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时间:2020-04-02 08:58:26    下载该word文档


  Youthful, we have entered a junior high school life, although we feel comfortable life every day, although not in the face of land collapse, no war, but today we have to use passion to ignite the fire of hope, with youth sweat watering the flower of success. Is devoted to study hard, work hard, we study life constant theme.

  As a Chinese, as a middle school student, I am deeply in love with me to raise my motherland. She is humongous, beautiful, and gave birth to the broad and profound civilization in five thousand; She river pentium, the mighty rushing torrent of history, twisting vortex and surging ahead. Her mountains towering, a solid backbone to resist the one hundred million years of vicissitudes of life, leisurely.

  The beautiful scenery always amazing! Magical jiuzhaigou "Baxter" typical landscape of the yellow dragon, beautiful huangshan, "guilin landscape of guilin", "the world first Buddha" the leshan giant Buddha, the beauty of Sun Moon Lake, the potala palace, the Himalayas...

  Ying zheng in 221 BC, emperor qin shi huang unified China said to start, gradually become a rich, beautiful country; Zhang qian to the western regions, created the silk road; Emperor taizong li yuean datang is established; Zhu yuanzhang created as a farmer in the Ming dynasty; Daikin sweat hong taiji captured Beijing, founded after the qing dynasty... From "the change of basaltic door" to "high"... From the PI, the four great inventions, the seismograph, the armillary sphere... From Confucius, mencius... From wang xizhi, LiuGongQuan dreamgazer qing... From li bai, du fu, lu you, Ye Shaoweng, su shi, xin qiji... Every aspect in China gradually prosperous, become one of the developed countries in the world.

  However, however, since the qianlong emperor, corrupt emperor appeared in turn one by one, from the jiaqing emperor pu yi. From the modern Chinese the first unequal treaty - the maguan treaty; From the day the yellow sea war... After reflect the corruption.

  As a Chinese, corrupt and incompetent qing government is a painful, anathema; But more happily in the sun under the leadership of President, every Chinese people to overthrow the corrupt rule of the qing government, the republic of China was established. In under the leadership of chairman MAO, premier zhou, led the Chinese people, set up a new China, stand tall in the east of the world.

  In five thousand, the Chinese people suffered humiliation, but we finally stood up again! Is "no sweet without sweat"! The Chinese people in their own efforts, won the respect for the people of the world! I is a Chinese people feel proud of myself!

  Today is May 4th youth day, the mind can not help but flew to 1919: a large number of outstanding literary works into society: "send young readers" of bing xin's grandmother; Lu xun's grandfather "village opera"; Guo moruo grandpa's "camellia"; The four chamber of Lao she's grandfather would cohabit "; Zheng Zhenyi grandpa's "haiyan"; Grandpa ba jin's "stars"... Is socially excellent literary works at that time, and to inspire the Chinese people to stand up to fight the reactionaries at home and abroad, established the new China have played a great role!

  When our nation suffered from imperialist ravaged, countless Chinese sons and daughters shed their blood,, courageously, make unremitting efforts for the establishment of new China.

  When our nation the onset of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), our white soldiers stood up, resolutely to the expense of their life, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder with one billion three hundred million compatriots lifted the virus threat to Chinese people life.

  When our nation suffered privilege of earthquake, we have no retreat, no fear, brave go forward, to save a life, out of a dangerous, welcomed a rebuild tomorrow! Sichuan has been step by step on the path of rapid development, yushu is we start out with the help of the national people's disaster to the light.




  公元前221年嬴政统一中国史称秦始皇开始,逐渐成为一个富饶、美丽的国度;张骞出使西域,创建丝绸之路;唐太宗李渊建立了大唐;明太祖朱元璋以一个农民的身份创建了明朝;大金大汗皇太极攻克了北京,创立清朝后……从“玄武门之变” 到“康乾盛世”……从圆周率,四大发明,地动仪,浑天仪……从孔子,孟子……从王羲之,柳公权,颜真清……从李白、杜甫、陆游、叶绍翁、苏轼、辛弃疾……中国每个方面都在逐步的昌盛,成为当时世界上发达国家之一。








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