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A very special person
I like playing the piano, and I can even play beautiful music by Mozart. But it’s only because of a very special person that I can do that. 我喜欢弹钢琴,能弹莫扎特的曲子。但是如果不是她,我做不到。

Once I was playing Mozart on my piano and that person noticed I was a bit bored. The music wasn’t very pleasant. Then the person kind of gently pushed me, joking: “If Mozart was alive, he’d be extremely sick of your piece. Now, let’s play it again. Remember, Mozart is listening.”

I like giving public speeches. You know what? I got first place in the regional final of this year’s “21st Century Cup” English speaking competition. But it’s only because of this very special person that I reached the final. 我喜欢演讲。你知道吗?我是今年“21世纪杯小学生英语演讲大会的地区选拔冠军。但是如果不是她,我不可能一路走到决选。

In the competition I was really nervous before I went on to the stage. She grabbed my hand and gave me a pep talk: “Come on, Vincy. Believe in yourself; we’ve come so far. I know you can do it very well.” She was there with me the whole time, cheering me on. 参加选拔时,上台前我非常紧张。她抓着我的手跟我聊天:别紧张,Vincy。相信自己,你已经过关斩将来到这里,我知道你能做好!她一直陪伴在我身边,不停鼓励我。

I have a brother who’s five months old. He’s very cute. But he’s also very hard to take care of. He needs to be fed day and night and have his diaper changed 8 times a day. I can’t imagine how me and my brother could grow up healthily and happily like now without the special person. 我有一个五个月大的弟弟,他非常可爱,但是照顾他是一件非常辛苦的事。白天黑夜都要给他喂奶,一天还要给他换8次尿布。如果不是她,我无法想象我和弟弟怎么能像现在这样健康快乐地成长。

Today is Mother’s Day. I may not have much to give but I really want to deliver a special “thank you” letter to this person. 今天是母亲节,我没有太贵重的礼物,但是我想写一封真心的感谢信给她。

“Mom, thank you for being the sweetest angel in my life. Thank you for raising me, loving me, guiding me and supporting me in every way.” Of course my little brother still can’t speak yet, but if he could, I know he would say this: “I love you, mom.”

What makes a mother’s task tougher is that mothers are not only mothers. They’re also doctors, nurses, drivers, social workers, policewomen… 母亲的艰辛和伟大还在于她们的角色不仅仅是母亲,她们还是医生、护士、司机、社区工作者、警察……

That’s a conversation between me and my mother about three-and-a-half months ago. 这是大约三个半月前我和妈妈的一段对话。

“Why did the mother leave when her daughter was crying and didn’t want her to go?” When I saw a picture of a doctor hug her baby girl before going to work to fight the virus, I asked my mom. 她女儿都哭了,不想让她离开,她为什么还是要走呢?当我看到一张医生妈妈离开家去与病毒战斗前拥抱女儿的照片时,我问妈妈。

My mom replied: “Honey, this mother is a great mom. She had to leave her daughter to save other mothers’ and children’s lives so more mother can reunite with their daughters and sons.”

This Mother’s Day I’d like to thank all those mothers of doctors, nurses, drivers, policewomen, volunteers and more all around the world who have fought hard and who’re still fighting hard to save millions of lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you, mothers, for being the best examples of bravery, strength and faith in these difficult times. 在今天这个母亲节,我想感谢世界上所有的妈妈们,她们作为医生、护士、司机、警察、志愿者奋战在抗击新冠病毒的第一线,拯救了无数的生命。感谢你,妈妈,在艰难的时刻,你们就是勇敢、力量和信念的代名词。

Mothers are great because they’re mothers. But they’re great because they’re not just mothers. If you’re watching this, please stop with what you’re doing now and say this to your mom: “Thank you mom. I love you.”

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