

当前位置: 首页> 2015~2016学年度第二学期期中考试 七年级英语(含听力和答案)

2015~2016学年度第二学期期中考试 七年级英语(含听力和答案)

时间:2016-05-06 10:14:19    下载该word文档



考试时间:120分钟 满分:150

命题人:七年级英语命题组 审校:曹军





第一部分 选择题(85)


第一部分 听对话,回答问题。

本部分共有10道小题, 每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前, 你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后, 你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。

1. Where does Simon chat with his friends?

A. B. C.

2. How does Tom go to school?

A. B. C.

3. What does the girl’s father do?

A. B. C.

4. What sign are the two speakers talking about?

A. B.. C.

5. How much money will the woman pay for the bananas?

A. 15 yuan. B. 20 yuan. C. 10 yuan.

6. What will the girl do this afternoon?

A. Have a party. B. Visit the old people. C. Visit her parents.

7. What time is it now?

A. 7:55 p.m. B. 6:50 p.m. C. 6:55 p.m.

8. What’s the relationship(关系)between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and parent. B. Husband and wife. C. Friends.

9. How far is the bus stop?

A. It’s about thirty minutes on foot.

B. It’s about twenty minutes by bike.

C. It’s about twenty minutes on foot.

10. Where are the two speakers talking?

A. In the library. B. In a bank. C. In a restaurant.

第二部分 听对话和短文,回答问题。



1. Why won’t Suzy go to the zoo?

A. Because she doesn’t have time.

B. Because she is afraid of animals.

C. Because she doesn’t like animals.

12. What will Jim do when he is in the zoo?

A. Feed the animals. B. Show the photos. C. Take photos.


13. A. by bus B. by underground C. on foot

14. A. at 6:00 B. at 6:30 C. at 7:20

15. A. south B. west C. north


16. Which floor are the rooms on?

A. On the sixth floor. B. On the fourth floor. C. On the fifth floor.

17. Where is the hotel?

A. It’s far from the sea. B. It’s near the sea. C. It’s in the sea.

18. How much should Henry pay for his rooms for a night?

A. $200. B. $400. C. $300.

19. Which meal is free?

A. Breakfast. B. Lunch. C. Dinner.

20. When can Henry get to this hotel?

A. On August 15th. B. On August 12th. C. On August 20th.

二、单项选择 从下列每题所给的四个选项中, 选择一个最佳答案。(20小题;每小题1分,满分20)

21. We saw _____ UFO in the sky a week ago. It was _____ unusual thing.[来源:学科网]

A. an; an B. a; an C. a; a D. an; a

22. We ______ a “helping hands” meeting at our school hall ______ the afternoon of 19 May.

A. are going to be; on B. will be; in C. are going to have; on D. will have; in

23. — What can I do for you?

— I’m looking for some shoes, but they are very expensive. Do you have a cheaper ______?

A. one B. it C. pair D. that

24. The policewoman is very happy ______ an old friend of ______ to her birthday party.

A. to invite; her B. inviting; her C. to invite; hers D. inviting; hers

25. Can you ______ anything strange?

Yes. It ______ like a whisper.

A. listen; sounds B. hear; listens C. hear; sounds D. sounds; hears

26. — Isn’t there ______ with your washing machine, Aunt Wang?

— ________. Can you find someone to help me fix it?

A. anything wrong; Yes B. anything wrong; No

C. wrong something; No D. wrong anything; No

27. — Look! There are _____ boats on the lake. Which one will we take?

— We’ll take the ______ boat.

A. three hundred and sixty-five; nine B. three hundreds and sixty-five; nine

C. three hundreds and sixty-five; ninth D. three hundred and sixty-five; ninth

28. ― It’s a fine day. Shall we go jogging?

But we need to be home before six.

A. Have a nice time! B. Not at all. C. You are right. D. Good idea!

29. You look so tired. Why not ______?

A. stop to work B. to stop to work C. stop working D. to stop working

30. ______ is it from your school to the bus stop?

It’s ten minutes ______.

A. How far; by bus B. How long; take a bus

C. How often; by bus D. How far; on a bus

31. Do you like watching monkeys in the zoo?

― Yes, I do. I enjoy watching them ______.

A. swim around B. jump around C. fly away D. talk about

32. ― Excuse me, don’t you know about the new ______ law(法律)? Everyone in a car must

wear the seat belt(安全带).

― Sorry, we won’t do that again.

A. food B. traffic C. medicine D. education

33. The cake tastes so nice. May I have _______?

― Sure. I am glad you enjoy it.

A. other B. another C. the other D. others

34. ― Would you like to play football with us this afternoon, Lucy?

________. I will go shopping with Linda.

A. I’d love to B. I’m afraid not C. Sounds good D. You’re welcome

35. Remember _________ the second _________ on your right!

— OK, thanks a lot!

A. take; turning B. to take; turning C. take; turn D. to take; turns

36. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. Is he a friend of your father?   B. Is five yuan enough for a postcard?

C. There are also birds, aren’t they? D. There are a path between the hills.

37. May I speak to Jim Green ?

_________ He is in the supermarket now.

A. Who are you speaking? B. Yes, of course you can.

C. Could you call him later? D. This is Jim Green.

38. — You should write a passage in the English exam.

— I think it’s not difficult for us to write if you try your best.

A. 70 words; 70 words B. 70-word; 70 words

C. 70-word; 70-word D. 70 words; 70-word

39. — We can invite Nick and Nora to Shanghai Disneyland with us.

_________? I’ll give them a call right now.

A. What for B. Why C. What D. Why not

40. — Where’s Jiangyan? Is it far away from Xuzhou?

It’s ______the south of Xuzhou and ______ the east of Taizhou.

A. in; to B. on; in C. to; on D. to; in

三、完形填空 阅读短文, 从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(15小题;每小题1分,满分15)

When I was 8 years old, I once decided to run away from home. With my bag and some sandwiches, I started for the front door and said to Mom, “I’m    41   .”

“If you want to    42   , that’s all right,” she said. “But you came into this home without anything and you can leave the same way.” I    43    my bag and sandwiches on the floor heavily and started for the door again.

“Wait a    44   ,” Mom said. “I want your    45    back. You didn’t wear anything when you    46   .” This really angered me. I took my clothes off—shoes, socks, underwear and all—and    47   , “Can I go now?” “Yes,” Mom answered, “but when you close that door, don’t hope to come back!”

I was so    48    that I slammed (砰地关上) the door and stepped out of it.    49    I found that I was outside with    50    on. Then I noticed that two neighbor girls were walking to my house. I ran to    51    behind a big tree in our yard at once. After a while, I was    52    that the girls went away. I rushed to the front door and knocked on it loudly.

“Who’s there?” I heard.

“It’s Billy! Let me in!”

The voice behind the    53    answered, “Billy doesn’t live here any more. He ran away from home.” Glancing() behind me to see if anyone else was coming. I begged(乞求), “Aw, come on, Mom! I’m still your son. Let me 54 !”

The door opened and Mom’s 55 face appeared(出现). “Did you change your decision about running away?” she asked.

“What’s for supper?” I answered.

41. A. leaving B. playing C. shopping D. coming

42. A. find out B. go by C. move around D. run away

43. A. cut B. hit C. threw D. hurt

44. A. day B. minute C. week D. month

45. A. bags B. clothes C. sandwiches D. shoes

46. A. left B. went C. came D. ran

47. A. said B. told C. laughed D. shouted

48. A. angry B. sorry C. interested D. excited

49. A. Certainly B. Quietly C. Suddenly D. Wonderfully

50. A. something B. anything C everything D. nothing

51. A. play B. hide C. rest D. walk

52. A. sure B. amazing C. surprised D. lucky

53. A. house B. tree C. door D. flat

54. A. in B. out C. off D. down

55. A. surprising B. interesting C. exciting D. smiling




56. If you want to go out for lunch on Sunday, you can call ______.

A. 83386223 or 83338989 B.87796960 or 83386223

C. 83338989 or 87872738 D. 87872738 or 87796960[来源:学科网]

57. ______ is closed for 2 hours in the afternoon on weekdays.

A. Fuli Hotel B. Hongnan Restaurant

C. History Museum D. Baihe Shopping Center

58. You can learn about ______ when you visit History Museum.

A. the history of South China B. the history of local Guangdong people

C. the history of Shanghai D. the history of Hong Kong

59. Which is true about the advertisement?

A. You can go shopping on 635 Grand Road.

B. You can have lunch from 12:00 to 2:30 on Saturday.

C. You can learn the history of local Guangdong people for more than three hours on


D. You can only go back to the hotel after 12:00 pm.

60. The information may come from a ______.

A. story B. picture book C. newspaper D. text book


I work as a volunteer for the poor in Haiti. I decided to take my son Brain there for a week, hoping to educate(教育) him.

Before getting out, I told Brain this trip would be tiring and hard. For the first two days, he said almost nothing. Then on the third day, when we were climbing over high rocky mountains, he turned to me and smiled, “Really hard.”

After that, a five-year-old girl, wearing a too large dress and broken shoes, followed Brain around. Later he said regretfully(遗憾地), “I wish I could speak French.” I was surprised that this was from a boy. He always hated French classes.

One day, I was interviewing(采访) a woman villager for an article. By working hard, she had learned to read and write and became part of the leadership(领导层) of the village. That really touched my heart.

Learning her story, Brain was greatly touched. His eyes were wet and there was love and respect(尊重) on his face. He finally understood the importance of my work. When leaving for home, Brain even offered(提供) to stay in as a volunteer. This trip was very meaningful.

61. Why did the writer take his son to Haiti?

A. Because they wanted to take a trip there.

B. Because the writer wanted to educate his son.

C. Because his son wanted to help the poor there.

D. Because they wanted to visit a friend there.

62. Why was the writer surprised about his son?

A. Because his son wished to speak French.

B. Because a little girl liked his son.

C. Because his son said nothing about the hard trip.

D. Because his son wanted to talk with the little girl.

63. What does the underlined word “touched” mean?

A. 发生 B. 攻击 C. 感动 D. 到达

64. What did NOT the boy learn from this trip?

A. To love and respect poor people. B. To be a good leader.

C. To offer help to people in need. D. To be a kind and hard-working man.

65. What is the passage mainly about?

A. A meaningful trip. B. How to be a volunteer.

C. A story of a village leader. D. The importance of learning French.


When the bell rings, every student takes out an iPad. The light from the screens makes their young faces pretty and lively. That’s what happens every day at my school in the US. We use iPads in class.

I felt surprised and excited when I got an iPad the first day I arrived at the school. But it was not free. I spent about $100 to rent () it for three years.

Every iPad at my school has a special learning system (系统) called Focus. Teachers put their teaching materials(材料) like textbooks and PPTs on it. When we have classes, we enter the system and download (下载) the materials with our iPads.

It makes the classes interesting and efficient (高效的). For example, a few weeks ago, we learned about London in the UK. Our teacher prepared a video. Through the video, we saw many places of interest in London. We could not only watch the video, but also see the words at the same time. Because of the video, I know more about the city.

We also do our homework with iPads. We can know how well we do our homework right after we hand in our homework.

However, there are still some bad points about learning with iPads. Some of my classmates play games or surf the Internet in class.

I believe the key to use iPads well is to have good self-control (自制), isn’t it?

66. In the writer’s class, every student ________.

A. gets a free iPad from the teacher

B. plays games on iPads in each class

C. shares an iPad with their classmates in class

D. rents an iPad to use at school for three years

67. The underlined word “Focus” is ________.

A. the name of the iPad at school B. PPTs and videos

C. teachers’ teaching materials D. a special learning system

68. When students are learning with iPads, they should not ________.

A. play games B. watch any videos

C. download the materials D. hand in the homework

69. According to the example in Paragraph 4, we learn that ________.

A. students don’t like to use iPads in class

B. iPads are not useful when having classes

C. students use iPads to watch videos every class

D. iPads make the classes interesting and efficient

70. What is the right way the writer think of using iPads in school?

A. Students should use iPads as often as possible.

B. To use iPads in school is very bad for students’ eyes.

C. Students should have good self-control when using iPads.

D. All students should use iPads to surf the Internet in class.

第二部分 非选择题(65)

五、词汇运用 (15小题;每小题1分,满分15)

(A) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。

71. I live on the fifth floor, and my sister lives on the floor (上面).

72. We are going on a __________(宝藏) hunt this afternoon.

73. Just go (径直) along the road, and you’ll see the bookshop on your right.

74. There is too much __________(来往车辆) in this street every morning

75. Spring comes, old (叶子) are falling down and the new ones are growing.

(B) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空不限填一词。

76. If it _________( rain ) tomorrow, we won’t have the football match.

77. Those volunteers are looking forward to __________(raise) cows on a farm.

78. Jim, never _________(miss) the shows at the Palace Museum.

79. Look! There are some key rings on the ground. Maybe they are those _______(postman).

80. My parents went back on the 17th of June, but three days later, they left for Beijing on the

_________(twenty) of June.

81. I can find my toys, but where are __________(they)?

82. Look! Mrs Gao _____(look) so beautiful in her new blouse.

83. How ______ (keep) the balance between hobbies and homework is still a problem.

84. I often hear the girl _______(sing) the song “ Tomorrow will be better”.

85. With the help of the doctor, now my grandpa is out of _______(dangerous).

六、阅读表达 (5小题;每小题2分,满分10)

Now and then we all get ill. Then we usually go to see a doctor. Doctors know a lot about what makes us ill. They may give us something to take. The medicine() often makes us well again. But sometimes the doctor’s medicine doesn’t work. A sick person does not get well. The pain(疼痛)will not go away. This happened to one man. He was in hospital, but he was not getting well. Then he found a new “doctor” inside himself. This new “doctor” was his own sense of humor. He saw funny films. He read funny books. And something wonderful happened. Laughing took away his pain. Then he was able to sleep and rest. His own happy feeling helped him to feel well again. He said laughing was his best “medicine”. His doctor thought so, too.

Another man was also ill, and he had a terrible pain in his back. The doctors could not stop it from hurting. So the man began to “Picture” his pain. In his head he “drew” a picture of a dog. He imagined(想象)it as a real dog. And he made friends with the dog. And his pain went away!

These stories may surprise you. But more and more people are getting well in this way. So visit the “doctor” inside your own head and you can stay happy and well.


86. If we get ill, what will we do? (Three words)


87. Why can’t some sick men get well after they see a doctor? (Five words)


88. What made the first sick man get well? (Five words)


89. What made the second sick man get well again? (Five words)


90 .Why does the writer ask us to visit the “doctor” inside our head? (Seven words)


七、任务型阅读 根据短文内容完成下面的表格,每空一词。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

If you think you are too shy and want to be a little bit braver(勇敢的), just try the following things

Be open to others. Tell people you are shy. There is no need to hide(掩盖) it. When they get to know you are a shy kid, they will understand you better. This also helps you feel more comfortable in talks.

Try to smile more. When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk with. Remember that other people have feelings, too; and most people will stay away from an angry-looking face.

Learn to be a good talker. If you find it hard to start a conversation, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn’t it make you want to keep talking to that person?

Get your attention elsewhere. Think more about ways to enjoy parties or games. Don’t waste time worrying about your look or whether(是否) people like you or not. You will become relaxed and find it’s not so hard to talk with others.

Take one small step at a time. Each time when you say “Hi!”or smile at someone, say to yourself ”You can make it.” Keep trying and one day you’ll never feel shy when you talk to others.

Advice on 91 to be a little braver

八、缺词填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。(请在答题纸上写出完整单词)(每空一词;共10空,每空1分,满分10)

Some people have a very good memory(记忆) and can easily learn quite long poems() by heart. O 101 have poor memory and can only remember things when they have said again and a 102 .

The famous English writer, Charles Dickens, said that he could walk down any long street in London and then tell you the n 103 of every shop on both sides of the street. Many great men of the world have a w 104 memory.

A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own language by r 105 what he hears when he is a small child. Some children live with their parents in foreign countries and they seem to l 106 two languages as easily as one. In school it is not so e 107 to learn a foreign language because students have little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects too. A man’s mind is quite like a camera, but it takes photos not only of what we see but also of what we f 108 , hear, smell and taste. When we take real photos with

cameras, there is much to do before the photo is finished and ready to s 109  to our friends. In 

the s 110  way there is much work to be done before we can keep a picture forever in our 


Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.

九、书面表达 (20)

假如你是李梅, 想邀请英国交流生Kitty来你家。根据下面提供的信息,用英语写一封邀请信。



Dear Kitty,

I would like to invite you to my new home.


The neighbours _____________________________________________________________




This is the way to my home. _____________________________ _____________________



Li Mei



第一部分 听对话,回答问题。

本部分共有10道小题, 每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前, 你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后, 你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。

1. M: I think Simon’s favourite place is the balcony.

W: Yes, he usually chats with his friends there.

2. W: Tom! How do you get to school?

M: Well, I usually go to school on foot. It’s not far from my home.

3. M: What does your father do?

W: He works in the police station. He is kind and helpful.

4. W: What does the sign say?

M: It says you can walk straight on.[来源:Z+xx+k.Com]

5. W: How much are the bananas?

M: Five yuan a kilo.

W: I’d like three kilos.

M: Here you are.

6. M: I will have a party at my home this afternoon. Would you like to come?

W: I’d like to. But I have to go to visit the old people.

7. W: We must get to the local theatre at 7:00 p.m.

M: Hurry up! We have five minutes left.

8. W: Mr. Wang, my son Tom can’t go to school today. He doesn’t feel well.

M: Sorry to hear that. I hope he will be better soon.

9. M: Excuse me. Do you know where the bus stop is?

W: Go down this road to the end. You’ll find it. It’ll take you half an hour to walk there.

10. M: Can I help you, Miss?[来源:**]

W: I’d like to buy a pizza. I am very hungry now.

第二部分 听对话和短文,回答问题。



W: Hi, Jim. Are you going to the zoo this weekend?

M: Yeah, do you want to go there with us, Suzy?

W: Oh, I like animals. But I am afraid of them.

M: What a pity! I will take some photos of them and then show them to you. You can enjoy photos at home.

W: Thank you. Have a good time at the zoo.

M: Thanks.


Neil, Mary and John are in the same class.

Neil’s home is east of the school, about 9 miles away. He gets up at 6 every morning. He has to take the underground to school every day.

Mary’s home is south of the school, about 3 miles away. She gets up at 6:30 in the morning. She takes the bus to school every day. It takes about 25 minutes to get to school.

John’s home is north of the school. It’s only one mile away from the school. He gets up at 7:00 every morning. Then he walks to school at 7:30 after breakfast.

听第二篇短文, 回答16-20题。

Hi, Henry. Thank you very much for your telephone call. I’m glad to tell you that we have three double rooms ready for you now. The rooms are on the fourth floor and you can have a good look at the Red Sea nearby. The price for each room is $100 each night. Every morning from 7:00 to 9:00, your breakfast is free, but you have to pay for your lunch and dinner if you eat in our hotel.

Please remember that you must take money and cards with you, when you book the rooms. If you want to know more information, just let us know and we shall be very happy to help. We look forward to welcoming you to our hotel on August 20th. And hope you’ll enjoy your stay with us.

Thanks again for choosing our hotel.




1—5 ABCAA 6—10 BCAAC 11—15 BCBBC 16—20 BBCAC

二、单项选择 (20小题;每小题1分,满分20)

21-25 BCCCC 26-30 ADDCA 31-35 BBBBB 36-40 BCBDD

三、完形填空 (15小题;每小题1分,满分15)

41-45 ADCBB 46-50 CDACD 51-55 BACAD

四、阅读理解 (15小题;每小题2分,满分30)

56-60 ABBCC 61-65 BACBA 66-70 DDADC

五、词汇运用 (15小题;每小题1分,满分15)

71. above 72. treasure 73. straight 74. traffic 75. leaves

76. rains 77. raising 78. miss 79. postmen’s 80. twentieth

81. theirs 82. looks 83. to keep 84. sing 85. danger

六、阅读表达 (5小题;每小题2分,满分10)

86. See/Visit a doctor. 87. Because the medicine doesn’t work.

88. His own sense of humor. 89. The dog in his head.

90. Because we can stay happy and well.

七、任务型阅读 (共10空,每空1分,满分10分)

91. how 92. open 93. helpful/good 94. like/love 95. nice

96. talk 97. parties 98. easy 99. smile 100. shy

八、缺词填空 (10空,每空1分,满分10)

101. Others 102. again 103. name 104. wonderful 105. remembering

106. learn 107. easy 108. feel 109. show 110. same


Dear Kitty,

I would like to invite you to my new home. I’ll show you around my hometown first. My home is in the town centre. There are many flowers and trees around it. I can smell the flowers and hear the birds sing every day.

The neighbours are kind and friendly. They often help us with all kinds of problems. People often have sports together in the park. People here are like a big family. There are many things to do in my hometown. There are many fine works of art and Chinese paintings in the museum. If you want to enjoy watching opera, you can go to the local theatre. Welcome to my home. I am looking forward to meeting you soon.

This is the way to my home. Take the bus to the town centre. Walk along Garden Street,

and take the second turning on the right. My home is in front of you.


Li Mei

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