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8、大地雕塑 - 梯田之美

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第八课 大地雕塑——梯田之美

Lesson 8 Magnificent Sculpture

Terraced Fields

学习目标 Study Objectives


1. 学会“有”字句的用法。 To learn the usage of the “有”sentence.

2. 描写 To express descriptions.



3.表示邀请 To learn invitation





课前导学 Guided Learning


Since 1980s, the terraces of the Hani Ethnic Group in Yuanyang have become more and more famous, whose fame has gone out of the isolated Ailao Mountain to the whole country and to the world. Experts and scholars within and out of the country as well as the visitors have come in a continuous stream, and are filled with admiration by the glorious scenery and the rich culture. In 1995, Doctor Oiler, a France anthropologist, came to Yuanyang to look at the Tiger-mouth Terraces and was greatly moved by a never-ending series of terraces on the earth, and stayed there for a long time. He praised : “the terraces of the Hani Ethnic Group are an real art and a sculpture of the earth and the Hani people are true artist on the earth.” In the south of the Ailao Mountain is the Yuanyang County of the Honghe State, the Yunnan Province, where there live totally seven ethnic groups: the Hani, the YI, the Miao, the Yao, the Zhuang and the Han. They have composed a colorful folk-custom picture in the border area After having worked hard for tens of thousands of years, they have dug up terraces of more than 360,000 acres, which can be called one and only in the world. The best travel seasons in the terraces of Yuanyang are those from January to May every year. They grow rice only once a year, transplanting rice seedlings in June, taking care of seedlings in July and harvesting golden rice in October. When winter comes, they will let water go into the fields to waterlog them. At this time, ridges of the fields are not only clear in focus but also curving in sequence, and it is the best time to take photos.



bǐ dé sū nínɡ wǒ jīn tiān zài bào zhǐ shànɡ kàn dào yuán yánɡ hā ní tī tián zhènɡ zài shēn bào shì jiè wén huà yí chǎn bù zhī nà lǐ de tī tián yǒu shén me tè bié de dì fānɡ



sū nínɡ ò yuán yánɡ hā ní tī tián shì zhōnɡ ɡuó dà lù zuì shén qí de jǐnɡ ɡuān zhī yī jiǎn zhí jiù shì hónɡ wěi de dà dì diāo sù tài měi le

bǐ dé dào dǐ yǒu duō měi ā nǐ shuō jù tǐ diǎn ér


sū nínɡ yuán yánɡ tī tián wèi yú yún nán āi láo shān nán bù jū zhù zài nà lǐ de hā ní zú kāi kěn le ɡuī mó pánɡ dà shì jiè wén mínɡ de tī tián jǐn yuán yánɡ xiàn jìnɡ nèi jiù yǒu 17 wàn mǔ tī tián shì hónɡ hé hā ní tī tián de hé xīn qū


bǐ dé ò ɡuài bù dé bǎ tā chēnɡ wéi “ yuán yánɡ hā ní tī tián ”


sū nínɡ cénɡ cénɡ dié dié de tī tián xiànɡ wàn jí yín tī yī zhe shān shì cónɡ shān jiǎo yì zhí yán shēn dào shān dǐnɡ yóu qí zài yǒu wù de tiān qì dà piàn de tī tián zài yún wù lǒnɡ zhào xià jiù xiànɡ cónɡ rén jiān dēnɡ shànɡ tiān tánɡ de tiān tī shì de fēi chánɡ zhuànɡ ɡuān měi lì


bǐ dé wǒ fǎnɡ fú yǐ jīnɡ kàn dào le yì fú hónɡ dà de huà juǎn


sū nínɡ zěn me yànɡ shì bu shì hěn xiǎnɡ qīn yǎn mù dǔ yí xià


bǐ dé tài xiǎnɡ le nǐ shuō dé wǒ xīn yǎnɡ yǎnɡ de

宁: 过几天就到元旦放假了,要不我们一起去元阳欣赏梯田,好不好?

sū nínɡ ɡuò jǐ tiān jiù dào yuán dàn fànɡ jià le yào bù wǒ men yì qǐ qù yuán yánɡ xīn shǎnɡ tī tián hǎo bu hǎo


bǐ dé hǎo ā wǒ yě zhènɡ qiú zhī bù dé ne


Peter: Suning, I’ve read in today’s newspaper that the terraces of Yuanyang are being declared to be one of the World Culture Heritages. Is there anything extraordinary of the terraces there?

Suning: Er, the Hani terraces in Yuanyang are one of the most supernatural sight in Chinese main land. It can undoubtedly be called a magnificent sculpture on the earth. How wonderful!

Peter: How beautiful to the end is it? Can you speak clearly?

Suning: The Yuanyang Terraces lie in the south of the Ailao Mountain in Yunnan. The Hani people living there have dup up the large scale and world-famous terraces. They cover 170,000 acres only within the boundary of the Yuanyang County, which is the center of the Honghe Hani terraces.

Peter: Yeah, no wonder they are called the Yuanyang Hani Terraces.

Suning: Layer upon another layer, the terraces look like silver stairs, surrounding the mountains and ranging from bottom to top. Especially in a foggy day, a series of terraces hanging over the fog seems stairs leading to the heaven. The sight is very great and beautiful.

Peter: Ah, it seems that I have seen a great picture.

Suning: How about it? Would you like to see it with your own eyes?

Peter: It’s my dream to visit there.

Suning: New Year’s holiday is coming in several days, would you like to go to Yuanyang to enjoy the terraces with us?

Peter: With my pleasure. I most welcome the idea.

New Words

1.梯田 (形) tī tián terraced fields

2.申报 (动) shēn bào to declare

3.遗产 (名) yí chǎn heritage

4.宏伟 (形) hónɡ wěi magnificent

5.雕塑 (名) diāo sù sculpture

6.具体 (副) jù tǐ concretely

7.开垦 (动) kāi kěn to dig up

8.笼罩 (动) lǒnɡ zhào to hang over

9.画卷 (名) huà juǎn picture scroll

10.目睹 (动) mù dǔ to see

11.欣赏 (动) xīn shǎnɡ to enjoy

Proper Nouns

1.红河 hónɡ hé the Honghe State

2.元阳 yuán yánɡ the Yuanyang county

3.哈尼族 hā ní zú the Hani Ethnic Group

4.哀牢山 āi láo shān the Ailao Mountain

5.元旦 yuán dàn New Year’s Day

成语与常用语 Idioms and Common Expressions

1.层层叠叠 cénɡ cénɡ dié dié layer upon layer

2.求之不得 qiú zhī bù dé most welcome

注释 Notes



常用句式Sentence Patterns

“有”字句 The sentence of


The sentence of indicates that functions as the predicate of the sentence. The two basic meanings of the verb are firstly 存在and secondly 领有.For Example







一、替换 Substitution

1. 大片的梯田在云雾笼罩下,就像从人间登上天堂的天梯似的,非常壮观美丽

那个小姑娘的脸红通通的 苹果 可爱

那一片雪白的云彩 棉絮 好看

他的普通话说得很好 北京人 流利

我的房间只有5平方米 火柴盒 拥挤

2. 要不我们一起去元阳欣赏梯田好不好

你先回去 怎么样

你和同学一起去看电影 如何

明天咱俩去小张那儿看看 好不好

你进城时帮我买一支笔 可以吗

二、选择填空 Fill in the blanks with the given words.

1. 刘老师( )的国家级项目获奖了。

2. 公园门口摆放着几个十分有趣的铜制( )。

3. 石林是著名的世界自然( )。

4. 爸爸把我家背后的一片荒地( )出来,可以用来种菜。

5. 我还是不明白,请你说得再 ( )一些。

6. 这些都是我昨天( )看到的。

7. 小钟从小就有一个( )的理想,就是将来成为一名宇航员。

8. 你是我最( )的朋友之一。

三、完成句子 Complete the sentences with the patterns given.

1. 昨晚的球赛 。(……/啦)

2. 小欢生病了?怪不得 。(怪不得……

3. 这个地方 请你再仔细检查一下。 好像

4. ,这是一件很重要的事情 ……来说

5. A:今天开会讨论什么问题?

B: (关于……)

四、改错句 Correct the following sentences.

1. 她把公司开除了。

2. 他停汽车在楼下。

3. 可能他现在正离开着北京,快到天津。

4. 你应该对老师道歉。

5. 我们住在的楼里还有餐厅。

五、口语交际 Oral Practices


文化链接 Cultural Links



The Hani’s Banquet in a Long Street

The Hani Ethnic Group is one of the ten ethnic groups whose population is over 1 million and has reached 1,325,000. The Hani people have been cultured in the terraces since ancient time, and thus, the terrace culture is their soul culture. Tourist can come to Yuanjiang at the end or at the beginning of a year which is not only the best season for the tourist to see the glorious sight of the Yuanyang Terraces, but also the best time for the Hani hosts to show their Banquet in a Long Street. The Banquet in a Long Street is an old and unique banquet of the Hani people. It still exists in the Hani villages of Honghe and Yuanyan of the Yunnan Province and is a main part of the ritual of Angmatu, a most ceremonious traditional festival of the Hani people. Every family will cook about 40 special Hani dishes, such as yellow sticky rice, eggs of three colors, pork, chicken, fish, duck, dried beef, dried deer, dried pork floss, peanuts and so on, which would be put , along with wine, on the appointed tables in the mid street. Each family prepares one or two tables of dishes. Tables from all the families are put along the street, and compose a long table of the banquet, which is the Mid Street Banquet also named the Long Dragon Banquet or the Wine Drinking by the local people. All the men are required to take part in the banquet and the visitors are also invited and can be seated where they like. This is Hani people’s special Long Street Banquet, the longest banquet in China.



YUNNAN 18 ODDSThree Mosquitoes a Dish

In many places of Yunnan, the weather is very hot and mosquitoes can live all the year round. Mosquitoes in the field or the livestock’s pens are especially big, therefore, the local people describe them exaggeratedly as three mosquitoes can served as a dish.

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