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高教版大学体验英语第4版一周一练(提高目标上册)Keys to Unit 1

时间:2021-04-04    下载该word文档

Keys to Unit 1 Extended Reading Skills Practice 1. 直接定义 bilingual: 会说两种语言的 2. 近义复述 attribute: 特质,才能
3. 对比和比较表达 litter: 狼崽 4. 举例表达 ravenous: 饿极了
5. 解释说明 procrastinating: 拖延;耽搁 6. 构词法 unforeseeable: 不能预见 7. 常识 trays: 托盘或盘子

Extended Translating Skills Practice 1. 我没有数学方面的天赋。(原文中的head本来是头脑的意思,但是可以引申对数学没有天赋
2. 男孩兴奋得眼睛睁得圆圆的。
3. 这对双胞胎兄弟毫不相似。科林个子高而且很活跃,约翰个子矮而且老成。 4. 激光的妙处就在于它能进行机械加工而不必实际接触所加工的材料。 5. 这里为国内市场生产了许多产品。 6. 松树的树根在石缝间扎了下去。

Extended Writing Skills and Practice 1 (Topic sentence The ability to write well-organized, concise paragraphs is essential to a students success in almost all university courses. (Developing sentences In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, a student must present his or her findings in logical order and clear language in order to receive a favorable evaluation of his work. In writing successful answers to essay questions on history or anthropology examinations, a student must arrange the relevant facts and opinions according to some accepted pattern of paragraph structure. And certainly in writing a book report for English, or a critique for political studies, or a term paper for sociology, a student must pay attention to the style and organization as well as the content. (Concluding sentence Clearly, skill in expository writing is crucial to successful achievement in most university subjects.
2 (Topic sentence This term several useful and interesting courses have been offered. (Developing sentences An introduction to European Culture, for instance, gives us a lot of background knowledge of the history of European philosophy, literature, and arts. From time to time we see slide shows of famous paintings and hear tapes of famous pieces of music, and they make the lectures all the more interesting. American Society and Culture is another course that attracts a large audience. The teacher, who visited the United States not long ago, discusses new trends and changes in American life as well as American history and traditions. (Concluding sentence We like these and other courses very

much, because they help us not only to improve our English but also to broaden our vision.

Key to Review and Test (1

Part I Writing Open.

Part II Listening Comprehension
Section A 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. C
Section B 8. B 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. C Section C 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. C 21. C 22. C 23. B 24. D 25. A
Part III Reading Comprehension
Section A 26. D 27. B 28. E 29. J 30. I 31. K 32. O 33. M 34. A 35. H Section B 36. B 37. N 38. G 39. A 40. D 41. J 42. C 43. H 44. E 45. M
Section C 46. C 47. B 48. D 49. C 50. A 51. C 52. B 53. B 54. D 55. D
Part IV Translation 【参考译文】

Many people are fond of Chinese cuisine. In China, it is not only regarded as a craftsmanship, but also as an art. An exquisitely prepared Chinese cuisine is a feast for both the mouth and the eyes. The culinary skill and dish ingredients vary in different regions of China, but good Chinese cuisines always share something in common, i.e. the color, aroma, taste and nutrition. As food is vital for ones health, a good chef always tries to strike a balance among grains, meat and vegetables. Thats why Chinese cuisine is tasty and healthy.

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