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时间:2019-03-01 10:11:15    下载该word文档


广告设计师英文求职信范文  公司秘书英文求职信你知道怎么写吗?下面由 为您提供参考:    广告设计师英文求职信范文二  dear leadership:  hello!  i see from your pany’s recruitment of inspiration. *** would like to job positions!  your reputation at home and abroad, such as your pany able to engage in creative work, i would be very honored. the brief i tell you. i am ** years old, *, live ********* school of advertising is now the department of xx *** *** specializing in design, this year * on graduating. ***** my graduation project was rated outstanding professor of design ,*** designed specifically remended by this author to the ** magazines. last summer, i should be invited to the city television station, participated in public service ads **** creative, production, the advertisement broadcast in the city, and the munity. my graduation project teacher, the famous professor xx is willing for me to write letter of remendation from employers.  i love creative advertising, advertising production, and in practice there have been some successes. i studied for four years i have been in this industry has laid a solid foundation, i am confident that your pany can do creative work, please give me the opportunity to your pany.  if your pany agree to accept me, please contact me. my mailing address is a postal code :********, xxxxxx, phone xxxxxxx, e-ail :***********  sincerely,  salute    新闻系毕业生英文求职信范文二  dear admissions mittee:  i am pleased to have this opportunity to remend one of my capable students at the abc university, mr. hung-doe doe, to your universitys master degree program in puter science for entering class fall XX. through my extensive observation of him in both academic and extracurricular fields, i have e to the conclusion that possesses a number of valuable qualifications that will make him an outstanding member of his graduate class.  i have had the pleasure of knowing when he was under my instruction in the course of electrical engineering during the academic year of XX. while attending this requirement course, has left me with the impression as a bright and hard-working student who is highly motivated in his coursework. his academic integrity can be reflected by the fact that he ranked in the top 10% in the class. unlike most of his peers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, has spent a great amount of effort and time on reading advanced articles and textbooks and therefore has developed a firm grasp of this subject. i am of the opinion that my class has provided with a solid basic background in electronics and circuits analysis, which is valuable to his academic pursuit in puter science.  an open-minded individual who never let go any learning opportunity and is always willing to share with people his own opinions and ideas, , often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered during his studies. i was pleased to learn of his strong interest in electronic related subjects and the most up-to-date advancement in this field. his diligence and mitment to coursework has left a deep impression on me. i have, without any doubt, e to consider him to be a highly promising student. with the intelligence and persistence that has displayed, he will have no difficulty in succeeding in any academic environment and continue to perform outstandingly in your graduate school.  in general, i consider a highly promising applicant to the master degree program in his proposed field. i have the least reservation on his potential to succeed in his future educational as well as professional pursuits. i give him my highest remendation.  thank you very much for your time and consideration. should you wish to discuss anything pertaining to his application, please do not hesitate to contact me.  


  指导思想   以新一轮课程改革为抓手,更新教育理念,积极推进教学改革。努力实现教学创新,改革教学和学习方式,提高课堂教学效益,促进学校的内涵性发展。同时,以新课程理念为指导,在全面实施新课程过程中,加大教研、教改力度,深化教学方法和学习方式的研究。正确处理改革与发展、创新与质量的关系,积极探索符合新课程理念的生物教学自如化教学方法和自主化学习方式。   主要工作   一、教研组建设方面:   1、深入学习课改理论,积极实施课改实践。   、以七年级新教材为切入点,强化理论学习和教学实践。   、充分发挥教研组的作用,把先进理念学习和教学实践有机的结合起来,做到以学促研,以研促教,真正实现教学质量的全面提升。   2、强化教学过程管理,转变学生的学习方式,提高课堂效益,规范教学常规管理,抓好五关   (1)备课关。要求教龄五年以下的教师备详案,提倡其他教师备详案。要求教师的教案能体现课改理念。   (2)上课关。   (3)作业关。首先要控制学生作业的量,本着切实减轻学生负担的精神,要在作业批改上狠下工夫。   (4)考试关。以确保给学生一个公正、公平的评价环境。   (5)质量关。   3、加强教研组凝聚力,培养组内老师的团结合作精神,做好新教师带教工作。   二、常规教学方面:   1加强教研组建设。兴教研之风,树教研氛围。特别要把起始年级新教材的教研活动作为工作的重点。   2、教研组要加强集体备课,共同分析教材,研究教法,探讨疑难问题,由备课组长牵头每周集体备课一次,定时间定内容,对下一阶段教学做到有的放矢,把握重点突破难点.   3、教研组活动要有计划、有措施、有内容,在实效上下工夫,要认真落实好组内的公开课教学。   4、积极开展听评课活动,每位教师听课不少于20节,青年教师不少于40节,兴听课,评课之风,大力提倡组内,校内听随堂课。   5、进一步制作、完善教研组主页,加强与兄弟学校的交流。   我们将继续本着团结一致,勤沟通,勤研究,重探索,重实效的原则,在总结上一学年经验教训的前提下,出色地完成各项任务。   校内公开课活动计划表   日期周次星期节次开课人员拟开课内容   101272王志忠生物圈   101374赵夕珍动物的行为   121144赵夕珍生态系统的调节   1228184朱光祥动物的生殖   镇江新区大港中学生物教研组   xx-9   20XX下学期生物教研组工作计划范文   20XX年秋季生物教研组工作计划   化学生物教研组的工作计划   生物教研组工作计划   下学期生物教研组工作计划   年下学期生物教研组工作计划   20XX年化学生物教研组计划   20XX年化学生物教研组计划   中学生物教研组工作计划   第一学期生物教研组工作计划   

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