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时间:2013-08-24 17:27:30    下载该word文档


Muay Thai

泰拳,即泰国拳术,杀伤力大。泰拳(Muay Thai)是一门传奇的格斗技艺,是一项以力量与敏捷著称的运动。主要运动人体的拳、腿、膝、肘四肢八体八种武器进行攻击,出拳发腿、使膝用肘发力流畅顺达,力量展现极为充沛。攻击力猛锐。在武学里有文练武练横练,泰拳属横练,具有很强的杀伤力。而近年由于瘦身热潮,有人利用泰拳的高热量消耗来代替带氧舞踏,在帮助女士瘦身之余,亦使她们习得一技之长,以作个人防卫用途。

Muay Thai refers to Thailand boxing,it has large killing ability.Muay Thai is a kind of legend fighting skill and sport featured by strength and agility.It mainly uses the eight kinds of body weapons of fists,legs,knees,and elbows to fight.The force of the four kinds of body weapons is very fluent,smooth,powerful,and aggressive. In martial arts circle,there is saying:”weak persons practice martial arts,strong persons practice Muay Thai”.Muay Thai has very strong killing ability.In recent years,due to the trend of slimming,some people use the high heat consumption of Muay Thai to replace aerobic dance,while helping women to keep in shape and help women to self-defense.


击是运动员双方通过两只拳头的对抗,进行体能、技术和心理的较量。拳击竞技的具体表现形式,是两人在正方形的绳围比赛场地中,戴着特质的柔软手套,按一定 的规则和技术要求,进行攻防对抗。攻防的武器只能是戴上特制手套的两只拳头,攻防的目标只限于对方腰髋以上的身体部位。拳击被人们称作是艺术化的搏 拳击中最基本、最重要的素质之一,就是要具有高度的灵敏性和快速的反应能力。经常练习拳击和参加拳击比赛的人,他们灵敏性和反应能力都会得到充分锻炼和提 高,这种灵敏性和反应能力表现在日常工作和生活中,就会使你觉得生活轻松自如,从而增加人的生活乐趣和情趣。

Boxing is a kind of physical agility,skill ,and mental fighting,in which two athletes fight each other with fists.The concrete manifestation form of boxing is like the followings:two athletes stand in a match site surrounded by a square rope enclose.Wearing special soft gloves,they conduct attack and defense according to certain rules and technical requirements.Their weapons are only two fists wrapped in special gloves,their attack targets are only limited to the body parts above waist.Boxing is regarded as “artistic fight”. The most fundamental and important quality of boxing is high agility and quick response ability.People who often practice boxing and participate in boxing match will obtain better agility and response ability.When this kind of increase is shown in daily work and life,you will feel free and easy,and increase funs and interests to life.

Brazil jiu-jitsu

西柔术起初是一种扭斗的武术,它的技术和策略都基于对地面打斗的深入研究。柔术练习者,擅长将对手拖向地面,然后在地面上,获得控制的姿势。一旦形成控制 姿势,柔术练习者可以使用关节技、绞技或击打技术等多种攻击手段,将对手治服。巴西柔术的技术强调有效利用杠杆的原理,使用者可以用很小的力气,将沉重的 对手撬起,并产生巨大的力量。杠杆的运用,可以让小个子、体重轻、柔弱的选手,保护自己不受个子大、体重大,身强力壮者的侵害。巴西柔术为武术界带来了革 命,成为全世界武术界最受欢迎的武术之一。 巴西柔术拥有大量格斗技术,包括打、投、关节技及绞杀技。最原始意义上的柔术意为柔的法则,它适用于所有日本武术体系,即利用灵活性。柔术的特 点在于充分利用杠杆,而非与对手抗力、比力。

At the beginning,Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is a kind of wresting martial art.Its skills and strategies are all based on the profound study on ground fighting. The practitioners of Jiu-jitsu are good at pulling their rivals to the ground,then obtain control posture on the ground,once control posture forms,they can use many kinds of fighting skills,such as joint skill,twisting skill,or striking skill,to conquer their rivals.Brazilian Jiu-jitsu skills stress the principle of lever usage;users can use small strength to lever up their heavy rivals and generate huge strength.The usage of lever principle can make short,lightweight,and weak persons to protect them from being hurt by big,heavy,and strong persons.Brazilian Jiu-jitsu brings revolution to martial arts circle and has become one of the most popular martial arts in the world. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu has lots of fight skills,including striking,throwing,joint skill and twisting skill.In the most original meaning,Jiu-jitsu means”the rule of soft”;it is applicable to all Japanese martial art system.”Soft”means using flexibility.The character of Jiu-jitsu is to give full play to level usage,rather than resist and compare strength.

Chinese Wrestle

国跤是中华民族优秀传统文化的一部分。中国已经获得了2008年奥运会的主办资格,然而有一件事情无不刺痛国人的心。那就是偌大的奥运会舞台上没有一项是 中国民族的运动项目。正直让世人尊崇,富有神秘东方色彩的中国功夫,而在这门类繁多的各项中国功夫当中,最能代表中华民族的国技,那就是——中国跤。 中国跤具有悠久的历史,源远流长,博大精深,是国粹,武术的一个重要分支。在汉朝就存在,当时的学名教步亏,也叫角力。自古就有远踢近打贴身 的说法。摔跤不仅能培养人的力量、速度、灵巧、柔韧等身体素质,还能培养人的勇敢、果断、坚毅、顽强的拼搏精神。

Chinese wrestling is one part of Chinese people’s excellent traditional culture.Although China won the host qualification of 2008 Olympic Games, there is one thing piercing Chinese people’s heart,that is, on the big stage of Olympic Games, no event is Chinese people’s sport event. Conscientious and respectable Chinese Kung Fu is full of mysterious oriental colors,among many kinds of Chinese Kung Fu, Chinese people’s most respective national sport is Chinese wrestling. Extensive and profound Chinese wrestling has a long history;it is the quintessence of Chinese culture and one important branch of martial arts It existed in Han Dynasty.At that time, it was called “Bukui”or “strength trial”.Since ancient times, it is saying of “far kick,near strike,and close wrestling”.restling not only can train one’s strength,speed,nimbleness,and flexibility,but also develop brave,decisive,firm, and persistent struggle spirit.


拳道是朝鲜半岛较普遍流行的一项传统武术(类似中国的武术),是一项以用脚踢、踹为主,用手击打为辅进行格斗的朝鲜民族的体育项目。它由套路(品势/ 尔)、对抗、击破、特技等部分内容组成。具有较高的防身自卫及强壮体魄的实用价值。它通过竞技、套路和功力检测等运动形式,使练习者增强体质,掌握技术, 并培养坚韧不拔的意志品质。 跆拳道以腿为主,以手为辅,主要在于腿法的运用。跆拳道攻击方法中起主导地位的是腿法,腿法技术在整体运用中约占3/4,因为腿的长度和力量是人体最长最 大的,其次才是手。腿的技法有很多种形式,可高可低、可近可远、可左可右、可直可屈、可转可旋,威胁力极大,是实用制敌的有效方法。

Teakwondo is a kind of traditional martial art that is very popular in Korean peninsula (similar to Chinese martial arts).It is a kind of Korean people’s sport event , foot kicking is its main character, fist striking is used its secondary action.It has very practical value of self-defense and body building. Through competition,set patterns,force examination,and other sport modes,it makes practitioners strengthen their physique, master skills, and develop hard-bitten will and quality. Foot kicking is the main character of Taekwondo,fist striking is used its secondary action,it focuses on the usage of foot kicking skills.In attack methods,kicks play the main role ,foot kicking skills account for about 3/4 integrated usage.As legs have the longest length and largest strength in body,fists are in a subordinate position.Foot kicking skills have many types,for example,high,low ,near, far, left, right, straight, bending, turning, and spinning kicks,it has powerful force and is a kind of effective way of beating your rivals.


瑜伽(Yoga)是一个通过提升意识,帮助人类充分发挥潜能的体系。瑜伽姿势运用古老而易于掌握的技巧,改善人们生理、心理、情感和精神方面的能力,是一种 达到身体、心灵与精神和谐统一的运动方式泰拳 Muay Thai 泰拳,即泰国拳术,杀伤力大。泰拳(Muay Thai)是一门传奇的格斗技艺,是一项以力量与敏捷著称的运动。主要运动人体的拳、腿、膝、肘四肢八体八种武器进行攻击,出拳发腿、使膝用肘发力流畅顺 达,力量展现极为充沛。攻击力猛锐。 在武学里有文练武练横练,泰拳属横练,具有很强的杀伤力。而近年由于瘦身热潮,有人利用泰拳的高热量消耗来代替带氧舞踏,在帮助女士瘦身之余,亦使她们习 得一技之长,以作个人防卫用途。

Muay Thai refers to Thailand boxing,it has large killing ability.Muay Thai is a kind of legend fighting skill and sport featured by strength and agility.It mainly uses the eight kinds of body weapons of fists,legs,knees,and elbows to fight.The force of the four kinds of body weapons is very fluent,smooth,powerful,and aggressive. In martial arts circle,there is saying:”weak persons practice martial arts,strong persons practice Muay Thai”.Muay Thai has very strong killing ability.In recent years,due to the trend of slimming,some people use the high heat consumption of Muay Thai to replace aerobic dance,while helping women to keep in shape and help women to self-defense.

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