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=txt>第23期 modue 6 uit 18 lesns 1  2 评估试题参考答案及部分解析


1- bacac-10 cccb1-5 cac

 16. / si17. aive18 ime 19. hours 20. books

2125 bdc 26-30 cbdb 1-35 dda 36-0 dbcad1-5 cac


4-0 dbbdc51-55 adbca66-70 ccbb71-7 caf 5-60 bdacc 6-65

 one psibe vesion:

man or nature

an is cretve and powerfu. durin he ong hstry o human eings, te old has been completely chaned by man wth nw iventions and hge prjects. hoeve, comaed wih man, ntre is defiitely more powerful. erthuakes, tphon, olanoes ad so on happen so frequenly that we have to believe that eveythn that man created can b detoyd b ntue and many of them can never be recovered. wa’s more man’s destruction of nature causes more poweful aural isaster. o o mate which is ore powerfl, man and naure have to treat each othr as frends and live in harmony.



21. b。考查冠词。in he ees of sb. = in sb.’s eye 在某人眼中,在某人看来;hv an eye for ...对??有眼力 / 眼光,??有鉴赏能力。句意为:在老师看来,琳达很有艺术鉴赏力。

 2. d。考查形容词辨析。be consistent wth ...与??一致。be popular with ..受到??的欢迎;b familiar with ..??熟悉;smiar不与介词wih搭配。答语句意为:我们都不喜欢汤姆。他言行不一致。故正确答案为d

23. d。考查非谓语动词。see . as ..表示把??看作??”。很明显,ply与see之间构成一种被动关系,故要用过去分词。oten seen as a activty or younger children是过去分词短语作定语。

24. c。考查介词搭配。with 在本句中表示随着 句意为:众所周知,佳酿越陈越醇。

 2. d。考查名词辨析。rage 范围,幅度。fiel 领域,田地;limit 限制,限度;rach 伸手可及的距离。在政府的责任范围之内我们可以说within the area / range of the ovenment’s eponsbiliy,但不可以说withn th reah of te governent’ responiility。故正确答案为d

 26. c。考查动词辨析。take 除表示花费(时间)”外,还可表示需要(精力、耐心、勇气等)”,常用句型为:it takes sth. to do st.cost 除表示花费(金钱、时间)”,还可表示使付出(代价), 使丧失”,常用句型为:it costs sb. sth. t do sth.。故正确答案为c。句意为:“你真勇敢。在会议上提出反对意见是需要很大的勇气的。” “,但我现在后悔当时那样做了,这样或许会使我丧失加薪的机会。

27. a。考查短语动词辨析。die out(多指物种的)灭绝或(风俗、习惯等的)消失;de ff 相继死去,先后死亡。die awy(多指声音、光线、风等)逐渐减弱,逐渐停止,逐渐消失;die down (多指火、兴奋、光线等)逐渐变弱,停止,逐渐暗淡,逐渐消失。根据以上分析可知正确答案应为a

2. b。考查动词command。comand后接that从句时,从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气,houl +动词原形(should可省略)

29. d。考查形容词辨析。accessibe易接近的,可进入的,可到达的。admirable令人钦佩的;aceptable可接受的;vailble可得到的,可利用的。根据句意乘坐公交、地铁和专用出租车在90分钟内应该可以从上海任何地方到达世博园区可知,正确答案为d

30. b。考查短语动词辨析。trn dw (音量等)调低,拒绝。tun up (音量等)调高,出现,露面;turn off 关闭;turn n 打开。根据ws lways ready to elp peope i trouble可推知,b项符合语境。

31. a。考查交际用语。not relly 不完全是。not likely 不太可能;not simply 不仅仅; not nal 远不及,完全不。句意为:你父母一定很担心你。”“不完全是这样。我毕竟不是小女孩了。

 32 d。考查句型。“so + be / 助动词 / 情态动词+主语表示某人或某物情况也是这样”;“so +主语+ be / 助动词 / 情态动词表示“??的情况确实如此,对某人所说的内容作进一步肯定。再根据第一句中的助动词has可知正确答案是d。句意为:戴维在这次考试中犯了一些错误。” “确实如此。

3. c。考查动词辨析。refresh sb.’ memor of ..表示使某人回忆起??”。其他选项不能与memory搭配。

34. d。考查wuld和use to的辨析。woul use to都可表示过去经常进行而现在不再进行的动作,但是wold只能用来描述动作,used to既可以用来描述动作还可以用来描述状态。

3. a。考查表语从句的引导词。wat引导表语从句时,可以在从句中充当主语或宾语;hat也可引导表语从句,但在从句中不充当任何成分;which不可引导表语从句;how可引导表语从句,但不可充当主语,只能充当状语。该从句缺少主语,故正确答案为a 完形填空:


36. d。根据melody oftn ad skin touble becaus of the cat可知,meody因为猫常患皮肤病,所以她决定(decded)把猫送走。

 37. b。根据but及下文为猫找归宿的语境可知,没人愿意接受(tae)”一只十岁的老猫。

38. c。melody没有选择(choice)”,只好让猫安乐死。

39. a。这里是指再尝试(try着找一家有时帮助办理动物领养的宠物医院帮忙。

 40. d。meloy告诉了作者她的计划(plas

41. c。因为还没有到让猫安乐死的日子,所以这里还是在假设,故选c项。

42. b。这里选b项,表示可能存在的(possibe)”领养者。

 43. a。这里应该是指作者的丈夫也加入(joined)”到了寻找领养人家的队伍中来。

44 d。根据but及luckily的语境可知,到星期一作者他们仍然(still)”没有找到愿意领养的人家。

4. c。作者应该是建议melody联系(onact)”那家动物诊所。

4. d。根据后文语境可知,那个好心的女人同意(greed帮忙照看tffy三个月,同时继续寻找愿意领养的人家。

4. b。根据上文的end he cat’ lie可知,因为找到了暂时愿意照看的人家,所以tafy至少今天不用死(die)”了。

 4. b。找到了愿意收养的人家,anna应该是非常兴奋地(excitedly)”把这个消息告诉了作者。

49. d。因为那个女人已经有一只猫了,故这里需选d项,表示虽然(atoug)”

50. c。那个女人愿意收养猫,这是好心行为(indnes)”

 51 a。对于那只猫来说,suzane是它新的(new主人。

52. d。作者那天应该很高兴,所以脸上带着很大的笑容(smle

53. b。根据后文的i’m not gnorin the bad及but转折的语境可知,这里是指人类对彼此做那种很不好的(erible的事情。

54. c。根据the bad does not outwig h ood及上文语境可知,这里是指好心的行为(good

55. a。经历这件事,作者应该是相信(bliee in人类善良的一面。




 56. b。词义猜测题。作者在毛衣批发商店工作了一年之后,被解雇了,因为他对毛衣的热情不足,故选b项。

57. d。细节理解题。根据第三段的it wast until 199 ...devote yslf fully to rtng可知,作者在1989年成为了专职作家。

58. a。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的i nevr talk .. is finished. spet to ... ntil it was finshd可知,作者在写新书的时候,喜欢保密。

59. c。细节理解题。根据第一段all the kid ... my clege years可知,作者的sidewys stories ro wayside shool这本书基于他在大学时的教学经历,故选c项。

  b 篇

 6. a。细节理解题。根据第三段的played y the pianst’s right hand和第四段的scuber uses the pano to mitat he atr flwing可知,这两首歌曲都有钢琴伴奏。

 62. d。细节理解题。第三段的后半部分描写的是getchen at h pinning weel这首歌曲对纺车声音的模仿,联系第四段的schubert uss te piano o imitate the water fowing in the steam可知,舒伯特的音乐可以模仿现实世界中的声音。



4. a。写作手法题。根据第三段的imagine shakig a sda otle util the ga nsde blows th ap of, and you can nderstand somehing o hw a vocan erps可知,作者在说明火山怎样喷发时打了一个比方。

 65. b。细节理解题。根据第三段末三句if th maga s runny . the the erutin is explosive可知,火山喷发是否是爆发性的,取决于岩浆是否粘稠。其中的runy的意思是松软的,有流动倾向的

 6. c。细节理解题。根据第五段的the larest pyrclasts ae cald locks可知,blok是最大的火山碎屑,故选c项。



 67 c。细节理解题。根据第二段的elecrnic readers allw

 chilren o ineact wth tets及第三、五段的内容可知选c项。

68. d。细节理解题。根据倒数第二、三段的larson s workng

ith e-readers for stdents who have spcial needs和that’s wher we’ll eally b able to mae a big dfferene可知选d项。

69. b。推理判断题。根据句末的if i done o their omuters可以推知,这类学生可能对计算机感兴趣。gdget小器具,小装置;savy有见识的,懂实际知识的。

 70. b。归纳标题题。本文介绍了电子书的应用。在阅读的过程中,学生可以与书中的人物进行互动,从而激发那些不热衷于阅读的学生的兴趣,因此选b项。





text 1)

 m: what was the weather like durig your holidays? w: not ba.

m: oh yo mus have had a good time

 w: ell, it would have ben better if it had een a

litte bit ooler. (text 2)

w oh, so omntic! look a te!

m: yeh. they love each other so much.

 w so they do. look a the damond rig tat bill

gve to mary. it is so beautful m: eah it surel i. it mus have cst hm an r and

 a leg. (text 3)

 m: oh, cah, whre are ou ging? : i am gong to the ovie.

m: wy ae yo leving o early th mvie dos’t

start until sven w: i dn’t want to be lae i’s a nightmare on he

 expres way uing the ruh hour. (text 4)

w: where is tm?

: he is oing t te shor.

w: h, wnt to talk with hi about te upcoming pary.

 m: wl, yu wil have to at. h has aways ben a

beac peron. w: o, i se. (tet 5)

m hey, lcy. wher id yu g ast niht? i called,

 but ter was no answer. w: oh i wen to jesse’s house t lsten to uic. m: heard that she has collected mor than 200

 clssical musi records. is that righ? w yes. you sad it. (text 6)

w: hey! wht’s wrog ith te phone? just liten to

this strange noie. m: i don’ know what i is t doesn’ ond lik a dial


: i’m afaid tat th phone must e out of ordr. lt’s go next door and ue your neghbor’s phoe : oh, my next door nighbor is a kid old woman. i’m sre se wouln’t mind lettig us us her poe. w: by the way, yu’ better hav the phone repared as so a osble. : sure, i ill do that. (tex 7)

w: this s the hlon hotl. ma i hel you? m: helo, we had reseratin for oniht but we need to cancel. one of the people in ur paty is sic. : h i’m srry. yur name

m: john thoson. we’d lie to reschedule for nxt we. fiay if psibe.

w: frida is very crowdd ther a weddig party. we don’t hae anything unil 9:00 m. m: mm, tht’ to lte : wat aout hursday? m tht looks a lot better.

w what tie is best for you?

 m: 7:00 pm.

w: o, mr. thomson. we’ll see yu then (text 8)

 m: good monng mis go ma ak you ome questions?

 w: goo moning, ted. go ahead.

 m: i have jst egu y senior cool life. i fin my studis so hard.

 w: h, what hppned thn? i tere anthing i can d to help?

m: you ee, i ind it vry hrd when learnng engish, specially the reading.

w engish wel, in my opnon, we should prcice i more tha eembering t

m i cn remember mn grammar rules, ad usages of dioms and wrds, but when using the, i canot reconie he word ad hi meaings quickly.

w: ta’s indeed a probem. i tink you shud chose some as topcs to read in th very beginning, and ten while eading, try to analyze the styles o te materils, th tructures of the

texts, and the ptterns of te senece. fer hat, ge the meanings frm the whole tet. : o, i see, mis ao. i will try ta. thak you. w: yo are welcome.

(txt )

w: bruce, coe here nd have a look. m: i a coming, luc. hat hapend?

: you see thee’s nearly nothing to eat have you

vr thouht about sopng fo some food this weeknd?

m: oh, i frgt t! i am sorry but wha are yo

 thinking abot?

w: you see we nee o repae a part on sunday. an ...

m: yes, our celbatin for moving t ew hose. w: and i am on a diet nowadays.

m: you en you need sme speca ood?

w: not too omlcate! fr the party, w need ok,

caes, bread ruits nd som peanuts, prhas.  m ut wht aout food for yu?

 w oh, don’t hink to uh about me. i just ned les

fat and sugar, you rmeber. m: oh i se. i wll go and buy he oo an drins.

but what about wie an beer? : ut forge t! the offcial has orbidden the selling

of the win or safty reasons. don’ ou remembe? : er, yeah. ee. (text 10

ello, everyne. so, you’re gin to ustraia. well, hee ar some tips and avice first, mke sure you get a vsa before etering the contry. every traveler to ustraia ha got to hv oe. secod t’s a god idea to buy a guidebook and id out as muh about autralia as you cn beoe you o. third, when yo’re i utraia you mih cosde saying i astralian yout hostels. tey’re cheap and i is a great way to meet ohr travelers. fouth, o gt rud chal, buy a log-distanc bus pass. fifth, remember ha it’s smmer in ustralia whe i’s winter in our country now. so brn our sume cothes. sxh, it’ defiiely not a good idea to wlk around barefot ecaue thre are a lot of poisnous snakes n spider i autralia; it shol be ok on he beach hugh. ere’s on las iee f avic: rmember tha the austrlin sun i very strong, o


tae our sunsceen and hat


 1- cbca  6-10 baabc11-5 cbaca1-0 cbacb 21-25 dcbd26-3 ccaab

1-35 cbaab3640 acad 4-45 ddbc465 abccb 51-55 dbcb 6165 cdbcd

56-60 dacba66-70 abad

71. wich / hat beogs to te dor 72. will be pblshed

3. wo reoved the mountains 74. had ben desiged 75. havin ceted 76. is not ust to win medal 77. beig bul for

78. is stll bing searched for 79. hv not een painted (et 80. what it cnsiss of one posibl version: dear editor,

 i wriing to tel o something bout our schoo culture.  an actvity called“beutfy our chool”is being ed in my chol. more rees and flower are being lante to beatify my shool. mny well-nown sayings wich encourae students a ell a teachers to wrk har, are being put up n the walls.

eah cass also hs its own spcial class ulure. stuens esgn an draw on thir wn. the make wondeful wll nwspapers wite sme logn nd keep some batiul lwers and o on. every tuden ca ake a cntrbtion o his or her class  in this wy, studens il hae a leasat amosphere an they will vlue their happy life and work harer.


li hua



21. d。题意为:韩寒以独特的写作风格(style)闻名,被广泛地认为是中国八零后的代言人。atttude态度;chracter特点;quality 质量。

2. c。题意为:lke如此痴迷于英语,他至少会


23. d。题意为:夏季奥运会每四年定期(reulr)

在不同的国家举行。 reular规则的,有规律的,常规的,on a basis??的基础上。ancient古老的;frml正式的;logical符合逻辑的,合乎情理的。

 24. b。题意为:图书馆所有的书架都开放了,读者


达到的,可接近的。visible看得见的,明显的;aviable有效的,可得的;accptabe可接受的。 2. d。题意为:在中国,人们能够观看有关外国的

 节目,而在西方国家人们几乎找不到(ardly fid)有关中国的节目。easly容易地;actually实际上;suely坚定地。

 26. c。题意为:他想加入国家队从而代表国家去亚


 27. c。题意为:由于他的责任失职给公司造成了巨

大损失,他从那个职位上被开除(remov)了。criicze批评;punish惩罚;accue控告。 28 a。题意为:,中国的象征,在中国古文化中代表(stad fo)着权力。nae or给??取名;all for需要,要求;car for关心,照顾。 29. a。题意为:在这种新型计算器的帮助之下,

 们将能够更快更精确地计算出(wor ot)这些

 数字。wor on努力改善;wok at致力于,努力于;wor ith与??共事。

 30. b。题意为:那些外国客人送给我们诸如宝石,

 金戒指等作为礼物,但是我们不知道用什么东西来酬谢他们。in retur 作为回报(酬谢)。in

turn 依次地,轮流;in eward 作为奖赏;in adance事先,提前。



3. c。根据本句中的sart可知,作者很聪明,因此总有人会提到他的高智商( intellgence)。 32 b。根据第二段末的to find ot what i wuld be

 whe grew up可知,是有人问作者长大(grow up)后干什么。

33. a。通过语境可知,作者一开始想做老师或英雄,




 34. a。从第二、三段可知,伴随着作者的成长,他的梦想也在变化(chaged) 5. b。根据前面的问题“what wll yu ao n?”可知,这个问题是被设计(desged)来看看作者将来的志愿。

36. c。从那时起作者下定决心(made up my mind)成为电脑程序员。 7. a。从该句后面的i could ealie my dream可知,作者实现了自己的梦想,当然是很开心的(hapy)

38. c。作者实现了自己生命(life)的梦想,鼓励着他去帮助其他人在生活中取得成功。

 39. a。从上下文的描述可知,此处是转折的关系。故选a项。 40. d4. d。这个小偷掠走我们实现目标(goal)的必要的(necessary)心理状态。

 42. d。根据语境可知,这个小偷可能是我们的父母、朋友或亲戚,但是(bt)最大的小偷是我们自己。

4. b。根据本段的语境可知,这里是指当我们快要成功的时刻,也就是在达到(rach)目标之际。 44. c。根据下句“vry few hae ever on tis successfully”可以推知,那个小声音说你永远不可能成功(succed)”

5. b。根据下文fail可知,最终这个小声音使我们丧失信心(ose eart)并以失败告终。 46. a。根据本段后面论述失败也很重要可知,失败也会帮助我们实现(achieve)梦想。

47 b。从后文失败的价值可知,失败是我们成功的重要工具(tools)之一。

 48 c。既然能让我们成功,失败肯定会教给我们有价值的(valuable)的教训。

9. c。根据上文中的条件whe we learn thee lessons well可知,这时我们已经准备好(reay for)成功了。

 50. b。根据上句with ersevrance the will cme可知,这里是劝说人们不要放弃(give up),让梦想常驻心中。



本文对国际青少年环保组织rots and hots进行了报道。 51 d。细节理解题。根据第二段的his group’s ga

is t plat 1,000 trees by the ed f the year可知,neaner的rots and shoots组织通过植树的方式保护地球。 52. b。细节理解题。根据第四段的i cae up ith the

idea or oos and sots ecuse i met s many

 young people who had lost hoe可知,jan godll当初创办roots and shos是为了激起年轻人的希望。

53. c。推理判断题。根据最后一段的there is still

 hope可推知,taa对地球的未来充满希望。 54. a。细节理解题。根据第三段的she is bes kon

o hr stuy of chipanzees可知,jne goodal




55. b。推理判断题。由第三段末的many times during

the 70-minute seeh people in th hll clape

ther hands happily可知,奥巴马的讲话给了大家很多鼓舞。 56. d。词义猜测题。由后文的peole ar out of work.

 thy are hurting可以推知,plight指的是失业人


57. a。细节理解题。由第五段的“jobs must be ur

umer 1 focs in 2010,” h said可知。 58. c。推理判断题。由最后一段中的he prmised to

hold mnhly eetig with emers of boh



本文主要介绍了mike hey通过解决自己的养羊挤奶的麻烦而发明了方便适用的挤奶机。 59. b。细节理解题。文章开头两段给出了mke



0. a。细节理解题。根据文中对mike hy发明

 的这种挤奶机的描述,这种机器手工操作,无需电源,所以是一种利于环保的机器。 61 c。推理判断题。mike ey为了解决自家羊的


 诸了行动,结果取得了成功,从中我们可以看出他是一个很有创造性的人。b项强调仅有想象力而没有行动,不符合文意,所以不正确。 6. d。细节理解题。根据文章内容及文中关键信息


mike hey began to think oter people who owned jst a fw goats migt be interested in his invntinmie hey has sold hs invntion o hudred f peple mily small farmes who also hold oher jb — js as he does.可知,他发明的这种机器更适用于那些仅养了几只羊,同时又因为有其他的工作要做而没有太多精力照顾这些羊的人用。


生活中的不确定因素对我们来说也是机遇。 6. b。推理判断题。根据第一段的th xcitement of liing is that you dn’t now what’s comng可知,如果你知道了自己的一生即将发生什么事情后,生活就没有趣味性了,所以选b。 64. c。细节理解题。从第三段的se ad oportuities al oe he plce but had no iea what she wanted o do可知,她在毕业后不知道该干什么,所以选c。 65. d。细节理解题。结合倒数第三段的tm ell spnt, and time we must ll tae i we’e being honst with ouselves可知, 她对自己过去几年的经历是满意的。 6. a。文章结构题。从最后一段的here r some new ways t deal with ucertaity可知,下文有可能讨论怎样处理不确定因素,故选a



7. b。细节理解题。根据文章内容,人们所看见的几只短吻鳄经专家判断认为是那些之前以其为宠物的人,因为其越长越大不好再继续养下去,因此把它们放出来了。

 68. c。细节理解题。根据文章第三段中cale berry所说的话,他认为这是一种并不可怕的动物,还是个小短吻鳄,所以它不会威胁到人类,也不会对人类活动有什么破坏。 6. a。推理判断题。文章开头及最后一段当中提到,这种动物喜欢温暖气候,所以在这样的寒冷气候下,那些被遗弃的没有被及时救治的可能最后就会因寒冷天气而死亡。

0. d。作者态度题。本文当中作者通过对短吻鳄生活条件的叙述,结合专家们的观点以及这些被抛弃的短吻鳄的命运,认为人们不应该把短吻



boo 2 uni 4同步评估试题 听力材料、参考答案及部分解析

【听力材料】 (tet 1)

w: ondon restaurat, wht can i do fo you? m: i’d lie to book tbe for three tonight.  w my hae your nme and rom nuber?  m tom johnson, room 416.  (text 2

w: hy woul he d tis to e? i ca’t eliev he dd this.

 m calm down, watever he id to yo, ou will be fne. i am here or you.

w: you are o sportive. you are a rock!  m: i js cn’t beliee that. (txt 3

m: hnk you for giving me a lit

w: it’s my peasure.

m: are you going t trae when you are in perth? w: h, no. i hav somene imprat t se there. (txt 4

 m: it’s ben rainng ince mody but clear weathr

is frecast for tomorrow.

w: i’m gld t ea that, beause i alays play golf

n hursdy, and m hsband hopes to hve

inic wt you tomorow

m: tank, but i would rther say at home. w: tht wll b nce to.  (text 5)

w: good eenng, sr, my i hlp you? : yes. what kn of oom do you have? : how large is yur party sr

: thee, two rown-ups an ne child

: le see. w hve om with two doubl eds.

how mn ight?

m just ne we ar only stayig veriht (text 6)

: hi! wa srpie to see you here! m: o realy, h?

w i thought ou never cooked.

 m ye. o ook. alwys cme hee to uy  some fruit and veeabe. w eally?

 m i attende cookin lasses in beijing. learnd soe ip on how to coo hinese fod. i was luky to have go echers tach me how t make nic food.

w i didn’ ko tat you were a god cok. like ookn vey muh, bt i am not tha good. : com o! e ca larn from each othr

 w: ok. i’ll jon ou.  (ext 7)

m: excus me, maa, do you know wha tim the tri for beijing leavs? w: 15:30.

m: what’s the time you use here in guaghou?

w: we’e n beijng tme. it’s the stanard time for almost all pat of china.

: wat’s th dfference btwee yor time and gmt

: you ean the diference between biing time an greenwich mean ime? m: yes.

w: ther’s a differnce of 8 hours.

m: ell, could you gie e oe expanaton?

: well, when you begin to wrk in the ofice in lodon at 9 ’clock in the orning, t’s 5 clock in the afternoon of th same dy here. m: oh, you mean hen w ein o wrk, t’s about th im ou go off wok. w: that’ right. (tet 8

m: hotines are very ommon tese days.

w: es, tht’s true.

m: ay people use some of them just for musment in my opinion. but som f them ae ey importat. w: rely?

m: definitly. hre is a new free otline offering hlp to eenger i uangdog w: a yo ell e smthing abou t?

m: it’s he frs part of a ntinal hotlie yste o hep protct teens’ rghts. ong peole who ave psycholoical poblems o uestions o eal issues an call for help. mre han 100 exets are ready to ofr help.

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