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Unit1 Going to School《Class 1 Textbook p.4》······················2

Unit1 Going to School《Class 2 Textbook p.5》···················7

Unit1 Going to School《Class 3 Textbook p.6-7》·················13

Unit1 Going to School《Class 6 Textbook p.12-13》···············19

Unit2 New Friend,Jenny《Class 1 Textbook p.14》··················21

Unit2 New Friend,Jenny《Class 2 Textbook p.15》·················27

Unit2 New Friend,Jenny《Class 5 Textbook p.21》·················34

Unit3 Shopping at a Store《Class 1 Textbook p.24》·············37

Unit3 Shopping at a Store《Class 2 Textbook p.25》·············41

Unit3 Shopping at a Store《Class 3 Textbook p.26-27》········47

Unit3 Shopping at a Store《Class 5 Textbook p.31》············53

Unit4 Going to the Fun Park《Class 1 Textbook p.34》············57

Unit4 Going to the Fun Park《Class 2 Textbook p.35》············60

Unit5 Riding the Roller Coaster《Class 1 Textbook p.44》·······64

Unit5 Riding the Roller Coaster《Class 2 Textbook p.45》·······69

Unit6 At the Safari Park《Class 1 Textbook p.44》···············72

Unit6 At the Safari Park《Class 2 Textbook p.45》···············77

Unit7 Oh! That's My Son!《Class 1 Textbook p.64》···············84

Unit7 Oh! That's My Son!《Class 2 Textbook p.65》···············90

Unit1 Going to SchoolClass 1 Textbook p.4


1. 知识目标:通过本课的学习,学生能听懂、会说有关教室的单词:grade same  get on   能理解并能口头问答句型:What grade are you in ? I’m in the ……grade.

2. 能力目标:通过多种方法和手段,为学生营造语言环境,使学生在模拟真实的情景中进行交际。

3. 情感态度、价值观:1)通过游戏激发学生的学习兴趣,通过创设情境角色表演调动学生积极性,参与性,通过鼓励树立学生学习英语的信心。



教材分析:本课内容EEC小学英语六年级上册第一单元Unit 1 Going to School!本单元的设计意图是问答所在年级。本课的教学内容贴近学生生活和学习实际,有利于学生在比较接近于实际的情景中进行听说训练,从而激发学生的学习兴趣。



1. 知识目标:通过本课的学习,学生能听懂、会说有关教室的单词:grade same  get on   能理解并能口头问答句型:What grade are you in ? I’m in the ……grade.

2. 能力目标:通过多种方法和手段,为学生营造语言环境,使学生在模拟真实的情景中进行交际。

3. 情感态度、价值观:1)通过游戏激发学生的学习兴趣,通过创设情境角色表演调动学生积极性,参与性,通过鼓励树立学生学习英语的信心。



1. 单词:grade same  get on

2. 问答:What grade are you in ? I’m in the ……grade.




   教具准备:课件 录音机


 Step1: Warm-up


T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello,teacher.

Step2: Leading in

1.Open the books and find the main persons in this book,then read them.


2 Listen to the story and find the persons on Page 4.then Write the title of this unit.

( 设计意图:通过此游戏让学生对所学单词的发音更清楚,更准确。同时也训练学生的注意力和反应能力。)


Step3: Drill and Production

1.Read the dialogue.

Listen and follow the tape.and read it in groups. 




 3  Game 1 出示课件car train bus 练习 Here comes the 。。。。。,let’s get on the。。。。。。结构,了解并掌握Here comes the 。。。。。倒装句的结构,以及为什么要倒装。

Game 2:找同年级的同学。将准备好的小纸条发给每位同学,小纸条分别代表所在年级,全班学生用What grade are you in ? I’m in the ... Grade. 若年级相同则要继续说,Oh,we’re in the same grade,I’m in the... Grade,too.找到同年级的同学就到前面进行对话表演。


Step4:  Test in class



Sixth  first  fourth  third  fifth  second



1 (    )We’re in the          grade.

A some   B same    C come

2 (    )Let’s           the bus .

A get on    B come on    C put on

3(    ) Qiaoqiao is in the        grade.

A one    B first    C six

 ( 设计意图:通过检测,了解学生对本节课的重点内容的掌握情况,为本节课的教学做出及时的反馈。)

Step5:  Homework for today:

1 用grade   same   get on造句

2 运用What grade are you in ?

I'm in the ...... grade.


 ( 设计意图:通过鼓励树立学生学习英语的信心,富有刺激性的、挑战性的作业再一次激发学习兴趣,把兴趣延伸到以后的每一节课 。)

Unit1 Going to SchoolClass 2 Textbook p.5


1、 知识技能


b.单词:first name, last name, twins, friend

c.句子:My name’s…=My name is…

I’m…=I am…

Is Wang your first name?

2、 情感态度价值观




3、 获取知识的方法途径








I. warm up

1. Greeting


II. Revision

III. New Lesson

1. Hi.My name’s Sandy Taylor.

What’s your name?

Hi.I’m Wang Dongdong.

(1) T: (拿出Sandy Taylor 头像的背面,放在自己的脸上)

Boys and girls,guess ,who am I ?

Ss: (Guess)

T: My name’s Sandy Taylor.

Ss:Sandy Taylor.

T:Yes.I’m Sandy Taylor.

(2) T: (Show the cards and explain)

My name’s …=My name is..


I ’m


My name ’s

I’m…=I am…

(3) Make sentences in pairs.Which group

is fastest?

Eg.A:My name’s ***. B:My name is ***.

2. Is Wang your first name?

No, it’s not.

My first name is Dongdong.

(1) T:I’m Sandy Taylor.(Copy it on the

Sandy is my …

Ss:first name.

Taylor is my…

Ss:last name.


This is Wang Dongdong. He’s from China.

T:What’s your first name?

S1:My first name is Dongdong.

T:What’s your last name?

S1:My last name is Wang.

T: Is Wang your first name?

S1:No,it’s not.My first name is Dongdong.

(2) Talk about your name card.

T:Look in your desk,there are your name cards.

Make a dialogue with your parterner.

Eg. first name ?

A: Is *** your last name ?

B:No,it’s not. My first/last name is ***.

(3) Read the text.

(4) Make the sentence.

Look at the sentence"Is Wang your first

name?",3seconds.Then Write it on the blackboard in


3.Who’s that?

That’s my brother,Billy.

(1) Spell “friend”

T:Do you have good friends?

Friend,friend,let’s spell “friend”

Sing a song ,spell friend.

(2) Introduce your friends.


T:Look,this is my friend,Tino.Who is your friend?

blackboard.) Ss: (Show and say)This is my friend,**.

(3) T:(Point to a picture)Who’s that?

S1:That’s my brother.

T: (Show my family photo,classmate photo.)

Ss:Who’s that?

T:That’s my teacher,Mr. Li.

T:Take out your photo,and other photos,ask and

answer in groups then have a show.

Ss:Work in groups and show.


1. Listen to the tape and follow the


2.Have a match.

T:Let’s have a match.Look at the slide,answer my

question as quickly as you can.

Pictures: Micheal Jodan, Bill Gates, Zhang

Shaohan, Song Zuying, Kong Linghui, Yao Ming.


What’s his/her first name?

What’s his her last name?

Is … his/her first name?


This class we learned first name ,last name.Part

II and Part IV are more important,remember

them.Today, …group win.


Make a name card for your father,mother or famous



Unit1 Going to SchoolClass 3 Textbook p.6-7










重点:学生通过本课的学习能够进一步巩固和掌握运用以下单词和句型:first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, grade, same, late, on time, were, stopped, woke, hurt, absent, yesterday, watch, made;What grade are you in ?  I’m in the sixth grade. Why were you late? I was late because my watch stopped. 




活动1【导入】Warming up

1. Greeting.

2. T: Boy team and Girl team compete for higher grades during the class.

3. Tongue twister. Read by themselves first. Then invite two boys and two girls to read. The better team goes to Grade One.

4. Classify the words according to the pronunciation.


活动2【讲授】Topic One: Grades

1. Review the ordinal numbers. T shows the cardinal numbers on the white board. Ss say the ordinal numbers.

2. Ss look and think. Try to find how to change the cardinal numbers to the ordinal numbers.


3. Show some expressions about ordinal numbers. Ss guess the meaning. Boys and girls compete.

联系生活实际扩展有关序数词的课外知识, 使学生了解英语中有关楼层、行、排及一些习语中序数词的用法,体现了英语的语用功能,使复习课在知识和能力上有所提升。

4. T: The sixth grade and Grade Six are the same. Ss say more. Volunteers: The first grade and Grade One are the same…

5. T: Jim is new here in our school. What grade/ class is Jim in? Look at the school map. Chant and find the correct grade/class. Pairs ask and answer.      


6. Show four pictures. Ss remember their grades. Then talk about them.

What grade is he/ she in? He/ She’s in ____________. They are in the same grade. OR They are in different grades.


活动3【活动】Topic Two: Yesterday

1. Listen to the song. Yesterday Once More.  Look at the lyrics. Ss find “ was, listened, wondered, played,…and yesterday”. Lead in the past forms of the verbs.


2. Review some past forms of verbs.


3. Show more verbs. Ss look and think. Try to find how to change the verbs to their past forms.

4. Show four pictures. Volunteers make sentences. e.g. Jim is late today.--> Jim was late yesterday. …

5. Ask about the reasons of the four pictures above. T: Jim was late yesterday. Why was he late? Guess the possible reasons of the four pictures freely in groups. Then show the right reasons.



1. Reading time. Ss read the story---Mushroom School. Finish the exercises.

2. Go on writing the story. Ss emagine what happens next and write. “ Suddenly, the door opened, …”


活动5【测试】Summarize the evaluation

Ss count how many stars they got. Good, great and perfect.

Which team gets into the higher grade, the boy team or the girl team?



 Ss choose one kind of homework.

1. Introduce you and your friends. What class are you in?

2. Write a short passage. The title is: Yesterday.


Unit1 Going to School《Class 6 Textbook p.12-13》


1. 知识目标掌握并能运用表示季节的四个单词winter spring summer autumn及表示天气情况的词cold warm hot cool ice sun wind

2. 能力目标能运用所学的语言知识在创设的情境中进行熟练的交际,并在此基础上能将其应用于日常生活之中。

3. 情感目标 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,增强学生的参与意识,引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。


1. 重点: 四个季节单词

2. 难点: 熟练地运用句型参与交际教学过程:

三、教学用具:表格 ,四个季节单词的卡片,录音机和磁带

font-kerning:1.0000pt;" >激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,增强学生的参与意识,引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。



活动1【导入】Step 1 Warming up

1. Say hello to the Ss.分别出示四幅表示季节的图片,让学生根据图片回答 how’s the weather is it? 练习表示天气的句型

Step 2 Presentation

1.Lead-in 以不同季节的不同图片引出winter spring summer and fall (设计意图:在热身中引出新单词,在呈现时教授新单词。并练习询问天气的句型及回答。)

2. Learn the new words and sentence依次通过图片询问的方式来一道学生了解四季的不同天气


根据图片填空(冬天的图画)This is _______. It is _____.  (春天的图画) This is _______. It is _______. The _______bloom. (夏天的图画)This is _______. It is _______. What a ____  _____ day.  (秋天的图画) This is _______. It is _______. The _____blows the leaves off the trees.

4.Game: let’s play a game named guess who I am.(八四幅图分别分给四个同学,然后让他们用自己的语言描绘手中的图片,其他同学猜猜他们所描绘时那个季节。)

5. Ask students to look at the chant in part 3. On each of the running out from the seasons, students should write spring , summer, autumn, and winter. After they complete , they should write three sentences about each season beside each season picture.

Unit2 New Friend,JennyClass 1 Textbook p.14


一、Teaching Aims:

1. Knowledge aims:

①四会单词: live (lived)                  

②三会单词: east, west , north , south

③句子:Where did you live in …? I lived in ….     Isn’t Ottawa in the west? Yes/No, …

④音标:[ θ ]

2. Ability aims:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Get to know the meaning of “live (lived)” both in spoken and written forms, and pronounce them clearly;

2. Students can distinguish east and west; north and south.

3. Use structures like “Where did you live in …?” to talk about the past living city.

3. Focus of the lesson:


Where did you live in …? I lived in ….     Isn’t Ottawa in the west? Yes/No, …

4. Predicted area of difficulty:

1. 学生能够正确区分和使用east and west; north and south.

2. The pronunciation of “San Francisco, London and Ottawa.”

二、Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR,  

三、Teaching aids: maps, CAI



1. 学生能够正确区分和使用east and west; north and south.

2. The pronunciation of “San Francisco, London and Ottawa.”




四、Teaching Procedures:

Step I : Warming up and revision.

(ppt1-5) Show them some of national flag and guess the name abroad.

Canada, America, England and Australia, China,

A: Where is it?

B: It’s China.

Point to the ppt5 of China and ask: Where are you from?  I’m from…. 


StepII : Presentation

1. T points to the ppt6 of the place(Zhangjiakou.)and says: Now I live in Zhangjiakou.

Where do you live in China? S1:I live in Zhangjiakou, too.

PPT7(上海东方明珠) T: Do you know? Which city is it ?  Ss: Shanghai. T: Yes. Ten years ago, I lived in Shanghai. Shanghai is in the east. 

Where did you live in China?(找几个前在别处居住的同学来回答)

S1.2.3:I lived in….Beijing.( Beijing is in the north.)

BB: Where did you live in …?

 I lived in ….

lived               stopped

learned             watched

moved              looked

played              helped

3. Show them ppt8~10: (哈尔滨索菲亚大教堂,桂林山水,拉萨布达拉宫)

T : Do you know? Which city is it ?  Ss: It’s….   T: Where is it?Ss: It’s in the east/west / north / south.

太阳从东方升起  in the east

      西方落下  in the west

指南针          in the south

                in the north

Learn to read the words of east/west / north / south.

Focus on the new word “north / south” and the pronunciation of “th”—[θ]. Let volunteers give some old words with “th” .

T: Who can say a word with “th”?

S: thing thank thin three third thirsty…….(板书)

Talk time: Look at the pictures.

         A: Where is the post office?

         B: It’s in the _________.


Look at the map.

Is Beijing in the east?

Isn’t Beijing in the east?

Introduce our new friend, Jenny.( ppt 11)

Today we are going to learn Lesson 2. New Friend, Jenny . Write the title and read.

Listen to the tape. Answer the questions.

6.  T: Jenny is from Canada. Do you know? Where did she live in Canada?

   T and Ss: She lived in Ottawa.(ppt12). Ottawa is the capital of Canada. It’s in the east.

   T: Isn’t Ottawa in the west?  Ss: No, it’s in the east.

BB: Isn’t Ottawa in the west?  No, it’s in the east.


Listen to the tape again and read after it .(P20)

StepIII: Practice

1. Look at page 19 C. Ask and answer questions. T- S1, T- S2. Then the students practice in pairs.

2. (ppt15标有各市地名的中国地图). Ss look at the map.Ask and answer questions in pairs. Then let some pairs show.

 A: Where is ___? Isn’t___in the ___?

B: Yes/No. __________.

Then check some pairs.


StepIV: Consolidation.

Play the tape(p18). Ss listen and answer the questions.

Who is our new friend?

Where did she live in Canada?

    3) 判断:Ottawa is in the west. (    )

Listen and read the text.



 live     be from     Chinese

I____________ in Beijing before.

Beijing is the capital of ______________.

3.  Jim ____________the U.S.A.


1. This is Jenny Brown.

2. We are from the U.S.A.

3. Isn’t Xinjiang in the east? (否定回答)

Unit2 New Friend,JennyClass 2 Textbook p.15



1.学习单词:favorite,subject, player, difficult。

2.学会认读句型: What's your favorite subject?         Who's your favorite player? I'm not good at calculating.

3.会结合所学的语言与别人进行简单的交流,询问别人最喜爱的东西。能主动与他人沟通信息,在学习中互相帮助,合作完成任务,同时提高自己 的综合能力。











4.1Step I Warming up(热身激趣,再现新知)


活动1【导入】Step I Warming up(热身激趣,再现新知)

Step I Warming up(热身激趣,再现新知)



2、Let’s chant!


3、Free talk




Lesson2 New friend, Jenny.

活动2【讲授】Step II Presentation(启发诱导,呈现新知)

 Step II Presentation(启发诱导,呈现新知)





T: Today  invite a new friend to our class.


favorite player, favorite subject, favorite colour,等。

a.T:Who can tell me what's your favorite subject?

Ss:My favorite subject is ...


学习favorite subject单词


b.T: Who can tell me who's your favorite player?

Ss:My favorite player is...(引导学生回答,并板书)

c.重点学习player 单词,学习er的发音规律er / ə/让学生自主发现发音规律,并例举有这样发音规律的单词。




T:Now, let's listen to the tape carefully, then answer my questions, OK?  T:Do you understand? I ask you some questions, OK?(展示课件)

1. Jenny thinks: which subject is  difficult?   


2. What’s Jenny’s favorite subject?

3. Who’s Jenny’s favorite player?

           Do you like him?


T:Read after the tape aloud and circle the new words.

T: Any questions? Good job! Now let’s check it out.


活动3【活动】StepIII Practice (趣味操练,巩固新知)

StepIII Practice (趣味操练,巩固新知)




Step IV Conclusion (任务交流,发展新知)


Work in groups: Interview


A: What’s your favorite subject ?

B:My favorite subject is P.E.

A:   Who’s your favorite player?

B:My favorite player is YaoMing





活动4【练习】Step V Summary and Homework(总结与作业,延续新知)

Step V Summary and Homework(总结与作业,延续新知)  



m_th       d_ff_cult       g_ _d at  

c_lc_lating     f_ v_r_te      s_bj_ct   

P.__      b_ sk_ tball        play_ _


1. What’s your favorite_______?

         My favorite _______ is ________.

2. Who’s your favorite________?

         My favorite _______ is _________.




Hello!  Boys and girls!  My name is Jenny, I’m 12 years old.  I’m a girl.  I come from Canada. I lived in Ottawa. I’m in the sixth grade. What’s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is PE. I like playing basketball. I think math is difficult. I’m not good at calculating. My favorite player is YaoMing. This is me. Do you like me?


Today’s homework.请同学们就“社会调查表”进行英语扩展练习---调查亲人的喜爱,OK?T:That’s all for today.Do you have a good time? You are great.I like you very much.Do you like me? Good-bye .Have a nice day!

Unit2 New Friend,JennyClass 5 Textbook p.21













A Introduction 

   a Greeting 

Hello , boys and girls ,goodmorning ,how are you today ?(进入情境,增进感情)  

   b Communication 

1 What is the date today?    

2 What day is it today ?  

3 How is the weather today ?  

4 How are you felling today ?  (掌握日常会话,形成交际能力)

   c Introduce the contents and the objectives(了解学习内容 增强学习目的性)

 B The new lesson    a  Revision  

1 P14-15 Listen and speak  

2  Talk Together  (read aloudthe dialog by various form  Consolidate the main vocabulary , and master the 


3  Check the points   Pronounce the new words   Know the phrses`meaning   the using of preposition   Expressing the direction

       The new contents :P21 read and think  

1  Read aloud the text by teacher and know every words and sentencse by every student ,then give  correct supplement and assess (视句子理解的难易度,有不同程度的同学翻译)

2   Read aloud the text after the teacher again,and master the text`smeaing  

3  Answer the questions by students themselves(锻炼学生独立完成问题的能力)

C  Sum Up:  a  Words and pronounciation   b  phrases and understand   c   Grammar and know   

D 用所给单词的适当形式填空

1 Where ____(do)you live in Canada?   I____(live)in Ottawa

2 Im not good at _____(calculate)

3 Who`s _____(you) favorite player ?  Yao Min 

4 Do you like _____(he)?   Yes I do

5 Who`s your favorite _____(art)?   Qi Baishi 

Unit3 Shopping at a StoreClass 1 Textbook p.24












A:Warm   up. (热身活动)      

T:“color song” 视频(视频是有关颜色的单词,让学生感受视频的单词的发音,掌握颜色单词)



T: Are  you  ready?Let's do the exercise,OK?

Ss:Yes, OK.    

T:Look at  the  computer pictures .I asked and then you answers,OK?

Ss: OK. (出示颜色课件,提问这是什么颜色,通过课件分别复习了yellow / blue / black / green / white/purple/red/gray)


T:what  color  is  it?


T:Which do you like best? (出示颜色课件,提问你喜欢什么颜色)

Ss: I like the pink one.

T: Great. (通过复习颜色的单词提问学生“你喜欢哪个颜色?不仅对旧知复习,而且还为新课教学做好铺垫。)


三)Teaching the new lesson(讲授新课)

T: (师指着图片问学生喜欢哪个)

Ss:answer .

T:Which do you like better,the purple one or the blue one?


Ss: I like the  purple  one  better.

T:oh ,great! I like the  purple  one  better.Do  you  like  it?


T: Let's do the exercise,OK?



T: 图片展示展示新单词(gray, purple,shop,shirt)

T: 学生经行领读齐读单词

T: 学生进行替换练习

T: Which do you like better,the  red one or the yellow one? (教师拿出两张衬衫图片问答)

Ss: I like the  red one better.

T: Which do you like better,the  green one or the pink one? (教师拿出两张衬衫图片问答)

Ss: I like the  pink one better.

T: Good! One by one.分组进行联系,角色扮演



T: 最高级和比较级的用法和发音,引入新朋友Mr Best. 他是一个非常傲慢自大的人,让学生用最高级造句tall tallest ,big biggest 假设学生是Mr Best.他会怎么说.学生找规律,自己发现最高级,比较级的用法,并记牢。





Unit3 Shopping at a StoreClass 2 Textbook p.25


1. Knowledge objectives:

① 四会单词: good-better-best, small-smaller-smallest, big-bigger-biggest; ② 三会单词: long-longer-longest, short-shorter-shortest; ③ 二会单词: of course  river  world

④ 句子:This…is too small for…   Do you have…?            

2. Ability objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Study comparative degree and highest-level difference

2. get to know the meaning of “good-better-best, small-smaller-smallest, big-bigger-biggest, long-longer-longest, short-shorter-shortest” both in spoken and written forms, and pronounce them clearly;

3. use the phrase “too small/big/long…” both in speaking and writing;

4. use structures like This…is too small\... for… Do you have…? to talk about how to buy sth in English.


Focus of the lesson:

 Understanding the dialogue as a whole;


What kind of …. ?   What size do you …..?

Predicted area of difficulty:

1. Study adjective comparative degree and highest-level, eg: good-better-best, small-smaller-


2. The meaning and usage of some expressions about shopping, such as :This…is too small\... for…   Do you have…?   




Step I : Warming up and revision.

1. (PPT) Show some pictures of food, clothes, books, fruit and drinks. Ss practice the dialogue

   T : Which do you like better , English or math ?

S1 : I like English better.

T: Look at this picture Which shirt is bigger, this one or that one ?

S2: The blue is bigger.

T:Which shirt is the biggest, the red one , the blue one or the yellow one ?

S3 : The yellow one is the biggest .

(设计意图:由复习上一课的知识自然的引入新授bigger , biggest 的用法,让学生在潜移默化中感受并学习形容词的比较级和最高级)

StepII : Presentation

1. T: Show some comparative degree words and superlative degree words , who can read please stand up quickly ( this group PK that group )

PPT : Read some adjectives.

 原形   比较级   最高级

cheap --- cheaper --- cheapest    short --- shorter --- shortest

long --- longer --- longest       small ---smaller ---smallest

big --- bigger --- biggest        good ---better ---best


2. Look at the PPT read the words follow the teacher and then read together

Teacher shows a short ruler and say:

  T: This ruler is too short for me.  …, do you have a longer one?

  S: Yes, here you are.    T: Thank you.

3. Please look at this picture.(ppt2) I’m B, you’re A, who can ask me?

  A: This shirt is too small for me. Do you have a bigger one?

  B: Sure! This is the biggest one.

T : Write “ The / This / That _______ is too small/ big for me . Do you have a bigger/ smaller one ? ” on the BB

4. Show pictures and the dialogue to learn P38

( 以巩固复习操练的形式学习P38页,然后再通过习题的形式加强训练 P39)

T: OK,Let’s have a short rest, listen to the music about shopping .


5. Show a shop picture on the screen.

 T: Hello, there’re many clothes in our shop. What do you want to buy? Can I help you? (make a dialogue with students)

 S: Hello! Do you have some skirts?

 T: Yes, go this way, please. S: Can I try it on?

 T: Of course. The fitting room is over there.

 S: This skirt is too long for me. Do you have a shorter one?

 T: Sure! This is the shortest one. This skirt looks good on you.

S: How much is it?

T: It’s fifty yuan.

S: I’ll take it.

( 运用类似pants…的单词替换skirt引出对How much are they?运用,并通过表演的形式让学生理解 look good on 的意思,达到对所学知识学以致用的目的 )

6. Ss make the dialogue

S1 : Hello, there’re many clothes in our shop. What do you want to buy? Can I help you?

S2 : Hello! Do you have some skirts?

S1 : Yes, go this way, please. S2: Can I try it on?

S1: Of course. The fitting room is over there.

S2: This skirt is too long for me. Do you have a shorter one?

S1: Sure! This is the shortest one. This skirt looks good on you.

S2: How much is it?

S1: It’s fifty yuan.

S2: I’ll take it.

StepIII: Consolidation.

Play the tape(p36). Ss listen and answer the questions according to what they hear.( 播放两遍)

Q1: Does Xiaoxiao buy the shirt ?

Q2: How much is the shirt?

Q3: Does the shirt look good on Xiaoxiao ?


Read the text.


(P37 B)Read write and say

2) P39 C .Read and choose the sentence for the empty bubble

Unit3 Shopping at a Store《Class 3 Textbook p.26-27》



⑴ 学生能够通过观察,读词发音,总结all/gr/ ur在单词中的发音规律;








学习重点:all/gr/ ur在单词中的发音规律;能够根据all/gr/ ur的发音规律读出生词;

学习难点: A: Which do you like better, ___ or____?

B: I like _____ better.  


活动1【导入】Unit 3 Shopping at the store.(revision)

Unit 3 Shopping at the store.(revision)

Step I.

Warm- up

Step II.


1. Greeting.

2. Sing a song together.

3. Divide Ss into two groups.

1. Show them pictures and talk about it.  

2. Give the children about the knowledge of colors.

3. Show the dialogue to the Ss.

A: Which do you like better, ___ or____?

B: I like _____ better.

Work in pairs and tell us why.

Play a guessing game.

6. Show the pictures and read words.

7. Write more words like this:

 small---- smaller----smallest


Try to sing.

Get more gift cards.

Try to read and find out sth.

Match the phrases .

Ask an answer.

Work together.


Read them by themselves.

Take out the paper and write down.











Teaching Process


Teacher’s Activities


Students’ Activities


Design Purpose


Teaching Process


Teacher’s Activities


Students’ Activities


Design Purpose

Step II.


Step III.


8. Describe the pictures.

9. The energy supplement.

1. Listen to the recording .

2. Ss can buy something at the store by themselves.

3. Do the exercise.

1. I am ______(short)than Yao Ming.

2. P.E. is ______ (easy) than Math.

3. Tom’s bag is _________ (big) in the class.

4. She likes the purple car better.(用the gray car改写为选择疑问)_______________________________________

Make more sentences.

Choose the answer.

Listen and choose the answer.

Free talk.

Write down.






Step IV.


1. Count the gift cards.

2. Show them a proverb.

  Better late than never.

Count them together.

Read it.


Step V.


A. Make the sentences.(用形容词的比较级或最高级编写3句话)

B. Make the dialogue.

题目:Shopping at a store.



Blackboard design

Unit 3 Shopping at the Store.


A: Which do you like better, ___ or____?

B: I like _____ better.

Teaching reflection

Unit3 Shopping at a StoreClass 5 Textbook p.31















活动1【讲授】Can i try this shirt on  

一、Class beginning and greeting.

Good morning, class .Let’s listen to a song together.


1、Read the words of colors and clothes with the PPT shows on the screen.

2、Review Adjective、 Adjective comparative degree and Adjective superlative degree with PPT show .

3、Answer the questions:

(1) 、What’s your favorite color/animal/food?

(2) 、Who’ your favorite player/singer/writer/artist/scientist?

(3)、Which do you like better, math or English ?

(4)、Which country is the largest in the world ?

4、Act out the dialogue in lesson 3.

二、Try to sound them correctly.

1、How to pronounce“ch”.

(1) Read “which” after the teacher and feel how to pronounce.

(2) Read other three words by themselves and feel.

(3) Give the answers.

(4) Find out more words like this ,and write them on the Bb.

2、How to pronounce“sh”.

3、Open the books to page 42 and take some notes.

三、Let’s build our reading skill.

1、warming up-----riddles.

(1)、Which letter is a question? 


(2)、Which letter has much water in it ? ------- S(sea)

2、Open your books to page 43, and read the passage by students themselves.

(1)、Paragraph division (分段) for the passage.

(2)、Underline (划下来) the words or phrases you don’t understand.

(3)、Write the strange words on the Bb and Explain them .

3、Read the passage after the tape.

4、Discuss(讨论) the following questions in groups according (根据)to the passage.

(1)、when does Xiaoxiao go shopping with his mom?

(2)、what clothes does Xiaoxiao see?

(3)、Which shirt does Xiaoxiao like, the purple one or the gray one ?

(4)、What’s wrong with the shirt ?

(5)、Does the clerk give them the biggest shirt ?

(6)、What does Xiaoxiao’mom say ?

(7)、How much is the shirt ?

(8)、Is  Xiaoxiao happy ? Why ?

5、listen and translate.


(1)、Write the first paragraph by the teacher

(2)、Let the students sum up the rules.

人称代词变化:Xiaoxiao--- I 、his---my、they---we、him---me



四、The ending of the class.

1、Learn a proverb

Fine clothes make a man.

Unit4 Going to the Fun ParkClass 1 Textbook p.34


1. 学会询问各类场所的所在位置及描述其大致位置的一组问答句:where is the …?

it’s near /next to /behind …能用how can i get to the …?来问路,并用crossing ,

turn left ,turn right,go straight,turn right.等句子来指路。

2.掌握单词:post office,hospital,bookstore,turn left ,turn right,go straight,turn right.








step1.warm up

教师放歌曲“they are in the zoo.'’师生齐唱。


step 2.presentation



    教师课前在黑板上画一个框,将hospital,post office,bookstore,park,library,school等单词卡片反面朝外贴在黑板上作为地图,每张卡片面都写着数字。教师指着其中一张卡片说:“now i am in no•l. please{what place it is.is it a zoo/school/park…?”教师要注意先出示两个学生的场所,第三次再让学生猜的时候,他们首先会考虑学过的词汇,这时再呈现新词cinema。教师示范朗读,学生跟读。教师带领学生拼读并cinema。


教师说:“no.3 is a cinema.we can see a film 出示单词cinema.”接下来教师拿出一封信,说:“1 want to post the letter•shall i go to the  cinema? where shall i go? yes!post office.”教师继续利用黑板上的卡片让学生猜:“is it a post office?”并领读post office。教师指着黑板上post office的位置说:“look at the map.the post office is here.”然后问:“where is the post office in our town?”让学生根据实际情况回答。

(3)同法教授hospital,bookstore,science museum。



教师放a部分let's learn的录音,学生跟读。

教师请学生重点读单词next to和句子“where is the cinema?”

“ it’s  next to the bookstore.”并注意纠正其发音。

3、pair work

教师请学生先在方框里填上单词或短语,再根据所填写的地图进行描述,如:the post office is near the museum.the cinema is next to the post office.”等。

step3 .practice

1、 听音贴图。

2、 看图快读单词。

3、根据板书呈现的地图,利用句型“where is the ---?”

“ it’s  next to the ----.”自编对话

step4. production


     教师先带领学生认读六个表示场所的单词或短语:library,post office,hospital,science museum,cinema,bookstore,接着告诉学生:“现在你们都是城市设计师,请大家设计一张地图,设计之后会有记者来采访。”让学生利用单词卡片设计城市规划图,并在班级里选几名学生充当小记者去采访“设计师”,逐个提问:“where is the hospital/…?”由“设计师”来回答问题。



1、 做配套相应的练习。

2、 summary:what have you learned today ?

3、 homework :学生背诵并抄写本课时的四会单词。

Unit4 Going to the Fun ParkClass 2 Textbook p.35


1. Knowledge abjectives:

① Ss can read, speak, listen , and write: cross , ticket, cross the street, park our bikes ,careful (more careful , most careful ), park our bikes, do the exercise, see a doctor, get to, on your left/right, go down this street ② Ss can read, speak, and listen : take some medicine, reach, We should ……. Ss can listen and speak:one adult  , flip a coin  , vitamin, stay up late

④ 句子:There is a  ……

2. Ability abjectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Learn about the expression of what we should do and what we shouldn’t do?

2. Use structures like “There is …to make sentences.


Focus of the lesson:


What should we do?       We should ….You should…

Ss can use be more careful, cross the street, park our bikes to make sentences.

Predicted area of difficulty:

1. 学生能够正确区分和使用 “careful, be more careful”.

2. The pronunciation of “exercise”.“careful”




Step I : Warming up and revision.

T: show a map to practice. (P47)

A: How can we get to the _______?

B: Go down this street and turn left. It’ll be on your right.

A: Thanks.


StepII : Presentation

T draw the traffic lights on the BB and say (PPT1)

when the light is red, What should we do ?

 Ss : We stop.

T:  Yes .We must stop. We should be more careful.

Ss:Read and learn it.  Ask and answer in pairs.

A: What should we do ?  B:  We should be more careful.

T: When the light is green. What should we do now?

         Ss:  We should cross the street.

The same way of learn the sentences.

T: When the light is yellow . What should we do?

                      Ss:  We should wait.

Practice: Task  S1(What should we do ?  Ss : We should…..)


2. (ppt 2) show a parking of a picture

T: We rode our bikes to the amusement park. Look ! Here is amusement park. There is a parking on the corner.What should we do now?

S1: We should park our bikes.

Ss : read “park out bikes”

3.(ppt3) show a ticket box

T: There is a ticket box. We should buy tickets there.

Ss: learn” ticket box”

Ss: read “We should buy tickets there

4”.(ppt4) Show a “adult” and “children”

Ss learn adult

StepIII: practice

1.Practice in paris:

Show the picture on the PPT.

A: What should we do first/now?

B: We should___________

(park our bikes, do the exercise, seen a doctor, take some medicine)

2. show a time table to practice what should you do ?

7:00   get up    7:50  go to school   8:00  have classes

11:30  go home   12:00 have lunch    5:40  play basketball

(设计意图: 让学生用教师给的图表来练习本课问答句,进一步巩固所学句型)

3.Listen to the tape and repeat. Learn some more phrases.

do the exercise, see a doctor, take some medicine, park our bikes,

ask and answer in pairs.

StepIV: Consolidation.

1. Make a dialogue in groups

2.Listen to the tape on page 53 and do the exercise.

3.Read and choose True or False.

StepV: Homework.

Unit5 Riding the Roller CoasterClass 1 Textbook p.44


1. Knowledge objectives:

① Students can listen, speak, read and write the following words according to the pronunciations: tall / short /old / young (比较级,最高级), 

② Students can listen, speak and read the following word below: roller coaster (4下L3) coins , of course cm (centimeter ) , welcome aboard , still

③ Students can communicate with the sentences below:

  How tall are you?  I’m 150 cm tall.  I’m shorter than you are./I’m shorter than you.

  Jim is the tallest.

2. Ability objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Students can listen, speak, read and write the key words and speak the sentences.

2. Use structures like How tall are you ? I’m 160cm tall. I’m taller than you are. Jim is the tallest. to talk about degrees and compare.



3. Focus of the lesson:

Ask and answer about the degrees and compare the height and age.

4. Predicted area of difficulty:

1. How to compare the height and age when the person changes.

2. The numbers greater than 100.

3. The pronunciation of the word “centimeters”.

5. Emotion objectives:

To have a healthy body, they should get into good habits in the daily life.




Step I: Greeting and warming up.

Show some adjs. eg: tall, short, old, young, and their comparatives on PPT. Chant first. Then play Brain Storm.

Show some pictures of the adjs. or the comparatives. Ask the students to remember them quickly. Then show some other pictures which contains or needs the words above. Let the students choose the correct positions of the words.

设计意图:通过简单的小游戏充分复习形容词,(tall—taller—tallest, etc.)以及比较级和最高级,并利用游戏中的情景或句子,让学生复习形容词,比较级,最高级的用法。

Step II: Presentation

1. Review numbers

  Eg. One to one, one to two………



2. Introduce the key structure.

  How tall are you?  I’m 150cm tall.

  Read and try to practice with teacher. Teacher draws two rulers on the blackboard, and asks the students to compare their height in groups of girls and boys. If they can speak or do well in this class, they will grow taller and taller.


3. Practice.

(1) Show some numbers eg: torty, fifty, etc, and ask the students to read them. Then add some units. Then tell them the meanings.

Eg.  m—meter  cm—centimeter  km—kilometer  g—gram  kg--? Etc.


  (2) Teacher leads a dialogue with measuring someone’s height.

  T: How tall are you ?   S:I’m 140cm tall.

  T: How tall is xx?      Ss: He’s 140cm tall.

  Then lead another one. 

  Ss: XX is taller than XXX /he is/ him.

  Practice the same-meaning sentences first. (句式比较简单,所以不做重点训练。)

Then talk in pairs and the others compare together.

  Chain practice like this.

(3)T: How old are you ?

   S1: I’m 12 years old.

   T: I’m older than you are. I’m 30 years old.

Practice some pairs.


Step III. Practicing and addition. 

Listen to the tape and answer the questions。

1.  How tall is Jim ?


2.  Who is the shortest


3.  Can Qiaoqiao ride it? Why ?

  设计意图:创设情景,发散学生思维,让学生自主练习,能表达出xxx is taller than xxx.

(2) Group work.

  Make a survey in groups of four or five by using the sentences. And ask one to report each group.


Step IV.  Exercise.


Step V. Production

  Ask the students to make a chart of their friends or families. Then write down their information simply. Try to report like this:

  My mom is 40 years old. My dad is 45years old. My dad is older than my mom.



Step VI.  Homework.

Unit5 Riding the Roller CoasterClass 2 Textbook p.45


教学重点:学习句式:I’m 形容词比较级 than you (are). ,

         I’m the形容词最高级。




1、知识目标: 1) 学会简单的形容词比较级和最高级。 2)交际用语 How tall +be动词+主语? I’m _____cm tall. I’m形容词比较级 than you (are). I’m the形容词最高级. 3) 进行重点句型的扩充学习。 2、能力目标:能运用所学知识在创设的情境中进行熟练交际,并与实际生活相联系。 3、情感目标:将本课与学生生活紧密联系,增强学生对英语的兴趣,并教育学生要有健康的体魄,养成良好的生活习惯。



Warming-up 1、Greetings 2、Introduction 3、Sing along. Step 2 Leading in Step3 Revision 1、复习:数字 2、复习:tall, taller, tallest 3、复习:short, shorter, shortest


T: Look at the picture. What are they doing? (PPT)

T: I’m 160cm tall. And how tall are you? I’m taller than you are. (做出比身高,并做出比他高的手势) How tall are you? (问另一个比教师高的学生) Oh, I’m shorter than you are. You’re taller than me. When we want to ask others’ height, we can use “How tall are you?” (板书) We could answer like this: I’m ___cm tall. (板书,强调cm在本课是复数形式,领读。) 进行比较时用:I’m ___er than you (are). (板书,强调than的发音,领读。)

T: Now, let’s act. Who wants to come here? Practice with your partner. OK, stop here. Now, show time. Who can try? Who is taller between them? Who is shorter between them? You did very well. Let’s give us a big hand. Look at the two pictures. What are they talking about? You did a good job. How old are you? (对另一学生问) How about you ? I’m 30 years old. I’m older than you are. And you’re younger than I am. Look at this word: young, 年轻的. Read after me. Spell it. Who can tell me: young的比较级? 那最年轻的,怎么说呢? 领读:young, younger, youngest. Now, read them two by two. When we want to ask others’ age, we can use “How old are you?” (板书, old贴在黑板上。) We could answer like this: I’m___ years old. (板书) 进行比较用I’m older/younger than you are. (younger贴在黑板上) Now, let’s act. Work in pairs. Stop, show time. Who can try? Who is older between them? Who is younger between them? Good job. 1、T: Let’s look at page 46 and listen to the tape. 2、领读课文。 3、Play the tape.


T: Boys read the first two sentences, and girls read the last two sentences. Another way, girls read the first two sentences, and boys read the last two sentences. Excellent. T: Are you tired? Now let’s play a game. (开心夺旗) 每组派一个代表,选做。(答错让学生进行纠正。) (PPT 出示闯关练习) Play the tape. Let me test you. (PPT 出示图片及正确答案) Let’s go on. Do the exercise D. I’ll give you one minute to finish it. Are you finished? Let me test you. Who can act Bob? Who can act Andy? Who can act Jane? 提问:True or false? (PPT 出示正确答案)


T: This is our lesson today. Now who can tell me what have you learnt in this lesson? T: Make a survey: 完成表格,介绍自己的年龄和身高,调查两个朋友的年龄和身高,并进行比较。OK? Bye-bye!

Unit6 At the Safari ParkClass 1 Textbook p.44


1. Knowledge objectives:

① Students can listen, speak, read and write the following words according to the pronunciations: tall / short /old / young (比较级,最高级), 

② Students can listen, speak and read the following word below: roller coaster (4下L3) coins , of course cm (centimeter ) , welcome aboard , still

③ Students can communicate with the sentences below:

  How tall are you?  I’m 150 cm tall.  I’m shorter than you are./I’m shorter than you.

  Jim is the tallest.

2. Ability objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Students can listen, speak, read and write the key words and speak the sentences.

2. Use structures like How tall are you ? I’m 160cm tall. I’m taller than you are. Jim is the tallest. to talk about degrees and compare.



3. Focus of the lesson:

Ask and answer about the degrees and compare the height and age.

4. Predicted area of difficulty:

1. How to compare the height and age when the person changes.

2. The numbers greater than 100.

3. The pronunciation of the word “centimeters”.

5. Emotion objectives:

To have a healthy body, they should get into good habits in the daily life.




Step I: Greeting and warming up.

Show some adjs. eg: tall, short, old, young, and their comparatives on PPT. Chant first. Then play Brain Storm.

Show some pictures of the adjs. or the comparatives. Ask the students to remember them quickly. Then show some other pictures which contains or needs the words above. Let the students choose the correct positions of the words.

设计意图:通过简单的小游戏充分复习形容词,(tall—taller—tallest, etc.)以及比较级和最高级,并利用游戏中的情景或句子,让学生复习形容词,比较级,最高级的用法。

Step II: Presentation

1. Review numbers

  Eg. One to one, one to two………



2. Introduce the key structure.

  How tall are you?  I’m 150cm tall.

  Read and try to practice with teacher. Teacher draws two rulers on the blackboard, and asks the students to compare their height in groups of girls and boys. If they can speak or do well in this class, they will grow taller and taller.


3. Practice.

(1) Show some numbers eg: torty, fifty, etc, and ask the students to read them. Then add some units. Then tell them the meanings.

Eg.  m—meter  cm—centimeter  km—kilometer  g—gram  kg--? Etc.


  (2) Teacher leads a dialogue with measuring someone’s height.

  T: How tall are you ?   S:I’m 140cm tall.

  T: How tall is xx?      Ss: He’s 140cm tall.

  Then lead another one. 

  Ss: XX is taller than XXX /he is/ him.

  Practice the same-meaning sentences first. (句式比较简单,所以不做重点训练。)

Then talk in pairs and the others compare together.

  Chain practice like this.

(3)T: How old are you ?

   S1: I’m 12 years old.

   T: I’m older than you are. I’m 30 years old.

Practice some pairs.


Step III. Practicing and addition. 

Listen to the tape and answer the questions。

1.  How tall is Jim ?


2.  Who is the shortest


3.  Can Qiaoqiao ride it? Why ?

  设计意图:创设情景,发散学生思维,让学生自主练习,能表达出xxx is taller than xxx.

(2) Group work.

  Make a survey in groups of four or five by using the sentences. And ask one to report each group.


Step IV.  Exercise.


Step V. Production

  Ask the students to make a chart of their friends or families. Then write down their information simply. Try to report like this:

  My mom is 40 years old. My dad is 45years old. My dad is older than my mom.



Step VI.  Homework.

Unit6 At the Safari ParkClass 2 Textbook p.45


1. Knowledge objectives:

① Students can listen, speak, read and write the following words according to the pronunciations:

   take off, tall/warm/cold enough, take out, get fat, stay with me, pocket

② Students can listen, speak and read the following word below: roller coaster (4下L3), coins,

prepare for, have an exam, of course, inside, must, rule

③ Students can communicate with the sentences below:

You’d better ……         What a / an ……..!

2. Ability objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Listen, speak, read and write the key words and phrases.

2. Summarize the usage and structures (phrases) of adjs.

3. Give some suggestions by using the structure had better… and the imperative


4. Master the structure of exclamatory sentence.



Focus of the lesson:

1.The usage and structures of adjs.

2.Give suggestions by using had better and the imperatives.

 Predicted area of difficulty:

1.Summarize the structures of adjs.

2.The usage of the phrase had better.




Step I: Greeting, warming up and revision

1. Chant together to review some adjs. Eg: tall—taller—tallest, old—older—oldest, short—shorter—shortest, etc.

2. Show some pictures. Ask the students to talk about the information in groups of four.

  Eg.: Jim is 150cm tall. Tom is taller than him. Lili is too short.


Step II: Presentation

1. Lead sentences and do remember the evaluation.


T: I want to play basketball. I’m tall. But XX is not tall enough.

Introduce the new word enough and learn to read with the phonetics.

Lead to the phonetic: /f/ f, fe, ph, gh. And practice with classifying some words.

/f/ f  fine, five, four,  ph  photo, phone, elephant,  gh  enough, cough

Evaluation: What a good boy/girl (用感叹句做评价,并贯穿始终,渗透语法教学。)!

2. Introduce the phrase adj+enough.

Lead to some scenes such as drink the coffee, ride a bike, play soccer. Ask the students to practice with a pattern like it below.

I want to drink the coffee. It looks cold enough.

  Then lead to the new phrases take off, put on, take out by using this pattern. And practice more in pairs.

Evaluation: What a good …! / How wonderful ……!

设计意图:用enough的重点短语,句式导出其他重点短语,提高课堂效率。Take off等短语难度不大,在这个句式中得到充分操练。

3. Students book.

  Listen to the tape of p66 and learn some more.

Evaluation: What…! / How……!

4. Group work.

  Show some pictures. Ask the students to talk freely in groups.

  Eg.: XX is too short. XX is tall enough. XX is very old. etc.

Evaluation: What…! /How…!

设计意图:学生能够自主的说出一些含有tall enough等短语的句子。还可以扩展出enough+n.的短语。

  Summarize the usage and structure of adjs.

  too, very, so, + adjs.  adjs. + enough  比较级+ than  最高级+ 三者以上范围

  (可以扩展出too…to, enough to do, better and better等等。视情况而定。)

5. Lead in.

  Show some scenes of adjs. Lead to the key structure with a pattern.

  XX is too short to play basketball. He’d better eat more vegetables to get taller.

6. Introduce. He’d better----- He had better + do…

  Lead to some scenes with PPt.  T: I’m tired. I’d better take a rest.

  Then lead a T-S dialogue.  T: You are too young.  S: You’d better stay with me.

  Introduce the new phrases here.  stay with me, have an exam, prepare for, get fat and so on.

7. Practice.

Ask the students to give suggestions as many as they can freely. (每个图片都让学生尽量多的说句子,发散学生的思维。)

Then work in pairs.

  S1: I’ bored. S2: You’d better…

Evaluation: What a …!

8. Game time. Divide the class into four or more groups. Show some scenes on PPt. Ask each group to watch the pictures and think about the matter and their suggestions. Then talk group by group.

设计意图:尽可能发挥学生自主学习能力,思考问题的能力。发散思维,巩固重点had better do。

9. Evaluation. What a……!/ How……!

  Then ask the students to practice freely.


Step III: Practice

1. Student book.

  First listening. Listen and follow.

  Second listening. Listen and complete some exercise.

Exercise 1.

(1) Qiaoqiao wants to _____________.

(2) Qiaoqiao had better___________________.

(3) To ride the roller coaster. We must________________and______________.

  Then check the answers. And lead to the new word coin with the phonetic / ɔi/.

2. Writing exercise.

Exercise 2.

  (1) Jack is too ________to go there.

  (2) Billy is ________than me.

  (3) He is ________in our class.

  (4) The tea looks _________enough to drink.

  (5) You sing __________of the four.

Step IV: Production

1. Show some scenes on PPt. And ask the students to write sentences with had better freely.

  Maybe they can write some negative sentences.

  Introduce the negative form of had better.

Eg: You’d better not go out.

Step V: Consolidation

1. Listen and finish the exercise on p67.

Unit7 Oh! That's My Son!Class 1 Textbook p.64


1. Knowledge objectives:

① Listen , speak, read and write the words : pink, hair, sweater, look like, lose, half, half an hour ago

 ② Listen , speak, and read words : blond,  brown, son ,daughter,

 ③ Key structures: What are you wearing ? What does he/ she look like ? 

④ 音标:   /au / /h/

2. Ability  objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Listen , speak, read and write the words and phrases : pink, hair, sweater, look like, lose, half, half an hour ago

2.Get to know the meaning of “hair, sweater” both in spoken and written forms, and pronounce them clearly.

3. Guess the meaning of the phrase “look like”.

4. Use the words “pink, hair, sweater” both in speaking and writing.

5. Use the structures  “What are you wearing ?I’m wearing …What does he/she look like? He has …” to talk about their friends and communicate with others in English.



3. Focus of the lesson:

1. Understanding the dialogue as a whole use I’m wearing …  He has …” to talk about the appearance of sb..

2. Role playing the dialogue with the right pronunciation, intonation and sentence stress.” What are you wearing ? I’m wearing …What does he/she look like? He has….”

4.Predicted area of difficulty:

1.The pronunciation of “blond, brown”

2. The usage of the adjectives




Step I :Warm up.

T: Hello, class!            Ss:…

T: Let’s sing a song “What are you wearing?” 

T: Now, let’s play a game. Say these clothes as quickly as you can.(PPT)

  gray pants,pink gloves,a purple dress,a yellow coat…


Step II : Presentation

Tr. : Today I’m wearing a black dress and brown boots.

       What are you wearing?

S1: I’m wearing …(Bb)

Tr. points one student and asks “What is he/she wearing?”

S2: He/She is wearing….

Practice in pairs:

.A:I’m wearing a black dress and brown boots.

       What are you wearing?

B:I’m wearing  _______.

A: What’s he/she wearing?

B: He’s / She’s wearing  _______.

设计意图:通过教师的穿着过渡到学生的穿着,学习本课的重点句型,使句型运用到我们的生活中。其实这个句型在五年级学习过,但时间间隔较长,部分学生恐怕有所遗忘,所以用Pair work的形式,进一步练习。

Tr.: Look! This is my friend 。 What is she wearing ? S3: She is wearing a yellow shirt.

   Tr.: What does she look like ? Do you know? (ppt)

She has big blue eyes and long blond hair.

   Teach “blond” with this picture.

   Tr. :What do you look like?

S1: I have small black eyes and short black hair.

Tr. points one student and asks “What does he/she look like?”

S2:He/She has….(Bb).

Ss practice in pairs.

A: What do you look like?

B: I have small black eyes and short black hair.

A: What does he/ she/ your…look like?

B: He/ She has big blue eyes and long blond hair.

设计意图:通过图片遮挡的设计,引发学生对我朋友的长相的好奇心,理解句型What does she look like ?的含义,并通过图片讲解了本课的新单词blond。然后通过小组练习,使学生更加牢固的掌握本节课的重点句型,同时把所学语言运用到生活中。

Step III: Practice

Play a guessing game.

Read a passage,then guess who my sister/my brother is.


Step V: Production.

Play the tape .Listen and read the text.(P66)

2.  Tr.:Qiaoqiao is missing. His dad ask a policewoman for help. Listen and answer the questions

(      )1.What does Qiaoqiao look like ? He has ___.

A. big blue eyes and long brown hair.        

B. small brown eyes and short brown hair.

C. small black eyes and short black hair.

(      )2. What’s he wearing? He’s wearing a ____.

A. green skirt     B. green shirt     C. blue coat

(      )3. Is he wearing glasses?   

A. Yes, he is.      B. No, he isn’t.

(      )4. “Half an hour ago” means____.

A. an hour ago        B. thirty minutes ago

3. Learn the pronunciation /h/ half, how, he , who, whose,

设计意图:通过听,跟读,以及听力练习,培养学生读的能力和听的能力,并在听力中解决“Half an hour ago”这个词组的含义,并且学习了音标[h].

Step VI: Consolidation.



missing, when, find, you, son, your, did (?)  (连词成句)

2.She is wearing a pink shirt and blue pants.(划线部分提问)

3.He has short red hair and small black eyes.(划线部分提问)

2. Can you write?                

                 My Friend

I have a good friend. He is Tom. He is 12 years old. He is a handsome (cool) boy./She is a beautiful (nice) girl . He/She is tall/short/fat/thin. He/ She has _____. He/She’s wearing _____. He likes singing.


StepⅦ: Homework.

A    单词(4+1)

 sweater , hair , pink ,

B   短语(3+1).

half an hour ago  ,  look like

C  对话

  A: What’s he/she wearing?

  B: He’s/She’s wearing… .

  A: What does he/she look like?

  B:  He/ She has… .

Unit7 Oh! That's My Son!Class 2 Textbook p.65


1. Knowledge objectives:

①Listen , speak, read and write the words :as…as, clown, tall/short/old/long/young, shorter/younger/smaller

come out of, rest room

 ②Listen , speak, and read words heavy, heavier

 ③ Key structures: Is …as tall as…? No, … is shorter than …

2. Ability objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Listen , speak, read and write the words :as…as, clown, tall/short/old/long/young, shorter/younger/smaller

2.Get to know the meaning of “as…as, taller than” both in spoken and written forms.

3. Use the phrase “as adj. as ”. to make sentences.

4. Use the words “shorter, taller” both in speaking and writing.

5. Use structures like “ Is he as tall as you ? ” to talk about their friends in English.



Focus of the lesson:

1. Use the structures “ Is he as adj. as you ? He is adjer than I am ” to ask and answer.

2. Role playing the dialogue with the right pronunciation, intonation and sentence stress

Predicted area of difficulty:

1.The comparative degree of adjectives comparison.

2.How to use  the phrase “ as…as”  




Step I :Warm up.


Revision “What does he /she look like ? and What’s he/she wearing ?”

Give some pictures to practice.S1: What does he/she look like ? S2: …

Free talk. S1: What is he/she wearing ?S2…

Who can do it quickly?

Eg: big—bigger—biggest

   long —   short—   tall—   small—   old—   young—    heavy----

Step II : Presentation.

Tr.: (ppt)Look, He is 150cm tall. She is 150cm tall, too. So I say he is as tall as she is.

 Guess the meaning of the phrases “ as tall as”.

(ppt) She is 10 years old . I am 10 years old, too. So you can say she is as old as I am .(Ss can say the answer with the teacher together)

Read and learn the new phrases “as…as”

StepⅢ: Practice

 Make some phrases like this “ as tall as”

S1: as long as. S2: as big as . S3: as small as ….

Practice in pairs.

Tr.: Now, I have some pictures, please make some sentences just like above with “ as…as”.( give some pictures to practice “as…as”) ( long, big, short, heavy ,young , old , happy , scared…)

Then check some students, and let them say the rules about the phrases ‘ as…as”


Step IV: Play a game.

Divide the Ss into some groups, let them make sentences with “…~er than …” and “… as ~ as…” just like this:

I am ….

He/She is ….

I’m ~er than he/she is.

I’m as ~ as he/she is. We are the same.

He/She is/I’m the ~est.

设计意图:通过学生自由交谈,让学生大胆地自信地主动运用英语进行交流 。学生能力在不知不觉中逐渐得到培养和提高,也体现了英语生活化。

Step V: Production.

Tr.: Qiaoqiao is missing. What will they do ? Now, let’s listen and read the test and answer the questions.

Is Qiaoqiao as tall as Xiaoxiao ?

How tall is the clown?

Where is Qiaoqiao ?

Step VI: Consolidation.

Play the tape .Listen and read the text.(P88)

Learn the new words “ come out of , rest room”

2  Do the exercise B on P93

3  Work in pairs.(P93)

4  Listen and choose True or False.(P95)

5  Read and choose True or False.(P95)

设计意图:设计以上练习, 从听,说 ,读,写 各个方面来巩固知识,提高运用语言的能力。


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