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初二上 Module 12

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Module 12 Traditional life Unit 1
You must wait and open it later. 课型:听说课 【学习目标】
1 知识目标:情态动词mustcan的肯定及否定用法。
能正确理解并使用下列单词和词组chess, chopstick, purse, soap, hang, immediately, accept, lucky, do some cleaning, break, anything, receive 2 能力目标:能够使用must, mustnt, can, cant表述某地的风俗习惯或规章制度。
3 情感目标:接触、了解并尊重其他国家的传统习俗和生活方式,培养世界意识,加深对英语的理解和使用。 【教学重难点】
1 重点句式: 1 In China you must wait and open in later, 2 In Britain we can use one hand! 3You mustn’t do any cleaning … 4You can’t cut your hair.
2 难点:正确运用情态动词mustcan的肯定及否定用法。 【教学过程】 课前朗读:朗读chess, chopstick, purse, soap, hang, immediately, accept, lucky, do some cleaning, break, anything, receive根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,养成学生自主学习词汇的习惯,使学生迅速进入学习状态。
检查词汇预习:a 采取学生结对,小组互查等形式来检查学生对词汇的预习情况。 b 朗读单词,注意发音。 一、情景导入:教师问学生,Have you ever received any presents? What have you done with them? I think 引出you must wait and open it later.导入课题。 二、小听力(自主完成)
1Activity 1, Listen and number the words and expressions as you hear them. 2完成Activity 2. 三、大听力 多层听
1. 一层听
Listen and finish Activity 4.. 2.二层听
Listen again and finish the blanks . (1 In the USA,when someone gives you a present, you must open it . (2 In China ,when you accept a present , you must use hands . (3 In Britain we can use
hand. (4 You mustnt on the first day of the Chinese New Year.. (5 You cant
you hair. (6 You mustnt anything . Its bad luck. 完成后让学生小组内交流答案。
3 读后做:Read activity 3 and complete activity 5. 四、理解意思
小组间合作解决Activity 3中不懂的地方,教师适时点拨。

(一)对重点内容和疑难问题进行合作探究学习。n 1.You must wait and open it later. You can open it.
通过上面两句话,可以看出,如果我们表示“必须做某事”,就要用情态动词 ,如果要表示允许,如“你可以走了”,就要用情态动词________. 【练习运用】
(1You your homework before 5 oclock..你必须五点以前先完成作业。
(2You go and see the lion dance.你可以去看舞狮表演。
自主造句:____________________________________________________________________ 2. I mustn’t open it now.
You can’t cut you hair on the first day of the Chinese New Year. 通过上面两句话,可以看出,如果我们表示“禁止某人做某事”,就要用 ,如果要表示“不能,不要,不允许做某事”,就要用________. 【练习运用】
(1 You here.你禁止在这儿抽烟。 (2 You in the street.你不能在街上玩。
自主造句:_______________________________________ 3Must need
Must I clean the room now? Yes, you . No, you
. Must 引导的一般疑问句,其肯定回答用 ,其否定回答用 4Stop chatting, everyone.
When he met me ,he stopped to talk with me. Stop 为动词,作“停止”讲时,后面可以跟to do sth doing sth, 但意思不同, 表示停止做某事,指停止正在做的事情; 表示停下来做某事,指停止原来的事去做另外一件事。
(1The students .同学们停止了讲话。 (2 Lets 。让我们停下来休息吧。
自主造句: (二)自主完成后,小组合作,交流学习成果,共同释疑。 (三)学生朗读巩固以上知识。 六、归纳短语

1.stop chatting 2. accept a present 3. wrap hongbao in red paper 4. do some cleaning 5. cut hair 6. break something 诵读积累
(一) 跟录音机朗读对话,模仿语音语调。 (二) 读熟对话. (三) 读烂短语
1 Stop chatting, everyone.
2 In the USA, when someone gives you a present, you must open it immediately. 3 In China you must wait and open it later.
4 When you accept a present, you must use both hands. 5 You mustn’t do any cleaning on the first day of the Chinese New Year. 6 You can’t cut your hair. 7.You must wrap hongbao in red paper . 8.You mustnt break anything . Its bad luck . 八、说的训练 完成活动六,七。 九、当堂检测 (一)单项选择
1 Must I hand in my homework now? No, you . You can hand it in tomorrow. A can’t B mustn’t C needn’t D don’t 2 The traffic is very busy. You cross the road. A mustn’t B can’t C may not
D might not 3 Thanks for your present. But I don’t want your present. A receive B accept C to receive
D to accept 4 You have already tried your best, so you worry abort the matter. A can’t B needn’t C mustn’t D couldn’t (二)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1 Christmas is the (tradition festival in western country. 2 Have you (feed the cat yet? Not yet. 3 The teacher is coming. Stop (chat! 十、Homework : (一)复习巩固:
在笔记本上整理短语,句子。 (二)分层作业 1.熟读对话(必做) 2.背诵对话(选做) (三)预习任务
1. 熟读第二单元单词 2. 预习课文。

Module 12 Traditional life Unit 2 You mustn’t talk too loudly
城北学校 刘芳蕾
1. 知识目标:掌握下列单词的意思和用法: greet, noise, wedding, stay, around, pour, shout,
throw, shoulder, catch, body, be different from ,on time 2. 能力目标:能够读懂阅读文章,了解英国的某些习俗。
3. 情感目标:接触、了解并尊重其他国家的传统习俗和生活方式。 二、重点和难点: 1. 重点:
(1You must say Mr. and Mrs when you speak to older people, but you can use first names with your friends. (2In buses or trains, the other passengers are very quiet, and you mustn’t talk too loudly. (3It was very different from a Chinese wedding. (4It was all very strange but it was great fun. (5You usually shake hands with people when you meet them for the first time. 2.难点:
三、教学过程 (一)复习检测 1.检查词汇预习:
让学生齐读本单元的新单词和短语,目的是培养学生的朗读习惯,同时巩固预习效果。齐读后,小组内成员互相检查单词、短语等的预习情况。老师每组抽查一人。 2.旧知检测:听写下列句子:(小组内交换检查)
(1Here she comes! (2In the USA, when someone gives you a present, you must open it immediately. (3When you accept a present ,you must use both hands. (4You can’t be serious. (5Just wait and see! (二)情景导入
T: Class ,in China there are many customs ,could you say something about the customs ?
1. When you meet people for the first time , what can you do ? 2. When people have dinner at the restaurant , what do people usually do ? 3. When people are in the trains or buses , what do they usually do ? What about the people in England ? (三)多层阅读
1. 一层读 快速阅读,回答下列问题。 (要求学生采用跳跃式的默读方法,搜寻相关信息,并对文章的内容有一个总体的了解
(1 When do people have a tea party in England?
(2 Do you often hear people shouting in the street in England? (3 Can the man and woman see each other the night before the wedding in England? (自主完成,然后小组讨论
2. 二层读 快速阅读,判断正(T)误(F(先自主完成,然后小组讨论 ( 1. In England , you must kiss when you meet people for the first time . ( 2. You must say Mr and Mrs when you speak to your friends . ( 3. At the tea party ,you cant put the milk in first , then the tea . (
4. You can often hear people shouting in the street in England .
3.三层读 细节考查:仔细默读文章,完成下列表格
In England
Greeting people Must

Mustnt / cant


Food and drink for guests Noise weddings
( 理解意思

小组间合作解决Activity 3中不懂的地方,教师适时点拨。
1You usually shake hands with people when you meet them for the first time. for the first time 意为 与其相对应的短语_________________表示“在最后一次” Practice
________________________________________________________ 2Tea is not just a drink but a light meal at around 4 pm. notbut„意为________________ Practice
3It’s very different from China!
be different from意为 反义短语为: Practice
_______________________________________________________________________________ 4 You mustn’t talk too loudly.
(1此句的意思为 ____________________________________ (2 mustn’t 的否定形式,意为 Practice
1 )你必须努力学习。
2 )你下次一定不要迟到。
5 In some trains you can’t even use your mobile phones!
(1此句意思为___ ____ ,其中can’t
形式,意为 Practice
______________________________________________________________________ 自主造句:
6The woman mustn’t arrive at the church on time.
on time 意思是 In time 汉语意思是 自主造句:
1_____________________________________________________ 2______________________________________________________ 7 The girl who catches them will be next to get married. 句中get married 意为_________ 其中married __________的形容词。 自主造句:

2.自主完成后,小组合作,交流学习成果,共同释疑。 3.学生朗读巩固以上知识点。
通过对对话的学习,让学生补充短语。 (七)诵读积累
1)跟读录音朗读文章,模仿语音语调 2)读熟文章 3)读烂短语
(1You usually shake hands with people when you meet them for the first time. (2You must say Mr and Mrs when you speak to older people, but you can use first names with your friends. (3In buses or trains, the other passengers are very quiet, and you mustn’t talk too loudly. (4It was very different from a Chinese wedding. (5It was all very strange but it was great fun. (八)当堂检测
(1You can use f______ names with your friends in England. (2Tea is not just a drink but a light m______ at around 4 pm. (3You dont often hear people ________(喊叫 in the street in England. (4There is something wrong with his right ________(肩膀. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
(1 If you are in trouble, you can _______(ask policemen for help. (2 You _________(must not drive on the left-hand side of the road in China. (3 The man got _______(marry yesterday. (4 Here is some advice for visitors about __________(tradition life in England. (九)Homework (分层次布置
1. 基础差一些的同学抄写所学的重点短语和句式并背过它们 2. 写作训练:成绩好的同学写 Traditional life in China

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