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Unit 2 A Class Act


blitz / blits/

[C] sudden intensive military attack, esp from the air 闪击; (尤指)空袭

carry out a blitz on enemy targets 对敌方目标进行闪电式空袭

[C] ~ (on sth) (infml) If you have a blitz on something, you make a big effort to deal with it or to improve it.

Regional accents are still acceptable but there is to be a blitz on incorrect grammar.

I had a blitz on the kitchen today, and now it's really clean. 我今天在厨房里做了一阵扫除, 现在确实乾净了.


attack or damage (sth) in a blitz (以闪电式空袭)攻击或破坏(某物)

Many towns were badly blitzed during the war. 战争中许多城镇毁於空袭.

blitz bombing 闪击轰炸.


/ raɪf/ adj (fml) [pred 作表语]

If you say that something, usually something bad, is rife in a place or that the place is rife with it, you mean that it is very common or it fills that place.

(a)流行, 普遍

an area where crime is rife 犯罪现象十分普遍的地区.

(b)充满, 充斥

the country was rife with rumours of war 这个国家流传着要发生战争的谣言.

run rife --- to spread quickly in an uncontrolled way

No one knew exactly what he had done, but speculation ran rife.

pawnshop /’pɔːnʃɔp / [C] 当铺

pawn / pɔːn;/ vt.

leave (an object) with a pawnbroker in exchange for money that can be repaid in order to get the object back 典当, 抵押(某物)

He pawned his gold watch to pay the rent. 他典当了金表用以交租.

abandon (sth) in order to gain sth 以(某事物)担保

pawn one's honour 以个人名誉担保.

In chess, a pawn is the smallest and least valuable playing piece. Each player has eight pawns at the start of the game. (国际象棋中的)卒 If you say that someone is using you as a pawn, you mean that they are using you for their own advantage. 被人利用的人

We are mere pawns in the struggle for power. 在权力斗争中我们只是一批小卒.

in pawn在抵押中; 已典当: My watch is in pawn. 我把表当了.

pawnbroker n开当铺者; 当铺老板.

pawn-ticket n当票.

enterprising ['entə,praiziŋ]

having or showing the ability to think of new projects or new ways of doing things and make them successful 有事业心的, 有进取心的, 有魄力的

an enterprising foreign policy 有进取心\野心勃勃的外交政策

an enterprising young man likely to go far 有望扬名立万的、有魄力的年轻人

enterprise / ‘entəpraɪz/ n

An enterprise is a company or business, often a small one. (BUSINESS) [C]事业单位; 企业单位; 公司; 商号; 商行

There are plenty of small industrial enterprises.

Enterprise zone 企业振兴区

Free enterprise 自由企业

Private enterprise 私营企业,民营企业

An enterprise is project or undertaking, something new, difficult, important or needing courage, which you do or try to do. 事业, 计画(尤指困难的或需要勇气的)风险投资

Horse breeding is indeed a risky enterprise.

The music festival is a new enterprise which we hope will become an annual event. = venture

音乐会演是一项新生事物, 我们希望它能成为一年一度的盛会.

Enterprise is the activity of managing companies and businesses and starting new ones. (BUSINESS) [U]参与计画; 企业活动; 经营

He is still involved in voluntary work promoting local enterprise.

...a national program of subsidies to private enterprise.

Enterprise is the ability to think of new and effective things to do, together with an eagerness to do them. [U]事业心; 进取心; 勇气; 胆量

He got the job because he showed the spirit of enterprise. 他因为表现出进取精神, 所以得到了这份工作.

bout / baut/ n

If you have a bout of an illness or of an unpleasant feeling, you have it for a short period. (指疾病)侵袭, 发作

He was recovering from a severe bout of flu.

I was suffering with a bout of nerves.

A bout of something that is kind of unpleasant is a short time during which it occurs a great deal. 一回; 一次; 一阵

The latest bout of violence has claimed twenty four lives.

A half-hour daily walk can be more beneficial than one hard bout of exercise a week.

She has bouts of hard work followed by long periods of inactivity. 她总是努力干上一阵, 然後一待就是很长时间.

A bout is a boxing or wrestling match. 拳击或摔跤比赛

This will be his eighth title bout in 19 months.

meticulously [mə'tikjuləsli] adv.

仔细地, 谨慎地, 一丝不苟地

meticulous / mə’tɪkjələs/ adj. ~ in\about (doing) sth

giving or showing great precision and care; very attentive to detail 极精细的; 极注意细节的;一丝不苟的

attired / ə'taiəd/ adj. [not before noun] (formal or literary) ~ in

If you describe how someone is attired, you are describing how they are dressed in a particular way. 装扮的,打扮的

She was fashionably attired in a black evening gown.

He was attired in blue.

attire n. (formal) 衣服,服装,礼服

vt.(通常用于被动) ~ in

scrimp / skrimp/ v.

If you scrimp on things, you live cheaply and spend as little money as possible. Manage to live on very little money, esp so as to afford sth 节省,节约

scrimp and save 省吃俭用,节衣缩食

scrimp one's household 节缩家用

They scrimped and saved to give the children a good education.

Scrimping on safety measures can be a false economy.

gear / giə/ n

[U] equipment, clothing, etc needed for an expedition, a sport, etc (远征﹑ 运动等需用的)设备﹑ 装备﹑ 衣物等

All his camping gear was packed in the rucksack. 他的野营物品全都放在背囊里了.

We're only going for two days; you don't need to bring so much gear! 我们只去两天, 你不用带那麽多东西!

wearing her party gear 穿着她赴宴的衣服.

[sing] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) piece or set of apparatus or machinery for a particular purpose 仪器; 器械; 装置

The landing-gear has jammed. 着陆装置发生故障.

winding gear for lifting heavy loads 起重绞盘装置.

[C often pl 常作复数] set of toothed wheels which fit into another set to transmit power from a vehicle's engine to its road wheels (机动车辆的)传动装置, 排挡

Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears. 离合器使用不慎可能损坏传动装置.

The car has four forward gears and one reverse gear. 那汽车有四个前进挡和一个倒挡.

[U] particular position or setting of the gear mechanism 传动装置的某位置或组合状态; 排挡: The car is in/out of gear, ie has the gears engaged/disengaged. 汽车挂上挡[未挂挡].

high/top gear, ie used for high speeds 高速挡 * change gear 换排挡.

[U] (fig 比喻) degree of speed or efficiency 速度或效率的程度

The party organization is moving into top gear as the election approaches. 随着选举临近, 党组织的活动也如火如荼.

The athlete changed gear (ie suddenly accelerated) and shot ahead of the others. 该运动员突然加速, 冲到别人前面去了.


gear sth to/towards sth adapt sth to a particular need or to an appropriate level or standard 对某事物加以调节以适合某种需要或达到某种水平或标准

Industry must be geared to wartime needs. 工业必须调整以适应战时需要.

Our effort is geared to a higher level of production. 我们调整力量将生产推向更高的水平.

gear down (of a driver) change to a lower gear so as to have better control (指驾驶员)换至较低一挡以便操纵.

gear sth down (to sth) reduce sth in force or intensity (在力量或强度上)减低某事物

The period of exercise was geared down to ten minutes a day for men over 60. 60岁以上的人的锻炼时间减低到每日十分钟.

gear up (for/to sth); gear sb/sth up (for/to sth) become or make sb/sth ready (for sth) (为某事物)(使)某人[某事物]准备好

The company is gearing up for the big export drive. 公司正为大规模出口作好准备.

I was all geared up (ie excitedly ready) to go on holiday, and now it's been cancelled. 我兴致勃勃地做好去度假的准备, 可是现在吹了.

prescribed /pri’skraibd/ adj. decided by a rule 规定的

prescribe / pri’skraib/ v (fml ) ~ sth for sth/sb

advise or order the use of (esp a medicine, remedy, etc) 建议或吩咐采用(尤指药物﹑ 疗法等); 开(药方)

She prescribed some pills to help me to sleep. 她让我吃些药片以利睡眠.

Ask the doctor to prescribe something for that cough. 请医生开点咳嗽药.

The doctor prescribed a holiday as the best cure for his depression. 医生认为要治好他的抑郁症最好是去度假.

declare with authority that (sth) should be done or is a rule to be followed 规定做(某事); 指定遵守(某事物)

The law prescribes heavy penalties for this offence. 法律规定对这种不法行为从严惩处.

Police regulations prescribe that an officer's number must be clearly visible. 警员条例要求执行职务者的号码标志必须清楚易见.

Army regulations prescribe how rifles must be carried. 军规中对持枪方式有明文规定.

blazer /’blezə/ n

A blazer is a kind of jacket which is often worn by members of a particular group, especially schoolchildren and members of a sports team. (不与裤子配套的)西装上衣(常以其颜色或徽章作某俱乐部﹑ 学校﹑ 队组等的标记)

rationing /’ræʃənɪŋ/ n [U]

Rationing is the system of limiting the amount of food, water, petrol, or other necessary substances that each person is allowed to have or buy when there is not enough of them. 定量供应

Building society is warning of mortgage rationing.


Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel.


The Government may have to introduce/have/bring in petrol rationing.


ration /’ræʃən / n

[C] fixed quantity, esp an official allowance of food, etc in times of shortage 定量; (尤指食物等短缺时的)配给限额

the weekly butter, coal, petrol, etc ration, eg during a war 黄油﹑ 煤炭﹑ 汽油等的每周配给量(如在战争期间)

a ration card/book配给卡[簿]

rations [pl]

fixed daily allowance of food in the armed forces, etc (军队等每日的)口粮

draw rations 领取口粮.

be on short rations 供给量不足

ration v.

[esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ~ sb/sth (to sth) limit sb/sth to a fixed amount of sth 按定量向某人[某事物]供应某物; 配给

People were rationed to one egg a week. 每周配给一个鸡蛋.

Bread was rationed to one loaf per family. 每户供应一个面包.

ration sth out

distribute (food, etc) in fixed quantities 按定量分发(食品等)

ration the remaining water out among the survivors 把剩余的水分发给幸存者.

assembly /ə’sembli/ n

[U] coming together of a group of people for a specific purpose 集合; 集会

Morning assembly is held in the school hall. 晨会在学校礼堂举行.

deny sb the right of assembly 不予某人集会的权利

assembly rooms 会议室.

[U] act or process of fitting together the parts of sth 装配; 安装

The assembly of cars is often done by machines. 汽车常由机器装配.

Each component is carefully checked before assembly. 每个零件在装配前都经过仔细检查.

[C] unit consisting of smaller manufactured parts that have been fitted together 装配组件

the tail assembly of an aircraft 飞机的机尾装配组件.

[C] sound of a drum or bugle calling soldiers to assemble (军队的)集合鼓, 集合号.

assembly line 装配线

He works on the assembly line at the local car factory. 他在本地汽车制造厂装配线上工作.

comply /kəm’plai/ vi. ~ (with sth)

do as one is requested, commanded, etc; obey 按要求﹑ 命令去做; 依从; 顺从; 听从; 服从

She was told to pay the fine, but refused to comply. 通知她交纳罚款, 但她拒不服从.

The rules must be complied with. 这些规章制度必须遵守.

compliance /kəm’plaiəns/ n [U] ~ (with sth)

action in accordance with a request or command; obedience 服从; 听从; 遵从; 顺从

Compliance (with the rules) is expected of all members. 要求全体人员都遵守(制度).

In compliance with your wishes (As you have requested) we have withdrawn our suggestion. 遵照你的要求我们已将建议撤销.

bar / bɑr/ n

[C] (a); : a long iron bar 长铁条 * a bar of chocolate, soap 一条巧克力﹑ 肥皂.

(b)(门窗等的)闩或杠; (炉灶等的)格栅: There's a strong bar on the door. 门上有一个很坚固的闩. * They fitted bars to their windows to stop burglars getting in. 他们在窗户上加了窗条以防盗贼进入.

[C](色﹑ 光等的)带, : At sunset, there was a bar of red across the western sky. 日落时, 西边天空有一道红晖.

[C] strip of metal across the ribbon of a military medal to show service in a particular area or an additional award of that medal 军功奖章绶带上面的金属横条, 表示曾在某地区服役或曾再次获得该奖章.

[C] (a)乐谱上划分各小节的垂直线; 小节线. (b)乐谱的一个小节: Hum the opening bars of your favourite tune. 哼一哼你喜爱的曲子的开头几个小节.

[C] (a)(河口或海湾入口处的)沙洲: The ship stuck fast on the bar. 那船牢牢地搁浅在沙洲上. (b) (usu sing 通常作单数)影响或阻碍进步的事物; 障碍: Poor health may be a bar to success in life. 健康不佳可能成为人一生中取得成功的障碍.

[sing](法庭上将法官﹑ 囚犯﹑ 律师等与听众隔开的)围栏: the prisoner at the bar 受审讯的刑事被告 * (fig 比喻) She will be judged at the bar of public opinion. 她将受到舆论的制裁.

[sing] (a) (Brit) (国会中非议员在接受议员的谘询时立於其後的)栏杆. (b) (US)(美国参议院﹑ 众议院以及州议会中的)非议员席.

[C] (a)卖饮料(尤指酒类)的柜台; 酒吧: sitting on a stool by the bar 坐在卖酒柜台前的凳子上. (b)(旅馆﹑ 客栈等的)酒吧间: They walked into the bar. 他们走进了酒吧间.

v (-rr-)

[Tn] fasten (a door, gate, etc) with a bar or bars 闩上(门等).

[Tn] obstruct (sth) so as to prevent progress 阻碍(某事物)

Soldiers barred the road so we had to turn back. 士兵挡住了去路, 我们只好折回.

Poverty bars the way to progress. 贫穷妨碍了进步.

~ sb from sth/doing sth

prevent sb from using sth or from doing sth 阻止某人用某物; 阻止某人做某事

She was barred from (entering) the competition because of her age. 她因年龄的关系而被禁止(参加)比赛.

[usu passive 通常用於被动语态] ~ sth (with sth)

mark sth (with a stripe or stripes) 加条纹於某物: a sky barred with clouds 有一条条浮云的天空.

bar sb in (sth)/out (of sth)

keep sb from leaving or entering (a building, etc) by fastening the door, windows, etc with a bar or bars 把门﹑ 窗等闩上使某人无法出入於(建筑物等): He barred himself in (the house). 他把自己关在屋里.


except; not counting 除外; 不计

The whole class is here bar two that are ill. 除两人生病外, 全班都到齐了.

(idm 习语) bar none with no exception 无例外,无与伦比

That's the best meal I've ever had, bar none. 那是我吃过的最好的一顿饭菜, 无与伦比

He is the best singer in the world, bar none. 他是全世界最佳歌手,无人能比。

barring prep

not including or allowing for (sth); if there is/are not 如果没有某事,除非,排除

Barring accidents, we should arrive on time. 倘无意外, 我们应准时到达.

adore / ə'dɔ:/ v

[Tn] (a) love deeply and respect (sb) highly 热爱; 爱慕; 敬爱; 崇敬; 敬仰: He adores his wife and children. 他深爱妻儿. (b) worship (God) 崇拜(上帝).

[Tn] (infml ) (not used in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) like (sth) very much 非常喜爱(某事物): adore ice-cream, Paris, skiing 非常喜欢冰激凌﹑ 巴黎﹑ 滑雪 * I simply adore that dress! 我简直太喜欢那件连衣裙了.

adoration / ,ædɔˋreiʃn/ n

[U] great love or worship 热爱; 爱慕; 敬爱; 崇敬; 崇拜: be filled with adoration 充满敬意 * They knelt in adoration of their gods. 他们跪拜诸神.

adoring adj [usu attrib 通常作定语]

showing great love 表示爱慕的: his adoring grandmother 他慈爱的祖母 give sb an adoring look 向某人投以爱慕的目光.

horrid / ‘hɔrid/ adj = horrible

terrible; frightful; horrible 可怕的; 恐怖的; 令人惊恐的: horrid cruelty, crimes 骇人听闻的残暴行为﹑ 罪行.

(infml ) very unpleasant 令人极不愉快的

horrid weather, food, children 糟糕的天气﹑ 难吃的食物﹑ 讨厌的孩子

Don't be so horrid to your little sister. 别对你的小妹妹那麽厉害.

well-meaning ['wel'mi:niŋ] adj.

If you say that a person or their actions are well-meaning, you mean that they intend to be helpful or kind but they are unsuccessful or cause problems.

ritual /’ ritʃuəl/ n

[U] series of actions used in a religious or some other ceremony (宗教等仪式的)程序, 仪节

the ritual of the Catholic Church 天主教的礼仪

Some religions employ ritual more than others. 有的宗教举行仪式时特别注重礼则.

[C] particular form of this 具体的礼仪

the ritual of the Japanese tea ceremony 日本茶道的仪式.

[C] (esp joc 尤作戏谑语) procedure regularly followed in precisely the same way each time 固定方式; 老习惯: He went through the ritual of filling and lighting his pipe. 他照例填满烟斗, 然後点着了.

adj [attrib 作定语]

of or done as a ritual 仪式上的; 作为仪式而进行的; 惯常的,例行的

a ritual dance 仪式上的舞蹈

ritual phrases of greeting 例行的客套话.

ritualism / 'ritjuəlizəm /n [U]

(esp derog 尤作贬义) fondness for or insistence on ritual 对仪式的热衷或拘泥; 仪式主义.

ritualistic /, ritʃuə’listik/ adj. 仪式的 ritualistic forms

blinkered /’ bliŋkəd / adj

(of a horse) wearing blinkers (指马)带眼罩的.

(fig 比喻) unable to understand or recognize sth; narrow-minded 不能了解或不能认识某事物的; 心胸狭窄的: a blinkered attitude 偏见.

hard-nosed ['ha:dnauzd] adj. (INFORMAL)

You use hard-nosed to describe someone who is tough and realistic, and who takes decisions on practical grounds rather than emotional ones.

mortify /’ mɔːtifai/ v

cause (sb) to be very ashamed or embarrassed 使深感羞辱或难堪

He was/felt mortified. 他深感羞愧.

a mortifying failure, defeat, mistake, etc 使人丢脸的失败﹑ 挫折﹑ 错误等.

control (human desires or needs) by discipline or self-denial 约束, 克制(慾望或需要): mortify the flesh, ie one's body 克制肉慾.

mortification / ,mɔtifi’keiʃn / n [U]

To his mortification, he was criticized by the managing director in front of all his junior colleagues. 他在全体下级同事面前受到总经理的批评, 感到很难堪.

warpath ['wɔ:pɑ:θ] n.出征路途, 敌对行动


If you say that someone is or has gone on the warpath, you mean that they are angry, looking for someone to fight or punish, and getting ready for a fight or conflict.

be/go on the warpath 准备作战; 寻衅; 怒不可遏

be beside oneself (with)

忘形, 失常, 情不自禁

fuel /’fjuəl/ n

[U] (a) material burned to produce heat or power, eg wood, coal, oil, etc 燃料: What sort of fuel do these machines need? 这些机器需要哪种燃料? (b) material that produces nuclear energy 核燃料.

[C] any particular type of fuel 任何类型的燃料.

[C] (fig 比喻) thing that increases anger or other strong feelings (使愤怒或其他激情增强的)刺激因素: His indifference was a fuel to her hatred. 他无动於衷使她心中的怨恨火上加油.

(idm 习语) add fuel to the flames 火上加油

v (-ll-; US -l-)

[I] take in fuel 给(某物)加燃料; 供给(某物)燃料: All aircraft must fuel before a long flight. 所有飞机均须先加油方能作长途飞行.

[Tn] supply (sth) with fuel: fuelling a car with petrol 给汽车加汽油

(fig 比喻) 鼓励,促进 inflation fuelled by big wage increases.

temptress / ‘temptres / n

(usu joc 通常作戏谑语) woman who tempts, esp sexually 引诱人的女子(尤指性方面)

tempt / tempt/ vt. ~ sb (into sth/doing sth) ~sb to do sth

persuade or try to persuade sb to do sth, esp sth wrong or unwise 劝说或鼓动某人做某事(尤指错事﹑ 傻事); 怂恿

He was tempted into a life of crime by greed and laziness. 他受贪婪和懒惰的驱使步入了罪恶的一生.

They tried to tempt her (into staying) with offers of promotion. 他们提出给她晋级来劝说她(留下)

Nothing would tempt me to join the army. 什麽也不能引诱我参军.

arouse a desire in sb; attract sb 引起某人的欲望; 吸引某人

The warm weather tempted us into going for a swim. 暖和的天气诱使我们去游泳.

I am tempted (feel inclined) to take the day off. 我打算休一天假.

tempt fate/providence act rashly; take a risk 鲁莽; 冒险.

trimmed adj. 修饰的, 削减的

trim /trim/ vt. (-mm-)

make (sth) neat or smooth by cutting away irregular parts (藉切除不规则的部分)使(某物)整齐或光滑; 整修, 修剪(某物)

trim the top of a hedge 修剪树篱 trim one's beard 修胡子.

~ sth (off sth/off) remove sth or reduce sth by cutting (用切﹑ 割﹑ 剪﹑ 砍等方式)除去或削减某物

The article's too long. Can you trim it (by a quarter)? 这篇文章太长. 你能删减(四分之一)吗?

Please trim the excess fat off (the meat). 请把过多的肥膘(从肉上)切掉.

I trimmed an inch off the hem of this skirt 我把这条裙子的下摆剪短了一英寸.

We had to trim a lot off our travel budget. 我们当时只好大量削减旅行预算.

~ sth (with sth) decorate or ornament sth 装饰某物

trim a dress with lace 用花边装饰连衣裙 a hat trimmed with flowers 用花装饰的帽子.

make (a boat, a ship or an aircraft) evenly balanced by arranging the position of the cargo or passengers 调整货物或乘客的位置使船或飞机平稳.

set (sails) to suit the wind 调整船帆以适应风向.


[C usu sing 通常作单数] trimming of hair, etc 修剪毛发等: The lawn needs a trim. 草坪得修剪了.

[C, U] decorations or fittings for clothes, furniture, etc 衣物﹑ 家具等的饰物或配件: a yard of gold trim 一码的金色边饰 * The car is available with black or red trim, ie upholstery, etc. 这种汽车的装修即坐具等有黑色的也有红色的.

be in/get into trim be/get ready or fit 准备好; 健康适宜

in good, proper, excellent, etc trim 身体好﹑ 健康﹑ 极佳等

She's got a month to get into trim for the race. 她参加径赛前有一个月的准备时间.

torment /’tɔːment / n

[U, C usu pl 作不可数名词或可数名词, 後者通常作复数] severe physical or mental suffering (肉体或精神上的)折磨, 痛苦

be ingreat torment 备受折磨 * suffer torment(s) from toothache牙疼得难受.

[C] thing or person that causes this 造成痛苦的事物或人

His shyness made public speaking a torment to him. 他很腼腆, 当众讲话简直是受罪.

What a little torment that child is! ie because it is noisy, demanding, etc. 这孩子真烦人!


cause severe suffering to (sb) 使(某人)备受折磨或痛苦

tormented by hunger, anxiety, mosquitoes 饿得﹑ 愁得﹑ 蚊子咬得十分难受.

tease or annoy (sb) 戏弄或烦扰(某人)

Stop tormenting your sister. 别再耍弄你姐姐了.

tormenting their teacher with silly questions 用愚蠢的问题烦扰老师.

emerald /’emərild/


bright green precious stone 祖母绿; 纯绿柱石; 绿宝石; 翡翠

two diamonds and an emerald 两枚钻石和一枚绿宝石

an emerald ring 翡翠戒指.

adj, n [U] (also emerald green)

(of a) bright green colour 绿宝石色(的); 翡翠绿(色)

trudge / trʌdʒ/


walk slowly or with difficulty because one is tired, on a long journey, etc (因疲惫﹑ 走长路等)缓慢或吃力地走

trudging (along) through the deep snow 在深雪中慢慢地走

He trudged 20 miles. 他吃力地走了20英里.

n (usu sing 通常作单数) long tiring walk 疲累的长途步行; 长途跋涉.

of one's own accord 出于自愿, 主动地

He joined the army of his own accord. 他自愿地参了军.


voluntarily; willingly;

of one's own (free) will;

of one's own volition;

to volunteer


in accord (with sth/sb)

agreeing (with sth/sb); in harmony 与(某事物[某人])一致; 融洽: Such an act would not be in accord with our policy. 这种做法不符合我们的政策. * They live in perfect accord with each other. 他们生活在一起十分融洽.

with one accord

everybody agreeing; unanimously 全体一致; 一致地: With one accord they all stood up and cheered. 他们全体一致起立欢呼.

beady /’bi:di/ adj

(of eyes) small, round and bright like beads (指眼睛)小而圆, 晶亮如珠子的

Not much escapes our teacher's beady eye, (Our teacher sees almost everything.) 任何事都很难逃过我们老师那明亮的眼睛.

console / kən’səul / vt

give comfort or sympathy to (sb who is unhappy, disappointed, etc) 安慰, 慰问(某人):

Nothing could console him when his pet dog died. 他的爱犬死後, 什麽事情也不能使他宽慰.

~ sb (for/on sth)

console sb for/on a loss 安慰受到损失的人

console sb with sth

console sb that

He consoled himself with the thought that it might have been worse. 他聊以自慰的是幸亏事情没有更糟.

He consoled himself that he would see Kate again soon.

composure / kəm’pəuʒə/ n [U]

state of being calm in mind or behaviour 心情﹑ 举止平静的状态; 镇静; 泰然自若, 沉着:

keep/lose/regain one's composure 保持[不再/恢复]平静

He showed great composure in a difficult situation. 他在困难环境中表现得极沉着.

downcast /’daunkæst/ adj

(of eyes) looking downwards (指眼睛)目光向下的.

(of a person, an expression, etc) depressed; sad (指人﹑ 表情等)沮丧的, 悲哀的:

He seemed very downcast at the news. 那消息似乎使他非常难过.

dejection / di’dʒekʃən / n [U] dejectedly adv.

sad or dejected state; depression 忧郁; 沮丧; 情绪低落

The loser sat slumped in dejection. 失败者垂头丧气地坐着, 全身瘫软.

He left in dejection. 他垂头丧气地走了。

Her face showed her dejection for missing the party. 她因错过聚会而面露懊丧之色。

dejected /di’dʒektid/ adj

depressed; sad 沮丧的; 垂头丧气的; 情绪低落的; 郁郁不乐的:

dejected-looking campers in the rain 在雨中神情沮丧的露营者

Repeated failure had left them feeling very dejected. 他们三番五次失败後情绪非常低落.

thaw /θ'ɔ:/ (thaws thawing thawed)

vi 融化,融雪

When ice, snow, or something else that is frozen thaws, it melts.

It's so cold the snow doesn't get a chance to thaw...

n [c] 融化期,融雪,解冻

A thaw is a period of warmer weather when snow and ice melt, usually at the end of winter.

We slogged through the mud of an early spring thaw.

vt thaw out means the same as thaw. 融化,解冻

When you thaw frozen food or when it thaws, you leave it in a place where it can reach room temperature so that it is ready for use.

Always thaw pastry thoroughly...

The food in the freezer had thawed during a power cut.

Thaw it out completely before reheating in a saucepan...

I remember to thaw out the chicken before I leave home.

vt 使人和善;无拘束;(关系)破冰

If something thaws relations between people or if relations thaw, they become friendly again after a period of being unfriendly.

At least this second meeting had helped to thaw the atmosphere...

It took up to Christmas for political relations to thaw.

buoy /bɔi/ n

floating object anchored to the bottom of the sea, a river, etc to mark places that are dangerous for boats or to show where boats may go, etc 浮标; 航标.


~ sth (out)

mark the position of sth with a buoy 用浮标指示某位置: buoy submerged rocks 用浮标指示暗礁位置.

buoy sb/sth (up) (esp passive 尤用於被动语态)

(a) keep sb/sth afloat 使某人[某物]漂浮: The raft was buoyed up by empty petrol cans. 这木筏依靠空的汽油桶的浮力漂浮.

(b) (fig 比喻) keep (prices, etc) at a high or satisfactory level 使(价格等)保持在高的或令人满意的水平上: Share prices were buoyed up by hopes of an end to the recession. 因经济衰退状况终止有望, 股票价格得以保持高位.

(c) (fig 比喻) raise the hopes or spirits of sb; encourage sb 给某人带来希望; 使某人振作; 鼓舞某人: We felt buoyed up by the good news. 我们觉得这个好消息很令人鼓舞.

forte /fɔ:rt/

n (usu sing 通常作单数)

thing that sb does particularly well; strong point 某人擅长的事; 长处; 特长:

Mathematics was never my forte. 数学一向非我所长.

adj, adv

(music ) loud; (to be) played loudly 强音(的); 用强音演奏(的).

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