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Unit 5 Topic 1



IV .

A. Very funny and in teresti ng.

B. Bori ng.

C. Movi ng.

听对话选择正确答案。对话读两遍。 (5分)

)16. Li Mi ng is feeli ng

A. n ot well

)17. Li Ming looks

A. excited

)18. Li Ming _

A. will

B. very well

C. very bad








B. upset go to see the movie at first.

B.can '

C. disappo in ted

C. won '

1. 2.


)6. A. Mike won the match.

B. Mike and I felt excited.

C. Mike and I took part in the football match. )7. A. Ann can 'look after her mother.

B. Ann can look after herself.

C. Ann does n'tlook after herself.

)8. A. Beiji ng Opera is very popular with most old people.

B. Beiji ng Opera is not popular with most old people.

C. Most old people think that Beiji ng Opera is very popular. )9. A. I ' m very proud of my elder brother.

B. I ' m proud of my younger brother.

C. My little brother is proud of me.

)10. A. Tom is an amaz ing boy.

B. Tom felt surprised.

C. Tom told me an amazing story. 听对话选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。

)11. What thesma n's favorite film?

A. Cats. B. The Sou nd of Music. C. Tita nic.

)12. Does the woma n have a ticket?

A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn ' t.C. We don ' )13. What does the woma n th ink of the movie?

A. She does n't like it at all.

B. She likes its music.

C. She thinks it 'sjust so-so.

)14. What 'sTom'splan for next week?

A. He is going to Beiji ng.

B. He will have to do housework at home.

C. He has lots of work to do.

)15. How does Tom like Beiji ng Opera?


t know.

)19. Li Ming has to .

A. do his homework B. look after his mother

)20. Li Ming thi nks the girl 'idea is .

A.bad B. good

C. care for his sister

C. just so-so

Unit 5 Topic 2













)6. A. Because his En glish is poor.

B. Because he didn ' t like English.

C. Because he did badly in the exam.

)7. A. Ann s.'

B. Kate's.

C. Jan e's.

)8. A. Because his friends don ' t like him.

B. Because his classmates like him.

C. Because his classmates don ' t accept him.

)9. A. Because his mother is ill in hospital.

B. Because his father is ill in bed.

C. Because his brother is lost.

)10. A. Lucy did her homework.

B. Lucy watched TV.

C. Lucy did her housework.


)11. There is someth ing wrong with _




B. Jim

C. Tom

A. Tony

( )12. Where is Jim?

A. In the classroom B. On the playgro und. C. In his bedroom.

( )13. Who should have a talk with Jim?

A. The woma n. B. Tom. C. Tony.

( )14. Jim is a (an) boy.

A. brave B. active C. shy

( )15. Jim has frien d(s) here.

A. lots of B. no C. some

IV .听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 (5分)

( )16. John, Peter and Carrie are .

A. in the same school

B. in the same class

C. in differe nt schools

()17. How does Peter play basketball?

A. He plays basketball badly.

B. He plays basketball just so-so.

C. He plays basketball very well.

( )18. What is John like?

A. Happy. B. Humorous. C. Active.

( )19. What is Carrie afraid of?

A. Speak ing in public.

B. Sitting quietly.

C. Stay ing at home.

( )20. Who is active?

A. Joh n. B. Peter. C. Carrie.


n .听句子选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。

Unit 5 Topic 3

I .听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。 (5





( )6. A. Take it easy. B. Have a rest.

( )7. A. You ' re all rightB. You ' re right.

( )8. A. He is very happy. B. He has a rest.

( )9. A. No, I ' m feeling better.B. No, I

C. Yes, I ' m feeling worse.

( )10. A. Good idea! B. Sou nds great!





C. You did it so well.

C. That ' s all right.

C. He has a headache. m feeli ng worse.

C. Don 'worry!

.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。 5

)11. A. They are going to put on a short play.

B. They are going to liste n to some CDs.

C. They are going to watch a short play.

)12. A. Yes, she can.

)13. A. Linda 'father.

)14. A. Black.

B. No, she can't.

B. Bob.

B. Blue.

C. We don 'tk now.

C. Bob's father.

C. White.



)15. A. Blue. B. Orange. C. Red.

听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 (5)

)16. Jack and his father whe n it rain ed.

A. were at home B. were tak ing a walk C. were going out for dinner )17. What happe ned to Jack and his father?

A. They got wet because they could n ' t run fast eno ugh.

B. They ran home as soon as they could.

C. They got wet because they had no umbrellas and no places to hide in.

)18. Jack felt because of the rain.

A. unhappy

)19. Jack decided

A. to write a letter to his mother

B. not to go out for a walk

C. to write a letter to God

)20. What did Jack mean in the letter?

A. It could rain but couldn 'train on the road.


( )4. What is Ja ne doi ng?


B. excited


( )5. What are they doi ng?

B. Raining was good for people.

C. He hated raining whe n he went out.

Unit 5


听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。 (5)

)1. How do they like whe n they hear the n ews?


)2. Which picture is the speaker talk ing about?



)3. How is the movie makes people feel?




n .听句子及问题,选择正确答语。每个句子及问题读一遍。 (5)

( )6. A. No, it doesn ' t look niceB. Thank you.

C. It ' s very expensive.

( )7. A. On the road. B. In the cin ema. C. In the shop.

( )8. A. 7:50. B. 7:15. C. 7:05.

( )9. A. Beiji ng Opera. B. Movies.

C. Both Beijing Opera and movies.

( )10. A. Because he failed the En glish exam.

B. Because he fell off his bike and was badly hurt.

C. Because he missed his mother very much.

.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 (5)

( )11. Why does Xiao Li feel happy?

A. Because he will be able to go skii ng this after noon.

B. Because he will have the movie ticket.

C. Because his best friend will come.

( )12. What happe ned to Tom 'brother?

A. He was ill. B. He got hurt. C. He fell off his bike.

( )13. What does Lucy worry about?

A. Speak ing in front of many people.

B. Seeing the doctor.

C. Beco ming fatter and fatter.

( )14. What will Mary do whe n un happy things happe n to her?

A. She will listen to soft music.

B. She will do something for fun.

C. She will take part in activities.

( )15. Why is Linda feeli ng even worse?

A. Because she did n'ttake medic ine.

B. Because she did n'tsee the doctor.

C. Because she wasn'ti n hospital.

IV .听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 (5)

( )16. Julia left her dog to her friend because .

A. She didn 'like it any more

B. She moved to a differe nt place

C. the dog was n 'lovely any Ion ger

( )17. The dog ran away from Julia 'friend 'home

A. after Julia went back

B. before Julia went back

C. whe n it saw Julia






( )18. If anyone could help her find her dog, she would

A. give the pers on a prese nt

B. say tha nks to him or her

C. give him or her some money

()19. Julia sold for her dog.

A. her bike B. her books

( )20. The dog came back itself later.

A. two weeks B. two days

C. her prese nts

C. two mon ths

Unit 6 Topic 1

I .听句子选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。 (5)








n .听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。 (5)

( )6. A. I ' d like to book four tickets, please.

B. Sure, what size do you want?

C. How about this one?





)7. A. I want to travel by bicycle.

B. I am worried about the cost of our field trip.

C. I ' d like to watch Beijing Opera one day. )8. A. Have a good time! )9. A. That ' s OK.

)10. A. Yes, I would.


B. I'm not sure.

B. I ' d love to.

B. Yes, I'd love to. 每段对话读两遍。

C. What a pity.

C. That ' s a good idea.

C. It ' s an interesting place to go. (5)

( )11. How much does a room with a sin gle bed cost?

A. ¥220. B. ¥260. C.Y300.

( )12. Where will the girl go for her spring field trip?

A. The Great Wall.

B. The Children ' s Palace.

C. The Summer Palace.

( )13. What will Kate do with her money?

A. She will go on a trip.

B. She will buy some books.

C. She will buy a new T-shirt.

( )14. How is Li Ming going home today?

A. On foot. B. By bicycle. C. By bus.

()15. What ' s tthsk of Betty ' s group?

A. To find out the cost by train.

B. To find out the cost by bus.

C. To find out the cost by ship.

IV .听短文完成表格。短文读两遍。 (5分)


Day: Saturday

Where to visit: 16

When to leave: 17

Where to meet: 18

Cost: 19 each

Bring: a pencil and a 20

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Unit 6 Topic 2

I .听句子选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。 (5)

( )1. A. That ' s OK. B. Don ' t worry. C. No, thanks.

( )2. A. Yes, I know Hele n. B. Yes, this is Hele n speaki ng.

C. Yes, I ' m here.

()3. A. No, they ' re too busB. Yes, they should.

C. No, they won ' t.

( )4. A. You bet! B. We have no time. C. Oh, you look very happy.

( )5. A. Yes, of course. B. OK , I ' d like to. C. You are right.

n .听对话选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 (5)

( )6. Where will Lily live if she goes to Can ada for her vacati on?

A. I n Tony ' s house ..In a hotel. C. I n Tony ' s frie nd ' s house.

( )7. Who is look ing forward to meeti ng the teacher?

A. Mike. B. Jenny. C. Jim.

( )8. Why does Bill look happy?

A. He will go to Dalia n.

B. He will go to Han gzhou.

C. He will go to Nanji ng.

( )9. Where will Betty visit?

Reason Save 18 , keep 19 and park them 20

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Unit 6单元检测




1. 2.







( )6. A. By bike. B. On foot.

( )7. A. America. B. Can ada.

()8. A. Saturday. B. Friday.

( )9. A. At 6:30. B. At 7:00.

( )10. A. Because bicycles are more popular.

B. Because bicycles are cheaper.

C. By bus.

C. En gla nd.

C. Sun day.

C. At 6:45.

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.



C. Because bicycles are the safest of all the vehicles.

.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 (5

( )11. Tom always goes to work .

A. by bus B. by bike C. by subway

( )12. Every day Tom always on the bus to pass the time.

A. liste ns to music B. reads a storybook C. reads a n ewspaper

( )13. There was a piece of news about a match.

A. football B. basketball C. baseball

( )14. Tom was so excited that he forgot .

A. to pay for the n ewspaper

B. to take his bag

C. to get off the bus

( )15. In the end, Tom .

A. went back on foot B. was late for work C. went back by taxi

IV .信息转换。(5)

你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词。每空仅填一个词。短文 读两遍。


Running, boat ing, 16 and 17



)6. A. A double room.

B. A sta ndard room.

C. A si ngle room.


)7. A. To see sun rise.

B. To see film.

C. To visit Xia ngsha n.


)8. A. Rainy.

B. Sunny.

C. Win dy.


)9. A. To work in Ren

'ai English School.

B. To study in Ren

'ai English School.

C. To buy a Ren '

ai En glish mach ine.


)10. A. ¥320.

B. ¥160.



听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。 (5


)11. What are they talki ng about?

A. Their pare nts.

B. Sports.

C. Holiday.


)12. When did the boy go?

A. Last mon th.

B. Last year.

C. This year.


)13. The boy enjoyed himself in

A. climb ing mountains

B. climbi ng trees

C. fish ing


)14. Where did they go to climb mountains?

A. Guili n.

B. Dali.

C. Lijia ng.

n .听对话及问题,选择正确答语。每段对话及问题读两遍。 (5


)15. Who is goi ng to travel with the girl?

A. Her father. B. Her mother.

C. Her pare nts





)16. I will travel to Mou nt Tai with my

A. classmates B. pare nts

C. friends

( )17. We are going to on the top of the mou nta in.

A. book two rooms B. have a rest C. take some pictures

( )18. We can see on the top of the mountain.

A. the cloud sea B. the sun rise C. both of the above

( )19. We will go to Mou nt Tai .

A. by bus B. by train C. by car

( )20. We will arrive at Mou nt Tai at .

A. 7:00 a.m. B. 9:00 a.m. C. 10:00 a.m.

Unit 7 Topic 1

I .听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。 (5


)17. San dwich lived in the

cen tury.

A. 17th

B. 18th

C. 19th


)18. San dwich liked to play cards .

A. for money

B. for en terta inment

C. for fun


)19. San dwich ofte n had his meals .

A. before play ing

B. after play ing

C. while playi ng


)20. The word sandwich today comes from the name of .

A. the man San dwich

B. the city San dwich

C. the village San dwich

Unit 7

Topic 2

I .

.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。 (5


)1. A. Tha nk you.

B. 1 'm happy.

C. Con gratulati ons!


)2. A. Of course not.

B. Yes, I would.

C. You decide.


)3. A. Fish is delicious!

B. Thank you.

C. Yes, I ' m hungry.


)4. A. Noodles.

B. Smok ing.

C. Apples.


)5. A. Oh, I know.


1. 2. 3. 4.

n .听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。



()6. A. What a pity!

B. Good idea.

C. How kind!

( )7. A. Yes, you decide.

()8. A. Yes, she is.

( )9. A. No, I don '

B. Good idea.

B. Yes, she does.

t. B. Yes, I ' d like to.

)10. A. On the playgrou nd.

B. Next Mo nday.


C. My pleasure.

C. You are right.

C. Yes, I have.

C. On the playgro und n ext Mon day.

.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。 (5

( )11. A. To make a poster. B. To make a picture. C. To make cheese pies.

( )12. A. Noodles. B. Vegetables. C. Eggs.

( )13. A. Cook soup. B. Cook dishes. C. Cook fried rice.

( )14. A. How to sell n ewspapers. B. How to sell dumpli ngs.

C. How to make mon ey.

( )15. A. Chi na. B. Ca nada. C. Japa n.

IV .听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 (5)

( )16. San dwich was .

A. an America n B. a Can adia n C. an En glishma n

B. Why not send him to see a doctor?

C. I ' m sorry to hear that.

n .听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。 (5

( )6. A. No, h e doesn

t. B. Yes, he does.

( )7. A. The kn ife.

( )8. A. Lem on ade.

( )9. A. Japa nese food.

( )10. A. Eggs and milk.


B. The fork.

B. Tea.

B. Western food.

B. Eggs and porridge. 每段对话读两遍。

听第一段对话完成第 11, 12小题。

( )11. Lin Feng wants to buy .

A. some cakes B. some chocolate

( )12. The girl needs to go to .

A. the cake shop B. the flower shop

听第二段对话,完成第 13-15小题。

( )13. The man wants to have breakfast

A. i n the restaura nt B. i n his room

( )14. The man would like to have breakfast

A. at 7:00 a.m. B. at 7:30 a.m.

( )15. The woma n may be

A. a waiter B. the man's friend

V .听短文,填表格。短文读两遍。 (5)


C. He doesn ' t want to tell her.

C. The spo on.

C. Coffee.

C. Chin ese food.

C. Pan cakes and porridge.


C. some flowers

C. the supermarket

C. in the hall

C. at 9:00 a.m.

C. the man's wife



Prepare some salt, 16 and pepper.


17 up some vegetables and 18 .

Li Hua

19 some gree n onions.


Prepare the 20 in the kitche n.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Unit 7 Topic 3

I .听句子选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。 (5)

( )1. A. How beautiful it is! B. Tha nk you.

C. Your hometow n is beautiful.

()2. A. Yes, but I

( )3. A. Coke, please.

( )4. A. Yes, we shall.



m.bdsy, I do.

B. Banan as, please.

B. No, we shall not.

C. Sure, I ' d love to

C. Beef, please.

C. That sounds good.

)5. A. Sure.

B. No, you can't.

C. I don 'tthink so.

A. She liked it very much.

B. She didn ' t like it.

C. She thought the food was just so-so.

( )17. The man sat next to the woman, didn ' t he?

A. We don ' t knowB. Yes, he did. C. No, he didn ' t.

( )18. Why was the woma n an gry?

A. The man looked at her. B. The man ate her cake.

C. The man looked at the floor n ear her.

( )19. What was the man doi ng?

A. He was eat ing lun ch. B. He was sitt ing at table.

C. He was look ing for his cake.

( )20. Where were the man ' s teeth?

A. On the plate. B. I n the cake on the floor.

C. In the cake of the woman.

听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。 (5

( )6. A. Soft drink.

( )7. A. Fruits.

( )8. A. Knife and fork.

( )9. A. Bone soup.

()10. A. ¥45.

B. Salad.

B. Vegetables.

B. Fork.

B. Chicke n soup.

B. ¥55.

C. Salad and wi ne.

C. Meat.

C. Chopsticks.

C. Vegetable soup.


Unit 7单元测试



.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。 (5)

( )11. What are the two speakers going to do this evening?

A. Have dinner in a restaura nt.

B. Go to see frien ds.

C. Make Sichuan food.

)12. What time will they meet toni ght? B. 8:40.



A. 8:00.

C. 8:30.

)13. Why doesn

A. Because it

B. Because it

t the man feel like having Sichuan food today? 's too expensive.

's too hot.


)14. What kind of food do they both like?

C. Because it

A. Chin ese food.

B. Fast food.

C. Italian food.

( )15. Is there a good Italia n restaura nt n earby?

A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isn ' C. We don 'tknow.

IV .听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 (5)

( )16. What did the woma n thi nk of the lunch?








)6. A. I

)7. A. I

)8. A. 10







5. _


'd like a bowl of ricfe.That ' s all right.

'd like a small dishB . A small dish.

C.I don

C. At six.

t know.

yua n.

B. 10 kilometers.

)9. A. Tha nk you. B. This way.

)10. A. Eat a lot of meat and cakes every day.

B. Eat more vegetables, fruit and less meat.

C. 8 years old.

C. Welcome!

C. Get up late.

.听对话及问题选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。 (5






)11. A. Some tea.

)12. A. He does n '

)13. A. In a shop.

)14. A. Twenty mi nu tes.

B. Some coffee.

t knowHe can ' t fee girl.

B. I n a library.

B. Thirty minu tes.

C. Some water.

C. He can ' t make the sausage.

C. I n a restaura nt.

C. Ten minu tes.



)15. A. Fried chicke n and bread.

C. Fruit salad and bread.

听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 (5)

)16. How many meals do En glish eat i n a day?

A. Two. B. Three.

B. Fruit salad and fried chicke n.



C. Four.


)17. When do people have their breakfast?

A. From seve n to nine in the morni ng.

C. From four to five.

B. At half past seve n.

)18. Does lunch come at twelve o

A. Yes, it does. B. No, it does n

)19. What do they have first for dinner?

A. They have soup first. B. They have meat or fish first.

C. They have other things first.

)20. Does every En glish pers on eat in the same way?

A. We don ' t know. B. Yes, they do.


t. C. We don ' t know.

C. No, they don ' t.



Unit 8 Topic 1

每个句子读一遍。 (5




h \\




)6. A. I want to buy them.


每个句子读一遍。 (5)

B. They are made of silk.

)7. A. In Ch ina. B. Cott on.

)8. A. Thank you. I ' m glad to hear that. B. It '

C. That ' s all right.

)9. A. You know more tha n me.

C. No, tha nks.

)10. A. Size 38. B. Size L.


B. Thank you.

C. Perfect!

C. Tha nks.

s over there.

C. Size M.




)11. A. On the third floor. B. In Shoes and Hats Sectio n.

C. In Women ' s Wear Section.

)12. A. Long purple cott on pan ts. B. Short red silk pan ts.

C. A silk T-shirt.

)13. A. A scarf. I

)14. A. The color and the style.

C. The price and the style.

)15. A. ¥519.

B. A un iform.

C. A wi ndbreaker.

B. The color and the material.

B. ¥590.



Price or color


16 yuan


5 yua n



Huatai Clothing Store





Nice bag

18 yuan

Evening dresses for girls

In 19 or in black

20 for boys

12 yua n each

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

C. a win dbreak

IV .听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 (5分)


)1. A. Great.

)2. A. Sorry, I don

C. Yes, I thi nk so.

)3. A. Tha nk you.

)4. A. Leather shoes.

)5. A. I agree with you.

Unit 8 Topic 2


B. Boat.


C. Un iform.

t know. That

s cool!

B. That ' s all right. C. That ' s right.

B. Slippers. C. Sports shoes.

B. Don ' t say so like that.

C. I want to buy a suitable uniform.

听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。 (5)

)6. A. He ' d better wear warmer clothes. B. He feels a bit cold.

C. He has a little cold.

)7. A. He should wear a long coat and tight pan ts.

B. He should wear a short coat and short pan ts.

C. He should wear a short coat and tight pan ts.

)8. A. Special clothes.

)9. A. Yes, she does.

)10. A. No, it isn

( )16. What are they going to do on Saturday after noon?

A. Play basketball. B. Watch a basketball game.

C. Watch a football game.

( )17. Where will the game have?

A. I n Beiji ng Capital Gym. B. I n Worker's Gym.

C. At school.

( )18. When will they meet at school?

A. At 12:45. B. At 1:15. C. At 1:50.

( )19. How will they get to the Gym?

A. By subway. B. By bike. C. By school bus.

( )20. What will they wear?

A. The school uniform. B. The sports shoes.

C. Both of above.

Unit 8 Topic 3

B. Uni forms.

B. No, she does n't.

'B. Yes, it is.

C. Casual clothes.

C. We don ' t know.

C. That ' s right.





听第一段对话,完成第 1112小题。

)11. is Tom's birthday.

A. Tomorrow B. This Sun day

)12. Tom 'mother will buy him as a present.

A. some books B. a pair of sports shoesC. a pair of sun glasses 听第二段对话完成第 13-15小题。

)13. They want to buy some .

A. warm clothes B. fruits

)14. The n earest cloth ing store is _

A. fifteen minute s 'walk

C. on Zhon gsha n Road

)15. Maria would like to buy .

A. a pair of leather gloves

C. Next Sunday

C. school things

B. fifty minutes 'walk

B. a cott on jacket


1. _










( )6. A. No, I can '.

( )7. A. Good idea.

( )8. A. They 're cool!

( )9. A. It ' s silk.

B. Yes, I'd love to.

C. I don 'think so.

B. No, I wouldn ' t. C. I don ' t like it.

B. What a pity! C. I'm OK!

B. It ' s made of silk.C. It ' s made in Beijing.

( )10. A. It's delicious! B. Tha nk you.


C. I don 'tknow.


( )11. When is there going to be a car show?

A. Next week. B. This after noon.

( )12. Who will go with Lily?

A. Tim. B. Ann.

( )13. How will they go?

A. By bike. B. By bus.

( )14. Where will they meet?

C. Tomorrow after noon.

C. Jim.

C. On foot.

A. At the statio n. B. In the shop. C. Outside the park.

( )15. What are they doi ng?

A. They ' re meeting outside tlpark.

B. They ' re watch in gsar show.

C. They ' re calling daother.

IV .听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 (5分)

( )16. The travelers can go if they want to buy some clothes.

A. the first floor B. the sec ond floor C. the third floor

( )17. The travelers can buy on the sec ond floor.

A. a fridge B. a story book C. a pair of shoes

( )18. The travelers get to the shopp ing cen ter at .

A. about 1:00 p.m. B. about 3:00 p.m. C. about 4:00 p.m.

( )19. When the travelers get off, they should take .

A. their bags B. the home-made cakes

C. the expe nsive things ( )20. Now the speaker and travlers are .

A. on a bus B. at a bus stop C. in the shopp ing cen ter

Unit 8单元测试

I .听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。 (5)

( )1. A. It ' s very nice of you.

B. There are many sports shoes.

C. It ' s on the second floor.

A. No. 3 B. No. 13

听第二段对话完成第 13-15小题。

( )13. Last night Jack we nt to .

A. the clothi ng store B. the cin ema

( )14. Jack bought there.

A. a hat B. a pair of sun glasses C. both of above

( )15. Tomorrow Jack 'class will .

A. go on a visit B. have a party C. go shopp ing

V .听短文,根据短文内容,找出图中每个题号所在位置相对应的地点。短文读两遍。

A. Men 'swear section

B. Wome n's wear sect ion

C. Childre n's wear sect ion

D. Sports wear sect ion

E. Shoes and hats sect ion


n .听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读一遍。 5

( )6. A. Beiji ng. B. San Fran cisco.

( )7. A. Good idea! B. What bad n ews!

( )8. A. Travel. B. Book.

( )9. A. I ' m sorry to hear thatB. What a pity!

)10. A. Really? B. Good idea! C. Tha nk you.

.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。 5

( )11. A. He played the piano. B. He danced.

)12. A. Traveli ng by pla ne.

)10. A. Excuse me. B. Oh, sorry. C. Tha nk you.


( )11. The boy looks happy because he will

( )16. Some wester n people don 'like the nu mber .

A. 11 B.12 C. 13

( )17. They don 'like the number because they think it ' .

A. small B. bori ng C. uni ucky

( )18. When all the frie nds arrived, Mr. Smith asked them .

A. to have dinner B. to have a party C. to drink coffee

( )19. Mr. Smith in vited frie nds to get together.

A. 11 B. 12 C. 13

( )20. Mr. Brow n said there were 14 people because .

A. his wife would have a baby soon

B. ano ther friend was coming

C. Mrs. Smith was coming

A. have a pic nic

B. go for a holiday

( )12. Smith had to go to work today.

C. watch a movie

A. by bike B. by taxi C. on foot

( )13. The girl sleeps for every ni ght.

A. about six hours B. eight hours C. ten hours

( )14. We should our shoes whe n we en ter some on e'shome.

A. put on

B. take off

C. wash

( )15. Tony last ni ght.

A. watched movies B. played computer games

C. did his homework

V .听短文选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 (5)

( )16. What did Joh n want to have?


A. A black hat.

B. A red hat.

C. A brow n hat.

I .听句子选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。5分)




( )17. Joh n was eno ugh to have a hat.

A. old B. not big

( )18. Where was the big market?

A. In the next village. B. In a city.

( )19. Where did they buy the red hat?

C. n ot old

C. In a small town.

A. In a cloth ing shop.

( )20. Where did Joh n

B. In a supermarket. C. In a hat shop. s father put the hat?

A. In John ' s hand.B. On John ' s head.. On his own head.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

n .听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。5分)

)6. A. That ' great.

B. Please give him my best wishes!

C. Please say tha nks to him.

()7. A. Good idea.

B. See you soon.

( )8. A. Black bea n soup.

B. Knife and fork.

()9. A. Yes, I am.

B. Just so-so.

C. Why n ot?

C. Some new clothes.

C. Thank you.


I .听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。5分)

)1. A. I ' m doing my homework.

B. I ' m goingthe library.

C. Very well, tha nks.

()2. A. Don ' t do that.

B. It ' s very nice of you.

C. Take it easy. You will be OK.

( )3. A. My En glish is poor.

B. Yes, of course.

C. No, she can ' t.

( )4. A. I thi nk so. B. Help yourself.

( )5. A. You are right.

B. He should be careful.

C. I ' m sorry to hear that.

n .听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。

C. It ' ryvece of you.


IV .听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 (5)

( )16. What did Mrs. Brow n want to buy?

A. A coat. B. A pair of jea ns. C. A sweater.

( )17. Why didn ' t Mrs. Brown buy it at once?

A. Because she didn ' t like the color. B. Because she was busy.

C. Because she did n ' t have eno ugh mon ey.

( )18. Why didn ' t her husband want her to buy it?

A. Because it was too expe nsive. B. Because she had so many sweaters.

C. Because it was not good eno ugh.

( )19. When did her husba nd agree to buy it?

A. The next day. B. The third day. C. After a week.

( )20. Who bought the sweater at last?

A. Mrs. Brow n. B. Mr. Brow n. C. Nobody

( )6. What will the man do next?

A. Go for a field trip.

B. Stay at home.

C. Watch TV.

( )7. How much is the new coat?

A. 2 000 yua n. B. 3 000 yua n.

( )8. Where will Darre n go for his vacati on?

A. China. B. America.

( )9. What size does the woma n

( )10. Does Lucy like weari ng school uni forms?

A. Yes, very much. B. No, not at all. C. Yes, a little.

.听两段对话选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 (5分)

听第一段对话,完成第 11, 12小题。

( )11. Mike ofte n with his friends on Saturday.

A. plays soccer B. has a pia no less on C. clea ns the house ( )12. Sally ofte n goes to the movies with .

A. her father B. her brother C. her mother

听第二段对话,完成第 13-15小题。

( )13. Sam's father will take him to during Natio nal Day.

A. Nanjing B. Beiji ng C. Lijia ng

( )14. There are people in Maria 'family to visit Lijiang.

A. two B. three C. four

( )15. How are Maria 'family going there?

A. By bus. B. By air. C. By train.

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