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时间:2010-12-09 01:30:11    下载该word文档


Emergency Procedure of Poison & Explosive threat


In case of our store make sure to be suffering a poison or explosive threat, SM is authorized to execute the following emergency procedure. The procedure is only suitable to all stores in Metro China.

4. 处置程序Procedure

4.1. 商场经理下令,要求商场保安部门的现场负责人迅速通知当地警方。在报警的同时通知总部销售经理和保安部经理。

SM orders the highest-ranking guard in store to inform local police prompt about the case. At the same time Inform HQ sales manager and security manager when inform police.

4.2. 在警察抵达商场时,商场保安必须全力协助警方在商场内的秘密侦查。同时,当值内保负责人应及时将侦察结果通报商场经理。

As the police arrival on the scene, store’s guards try to assist their secret investigation in the store, then the interior security supervisor should notice the result of investigation to SM as soon as possible.

4.3. 警察完成侦查后,必须公布书面的处理意见。

After police completed their investigation, they must issue the written disposal opinion.

4.4. 商场经理应当立即把警方的侦查结果和处置意见通知总部销售经理和保安经理。

SM should immediately inform sales Operation Manager and Security Manager of head office about the result and opinion from the police.

4.5. 根据警方的意见,商场经理有权做出如下决定:

Store Manager is authorized to make following decision according to the police’s advice:

4.5.1 关闭商场Close the store

4.5.2 疏散顾客Evacuate all customers

4.5.3 疏散员工Evacuate all staff

5. 严格控制商场出入口Strict Controlling of Entrance and Exit

5.1 商场经理应命令当班楼经或内保负责人关闭入口或严格控制各个出入口,尤其是顾客入口处和终检出口处,并做好顾客的有序疏散。

SM should order FM or internal security supervisor on duty to close the entrance or strictly control each entrance and exit, especially the customer entrance and the final exit, and help customers to leave smoothly.


We should be necessary to make certain dummy reason, for example, power supply system is out of order or power will be cut soon in our store, in order to discourage more customers from the entrance enter the store for ensure customers’ body and blocking news to avoid panic and tumult as well.

5.3. 商场经理或值班楼层经理应通过商场广播做出如下安排:

SM or FM on duty should make following arrangement via in-house call:

5.3.1. 告诉顾客离开商场的原因。

Telling customers the reasons to leave

5.3.2. 要求商场内的顾客尽快去收银机结款或立即终止购物行为。

Customers must check out through cash register or must immediately stop shopping activity.

5.3.3 顾客只能从商场出口离开。

Customers must leave the store through customer’s exit only.

5.3.4. 每位员工必须留在部门内检查包装破损的商品。

Staff must remain in their position to check merchandise of broken package in business area.

5.4. 内部保安在商场内必须加强巡逻检查,保安主管必须留在监控室,严密观察监控画面。

Interior guards should strengthen forces to patrol in store; Security Supervisor should remain in monitor room and strict watch screen of per camera and monitor.

5.5 其他楼层经理和收银主管必须留在收银区域,以保证顾客能顺利离开商场。

All other FM and cashier supervisor have to stay in the cashier area, ensuring that the customers can leave the store smoothly.

5.6. 商场入口处寄包柜暂时停止使用,在顾客取出寄存的包后,保安必须搜查每只寄包柜。

Stop using of package-leaving cabinet temporarily at customer entrance. Guards must search for each cabinet after previous customers take away their packages.

5.7 启用顾客问讯处作为临时的寄包处,同时安排一名内保对顾客的包进行适当的检查。

Make use of customer reception area as temporary package-leaving area, and arrange an inside security person involved in and check the package properly.

5.8 增加每个班次的内、外保人员,加强商场内外区域的管理,包括:大门、停车场、外部的GR区域。

Increase the staff number of inside & outside security person in every shift and enhance the management to the inside and outside area include the gate parking area outside GR area

5.9 收货和退货部门要对所有的供应商运送车辆进行登记。检查所收到的一切物品,包括小件物品、邮包(开箱检查,生鲜部门也不能例外)。

Goods receiving department and back area: register all supply’s delivery vehicle. Check all the items received, including articles, parcel post (open-box check, no exception with the fresh department).

6. 严格控制商场停车场Strictly Controlling Parking Lot

6.1 保安必须对在停车场内闲逛的人进行询问;对可疑车辆和人员应及时 报告警察。

Guard must take care of the person who are idling about in the parking lot, and carry through asking. In case of guards found suspicious of vehicle and person, they should inform the police about it in time.

6.2. 清洁工必须对商场内外的各种遗弃物进行检查,包括垃圾箱,对可疑物应及时报告警察。

Cleaner must check all kind of derelict things in the inside and outside area, involving dustbin. In case of cleaner found suspicious of thing, he /she should inform the police about it in time.

7. 其他措施 Other measurements

7.1. 严格将此消息封锁在商场内部。避免媒体进入商场。

Block this information strictly in the store. Avoid medium into the store.

7.2 让所有的办公室和卖场工作人员知道:如果他们接到可疑电话,他们应该立即通知商场经理或当值楼层经理。

All office and operator be informed that while they receive suspicious call, they should inform SM or FM on duty as soon as possible.

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