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1 Touch your nose BThis is my nose. CThis is my head. 2 你想知道彼得身体如何,应该这样问他:_________ A
How old are you? _______________ ______ _______________ _______________
B How are you? 3 I have a .
Acrayon Bpen Cpencil 4 I have a red ___________
A. mouth B. body 5 I'm Helen. Tim is my_______. Asister Bfather Cbrother 6 me your red crayon. A.I’m B.Show C.Draw 7 ________ are you
AWhat BHow Chow 8 妈妈叫你起床时,你说: ________
A. Get up. B. OK. C. Goodbye. 9 下课了,你看到有小朋友在楼道里跑,你应这样劝阻:_________ A Don’t run. B Don’t litter. C Don’t touch.
10.图中的饮料英文是( )。

Aice-cream Bjuice 11.在路上遇见了好朋友,应如何问候:___________ A. Thank you. B. Happy Teachers’ Day!
C. How are you? 12.热闹的动物园。(根据图片提示, 选择正确的单词完成句子) A. tiger B. bear C. bird D. zoo 1 8

E. monkey F. elephant G. panda H. dog 1We have a big ________ in our city.
2You can see a ________ in the tree. 3A ________ is under the tree.
4An ________has a long nose.
5A fat ________plays with a cat.
6The ________is white and black.
13There are three people. They are my fathermother and ________. A. my B. me C. I'm 14.早上见到王老师,你应说:__________ A. Good morning, Ms Wang. B. Goodbye, Ms Wang. 15.选择不同类的单词( Adown Bup Cblackboard 二、想一想,填一填(填空题)
2 8

17Read and number. 给下列句子排序。 Yes, I have a chicken. What does it look like ? Do you have a pet ? Hello, Lily !

It’s yellow. It has two short legs . Hi, Bill ! 18.把下列数字由大到小排列
Asix Bone Cten Dthree E. seven F. nine G. five ___________________________________ 19o ___ e 14. f ___ ___ e 20.正确抄写句子,注意大小写和标点符号: look what are they they’re pigs


1---________ ________ ________ your brother? --- He's eleven.
2---________ ________ she? --- She's my teacher.
3 8

3---________ you like swimming? --- No, I ________.
4---________ you draw? --- No, I can't. But I ________ run fast. 22(你愿挑战吗?)放学了,字母宝宝们要排队回家呢。请你在第一行给他们重新排排队,并在第二行写出相应的小写形式。

1. d_ck 2. p_g 3. b__d
5. m__key

24.看家谱,选出合适单词完成句子。 mother brother father sister family
4 8

1Mike is Linda's________. 2Julia is Tom's ________. 3May is Linda's________. 4Tom is May's________. 5This is Linda's________.

25Are________ these/this Lucy's pencils?

1. Now it's green. A. 我是一只变色龙。 2. I'm a chameleon. B. 现在它是绿色的。 3. It's a red cap. C. 看!一只黑色的猫。 4. My name is Panpan. D. 它是一顶红色的帽子。 5. LookA black cat. E. 我的名字叫盼盼。 27.连线。
1.sister A堂弟 2.brother B妹妹 3.uncle C阿姨 4.aunt D叔叔 5.cousin E兄弟 28.请连线。
What 小鹿 Deer 花豹 Leopard 什么 Lovely 可爱的 29.将图片中的人物和对应的名字连线。
5 8


Look! A funny dog! A.
Act like a tiger. B. It's a pig. C.
Act like an elephant. D. I like the bear. E.
(翻译:)________________________ 32.根据汉语意思将正确的单词填在横线上。
妈妈给我买了一个新(1 __________ (书包),书包里有一本(2 __________ (书)和一个文具盒。文具盒里有一支(3 __________ (铅笔)、一块(4 __________ (橡皮) 和一把(5 __________ (直尺)。
1This is my ________(桌子). That is ________ (我的)computer. 6 8

2Where is my ________(裙子)? It's on the ________(桌子).
34.根据中文把英文词组或句子写完整。 1. Two _______(手) 2. My _______(嘴巴)
3. _______(你的) right ________(眼睛) 4. _______(这) is my nose 5. That's your left ________(腿) 6. ______(一只)ear. _____(一只)arm. 7. ____(我)am a teacher. _____(你)are a student. 35.很高兴见到你。(翻译成英语)
______________________ 五、我是小法官(判断题)
36Look, read and circle. (看图片,读句子,圈出正确的单词。) 1. Look at this 2. It’s a
3. Look! This is a
4. This is a
5.What’s this? It’s a duck body. pig dog. big pig. head cat
. bear pig .
37.下面每组单词中有哪个字母相同?找一找并圈出来 1ant apple 2cut crayon 3bag book 4dog
duck 38.圈出每组中不同的一项。 A. ear B. bread C. egg A. ten B. bread C. cake A. leg B. arm C. toy

7 8

red orange black indigo(青) blue pink purple white yellow green
brown 六、阅读理解
Look at the picture. It's a picture of a park. It's big. It's nice. In the park, we can see the flowers. Some are red. Some are blue. Some are purple. Some are pink. Look, the bees are on the blue flowers and the birds are on the purple flowers. There are some boys in the playground. They can play foot-ball. The football is big and round. They are very happy. 1The park is not small. ____
2We can see the flowers in the park. ____ 3We can see the yellow flowers. ____ 4The birds are on the blue flowers. ____
5The boys can play football. ____

Hello! My name is D.T. I'm a monster. I'm a boy. I have a big head and a small body. I have one eye, two mouth, three nose and four ears. My face is green.My eyes are blue. I have two arms and three legs. I have three hands and nine fingers. My hands are yellow. I feel very cool. 1D.T. is a monster. 2He has ten fingers.
3His eyes are blue and his face is green. 4He has two legs and three arms. 5He feels very happy.

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