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1. register n. 登记;注册 vt. 登记;注册
词组: register sb./ sth. as

register a trademark/ company She is officially registered as disabled. The ship was registered in Panama. 2. boycott n. 抵制;排斥
词组: boycott sth. 拒绝购买

It is unwise to boycott foreign goods blindly. The main opposition parties are boycotting the election. 3. prohibit vt. 禁止;阻止
词组: prohibit sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做
The law prohibits tobacco advertising in newspapers and magazines.
Soviet citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad. 拓展: forbid/ban/ stop/ keep/ prevent sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做 4. offence n. 冒犯;违法行为
词组: mean no offence 无意冒犯 commit an offence 犯罪 Im sure he meant no offence when he said that.
The photo may cause offence to some people He was not aware that he had committed an offence 拓展: offend v. 得罪;冒犯;令人不适;犯法 5. unjust adj. 不公平的;不公正的
词组: an unjust law 不公正的法律
He spent 25 years fighting against racist and unjust immigration laws. 拓展: unjustly adv. 不公正地
She felt that she had been unjustly treated. injustice n. 不公平;不公正 do an injustice to sb. 不公正地对待某人;冤枉某人 justice n. [U] 公平;公正

do sb. justice / do justice to sb. 公平对待某人
bring sb. to justice (将某人绳之以法;缉拿归案
6. submit vi. & vt. (submitted 服从;顺从;提交;呈递
词组: submit sth. to sb./ sth. 将……提交给

submit (oneself to sb./ sth. 向……屈服,让步
submit an application Completed projects must be submitted by 10 March. She refused to submit to threats. 拓展: give in to sth. 屈服
7. seize vt. 抓住;逮住;夺取
词组: seize on 抓住(可利用的事物)

seize the opportunity 抓住机会 seize sb. by the arm抓住某人的胳膊
She seized him by the arm and wouldnt let him go. The men were seized as they left the building. The army has seized control of the country. The local press eagerly seized on the rumors. 1页(共10页) 8. collision n. 碰撞;冲突
词组: collision course 冲突(的过程或行动)

a collision between A and B ……与……之间的冲突/碰撞
in collision with 撞上
I was on a collision course with my boss over the sales figures. a collision between two opposing points of view
His car was in collision with a motorbike. 拓展: collide v. 碰撞,相撞;严重不一致,冲突 9. negotiate n. 商议;谈判;磋商
词组: negotiate with sb. for/ about sth. 就……与某人协商 The government will not negotiate with terrorists. We have been negotiating for more pay. 拓展: negotiation n. 谈判;磋商

in negotiation with 与……协商 under negotiation 正在协商
10. chaos n.[U] 混乱
词组: be in chaos=be in a mess Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads. The house was in chaos after the party. 11. punctual adj. 守时的;准时的
词组: be punctual for sth. 准时,守时
She has been reliable and punctual. She's always very punctual for appointments. 拓展: be late for work 上班迟到 12. march vi. 进军;前进;游行示威
词组: march on 继续行进

march to sb./ somewhere 朝……前进
They marched 20 miles to reach their destination. She marched over to me and demanded an apology. 13. salute vt. & vi. 行礼致敬;敬礼
词组: salute sb. 向某人敬礼

One of the soldiers stepped out and saluted the general. The president saluted the courage of those who had fought for their country. 拓展: acknowledge v. 承认;告知熟悉;(公开)感谢 14. abuse n. 滥用;虐待;辱骂 vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂
词组: abuse alcohol/ drug 酗酒;嗜毒

abuse ones position 滥用职权
abuse ones trust 辜负某人的信任
He was arrested on charges of corruption and abuse of power. She abused her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends. He felt his best friend had abused his trust by telling others his secret. 15. hostility n. [U]敌意;恶意;愤怒反对
词组: hostility to/ towards sb./ sth. 对……的敌意
Its wrong to have feelings of hostility towards people from rich families. 2页(共10页)

There was open hostility between the two schools.
The public has hostility to nuclear power. 拓展: hostile adj. 敌意的;敌对的;坚决反对的 be hostile to sth. 16. resolve n. 决心 v. 决心;决定;解决(问题或困难)
词组: strengthen ones resolve to do sth. 增强某人做……的决心

resolve that/ to do sth./ on doing sth决定做
resolve an issue/ a dispute/ a conflict/ a crisis 解决问题/争端/冲突/ The difficulties in her way merely strengthened her resolve to keep trying..
We had resolved on making an early start. She resolved (that she would never see him again.
He resolved not to tell her the truth. 拓展: resolution n. 决议;(问题、分歧等的解决,消除;决心;决定 make a resolution to do sth. 决定做某事 17. supreme adj. (常作定语)最高的;极度的
词组: a supreme effort 最大的努力

with supreme confidence 充满自信
His approval was of supreme importance. The Supreme Court has sentenced the murderer to death. 拓展: superior adj. 更好的;(级别或重要性)更高的;出类拔萃的 18. fundamental adj. 基础的;基本的
词组: be fundamental to 是……的基础

There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view.. A fundamental change has taken place in the organization of health services.
Hard work is fundamental to success. 拓展: basic adj. 基础的;基本的;初级的

essential adj. 必不可少的;根本的
19. liberty n. (pl. ies 自由
词组: fight for liberty and justice 为自由和正义而战
The black man was once put in prison for fighting for liberty and justice. The right to vote should be a liberty enjoyed by all. 拓展: Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 20. evident adj. 明显的;显然的
词组: It is evident that 显然

Bob began to eat his lunch with evident enjoyment Form the look on Joes face, it was evident that the news came as a complete shock. 拓展: self-evident adj. 不证自明的;显而易见的

evidence n. 证据;证词
21. discrimination n. 歧视;鉴赏力,鉴别力
词组: racial/ sex discrimination 种族/ 性别歧视
Laws have got to be tougher to stop discrimination against the disabled.
He devoted his life to erasing sex discrimination. 拓展: discriminate v. 区别;辨别;不公平对待,歧视
22. commit vt. (committed, committing 犯罪;做(不合法的或错的事);承诺 3页(共10页) 词组: commit a crime 犯罪

commit sb. to (doing sth. 使承担义务;做出保证
commit oneself to (doing 承诺;答应做

Brady committed a series of murders. The contract commits him to playing for the team for the next three years. Sorry, I have already committed myself to working for Clive. 拓展: commitment n. 承诺;忠诚,奉献;债务;花费 23. live out 活过;实践;度过余生
He lived out the earthquake, but his house was completely destroyed. After his retirement, he decided to live out his fantasies. I doubt if she will live out the winter.
After retiring, John and his wife lived out their lives in Florida. 拓展: live with 和……住在一起;接受,忍受
live through 经历……而未死;活过
live on 以……为食;靠……过活;继续活着,继续存在 live up to 不辜负(期望);无愧于;遵守(原则);履行(诺言)
24. creed n. 信条
词组: people of all colours and creeds 各种肤色和信仰的人
What is his political creed? You believe it or not, he will never betray his creed. 拓展: belief n. [U] 信心;信念;信仰 25. quotation n. 引语;引文;语录;引用
The book began with a quotation from Bible.
The writer illustrates his point by quotation from a number of sources. 拓展: quote v. 引用;引述
26. dominate vt. & vi. 支配;占优势
词组: be dominated by 由……支配
Women are no longer dominated by the men in their relationships. Her loud voice totally dominated the conversation. 拓展: domination n. [U] 统治;控制



I、把下列词组译成英语 1. 失去工作 2. 去教堂
3. 讨厌、憎恶做某事 4. 与……作斗争 5. 禁止某人做某事 6. 鼓励某人做某事 7. 认为……是违法行为 8. 违法;犯法 9. 受到严惩

10. 根据;以……为基础 11. 依据法律 12. 根据传统习惯 13. 不愿意做某事 14. 抓住;利用 15. 选定;决定……

16. 催促、敦促某人做某事 17. 准时上班 18. 另一方面 19. 大声咒骂某人 20. 向某人致意 21. 保证某人有座位

22. 使我们的决心更加坚定 23. 搭载某人一程 24. 习惯了做某事 25. 编造一个故事

26. 赢得了根本性的胜利 27. 从现在开始

28. 为……进行的一次小的斗争29. 让座

30. 号召某人做某事 31. 改变主意 32. 看向窗外

33. 保持安静;不说话 34. 我疲惫的双脚 35. 活过;实践

36. 把……转变为……
37. 与……手拉手;与……合作38. 捍卫自由;支持,维护自由

5页(共10页) 1. 这种不公平的制度禁止我们黑人坐在我们喜欢的地方。
_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 这种根据肤色对人进行的隔离受到了挑战。
_______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 我真的很担心明天会发生什么。
_______________________________________________________________________________ 4. 他们满怀希望他们可以通过谈判得到一个更为公平的局面。
_______________________________________________________________________________ 5. 在我感到我走不动的时候,一位黑人出租车司机搭载了我们一程。
_______________________________________________________________________________ 6. 他已习惯了不坐公交车去上班。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 7. 抵制结束的消息明天将会登上所有的报纸。
_______________________________________________________________________________ 8. 我从未看到她像那样生气过。
_______________________________________________________________________________ 9. 当你看到一名同学取笑另一名同学时,你会怎么做?
_______________________________________________________________________________ 10. 人人生而平等。
_______________________________________________________________________________ 11. 这就是我回到南方时所带的信念。
_______________________________________________________________________________ 12.
_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________
Martin Luther King是美国民权运动最重要的领导人之一,他一生都在为民权而斗争,并且在反抗黑人和白人的种族隔离斗争中起着重要的作用,这也是为什么他被称为“自由斗士”。在他短暂的一生中,他领导过许多的运动,其中最著名的是Montgomery Bus Boycott. 1955121日,Rosa Parks 因拒绝给白人让座而被捕。之后,Martin Luther King利用这一事件,号召黑人一起抵制城市公交车。抵制运动持续了385天,最终很多州被迫屈服,统一改变法律。



1. Although the authorities issued a statement denying any harm from the power station, the public remained ______. A. optimistic B. confident C. unjust
D. skeptical 2. If Japan government cant take a wise attitude towards Fishing Island Incident, relations between the two countries are on a ______ course. A. hostility B. conflict C. negotiation D. collision 3. Students attendance and ______ have not been good, which made the professor very angry. A. punctuation B. politeness C. punctuality D. activeness 4. ——Aren’t you tired of practicing playing the piano day after day? ——______, I enjoyed every minute of it. A. On the other hand B. On the contrary C. Now and then
D. Once again 5.
Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean accepting the action of the person who has ______ you. A. defended B. offered C. offended D. intended 6. Have you ______ for the English exam yet? A. booked B. registered C. reserved D. checked 7. She decided to resign from the party rather than ______ herself to the unfair rules. A. accept B. follow C. fall
D. submit 8. Under the ______ of these extreme emotions, I’m afraid he is likely to do something foolish. A. domination B. affection C. operation D. decision 9. She ______ to leave as soon as possible after hearing the news. A. dissolved B. resolved C. solved
D. served 10. The inheritance(遗产 given by her uncle would allow her to ______ her long-cherished dream. A. live up to B. live with C. live out D. live through 11. Our country benefits a lot from the ______ of science. A. march B. result C. origin
D. region 12. The American has ______ with our government on exchange rate many times, but they havent reached an agreement till now. A. connected B. contacted C. negotiated
D. arranged 13.
Among the contemporary writers, Charles Dickens ______ as a literary critic of the injustices of his
society. A. seizes on B. lives on C. sees through D. stands out 14. ——This kind of laundry detergent(洗衣粉 is said to have poisonous chemical. ——So why not ______ it? A. object B. boycott C. buy
D. prevent 15. With world economic crisis worsening, people ______ the government for more unemployment benefits. A. apply for B. go for C. appeal to
D. approve of 16. Nowadays, to lose weight, wiser ladies prefer to ______ regularly rather than take expensive weight-losing pills. A. hang out B. turn out C. work out
D. figure out 7页(共10页) 17.
I thought I was going to fail the exam, but what made me surprised and delighted was that I passed
______. A. above all B. after all C. in all
D. first of all 18.
I have battled with my ______ whether I should keep the extra money given to me or return it to the
seller. A. consciousness B. perseverance C. motivation
D. conscience 19. According to your application form, you must be the very person we need for the ______ position. A. willing B. vacant C. empty
D. promising 20. The conference was ______ fixed for the 10th, August, but later the unexpected landslide in Zhouqu in Gansu province, made us put it off. A. originally B. punctually C. normally D. currently
1. No sooner_______________________________ the land than I was struck by the beauty there. (set 我一踏上那片土地就被那里的美景所吸引。
2. Just as I ________________________ the door, something unexpected happened. (approach 我快到门口的时候突然发生了意外。
3. Some experts warn that one million species ______________________ in the next hundreds of years if we continue to pollute the earth. (wipe 一些专家警告,如果我们继续污染地球,在未来的几百年内将有一百万物种灭绝。
4. Great attempts _______________________ by the end of last week to transport the basic goods to the disaster-stricken area. (make 到上周为止,已尽了巨大的努力把物资运送到灾区。
5. After he graduated from university, he ___________________________________ education and has already achieved great success. (devote 大学毕业之后,他一直都在致力于教育工作,并已获得巨大的成功。
6. I could have come to attend your wedding ceremony, but your invitation _________________________ in time. (reach I本来能参加你的婚礼的,但是你的请柬没有及时送给我。
7. The young soldier was obviously nervous because it was the first time that he ___________________
the front to fight. (send 那位年轻的士兵显然很紧张,因为那是他第一次被送往前线。
8. This afternoon we will have a meeting, and you ___________________________ walk out of the room before the meeting is over. (allow 今天下午我们要开会,会议结束之前你们不能走出这个房间。
9. I took a taxi to work this morning because my car ________________________________. (repair 我今早坐出租车上班是因为我的车正在修。
10. Im afraid you ____________________________________ your time if you apply for the position, as the competition is too intense. (end 恐怕你申请这个职位最终会是浪费时间,因为竞争太激烈了。
11. In the past three weeks, we ______________________________ for the poor who is suffering a severe illness. (raise 在过去的三个星期里,我们一直在为身患重病的那个可怜的男孩募捐。
12. The mayor insists that the traffic problems which _________________________ now should be 8页(共10页)

solved as soon as possible. (discuss 市长坚持要求:现在正在讨论的交通问题应尽快解决。
13. Scarcely _____________________________ that the factory would be shut down when the workers showed great anger. (make 他刚讲清楚公司要关闭的事情,工人们就表现出了极大的愤怒。
14. Some equipment as well as a number of books _____________________________ to the area since the earthquake occurred. (offer 自地震以来,大量的书籍以及一些设备被提供给该地区。
15. This is the first time the song ____________________________ in English. How impressive! (hear 这是第一次听到用英语唱这首歌。真令人印象深刻!
16. They are working harder and harder, so all the construction work __________________________ by next month. (complete 他们工作得越来越努力,所以所有的施工都会在下个月之前完工。
17. Ever since she _______________________________ to overcome her shortcomings, she has never been absent-minded in class again. (mind 自从她下定决心要克服缺点,她再也没有在课堂上心不在焉了。
18. Not until I failed in the exam again did I realize I _______________________ too much time. (waste 直到我考试又失败了我才知道自己浪费了太多的时间。
19. Our teacher often said that _____________________________ and told me to practice the same piece of music again and again. (make 我们老师经常说熟能生巧,并要求我们一遍又一遍地练习同一首曲子。
20. They________________________ to go on a trip during this summer vacation, but the hot weather totally upset their plan. (intend 他们本打算今年暑假去旅行,但高温天气完全打乱了他们的计划。

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