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The Decree Abolishing the Feudal System, August 11, 1789

废除封建制法令 1789 八月十一日

J.H. Robinson, ed., Readings in European History 2 vols. (Boston: Ginn, 1906)

J.H.罗宾森 欧洲历史 第二卷 (波士顿:吉恩,1960年)


Robinson's Note: The abolition of the feudal system, which took place during the famous night session of August 4-5, 1789, was caused by the reading of a report on the misery and disorder which prevailed in the provinces. 罗宾森笔记:封建制度的废除发生于1789年八月四日到五日那个著名夜晚会议,是由于阅读了对席卷地方的悲惨境况和暴动骚乱的报道所导致的。The report declares that " Letters from all the provinces indicate that property of all kinds is a prey to the most criminal violence;报道宣称:来自各个地方的信件都表明,各种各样的财产,都是暴力犯罪的牺牲品; on all sides chateaux are being burned, convents destroyed, and farms abandoned to pillage. 在各处,城堡被焚毁,女修道院被破坏,农场陷入劫掠。The taxes, the feudal dues, all are extinct; 税金、封建税费,都已灭绝;the laws are without force, and the magistrates without authority.法律没有强制力,地方行政官也没有权利。" With the hope of pacifying and encouraging the people, the Assembly, in a fervor of enthusiasm and excitement, straightway abolished many of the ancient abuses. 带着安抚和鼓励人民的希望,议会,满怀赤诚、激动之热情,立刻废除了许多古代暴刑。The document here given is the revised decree, completed a week later. 所呈公文是完成于一个星期之后,已改进的法令。

ARTICLE I. The National Assembly hereby completely abolishes the feudal system. It decrees that, among the existing rights and dues, both feudal and censuel,[1] cenier censiveall those originating in or representing real or personal serfdom shall be abolished without indemnification. All other dues are declared redeemable, the terms and mode of redemption to be fixed by the National Assembly. Those of the said dues which are not extinguished by this decree shall continue to be collected until indemnification shall take place.


II. The exclusive right to maintain pigeon houses and dovecotes is abolished. The pigeons shall be confined during the seasons fixed by the community. During such periods they shall be looked upon as game, and every one shall have the right to kill them upon his own land.


III. The exclusive right to hunt and to maintain uninclosed warrens is likewise abolished, and every landowner shall have the right to kill, or to have destroyed on his own land, all kinds of game, observing, however, such police regulations as may be established with a view to the safety of the public.

All hunting capitaineries, [2] including the royal forests, and all hunting rights under whatever denomination, are likewise abolished. Provision shall be made, however, in a manner compatible with the regard due to property and liberty, for maintaining the personal pleasures of the king.

The president of the Assemby shall be commissioned to ask of the king the recall of those sent to the galleys or exiled, simply for violations of the hunting regulations, as well as for the release of those at present imprisoned for offensesof this kind, and the dismissal of such cases as are now pending.




IV. All manorial courts are hereby suppressed without indemnification. But the magistrates of these courts shall continue to perform their functions until such time as the National Assembly shall provide for the establishment of a new judicial system.


V. Tithes of every description, as well as the dues which have been substituted for them, under whatever denomination they are known or collected (even when compounded for), possessed by secular or regular congregations, by holders of benefices, members of corporations (including the Order of Malta and other religious and military orders), as well as those devoted to the maintenance of churches, those impropriated to lay persons, and those substituted for the portion congrue,[3] are abolished, on condition, however, that some other method be devised to provide for the expenses of divine worship, the support of the officiating clergy, for the assistance of the poor, for repairs and rebuilding of churches and parsonages, and for the maintenance of all institutions, seminaries, schools, academies, asylums, and organizations to which the present funds are devoted. Until such provision shall be made and the former possessors shall enter upon the enjoyment of an income on the new system, the National Assembly decrees that the said tithes shall continue to be collected according to law and in the customary manner. 各种各样的十分之一教区税,以及取代它们的税捐,其中不管是哪个宗派已有的或者规定征集的(甚至复合这两种的),被民间或者正规组织占有的,被封地的人占有的,被各类公司(包括马耳他教团或者其他宗教军事教团采购的)以及那些捐些给维持教堂的,还有私人使用来安置人口的,这些被替代的一致的部分,都被取消。然而在一些情况下,这有一些为牧师做礼拜花费的开销制定的方法,其中包括提供给主教牧师的工资,给贫困地区的援助,为了修理和重建教堂和牧师住宅,以及维持社会公共机构——神学院、学校、研究所、精神病院以及现在被拨款和捐助的其他公共机构的花费。在这些供应被提供之前,之前的持有人应当积极投身于为新系统创造收入,国会颁布上述的十分之一教区税将继续依照法令和习惯法征集。

Other tithes, of whatever nature they may be, shall be redeemable in such manner as the Assembly shall determine. Until this matter is adjusted, the National Assembly decrees that these, too, shall continue to be collected.



VI. All perpetual ground rents, payable either in money or in kind, of whatever nature they may be, whatever their origin and to whomsoever they may be due, . . . shall be redeemable at a rate fixed by the Assembly. No due shall in the future be created which is not redeemable.


VII. The sale of judicial and municipal offices shall be abolished forthwith. Justice shall be dispensed gratis. Nevertheless the magistrates at present holding such offices shall continue to exercise their functions and to receive their emoluments until the Assembly shall have made provision for indemnifying them.


VIII. The fees of the country priests are abolished, and shall be discontinued so soon as provision shall be made for increasing the minimum salary [portion congrue] of the parish priests and the payment to the curates. A regulation shall be drawn up to determine the status of the priests in the towns.

条款八:国家祭司的费用被取消,并且应尽快规定提高教区牧师的最低工资[ 一致的一部分和应支付给副牧师的工资。肯定牧师在城镇地位的规则应当被拟定。

IX. Pecuniary privileges, personal or real, in the payment of taxes are abolished forever. Taxes shall be collected from all the citizens, and from all property, in the same manner and in the same form. Plans shall be considered by which the taxes shall be paid proportionally by all, even for the last six months of the current year.


X. Inasmuch as a national constitution and public liberty are of more advantage to the provinces than the privileges which some of these enjoy, and inasmuch as the surrender of such privileges is essential to the intimate union of all parts of the realm, it is decreed that all the peculiar privileges, pecuniary or otherwise, of the provinces, principalities, districts, cantons, cities, and communes, are once for all abolished and are absorbed into the law common to all Frenchmen.


XI. All citizens, without distinction of birth, are eligible to any office or dignity, whether ecclesiastical, civil, or military; and no profession shall imply any derogation.


XII. Hereafter no remittances shall be made for annates or for any other purpose to the court of Rome, the vice legation at Avignon, or to the nunciature at Lucerne. The clergy of the diocese shall apply to their bishops in regard to the filling of benefices and dispensations, the which shall be granted gratis without regard to reservations, expectancies, and papal months, all the churches of France enjoying the same freedom.


XIII. [This article abolishes various ecclesiastical dues.]


XIV. Pluralities shall not be permitted hereafter in cases where the revenue from the benefice or benefices held shall exceed the sum of three thousand livres. Nor shall any individual be allowed to enjoy several pensions from benefices, or a pension and a benefice, if the revenue which he already enjoys from such sources exceeds the same sum of three thousand livres.


XV. The National Assembly shall consider, in conjunction with the king, the report which is to be submitted to it relating to pensions, favors, and salaries, with a view to suppressing all such as are not deserved, and reducing those which shall prove excessive; and the amount shall be fixed which the king may in the future disburse for this purpose.

条款十五:国民议会应考虑, 与国王协商关于养老金,恩惠,工资的报告的提交中不合理的部分应当予以抑制,并且削减超出部分的提供,并且应当确定国王未来可能为这些原因支出的数量。

XVI. The National Assembly decrees that a medal shall be struck in memory of the recent grave and important deliberations for the welfare of France, and that a Te Deum shall be chanted in gratitude in all the parishes and the churches of France.

条款十六:国民议会颁布一枚勋章为纪念最近庄严有重要的关于法国福利商讨,并在TE Deum应在法国所有的教区和教堂被反复赞美以此感激。

XVII. The National Assembly solemnly proclaims the king, Louis XVI, the Restorer of French Liberty.


XVIII. The National Assembly shall present itself in a body before the king, in order to submit to him the decrees which have just been passed, to tender to him the tokens of its most respectful gratitude, and to pray him to permit the Te Deum to be chanted in his chapel, and to be present himself at this service.

条款十八:国会应当有在国王面前有一个代言人,为了说服他使刚刚通过国会的法律得以颁布,以他最恭敬的感激之情的发出象征意义命令,并祈祷他允许的Te Deum要在他的教堂高喊, 并且出席这些公共事业。

XIX. The National Assembly shall consider, immediately after the constitution, the drawing up of the laws necessary for the development of the principles which it has laid down in the present decree. The latter shall be transmitted by the deputies without delay to all the provinces, together with the decree of the 10th of this month, in order that it may be printed, published, read from the parish pulpits, and posted up wherever it shall be deemed necessary.



[1] This refers to the cens, a perpetual due similar to the payments made by English copyholders.

[2] See above, p. 365.

[3] This expression refers to the minimum remuneration fixed for the priests.

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