relax!

3253. 我将再变回人

3254. When I'm human again

3255. 把地上的灰尘扫去

3256. So sweep the dust from the floor

3257. 让光线照进房里

3258. Let's let some light in the room

3259. 我感觉得到也明白随时会有人来解除魔咒

3260. I can feel I can tell

3261. Someone might break the spell any day now

3262. 门边的铜器闪亮

3263. Shine up the brass on the door

3264. 畚箕扫帚都戒备

3265. Alert the dust pail and broom

3266. 如果一切顺利,很快就能解除魔咒

3267. If it all goes as planned

3268. Our time may be at hand any day now

3269. 打开百叶窗,让空气流通

3270. Open the shutters and let in some air

3271. 这些摆在这儿,那些放那里

3272. Put these here and put those over there

3273. 忘怀这数年,伤悲与泪水

3274. Sweep up the years of sadness and tears

3275. 全部都忘记

3276. And throw them away

3277. 当我们再变回人类,只要再变回人类

3278. We'll be human again Only human again

3279. 当那女孩终于解放我们

3280. When the girl finally sets us all free

3281. 脸颊又显出欢愉

3282. Cheeks a-blooming again

3283. 我们恢复人生

3284. We're assuming again

3285. 我们将重拾欢乐生活

3286. We'll resume our long lost joie de vivre

3287. 我们祈祷

3288. We'll be playing again Holidaying again

3289. 它能早降临

3290. And we're praying it's ASAP

3291. 稍微催促,一点压力

3292. We will push we will shove

3293. 他们可能坠入爱河

3294. They will both fall in love

3295. 我们也将再变回人

3296. And we'll finally be human again...

3297. 这是最悲伤的故事

3298. For never was a story of more woe

3299. 罗蜜欧与茱丽叶

3300. Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

3301. 可以再读一次吗?

3302. Could you read it again?

3303. 换你读好了

3304. Well here why don't you read it to me?

3305. 好吧…

3306. Uh all right. Uh...

3307. 我不识字

3308. Uh... I can't.

3309. 你没学过?

3310. You mean you never learned?

3311. 学过一点点

3312. I learned... a little.

3313. 太久没读了

3314. It's just been so long.

3315. 来,我帮你,从这里开始

3316. Well here I'll help you. Let's start here. Here.

3317. -凉个? -两个

3318. Okay "Twoe..." "Two."

3319. 两个,我学过

3320. "Two... I knew that.

3321. 两个家庭…

3322. Two households..."

3323. 我们将再度跳舞

3324. We'll be dancing again

3325. 再度旋转

3326. We'll be twirling again

3327. 我们将轻松跳舞

3328. We'll be whirling around with such ease

3329. 当我们再变回人类,只要再变回人类

3330. When we're human again Only human again

3331. 我们可以随着,古老的华尔滋一二三

3332. We'll go waltzing those old one two threes

3333. 我们可以再度移动,再度滑行

3334. We'll be floating again We'll be gliding again

3335. 昂首阔步而行

3336. Stepping striding as fine as you please

3337. 像个真正的人一样

3338. Like a real human does

3339. 就跟以前一样

3340. I'll be all that I was

3341. 在灿烂的早晨,当我们终于重生时

3342. On that glorious morn when we're finally reborn

3343. 我们全都将再变回人

3344. And we're all Human again!

3345. 应该是今天晚上了

3346. Tonight is the night.

3347. 我想我做不到

3348. I'm not sure I can do this.

3349. 你没时间害怕了

3350. You don't have time to be timid.

3351. 大胆些,我亲爱的主人

3352. You must be bold daring.

3353. 大胆些,亲爱的

3354. Bold daring.

3355. 音乐及罗曼蒂克的烛光

3356. There will be music... romantic candlelight...

3357. 由我提供

3358. provided by myself.

3359. 当时机一到

3360. And when the moment is right

3361. 你就坦白地对她表示你的爱意

3362. you confess your love.

3363. 我…

3364. Yes I con...

3365. 不,我不行…

3366. I-I... No I can't.

3367. 你喜欢她,是不是?

3368. You care for the girl don't you?

3369. 非常喜欢

3370. More than anything.

3371. 那你一定要告诉她

3372. Well then you must tell her.

3373. 你看起来好…好…

3374. Voila! Oh you look so... so...

3375. 好蠢

3376. Stupid.

3377. 这不是我想说的那个字

3378. Not quite the word I was looking for.

3379. 也许上面再剪短一些

3380. Perhaps a little more off the top?

3381. 小姐在等了

3382. Your lady awaits.

3383. 古老的故事

3384. Tale as old as time

3385. 如梦似真

3386. True as it can be

3387. 如此深情

3388. Barely even friends

3389. 天上尽有

3390. Then somebody bends

3391. 世间少见

3392. Unexpectedly

3393. 些微的改变

3394. Just a little change

3395. 唯妙的改变

3396. Small to say the least

3397. 忐忑不安

3398. Both a little scared

3399. 暧昧不明

3400. Neither one prepared

3401. 美女与野兽

3402. Beauty and the Beast

3403. 独一无二

3404. Ever just the same

3405. 无法想像

3406. Ever a surprise

3407. 未曾有过

3408. Ever as before

3409. 但却明明白白

3410. Ever just as sure

3411. 如初升的朝阳

3412. As the sun will rise

3413. 古老的故事

3414. Tale as old as time

3415. 如梦似幻

3416. Tune as old as song

3417. 各种滋味

3418. Bittersweet and strange

3419. 各自体会

3420. Finding you can change

3421. 出人意表

3422. Learning you were wrong

3423. 如初升的朝阳

3424. Certain as the sun

3425. 闪耀东方

3426. Rising in the east

3427. 古老的故事

3428. Tale as old as time

3429. 美丽的歌谣

3430. Song as old as rhyme

3431. 美女与野兽

3432. Beauty and the Beast

3433. 古老的故事

3434. Tale as old as time

3435. 美丽的歌谣

3436. Song as old as rhyme

3437. 美女与野兽

3438. Beauty and the Beast.

3439. 阿齐,你该睡觉了

3440. Off to the cupboard with you now Chip.

3441. 回你的碗橱子里去吧

3442. It's past your bedtime.

3443. 晚安

3444. Good night love.

3445. 贝儿

3446. Belle?

3447. 你在这里会觉得快乐吗?

3448. Are you... happy here with me?

3449. 当然

3450. Yes.

3451. 怎么了?

3452. What is it?

3453. 我好希望能再见到我爸爸

3454. If only I could see my father again

3455. 只要一眼,我好想念他

3456. just for a moment. I miss him so much.

3457. 我有办法

3458. There is a way.

3459. 这面镜子可以让你看到任何你想看到的事情

3460. This mirror will show you anything...

3461. anything you wish to see.

3462. 我希望能看到我父亲

3463. I'd like to see my father

3464. 好吗?

3465. please.

3466. 爸爸

3467. Papa?

3468. 不,他生病了

3469. Oh no. He's sick.

3470. 他也许会死

3471. He may be dying

3472. 他那么孤单无助

3473. and he's all alone.

3474. 那…那你该回去照顾他

3475. Then you must go to him.

3476. 你说…什么?

3477. What did you say?

3478. 你可以走了

3479. I release you.

3480. 你不再是我的犯人了

3481. You are no longer my prisoner.

3482. 你是说,我自由了

3483. You mean... I'm free?

3484. 是的

3485. Yes.

3486. 谢谢你

3487. Oh thank you.

3488. 爸爸,振作点

3489. Hold on Papa.

3490. 我马上就回来了

3491. I'm on my way.

3492. 带着它吧

3493. Take it with you

3494. 这样你可以回忆一下这里

3495. so you'll always have a way to look back

3496. 希望你记得我

3497. and remember me.

3498. 谢谢你能谅解他对我的重要

3499. Thank you for understanding how much he needs me.

3500. 主人

3501. Well Your Highness

3502. 这每一件事情都进行得很顺利

3503. I must say everything is going just swimmingly.

3504. 我知道你是绝对没有问题的

3505. I knew you had it in you.

3506. 我让她走了

3507. I let her go.

3508. 是的,是的,那太好了

3509. Yes yes. Splen...

3510. 你…什么?

3511. You what?

3512. 你怎么能这样做呢?

3513. How could you do that?

3514. 我不得不

3515. I had to.

3516. 但…但…为什么呢?

3517. Yes but... Why?

3518. 因为我爱她

3519. Because... I love her.

3520. 他做了什么?

3521. He did what?

3522. 没错,他答应让她走了

3523. Yes. I'm afraid it's true.

3524. 她要走吗?

3525. She's going away?

3526. 就只差那么一点点了

3527. But he was so close.

3528. 不管怎么说

3529. After all this time

3530. 他终于学会了怎么去爱人

3531. he's finally learned to love.

3532. 那咒语是不是

3533. That's it then.

3534. 就应该解开了?

3535. That should break the spell.

3536. 还是没用的

3537. But it's not enough.

3538. 贝儿也得爱他才行啊

3539. She has to love him in return.

3540. 这一切都太迟了

3541. Now it's too late.

3542. 爸爸,爸爸

3543. Papa! Papa!

3544. 他们回来了

3545. Ooh. They're back.

3546. 贝儿

3547. Belle?

3548. 没事了,爸爸,我回来了

3549. It's all right Papa. I'm home.

3550. 我以为再也看不见你了

3551. I thought I'd never see you again.

3552. 我好想你啊

3553. I missed you so much.

3554. 那野兽

3555. But the Beast?

3556. 你怎么逃出来的?

3557. Did you... how did you escape?

3558. 我不是逃走的,爸爸

3559. I didn't escape Papa.

3560. 他让我走的

3561. He let me go.

3562. 那只可怕的野兽?

3563. That horrible beast?

3564. 他现在不一样了,爸爸

3565. But he's different now Papa.

3566. 他改变了好多哦

3567. He's changed somehow.

3568. 一个偷渡客啊

3569. Oh. A stowaway.

3570. 小家伙

3571. Why hello there little fella.

3572. 真没想到还能再看见你

3573. Didn't think I'd see you again.

3574. 贝儿,你为什么要走?

3575. Belle why'd you go away?

3576. 你不喜欢我们了吗?

3577. Don't you like us anymore?

3578. 阿齐,我当然喜欢

3579. Oh Chip of course I do.

3580. 可是因为…

3581. It's just...

3582. 请问有事吗?

3583. May I help you?

3584. 我们是来接你父亲的

3585. I've come to collect your father.

3586. 我父亲?

3587. My father?

3588. 小姐,你别担心

3589. Don't worry Mademoiselle.

3590. 我们会好好照顾他的

3591. We'll take good care of him.

3592. 我父亲不是疯子

3593. My father's not crazy.

3594. 他像疯子一样胡说八道

3595. He was raving like a lunatic.

3596. 我们都听到了,对不对?

3597. We all heard him didn't we?

3598. 不,我不准你们…

3599. No I won't let you.

3600. -贝儿 -莫维斯?

3601. Belle? Maurice

3602. 老头子,你再说一遍

3603. tell us again old man.

3604. 那个野兽有多大啊?

3605. Just how big was the beast?

3606. 它…它…很大

3607. He was... I mean he was... he was... enormous.

3608. 大概有八英尺

I- I'd say at least eight...

3609. 不…超过十英尺吧

3610. No more like ten feet.

3611. 他不疯,那谁才是疯子啊?

3612. Well you don't get much crazier than that.

3613. 是真的,真的

3614. It's true I tell you.

3615. 把他带走

3616. Get him out of here.

3617. 放开我

3618. Let go of me.


3620. No!

3621. 你们不能这么做

3622. You can't do this.

3623. 可怜的贝儿

3624. Poor Belle.

3625. 你爸爸怎么会是个疯子啊

3626. It's a shame about your father.

3627. 你知道他没有疯的对不对

3628. You know he's not crazy Gaston.

3629. 我倒是可以想想办法

3630. Hmm I might be able to clear up this...

3631. 帮你澄清这个误会

3632. little misunderstanding.

3633. -只要… -只要什么?

3634. If... If what?

3635. 只要你肯嫁给我

3636. If you marry me.

3637. -什么? -一个字,贝儿

3638. What? One little word Belle.

3639. 只要你肯说那一个字

3640. That's all it takes.

3641. -休想 -随你便了

3642. Never. Have it your way.

3643. -贝儿 -放开我

3644. Belle. Let go of me.

3645. 我可以证明我父亲不是疯子

3646. My father's not crazy and I can prove it.

3647. 让我看野兽

3648. Show me the Beast.

3649. 他会伤人吗?

3650. Is it dangerous?

3651. 不会的,他从来没有伤过人

3652. Oh no no he'd never hurt anyone.

3653. 我知道他样子长得很可怕

3654. Please I know he looks vicious

3655. 但是他很仁慈又绅士

3656. but he's really kind and gentle.

3657. 他是我的朋友

3658. He's my friend.

3659. 如果我没猜错

3660. If I didn't know better

3661. 你看起来跟那个怪物好像很有感情啊

3662. I'd think you had feelings for this monster.

3663. 他不是怪物,加斯顿

3664. He's no monster Gaston.

3665. 你才是

3666. You are.

3667. 我看这个女孩跟她爸爸一样疯了

3668. She's as crazy as the old man.

3669. 野兽会在夜里偷走你们的孩子

3670. The Beast will make off with your children.

3671. He'll come after them in the night.

3672. -不会 -只有杀了他才安全

3673. No! We're not safe

3674. till his head is mounted on my wall.

3675. 我建议我们杀了他

3676. I say we kill the Beast!

3677. 野兽不能让他活

3678. We're not safe until he's dead

3679. 晚上他会来害人

3680. He'll come stalking us at night

3681. 要是让他吃掉孩子

3682. Set to sacrifice our children

3683. 不如马上除掉他

3684. To his monstrous appetite

3685. 他在小城出现

3686. He'll wreak havoc on our village

3687. 就会扰乱我们的生活

3688. If we let him wander free

3689. 是我们该行动的时候

3690. So it's time to take some action boys

3691. 请大家跟我来

3692. It's time to follow me

3693. 过沼泽,穿森林 走过黑暗,走过阴影

3694. Through the mist through the woods

3695. Through the darkness and the shadows

3696. 一个恶梦但却令我兴奋

3697. It's a nightmare but it's one exciting ride

3698. 祈求天指引我

3699. Say a prayer then we're there

3700. 过了吊桥就是城堡

3701. at the drawbridge of a castle

3702. 有个怪物一定要把他除掉

3703. And there's something truly terrible inside

3704. 是野兽,他可恶

3705. It's a beast he's got fangs

3706. 危害人类

3707. razor-sharp ones

3708. 他残暴,凶猛,没人性

3709. Massive paws killer claws for the feast

3710. 他怒吼,他疯狂

3711. Hear him roar see him foam

3712. 但我们一定要杀掉他

3713. But we're not coming home

3714. 让他死,杀野兽

3715. Till he's dead Good and dead Kill the Beast!

3716. 不,我不准你们伤害他

3717. No I won't let you do this.

3718. 假如你不跟我们一起 就是反对我们

3719. If you're not with us you're against us.

3720. 把那个老头带来

3721. Bring the old man.

3722. 放开我

3723. Get your hands off me.

3724. 我们也不会让你去通知那个野兽

3725. We can't have them running off

3726. to warn the creature.

3727. 放我们出去

3728. Let us out!

3729. 现在要出发去抓那个野兽

3730. We'll rid the village of this beast.

3731. 谁愿意跟我一起去?

3732. Who's with me?

3733. 燃火把,快上马

3734. Raise your torch mount your horse

3735. 带好武器勇敢向前冲

3736. Screw your courage to the sticking place

3737. 我们让加斯顿来作领导

3738. We're counting on Gaston to lead the way

3739. 过沼泽,穿森林

3740. Through the mist through the wood

3741. 走过黑暗阴影

3742. Where within a haunted castle

3743. 有个怪物在那城堡

3744. Something's lurking that you don't see every day

3745. 他是像山一样高大的野兽

3746. It's a beast one as tall as a mountain

3747. 不休息直到他倒下去

3748. We won't rest till he's good and deceased

3749. 走啊,冲啊

3750. Sally forth tally ho

3751. 握紧你的剑,拿起你的弓

3752. Grab your sword grab your bow

3753. 赞美主,我们出发

3754. Praise the Lord and here we go.

3755. 我们要让城堡倒下

3756. We'll lay siege to the castle

3757. 带回他的头

3758. and bring back his head!

3759. 我一定要去通知野兽

3760. I have to warn the Beast.

3761. 都是我惹的祸

3762. This is all my fault.

3763. 爸爸,我们该怎么办?

3764. Oh Papa what are we going to do?

3765. 不是的…

3766. Now now.

3767. 我们要赶紧想办法

3768. We'll think of something.

3769. 我们不了解可怕的野兽而心生恐惧

3770. We don't like what we don't understand

3771. In fact it scares us And this monster

3772. is mysterious at least

3773. 拿起枪,拿起刀

3774. Bring your guns bring your knives

3775. 拯救妇女小孩

3776. Save your children and your wives

3777. 恢复我们小城的可爱

3778. We'll save our village and our lives

3779. 杀死野兽

3780. We'll kill the Beast!

3781. 我们根本就不该抱太大希望的

3782. I knew it was foolish to get our hopes up.

3783. 也许她从来没有出现过比较好

3784. Maybe it would have been better

3785. if she'd never come at all.

3786. 可能吗?

3787. Could it be?

3788. 是她吗?

3789. Is it she?

3790. 有人侵入

3791. Sacre bleu! Invaders.

3792. 有敌人

3793. Encroachers.

3794. 他们有魔镜

3795. And they have the mirror.

3796. 快去通知主人

3797. Warn the master.

3798. 要准备应战了

3799. If it's a fight they want we'll be ready for them.

3800. 有谁跟我来?

3801. Who's with me?

3802. 你们可以拿任何你们想要的东西

3803. Take whatever booty you can find

3804. 但记住,那个野兽是我的

3805. but remember the Beast is mine!

3806. 我们不怕任何困难危险

3807. Lights ablaze banners high We go marching into battle

3808. 坚持到底跟他们作战

3809. Unafraid although the danger just increased

3810. 高举旗,大声唱

3811. Raise the flag sing the song

3812. 我们五十个人 强壮有力一定会成功

3813. Here we come we're strong

3814. And Frenchmen can't be wrong

3815. 杀死野兽

3816. Let's kill the Beast!

3817. 主人陛下

3818. Pardon me Master?

3819. 不要烦我

3820. Leave me in peace.

3821. 但是有人攻打城堡啊

3822. But sir the castle is under attack.

3823. 杀野兽…杀野兽…

3824. Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!

3825. 这样是不行的

3826. This isn't working.

3827. 卢米亚

3828. Oh Lumiere

3829. 我们快想办法啊

3830. we must do something.

3831. 等一等,有了

3832. Wait I know.

3833. 杀野兽,杀野兽

3834. Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!

3835. 我们怎么办?主人

3836. What shall we do Master?

3837. 让他们来吧,我无所谓了

3838. It doesn't matter now. Just let them come.

3839. 杀野兽,杀野兽

3840. Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!

3841. 杀野兽

3842. Kill the Beast!

3843. 攻击

3844. Now!

3845. 好了

3846. Yes!

3847. 出发啰

3848. Here we go.

3849. 那是什么?

3850. What the devil?

3851. 贝儿,小心

3852. Belle look out!

3853. 你们一定要试一试

3854. You guys got to try this thing.

3855. 看上面,人渣

3856. Up here you scurvy scum!

3857. 攻击

3858. Now!

3859. 滚出去

3860. And stay out!

3861. 站起来

3862. Get up.

3863. 站起来

3864. Get up!

3865. 怎么了你?野兽?

3866. What's the matter Beast?

3867. 是不是太温柔太仁慈了?

3868. Too kind and gentle to fight back?


3870. No!

3871. 贝儿

3872. Belle...

3873. 不要,加斯顿

3874. No! Gaston

3875. 不要

3876. don't!

3877. 费力,我们走

3878. Let's go Philippe.

3879. 带种的出来啊

3880. Come on out and fight!

3881. 你爱上她了吗?野兽?

3882. Were you in love with her Beast?

3883. 你有没有仔细想过

3884. Did you honestly think she'd want you

3885. 凭你那付德性她会看上你吗?

3886. when she had someone like me?

3887. 去死吧,野兽

3888. It's over Beast.

3889. 贝儿是我的

3890. Belle is mine!

3891. 不要松手,不要松手

3892. Let me go. Let me go.

3893. 不要伤害我,求求你

3894. Please don't hurt me.

3895. 任何事情我都答应你

3896. I'll do anything. Anything!

3897. 你滚吧

3898. Get out.

3899. 野兽

3900. Beast!

3901. 贝儿

3902. Belle?

3903. 贝儿

3904. Belle?

3905. 你回来了?

3906. You came back.

3907. 你回来了

3908. You... You came back.

3909. 是的,我回来了

3910. Of course I came back.

3911. 我不能让他们…

3912. I couldn't let them...

3913. 这都是我的错

3914. Oh this is all my fault.

3915. 如果我能早点赶回来

3916. If only I'd gotten here sooner.

3917. 也许这样比较好

3918. Maybe... it's better...

3919. 这样子比较好

3920. it's better this way.

3921. 不要这样说

3922. Don't talk like that.

3923. 你不会有事的

3924. You'll be all right.

3925. 我们又在一起了

3926. We're together now.

3927. 什么都会好的,对吗?

3928. Everything's going to be fine. You'll see.

3929. 至…至少

3930. And... at least...

3931. 我还能看你最后一眼

3932. I got to see you... one last time.

3933. 不…不要…

3934. No. No.

3935. 求求你…

3936. Please... Please...

3937. 不要丢下我

3938. Please don't leave me.

3939. 我爱你

3940. I love you.

3941. 贝儿,是我

3942. Belle. It's me.

3943. 真的是你

3944. It is you.

3945. 卢米亚

3946. Lumiere.

3947. 葛士华

3948. Cogsworth!

3949. 茶煲太太

3950. Mrs. Potts!

3951. 看看我们

3952. Look at us.

3953. 妈妈…

3954. Mama Mama.

3955. 我的天

3956. My goodness.

3957. 真是奇迹

3958. It is a miracle.

3959. 完美

3960. L'amour.

3961. 卢米亚好兄弟

3962. Well Lumiere old friend.

3963. 过去的事真是一场恶梦

3964. Shall we let bygones be bygones?

3965. 当然

3966. Of course mon ami.

3967. 我就说她会解开咒语的

3968. I told you she would break the spell.

3969. 对不起,好兄弟

3970. I beg your pardon old friend

3971. 我想,应该是我告诉你的

3972. but I believe I told you.

3973. 不对,是我告诉你的

3974. No you didn't... I told you.

3975. 你这个人真爱夸张

3976. You most certainly did not

3977. 白痴,死蜡烛

3978. you pompous paraffin-headed peabrain.

3979. 告诉你,你才是笨蛋

3980. En garde you-you overgrown pocket watch.

3981. 自大、神经病

3982. Take that.

3983. 可恶

3984. Take that.

3985. 妈妈,他们会快乐的生活在一起吗?

3986. Are they going to live happily ever after Mama?

3987. 当然啰,亲爱的

3988. Of course my dear.

3989. 当然啰

3990. Of course.

3991. 我还要睡在碗橱里呀?

3992. Do I still have to sleep in the cupboard?

3993. 炫烂如初阳

3994. Certain as the sun

3995. 闪耀在东方

3996. Rising in the east

3997. 古老的故事

3998. Tale as old as time

3999. 美丽的歌谣

4000. Song as old as rhyme

4001. 剧终

4002. THE END

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