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全国通用2020高考英语一轮复习Unit1练习牛津译林版选修6word版 doc

时间:2019-12-12 07:01:51    下载该word文档

选修六 Unit 1 单元话题语篇训练阅读理解组块专练(练速度)



(2019·昆明统考)This 3­Day Basic Mountaineering Skills course will teach you how to dress for winter, how to pack and choose food, how to cook outdoors, how to move smoothly in winter boots, and how to climb low to mid­sized angled snow and ice terrain (地形)

This is a comprehensive introduction to winter mountaineering skills. No previous climbing experience is required for registration but participants should be prepared for a challenging experience. The first day will be spent outdoors learning technical skills, returning to town for the evening. Day 2 we will meet at IMCS, sort and pack equipment, decide on food and prepare ourselves to head up to Mount Washington where we will set up camps, cook dinner and spend the night. We plan to reach the mountaintop on the third day. Snow conditions and assessing weather are a big part of mountaineering and this course. Each day's schedule may change due to weather and snow conditions.

Our goal is to help you to become a more experienced and responsible winter mountaineer. Your safety in the mountains depends on the decisions you make. This course is a solid first step for climbers interested in climbing the greater mountain ranges of the world. The course outline is flexible and dependent upon the weather, ground conditions and abilities of the participants.

The dates for the 20182019 winter season 3­Day Basic Mountaineering Skills course are

Δ December 2729, 2018 (ThursdaySaturday)

Δ January 1315, 2019 (SundayTuesday)

Δ January 2628, 2019 (SaturdayMonday)

Δ February 911, 2019 (SaturdayMonday)

Δ March 911, 2019 (SaturdayMonday)

Δ March 2325, 2019 (SaturdayMonday)

This course can also be arranged privately, please contact IMCS for details.


1What is the course plan for the 2nd day?

ATo learn technical mountaineering skills.

BTo reach the mountaintop.

CTo prepare to climb Mount Washington.

DTo assess natural conditions.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中“Day 2 we will meet at IMCS, sort and pack equipment, decide on food and prepare ourselves to head up to Mount Washington where we will set up camps, cook dinner and spend the night.”可知,第二天的计划是为爬山做准备,故选择C项。

2. When will you be able to attend this course?

AOn December 13, 2018. BOn January 15, 2018.

COn March 22, 2019. DOn February 9, 2019.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中对课程时间的介绍中“Δ February 911, 2019 (SaturdayMonday)”可知,在201929日至11日期间可以参加课程,故选择D项。

3. What's the course mainly about?

AKnowing more about climbing.

BIntroducing a climbing school.

CProviding a fixed timetable to climb.

DRecommending climbing equipment.

解析:选A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句“Our goal is to help you to become a more experienced and responsible winter mountaineer.”可知,该课程的目的是帮助人们成为更有经验、更尽责的冬季登山者,故选择A项。


(2019·广西模拟)In January 2017, a series of fires in central Chile's La Maue region burned down over 457,000 hectares of forest, leaving behind nothing but burnt ground.Nowthree border shepherd dogs are helping replant it by doing what they love most, running.

Das, Olivia, and Summer, three female border dogs have been working hard to bring the forest burnt by fire back to life, since March. They are essentially running and playing, but their work is important. The dogs' owner, 32­year­old Francisca Torres, takes them to various areas of burnt forest in her truck, equips them with special bags which she fills with seeds of local plants. Then the dogs are sent out to run around and spread as many seeds as they can. When they return, she rewards them with snacks, fills up their bags and sends them out on another run.

Torres, who trains the dogs not to attack any wild animal while on seed spreading tasks, thinks border shepherd dogs are perfectly suited for the job, because of their intelligence, energy and speed.They've learned that they have to empty their bags in order to receive their tasty reward when they return, and can cover much more ground than a human ever could.Every day, they can cover up to 30 kilometers and spread around eight kilograms of seeds, while a person on foot could only cover 3 kilometers. Most importantly, they love what they do.

Replanting the vast burned­down forest in just a few days will take years, but Torres hopes that her dogs will bring back enough plants for some of the animals to return. Torres has seen some fields that are now totally green thanks to the work of Summer, Olivia and Das. In some of the 15 forests that the three border shepherd dogs have been responsible for, grass is coming back, and small trees are beginning to push through the burnt earth. Hopefully, enough seeds will come up soon for animals to come back.

语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。智利中部La Maue的一场大火烧毁了多达457 000公顷的森林,留下了一片光秃秃的土地,多亏了三只边境牧羊犬撒播的种子,使得森林开始重新焕发生机。

4What does the underlined word them in Paragraph 2 refer to?

AThe rewards. BThe seeds.

CThe trucks. DThe dogs.

解析:选D 代词指代题。根据文章第二段中“The dogs' owner, 32­year­old Francisca Torres, takes them to various areas of burnt forest in her truck, equips them with special bags which she fills with seeds of local plants. Then the dogs are sent out to run around and spread as many seeds as they can.”可知,牧羊犬的主人用车把狗载到被火烧过的森林地区,在狗身上配备装有植物种子的特别的袋子,然后狗到处奔跑撒种。由此推断them指代的是三只牧羊犬。故选择D项。

5How do the three dogs help replant the forest?

AThey spread the seeds by running.

BThey attack any animal eating plants.

CThey help dig out seeds from the burnt ground.

DThey lead some animals with seeds to the forest.

解析:选A 推理判断题。根据文章第二段中“They are essentially running and playing, but their work is important.”和“Then the dogs are sent out to run around and spread as many seeds as they can.”可知,牧羊犬是通过奔跑来撒播种子的,故选择A项。

6Which can best describe Torres?

AStrict but brave. BSmart and nature­loving.

CEasy­going and honest. DEnergetic but selfish.

解析:选B 推理判断题。大火烧毁了森林,Torres想出了用牧羊犬来撒播种子使得森林焕发生机的办法,由此推知,她是一个聪明而且热爱自然的人,故选择B项。

7What can we learn from the text?

AThe dogs do the jobs without reward.

BThe dogs have finished their tasks so far.

CThe forest has turned green in some fields.

DVarious wild animals have come back to the forest.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中“Torres has seen some fields that are now totally green thanks to the work of Summer, Olivia and Das.”可知,森林的一些地方已经变绿了,故选择C项。


(2019·石家庄模拟)In most situations, bystanders' responses like disapproving glares, uninvited comments or pieces of advice on a child's angry behavior can add on the stress of the situation.But sometimes bystanders truly understand, and sometimes their words or actions can make a positive difference.One mom experienced this firsthand.

This mom was noticeably pregnant and traveling alone with her young son at a Los Angeles airport.Then things had taken a turn for the worse.

The boy, about 18 months old, was in the midst of what Beth, a Facebook user, referred to as a total meltdown. He was running all over the place, kicking, screaming, and flopping down (猛然躺下) on the floor, dead set on not getting aboard the plane.His mom did her best to calm him down, but, according to Beth, she couldn't pick him up because he was so upset.He kept running away from her, then lying down on the ground, kicking and screaming again. Finally, the mom came_to_her_wit's_end.She sat down on the floor next to her son, buried her face in her hands, and began to cry.

Then the most amazing thing happened.

A group of six or seven women, Beth included, circled around the mother­son pair and did something to help.Beth sang him The Itsy­Bitsy Spider”.Another offered an orange.Another gave him a toy she had on hand.Another helped get his cup out of Mom's bag.Yet another tended to Mom by offering her a water bottle.With the help of these incredible women, the kid and his mother calmed down and were able to board the plane.

And then life moved on.All of the strangers went their separate ways without speaking of what had happened.But Beth said it was something she'd never forget. We were strangers, gathering to solve something,” she wrote. It occurred to me that a circle of women, with a mission, can save the world.


8What reaction of the bystanders is proper to a child's angry behavior?

AUnderstanding and trying to help.

BOffering parents some advice.

CCommenting on the situation.

DStopping the child by glaring.

解析:选A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一句“A group of six or seven women, Beth included, circled around the mother­son pair and did something to help”和最后一句“With the help of these incredible women, the kid and his mother calmed down and were able to board the plane”可知,在旁观者的帮助下,这对母子最终登上了飞机,这与第一段第二句“But sometimes bystanders truly understand, and sometimes their words or actions can make a positive difference”呼应,故选A

9What does the underlined part came to her wit's end in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

ABurst into tears. BFelt totally at a loss.

CGave in to her kid. DRan away from her kid.

解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据第三段最后一句“She sat down on the floor next to her son, buried her face in her hands, and began to cry”,并结合本段的整体理解可推知,这位母亲当时智穷,不知所措,坐在地上哭了起来,故选B

10What were the group of women like?

AProfessional. BCourageous.

CCalm. DConsiderate.

解析:选D 推理判断题。根据对倒数第二段的整体理解可知,当时围观的一群女性尽可能地给这对母子提供帮助,由此可推知,她们是体贴的,故选D

11What's the author's purpose in writing the text?

ATo describe a great volunteer Beth.

BTo introduce some incredible women.

CTo show how strangers can help out.

DTo appeal to people to care for children.

解析:选C 目的意图题。第一段第二句“But sometimes bystanders truly understand, and sometimes their words or actions can make a positive difference”点题,并结合对全文的整体理解可推知,本文的目的是通过具体的事例解释旁观者的积极作用,故选C


(2019·太原模拟)Researchers are now using three­dimensional (三维的), or 3D printing to create models of the human heart to help heart specialists. The heart doctors can use the models to better help patients before an operation.

Surgeons regularly use digital images to explore the heart in close detail. But no two human hearts are alike. This leads Matthew Bramlet, a children's heart expert, to create exact heart models from those images. He says the 3D models show information he cannot get in any other way. The 3D printed model adds a new dimension to heart surgery, allowing surgeons to see defects that might not be readily apparent in digital images.

A 3D printer uses images from a digital display to create a physical model of a human heart. Pictures from medical tests like a CAT scan or an MRI scan are sent to a 3D printer to create a heart in a plaster or a clay form. The printer then constructs the heart, a thin layer by a thin layer. Dr. Bramlet says the model matches the real heart in every detail.

Dr. Bramlet has built model hearts for different kinds of heart operations. All of the operations were successful. In his first case, digital images showed only one tiny hole in a baby's heart. But the 3D printed model showed several defects that the baby was born with. Dr. Bramlet says those defects could not be seen easily in the images. The heart surgeon was able to change the type of surgery for the patient based on the 3D model. He adds that 3D heart models saved time during heart operations.

Kathy Magliato is a heart surgeon. She welcomes the new technology. She says it could help her make better decisions before she operates on the hearts of her patients.

Matthew Bramlet continues to research the technology. He is working with the National Institutes of Health to build a 3D library that includes heart models and images that others can use.


12What's the limitation of digital heart images?

AA lack of close details.

BInability to display defects.

CFailure to show personal differences.

DInaccuracy in the size of the child's heart.

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Surgeons regularly use digital images to explore the heart in close detail. But no two human hearts are alike”可知,外科医生经常使用数字图像来仔细研究心脏。但是没有两个人类的心脏是相像的。故可推知数字图像没有显示出个人差异,故选C项。

13What can the heart model created by 3D printing do?

AIt can replace the human heart.

BIt can conduct heart operations.

CIt can make defects readily apparent.

DIt can serve as an alternative to a CAT scan.

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“The 3D printed model adds a new dimension to heart surgery, allowing surgeons to see defects that might not be readily apparent in digital images”可知,3D打印模型为心脏手术增加了一个新的维度,让外科医生能够看到在数字图像中可能没那么显而易见的缺陷。故可推断出,3D打印心脏模型可以让心脏缺陷显而易见,故选C项。

14What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?

ADr. Bramlet wasted a lot of time in heart operations.

B3D heart models have not been used in surgery at present.

CAll of the operations were unsuccessful without 3D models.

DThe model revealed defects previously unseen in the baby's heart.

解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“In his first case, digital images showed only one tiny hole in a baby's heart. But the 3D printed model showed several defects that the baby was born with”可知,在他的第一个病例中,数字图像显示一个婴儿的心脏只有一个小洞。但是3D打印模型显示了这个婴儿生来就有的几个缺陷。故可推断出,该模型揭示了这个婴儿心脏上以前未被发现的缺陷。故选D项。

15How does Kathy Magliato feel about the 3D printing?

ATolerant. BSupportive.

CDoubtful. DNegative.

解析:选B 观点态度题。根据第五段中的“She welcomes the new technology. She says it could help her make better decisions before she operates on the hearts of her patients”可知,Kathy Magliato3D打印技术是支持的,故选B项。


(2019·福州四校联考)Your phone is running low on power while you are waiting to fly out of an airport.

Then you discover a public USB charging area close by. __16__ Then you take a deep breath and sit back, happy to get the power for free.

What could go wrong? Plenty.

In addition to providing an electrical current, phone charging cords can send and receive data. That free USB charging hub at an airport, hotel or any other public place may not only charge your phone. __17__ The USB charging hub could be connecting to your phone and copying your contact list, email and text messages, voice mail, photographs and videos. It can also copy passwords, banking information and any other information stored on your phone.

If you want to charge your phone while traveling, you have other choices that do not increase your risks.

Connect your phone only to electrical outlets so data transfer is not possible. __18__ It is better to use a distant wall outlet than a nearby USB charging hub.

Carry an extra, fully­charged battery. Having one means you can charge your phone without having to worry about carrying a special cord or finding a power outlet. __19__

If you must use a public USB charging center, be sure to turn off your phone completely.

__20__ But it will reduce the chances of it happening, depending on what phone you have.

ARemember to fully charge your phone before you leave home or work.

BIt also could be transferring information to and from the device.

CThe public USB charging hub may even download programs to your phone.

DThis may or may not prevent data transfer.

EYou can charge your phone with the extra battery wherever you are.

FAn available outlet may not be as near as a USB charging hub, but the few extra steps may keep your information safe.

GYou quickly reach for a charge cord and connect your phone to the charging hub.


16.解析:选G 上文说你会发现附近有一个公共的USB充电区域,空处下文提到你深吸一口气,舒服地坐好,为免费充电而高兴。所以空处应表示你把手机连接到充电口进行充电,故选G项“你很快拿到一根充电线,并把你的手机连接到充电中心”。

17.解析:选B 上文说机场、酒店或其他公共场所的免费USB充电中心,不仅可以给你的手机充电,再结合空后一句可知,空处应表示USB充电中心的其他作用。B项提到它还可以把信息传入或输出设备,前后语义衔接,故选B。且B项中的also与空前一句中的not only相呼应。

18.解析:选F 根据空处所在段的内容可知,本段推荐使用距离稍远的墙上的电源插座,而不用邻近的USB充电中心,这样可以保证手机信息的安全。F项说一个可用的墙上的电源插座可能不像USB充电中心那么近,但是多走几步可以保证你的信息安全,前后逻辑关系紧密,故选F

19.解析:选E 本段的主旨是携带一个额外的、充满电的电池,而E项说无论你在哪里,你都可以用这个额外的电池给手机充电,为具体描述,故选E

20.解析:选D 上文提到如果必须使用USB充电中心充电,确保将手机彻底关机。下文说但这将减少发生这种情况的机会。故D项“这可能会阻止数据传输,也可能不会”符合语境。D项中的This指代关机这个行为,故选D


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