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时间:2012-04-07 11:44:10    下载该word文档

Passage One

During the past several years, many new uses of television sets have been introduced.在过去的几年,新的使用电视的方式出现了。

Video cassette recorders, video games, cable TV, and home computers are becoming popular accessories(附件) for the home TV.视频磁带,游戏机,有线电视以及家庭电脑都成为电视的有机组成部分。 The videodisc(碟片) is the most recent and perhaps the most important of the new home entertainment media.碟片是最新的也是最重要的家庭娱乐媒体。

A videodisc looks like an ordinary record, but it reproduces pictures and sound. 碟片很像一个普通的拷贝,但是它可以记录图像和声音。It is designed to play back programs that have been recorded on it. 它可以回放储存在上面的信息和程序。The manufacturers record movies, concerts, and educational programs on the discs.在碟片上可以储存电影,音乐会,以及教育节目。

A videodisc is made of plastic. 碟片是用塑料做成的。Its surface is covered with tiny pits that wind around the disc in a coil.碟片的表面是一些圆形的凹槽。 The size and arrangement of the pits form a code that represents the recorded pictures and sounds.凹槽的数量和排列可以记录图片和声音。 As the disc spins on the disc player, the player reads the code and translates it into a TV signal which is then shown on the TV screen.当碟片被放入影碟机,影碟机把凹槽上面的信号翻译成电视屏幕上可以播放的节目。

Manufacturers began developing videodiscs in the 1970’s.20世纪70年代碟片开始被生产出来。 Videodiscs and players have been available for home use since December 1978, and their manufacturers hope that they will become as popular as records and record players. 家庭用的碟片产生于197812月,生产商希望碟片可以像唱片那样得到广泛的使用。Home entertainment, however, is not the only use for videodisc. 然而家庭娱乐并非碟片唯一的用武之地。Some companies are developing videodisc systems to store computer information and record visual computer programs. 一些公司利用碟片存储信息和记录可视电脑程序。Home computers may even be used with video players in the future. 在将来,电脑也许会和影碟机共同使用。

1. The passage is mainly about ________.文章主旨

A) the videodisc and its functions碟片和它的功能

B) the uses of television sets电视机的使用

C) home computers家庭电脑

D) video cassette recorders 可视唱片

2. According to the passage, a videodisc _________.碟片是

A) can only reproduce sound只能记录声音

B) can only reproduce pictures只能记录图像

C) can reproduce pictures and sound可以记录声音和图像

D) is only an ordinary record 只是一种普通的唱片

3. A videodisc is made of __________.碟片的制作材料

A) metal 金属

B) plastic塑料

C) glass 玻璃

D) wood 木头

4 .Manufacturers began developing videodiscs in _____.碟片最早生产时间

A) the 1960’s

B)the 1970’s

C) the 1980’s

D) the 1990’s

5. Which of the following statements about videodisc is NOT true?错误选项

A) They can replace home computers.碟片可以代替家庭电脑

B) They are used for home entertainment.碟片用于家庭娱乐

C) They can reproduce sound.碟片可以录制声音

D) They may record visual computer programs in the future.在将来他们可以记录可视的电脑程序

Passage Two

The sea is the largest unknown part of our world.海洋是我们世界未知的部分。

It covers seventy-one percent of the earth. 它覆盖了百分之七十一的地球表面。There is still much to be discovered about this vast blanket of water.关于海洋还有很多是我们所不知道的。

One of the most interesting projects in oceanography(海洋学) is the work of mapping the ocean floor.在海洋学中最有趣的工程之一是绘制海底地图。 Only a very small part of it has been mapped. 目前我们只绘制了很小一部分海底的地图。This was not important when only surface ships sailed the world’s oceans, but it can mean the difference between life and death to men in submarines(潜艇).当普通船只航行时海底地图不怎么重要,但是对于潜艇中的人们来说,海底地图就意味着生死。

Long ago there was only one way to find out how deep the ocean was. 很久以前只有一种找到海洋深度的方法。A seaman could throw a weighted rope over the side of his ship.一名水手从船上把一根很重的绳子投入海里。 Then he pulled the rope up after it had reached the bottom. 然后当绳子达到海洋底部时再把它拉上来。But this was not a very exact way of measuring.但是,这不是一个精确的测量的方法。

In the twentieth century a better way was found.二十世纪时人们找到了更好的方法。 Sound was used to measure the ocean.人们利用声波测量海洋。 An American Navy ship sailed into a narrow strip of water to conduct an experiment. 一艘美国军舰驶入一个海峡进行这个实验。Seamen dropped a number of devices that would burst with a loud noise when they hit the bottom. 水手把一些设备投入海里,这些设备在达到海洋底部时会发出很响的声音。And a little instrument that had been invented measured the time it took for the sound to reach the ship. 这时有一个装置测量声音从海底达到船的时间。This has helped oceanographers map the ocean floor.这种测量的方法能够很好的帮助海洋学绘制海底的地图。

Underwater photography is also important in mapping parts of the ocean floor.水下摄影术在绘制海底地图时也非常重要。 With the new methods that have been perfected, cameras can take pictures of the underwater valleys, even in color.随着新技术的日趋成熟,照相机可以拍下水下峡谷的照片,甚至是彩色照片。

1. The sea covers ____________.海洋覆盖了

A) less than a quarter of the earth不到地球表面的四分之一

B) about half of the earth地球表面的二分之一

C) almost three quarters of the earth大约地球表面的四分之三

D) more than three quarters of the earth超过地球表面的四分之三

2. The work of mapping the ocean floor is very important to 绘制海底地图对于以下哪项很重要


A)surface ships普通船只

B) people in submarines潜水艇

C) ancient people 古代的人们

D) an American Navy ship 一艘美国军舰

3. According to the passage, a seaman ___________.一个水手

A)used to find out the ocean’s depth with the help of a weighted rope过去常常用一条很重的绳子测量海底的深度

B) could find out the exact depth of the ocean a long time ago很久以前就可以找出海洋深度的精确深度

C) had no way to know the depth of the ocean不知道如何测量海洋的深度

D) didn’t care much about the depth of the ocean不关心海洋的深度

4. A little instrument can measure the time it takes for the sound to ___________.一个仪器可以测量时间

A) hit the bottom of the sea from the ship从船到击中海底部的时间

B) reach the ship from the bottom of the sea从击中海底部到传到船上的时间

C) burst into a loud noise发出巨响的时间

D) disappear into silence 消失的时间

5. The main idea of the last paragraph is that _________.最后一段的大意是

A)another aid to the mapping of the ocean floor is photography另外一种绘制海底地图的方法是摄影术

B) every camera is able to take pictures in color每种照相机都能照彩色照片

C) the ocean floor is perfect as seen in pictures在照片中海底显示的非常清晰

D) some new ways of mapping have been found一些绘制地图的新的方法被找到

Passage Three

Researchers say people traveling in traffic are three times more likely to suffer a heart attack.

研究者称在交通中的人得心脏病的风险是一般人的三倍。They say the risk of a heart attack is greatest within an hour of being in traffic.


The findings are based on a German study of almost 700 people who suffered heart attacks.


The patients described their activities during the four days before their heart attack.


Researchers found that those who had been in traffic were three times more likely to have a heart attack within one hour, compared to those who had not been in traffic.


Most of those in the study had been traveling by car. But some had been on bicycles and others were on buses.


Research shows that people in cars and buses are exposed to ten times the amount of pollutants as people walking on the street.


That is largely because they breathe in the particles and gases released from the vehicles in front of them.


Over time, these small particles speed the buildup of a sticky(黏稠的) substance in the blood.

久而久之, 这些小的颗粒加速了血管内物质变得粘稠。

This can causeblockages(阻塞) to form in the arteries(动脉) around the heart and lead to a heart attack.


Other studies have also linked heart trouble to stress, similar to the kind that people face while driving in heavy traffic.


But the researchers of the latest study say they do not know whether the increased heart attack risk was the result of stress or pollution.


They suggest it may be a combination of stress, noise and pollution.


Experts say the research shows the need for cleaner vehicles and better city planning.


1. According to the study, which of the following ways is the safest in traffic?


A) Taking a bus.

B) Driving a car.

C) Walking on the street.

D) Riding a bicycle.

2. From among the 700 people who suffered heart attacks we

learn that ____________.


A) those who have been in traffic are three times as many

as those who have not


B) most of the subjects(实验对象) felt uncomfortable during

the four days before the attack

C) those who have been in traffic for more than one hour

are most likely to suffer heart attacks


D) the risk of a heart attack is three times higher among

those who have been in traffic than those who have not


2. The particles released from vehicles ____________.


A) build up in the blood


B) make the blood more sticky


C) become blockages in the arteries


D) do harm to the heart


4. According to the studies, which of the following is NOT a

likely cause of heart attack?


A) Stress.压力

B) Noise.噪音

C) Air pollution.空气污染

D) Traffic accidents.交通事故

5. What suggestion do experts make to lower the risk?为了降低风险,作者建议我们做什么?

A) Making vehicles clean.把汽车变得更加洁净

B) Living away from noise.远离噪音

C) Reducing traffic as much as possible.减少通勤

D) Planting more trees in the city.在城市种更多的树

Passage Four

Freezing can keep food fresh and safe to eat. Freezing lowers the food temperature below zero degrees Celsius(摄氏).


To start the freezing process, it is important to lower the temperature to between -15 and -20 degrees Celsius as quickly as possible. 开始冷冻最重要的一点是尽快的把温度降低在零下15----零下20度之间

The faster the freezing process, the fresher the taste of the food.降温过程越快,食物越保险。

Fruits and vegetables can be spread out inside the freezer.水果和蔬菜在冰冻层会散开。

Once the food is frozen, it should be placed in containers(容器) and then stored at a temperature of about -20 degrees Celsius食物一旦冷冻,他们应该在零下20度被放在一个容器里。.

Fruits are usually not cooked before they are frozen.水果在冷冻前一般不会被烹饪。

This allows them to keep their fresh taste.所以在冰箱里水果一般都可以保险。

The simplest way to prepare fruits is to cut them up and place them in a container inside the freezer.最简单的保存水果的方法是把他们切开放进冷冻层的一个容器里。

In some cases it is better to permit the fruit to freeze before putting it in the container.有时候也可以先把水果冻起来再放进盒子里。

This will keep it from sticking to the container.


This is called the “dry pack” method. 这个叫做干冷冻方法。

The second way is the “wet pack” method. 第二个方法叫做湿冷冻。The fruit is prepared along with some of its liquid or juice. 水果和它的汁一起背冷冻。You can add some sugar to fruits that are naturally juicy. 你可以在水果上加上一点糖,使它们变得更多汁。The sugar sweetens the fruit and brings out its natural juice.糖会使水果更甜,更多汁。

Vegetables are either cooked or blanched(用沸水速煮) before freezing. 蔬菜一般先烹饪过或者用沸水煮过。

Blanching means placing the vegetables in boiling water for a few minutes and then quickly placing them in very cold water.用沸水速煮指的是先把蔬菜放进沸水里几分钟,然后再把他们放进非常冷的水里。

Blanching slows down the natural chemical aging process. 速煮可以减缓自然化学老化的过程。

All extra water should be removed before placing the vegetables into containers and freezing. 在放进容器里之前,应当除去多余的水分。Most foods can be stored frozen for up to one year. 大多数的食物可以被冷冻超过一年。

Once foods have been unfrozen(解冻), they should not be frozen again. 食物一旦解冻,就不应该再次冷冻。There is a danger of food poisoning if food is frozen more than once.如果冷冻超过一次,食物就可能会有毒害。

1. Why does the writer suggest permitting the fruit to freeze before putting it in a container?作者认为在放进盒子以前,为什么要先把水果冻起来。

A) Because this will keep its taste fresh.更新鲜

B) Because this will keep it from sticking to the container.防止水果粘到盒子上

C) Because this will keep it stored frozen for a longer time.因为这样可以让它保险的更长时间

D) Because this will make it taste sweeter.尝起来更甜

2. What is the purpose of adding sugar to fruits?在水果上加糖的作用

A) To bring out their natural juice.产生更多的汁

B) To slow the natural chemical aging process.减缓自然化学老化过程

C) To keep them stored frozen for a longer time.冷冻更长时间

D) To preserve their natural taste.保持他们的自然的味道

3. What is the first step in blanching?速煮的第一步是

A) Removing all extra water.

B) Placing vegetables in boiling water.

C) Placing vegetables into containers.

D) Placing vegetables in very cold water.

4. The writer warns against ____________.作者警告不要

A)freezing the same food more than once 不要多次冷冻同一个食物

B) storing food at a temperature below zero degrees Celsius for more than a year把食物储存在零度以下超过一年

C) lowering the food temperature below zero degrees Celsius very quickly快速的把食物冷冻在零度以下

D) eating frozen food very often经常吃冷冻食品

5. The main purpose of the passage is to __________.文章的大意

A) tell people how to keep food fresh and safe to eat告诉人们如何吃到新鲜安全的食物

B) compare the “wet pack” method with the “dry pack”

method of freezing比较湿冷冻和干冷冻两种方法

C) introduce the process of freezing food介绍冷冻食物的方法

D) suggest some ways to store food介绍一些储存食物的方法

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